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you guys feed off of my replies. you like this kind of attention because im feeding into your lies and you just want my (You)s telling you how horrible you are and get off on it. thats it, im never coming here again. fuck you all. ill revert back to my roots
> you guys feed off of my replies. 
nice projection you fucking leech make sure to not post your roast beef cunt and cutboard fat tits and pretend to have been blackmailed for attention again bye 
PS: leave puka alone pedro
ugly dykes like this always try to overcompensate and project power acting like a tough guy but they're always toothless and weak so they just domestic violence other women. I'm sure when she's talking to children on discord they're really impressed with her 1337 larp and threats so she thought it'd work here
how many naive children have cewl and this tranny blackmailed by grabbing their ips and threatening to dox them? they wouldn't know dela can't do shit except talk so they probably sent these predators all sorts of pics and videos
> hypnotize me into liking BBC.
He asked and you said you'd give it a shot. If not for all the gaslighting and nonsense you know you'd still be talking to cyanigger every day still calling him daddy and rubbing your twat to him and nigger dick "fucking white pussies" you whore
Did you really expect the woman who would seethe every time you talked about your favorite dead e-girl on her server not to betray your trust and throw you under a bus? you activated her BPDmode when you mentioned ciara, you were supposed to be a "yes maam" type of dog so cewl would always be nice to you, instead of exposing you as a pedro. You didn't orbit cewl as your number one princess and now you got banned , humiliated, and maybe they have your IP as well idk
> also delastelle isnt a fucking ftm nor is the person in the picture, why do you guys believe everything except me when it comes to topics about ME.
Oh i dunno Cewwwl.... Maybe because you lie about everything constantly and your story changes every time you open your retarded junky mouth about a subject whereas your haters have remained fairly consistent?

You know you enjoyed the nigger dick, have probably shlicked to it since, I never had to brainwash you, I asked you if you wanted me to go the next day if you felt alienated and you asked me to stay and we kept things going fora few more days and I would ask you stay sober with me because I wanted to know the "real you." That one aged poorly..... The rest I really don't care tor respond to
Go relapse on heroin and od lul
> #I cbf to find the post...
I didn't groom puka and we were friends longer than you probably realize. If I'm such a predator than why the hell did I get so upset when I found out she wasn't actually trying to get away from that lifestyle and was actually talking with the lowest of the low?
This is  true. I activated her BPDalmonds the moment I mentioned I used to be friends with Puka and was one of the retards who tried to protect her from the preds. It's not that she "knew I was a pedro" It's literally that she was jelly. Like imagine getting so butthurt the guy you're obsessed with cared about another female that is more popular than you before he met you that you start trying to talk like her in your vocaroos and videos... (She actually that did around that time)
Like holy shit, I do the whole evil villain WOT thing and actually kinda loved Cewl for a bit but damn, the amount of cringe on display from her is the funniest shit I've ever seen.

That she's such a perverted and mentally ill degenerate that the idea of a man actually just being platonic friends with a girl is beyond her comprehension is really wild to think about.
inb4 your a zoophile and necrophiliac and whatever else
Cewl, I mentioned to these turks in a game chat that there's a Serbian perv in Turkey. They ask where, I throw out some village in Bursa. A few said that's 1 hour for them and to send a pic. They'll show the gypsy pic and be told exactly where to find anywhere in Turkiye. They're all serious as I knew they would be and harassing me for details. Lol I see why you internet much. I don't like the religion but terks are different especially the Sufis. I'm pretty sure you're not in Bursa but it has been mentioned what village you're in. I wouldn't be fucking around anywhere they call home.
Cyanigger have some mercy please! you've completely obliterated them. They can't fight back anymore, they've been utterly defeated. Please just leave them in peace now so they can go about rebuilding their lives about from pedrophile blackmail servers
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I knew she got groomed once from her threads. Believe it or not I don't actually stalk girls and get to know every detail about them. I "slid into her dms" because I was under the impression she was just a newfag and needed someone to get on her level and talk to her about not going on a website known for.... What 4chan is known for.
Obviously I was in way over my head and if I even knew about half the shit that girl had gotten into before that I wouldn't have touched her threads with a 10 ft pole
Believe me or don't, idc anymore.
Alternatively, if you want to put on your tinfoil hat and think I am just a masterclass cyber criminal and 4 of the FBIs most dangerous pedrophiles are just me on alts than you can have this version.
> Be me
> see vulnerable child on groomer site
> learn she had a bf my age b4
> ohfuckyes.jif
> learn she's been investigated and is likely being watched by feds
> This is going tor require all of my hacker autism powers
> slip into girls dms and say "hey bb u wan sum fuck?"
> run fbimoniterblackout.exe
> feds can't see shit
> girl is in impressed by sexy badassitude
> starts sending all the no nos
> see van outside my home
> open cmdprompt
> type ::4chanpartyv&runoff_play/vengaboys
> the van outside my home starts playing we like to party by the Vengaboys
> drives off
> fbi agents inside forget they're here to arrest me and just start bobbing their heads as they jam out to this kick ass song and just go for nice drive
> go down into my loli dungeon
> "It's ok girls. The bad men are gone."
> "Please mister! I just want to see my family again..."
> she's such a kidder
> go back onto my pc
> Puka has blocked me because I didn't validate her quickly enough and she found a pedro to tell her she's sexing and how he wants to make fuck on her
> I am the butthurtzed
I leaked enough of our DMs to get this little shit storm spiraling, I don't really think leaking the rest would make a difference.
dishonest tranny you already proven you're cool with pedrophiles and their enablers. you're butthurt cyanide and testaccgod double penetrated cewl while you could do nothing but stand by and watch, so now you're on some fake moralfag crusade trying to play janny and point out problematic posts on the board. you lost nigger but keep dancing for our enjoyment monkey
Lol that's where the bulk is. Idk I hope I'm not justifying things but I just read about these likely perversions a few hours ago. Shits moving too fast for me and with what I have from here I'm not comfortable passing pics/details yet. I know terks are about it though. They love sharing clips of LGTV+ parades getting shutdown before they start and offenders to women and children getting mistreated by cops and people. The regular turks say the Sufis are worse but they come together when it's some "gypsy" up to no good in their country. I had just come for some booty shots.
Okay buddy, I read what you typed. I fell for the bait even though I said I wouldn't read anymore. I have the attention span of a goldfish and am already tired of messing around with you and causing unnecessary controversy. But you fucked with Cewl so you deserved it. Ok bye. He's good gaiz he's innocent. I made mostly everything up anyway except I did used to lurk her disc and harass everyone.

It's actually never been Delastelle and I feel bad everyone is targeting him. Totally not because he's a scary hacker and I don't want him to hack me.
Cewl wanted to be a more popular and "famous" e-girl and went about that by trying to torment lonely and broken men to start drama. She did that with some anon who calls himself Doom and it appears to have been a real Faustian bargain because her threads where the most popular for a few days but now everyone hates her.
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from now on i will only do timestamp posts. that is a picture i posted on my discord, it wasnt me. 
i do not come on this website. the post i learned through someone who brought it to my attention. this is getting disgusting, you are disgusting; i want my old robot friends that i shared silly nerdy and sometimes sexy stuff with. i hate you drama hungry bitches so much. cause thats what you all are bitches, acting like an old woman thats jealous of me. im DONE with the cyanide stuff because i never wanted to give into his cravingn of attention and reply to him about how everything hes talking about is a lie. even mako nows i wasnt the one messaging him most of the time and we just wanted to gather information + troll a legit psycho. im over this website. just shut down all threads about me.

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