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Literally never heard of this till some mongoliod SJW started chimping out over an alt furry that commented on my twitter meme. Y'all guys seem pretty chill for the most part. But still what exactly is this while alt furry thing about?

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How do you rationalize the intrinsic social conservatism of the Alt Right with the intrinsic social libertarianism of the Furry world?

The Alt Right views furries as degenerate. Furries view the Alt Right as stodgy old rednecks.

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Video by our Minister of AltFurry Propaganda TheQuQu:

He argues Elsa should have a furry girlfriend to propagate furry interests. I think we'll need to reproduce more numbers to beat out the furcucks, SJWs, and non-allied humans, so I support converting more furfags into our ranks to make this happen. What are your thoughts?

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