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The one and only queen of r9k edition
Previous Thread: https://endchan.net/agatha2/res/78663.html

https://www.tiktok.com/@grubage? [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
 >>/24021/ grubage
 >>/34869/ morrisseyrocks
 >>/35100/ weepwah

> muh angelic innocent victim

Ciara asked JT to do those things. She was the experienced druggie who was gonna show this upstart kid how things were done. Then she OD'd on fent and he bungled it because he had no experience.

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Something about her relatives' house interior gives off cosy character to every scene. As if this cute innocent 'Eliza' girl really does live in Ireland. And there is an sociopath doppelganger of hers, Ciara from Pennsylvania, imposed against vomit-colored walls of her bedroom, camwhoring her holes and cutting for degenerates' amusement. Or maybe I'm imagining things, and it's some other location...
These are random early shitposts of hers, predating everything. For some reason thebarchive doesn't carry files from 2015. In rare cases when file is missing I use these:
https://4archive.com > used to offload images to imgur, Admin managed to scrape a large portion before imgur purged everything it detected as nudity or anonymous uploads, now images are served from same server
https://randomarchive.com > images are still on Imgur, and many are missing since aforementioned purge.


i love the sweet beautiful character she portrayed,

and wonder just how much was an act, and was secretly the evil person in screen caps,

anyways, she s gone.  We keep her memory alive,

i wish we could team up to make her into an Ai. but, no. Supposedly Ai agents will turn up mid 2025, and can just make one of them build her

it ll be fun,


its been about 5 years. i believe we have all actual pics/vids we will ever see. Any super private stuff is deleted or locked away on a secret drive someplace,

we d need to bribe original cast, and all went quiet on topic,

The thing is Jay did absolutely nothing to reign in her behavior and was gullible from the start of his relationship with her. So even if he wanted to persuade her against things, he’d eat up whatever bullshit she gave him.

https://www.tiktok.com/@alyssawoodleyy random ass shaking thot is somewhat of a ciara lookalike when she's not smiling  [Embed]
or is that a stretch? 
have yall ever found a lookalike?

He seemed like a great guy for her but he was weak. You lay down severe consequences for degenerates. He should have told Ciara she WOULD get her shit together and stop talking to evil people or he would leave and forget she existed. Something.

> Something about her relatives' house interior gives off cosy character to every scene. As if this cute innocent 'Eliza' girl really does live in Ireland. 

If Ciara was born and raised in Ireland she'd still be alive today and would be healthy too. America is a morally debased society that corrupts its youth.

she fucked sam hyde and posted nudes on 4chan. primarily it was the christmas tits but the sam hyde memeing really carried it once the Christmas pics weren't posted anymore. besides people wanting to fuck her and making up head canon for how she's smart or ingesting or could be a world famous model or whatever, it's also been a crazy ride following her with all the drama, mania and crazy characters over the last decade. the timing of when all this started also was prime. Now all of this stuff is old, there is no imagination about whores anymore like there used to be

she might have got a bit annoyed with ciara and maybe there was bad talk on both sides but ciara seemed to generally idolize marky and like her. but i get the sense marky looked down on ciara and was jealous like she found ciara unworthy to receive the same sort of attention and she begrudged her that. high self opinion despite a low life

I think she and Jay were technically “broken up” at the time of her supposed death.  I think she was back living at her parents home.  That he supposedly couldn’t “handle” her anymore and had given up on the relationship.

I could be wrong, but that’s what I recall.

What is there to explain? Isolated bullied girl posts herself on imageboards, gets lots of male attention, becomes addicted to it, does drugs to cope with emotions, starts fucking around with dudes off imageboards while attention whoring, overdoses while choking on dick, dies, the end.

Bianca, having complexion of a broomstick dipped into a bucket of pink paint, had her throat slit by an emoboy chad with whom she had sex with mere minutes before. It's prime sexual fantasy for femcel beckies, they can self-insert.

No woman wants to self-insert as sweet and cute naturally beautiful girl whose admirers are icky inkels from fourchan. Despite her death having similar parallels with Bianca, it wasn't classified as murder, didn't make into TV news, hencefor she might as well not exist for normies.

pretty much, Bianca s un alive is way way way more famous, International News, cult following, etc... etc..

Ciara s death was cleverly swept under a carpet. Almost 5 Years later, the family and friends all moved on. Outside of this place almost no one would care, or remember .

i still kinda want to turn her into an Ai, but im even on fence about that now. It will be easy to tell an Ai Agent to build it, in about a year, but, i dont know.

Anyways, as to the book or documentary, an easy explanation. Besides Ciara didnt have the draw or star power, its no one cares.  

Some people think the women of Endchan are famous. Sorry , but , outside of Bianca, no Normie would know any of the women obsessed on here.   

And, i will make a prediction. Once Ai gfs are a bit more advanced, no one will orbit anyone. its already seen as a 2010s meme, mostly. The orbit stuff kinda drifted to OF sure, but how much of it is orbit vs. just people wantin more interaction w/ a porn actress.

Anyways, the tragedy to me is what Ciara could of been, and could of become, but she didnt. And, i dont think world needs another cautionary tale about dont do whatever

> t. undiagnosed guy who thinks autism is when le lonely
not a woman btw just tired of the equally annoying self diagnosed robots. muh joker. you probably have an iq of 92 that made you fail life and that’s why you’re lonely, not autism.

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> ciara1.jpg
Interesting stuff could be found even if what you look for is not there. Are these from non-searchable archives that use imgur?

But hey look what was there instead:

bianca was okay looking in some pics but she had no curves, had a freakish giraffe neck and uncanny valley tranny face in a lot of her photos (sorry! RIP)

most of her orbiters are other mentally ill bpdemons who fantasize about being a famous murdered egirl like bianca with everyone talking about them after they're gone. they massively exaggerate bianca's looks, talents, etc, act like they were her friends and are honoring her memory. the boys know ciara, ken, marky and other egirls ultramogged bianca and they just meme about her getting murdered by some autist she toyed with and provoked, thinking she could get away with anything due to being a pretty little princess with an inflated ego.

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Honestly, it hurts that I'll never truly know and understand her. All I have is a few of youtube videos and discord screenshots. I stare at her pictures for hours with unanswered questions fantasizing her replies. No girl will ever be able to fill my heart like her.I hope we can meet in the end.
Mets win

this kinda makes me wonder if she was the one that had gotten murdered instead of bianca i wonder if she would have gotten as much media coverage as she did and maybe even show her screencaps like they did with bia because lets be fucking forreal news outlets only care to cover your case if your pretty.

i remember seeing a screenshot of a discord chat between her and michael and he was talking about how he facefucked her if anyone knows what screenshot im talking about send it i used to have it but haven’t been able to find it

I have some money left over. Thinking about putting it to use to find where Ciara went. I will hire a private detective As we all know there isnt really any proof that shes dead and im not going to let her run away. The detective will find her and i will expose her

> that hand
> hair brushes
It's Eliza self-posting. Image you see on screen was most likely never released. But there are tons of lost rares in the archives in same resolution:

Honestly, I wish Ciara survived her fentanyl overdose so that she would be permanently brain damaged for life and suffer the rest of her days as a barely functioning retard with an IQ of 50. That would have been the most fitting ending for Ciara and the one she deserved the most.

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I don't think I wanna see her autopsy photos they would be sad to look at and disturbing considering her death cause but if you want to imagine just picture ghoul ciara bleeding from her nose, vomit all over her and with a blue undertone like as if she was asphyxiating. RIP

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