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bee can't stop bragging because she fucked a pedro who fucked some other egirls once upon a time. it's almost like she has nothing else to offer and is really boring so she clings to  the one sad highlight of her pathetic existence and tries to act like le epic troll about it

> it's almost like she has nothing else to offer and is really boring 
This is exactly what I was thinking, her entire value is fucking some guy who got rejected by all the other girls (until she came along).

she derives her value from other girls sosa had his dick in. she seems to believe if he fucked ciara and then years later fucked her then she must be on par with ciara. except ciara was pretty and had an organic and large following whereas bee is ugly and forced and no one cares about her. if she didn't post herself she'd never come up again other than a mention when sosa is discussed.

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> jealous because sosa was dating and living with bee
> weirded out because bee cosplays as ciara sometimes
> make posts saying she looks better than bee and try to cause drama
but honestly I don't think bee would exist if ciara was alive because if ciara was alive sosa would be still orbiting her and not look for a girl who looks like her. So for bee to become a known 4chan e-girl ciara had to die, it's a sequence of events

> ciara was pretty and had an organic and large following
She was very mid and self posted the most out of every egirl. It’s well documented in her own words how she had an addiction to posting herself on 4chan. She was also posting at a time when it wasn’t dead. If Ciara  had been born later and tried to gain the same kind of notoriety now, she would fare as well as most of the current egirls posted here.

Did your phone die mid-post, Bee? Maybe delete some pics of female serial killers to make space to get your phone to run better. Remember when you pretended to be 15 to try to make your pedro ex like you more?

> "bee is a hypocritical pedrophilia defender with a pedro kink that selfposts and filters all her pics"
> erm why are women so threatened by bee?
sure thing, TotallyNotBee. jannies should flag all your posts for us to see at this point. maybe that would stop you from continuing to embarrass yourself. don’t you have a TotallyNotFake baby to take care of instead of this?

By her. And nobody said anything about it or noticed whatsoever. Then she plugged it again in this thread, her taste got trashed which brought the first bit of attention to it, then immediately got called out for posting the true crime thread about children because of her letterboxd pic which was only noticed within the past few minutes kek. Damage control much?

all of these movies suck except buffalo 66. there’s a kinochad way of liking vincent gallo. avoid women with washed out filtered pics of deer and bunnies and bows in their profiles who like it. kind of like how taxi driver is good but you have to avoid anyone with a travis bickle avatar.

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