/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General


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    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-07-11T18:28:09.109Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 18 from board /aicg/ until Sat Jul 13 2024 18:28:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-07-11T18:28:36.443Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 18 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: reportClosure
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-07-11T18:28:36.441Z
    • User boardmakie closed a report for post 18 on thread 1 on board /aicg/ with the reason ""

    • Type: banLift
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-07-11T18:30:07.749Z
    • User boardmakie lifted a ban on board aicg with id 66902439d4b5f7667656923c set to expire at Sat Jul 13 2024 18:28:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time).

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-01T15:38:57.995Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following threads: 82 from board /aicg/ until Wed Aug 01 2029 15:38:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "spam".

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-01T15:39:51.109Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following threads: 82 from board /aicg/ until Wed Aug 01 2029 15:39:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-01T15:42:56.093Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following threads: 82 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-02T15:40:46.437Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 84 from board /aicg/ until Mon Aug 05 2024 15:40:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-02T15:40:53.503Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 84 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:34:28.214Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 88, 89 from board /aicg/ until Wed Aug 06 2025 07:34:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:37:32.794Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 91, 92 from board /aicg/ until Wed Aug 06 2025 07:37:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:38:10.520Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 91, 92, 93, 94 from board /aicg/ until Wed Aug 06 2025 07:38:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:38:28.422Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:39:07.522Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 88, 89, 91, 92, 95 from board /aicg/ until Wed Aug 06 2025 07:39:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:39:11.967Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 95 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:40:08.435Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 96, 97 from board /aicg/ until Mon Aug 06 2029 07:40:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:40:17.393Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 96, 97 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:44:03.844Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 100 from board /aicg/ until Wed Aug 06 2025 07:44:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:44:08.226Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 100 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:45:05.670Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 101 from board /aicg/ until Wed Aug 06 2025 07:45:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "1y".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:45:11.737Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 101 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:46:20.869Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 102 from board /aicg/ until Wed Aug 06 2025 07:46:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:46:27.684Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 102 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:48:50.203Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 103 from board /aicg/ until Wed Aug 06 2025 07:48:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:48:55.873Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 103 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:54:20.036Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 104, 106 from board /aicg/ until undefined with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T07:54:27.848Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 104, 105, 106 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T08:22:05.427Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 107 from board /aicg/ until undefined with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T08:22:14.385Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 107 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T08:41:50.585Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 108 from board /aicg/ until Mon Aug 06 2029 08:41:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T08:41:58.213Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 108 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T08:44:50.831Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 109, 110 from board /aicg/ until Wed Aug 06 2025 08:44:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T08:45:01.742Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 109, 110 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T09:07:37.458Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following threads: 10 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T10:54:36.584Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 115 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: ban
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T11:02:18.347Z
    • User boardmakie banned the posters of the following posts: 118 from board /aicg/ until undefined with reason "Chatbots?".

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T11:02:24.815Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following posts: 118 from board /aicg/.

    • Type: deletion
    • User: boardmakie
    • Board: aicg
    • Time: 2024-08-06T18:51:49.347Z
    • User boardmakie deleted the following threads: 120 from board /aicg/.

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