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Praise Her Thighs

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Lower left.

Did they do her JUSTICE?

Book mistakenly says she is male. Did exactly the same thing for Mictla the Devourer in the Palladium RPG before changing to neutral in Rifts Conversion Book then finally female in Dragons and Gods.

She is allied with the imprisoned lady of Dyval.
> called her male
Of course they didn't do her JUSTICE.
By any chance, do you go by the name "tyciol" on paheal?

Holy fuck.
This thread took a while to show up.  There's something wrong with posting threads on here now, things are getting glitchier.
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You see that [Refresh] button next to to the
[_] Auto &ltCoundown Clock>?
Click on that for the post to appear, otherwise it'll take you until the clock reaches zero for an auto-refresh, which could take a couple minutes, depending on the time you've been in the thread
Have a cat.

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The beta's down, too.

Guess we better get to praying!
Ammit already sees our hearts, and knows what we need.  Prayer to her should consist of talking with her to give one's heart an answer to this problem.  That answer is likely JUSTICEchan, but we need to come up with a clear way of getting it made.

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The icup is starting again today, and /monster/ vs /christian/ is the first game tomorrow.
If /monster/ BTFO of /christian/ enough, do you think we'll be able to get a good pic drawn of our goddess defeating YHVH so that we can funpost with it like crazy?
We face off against /his/ in two days.
With the christian member of our team being the one who scored against /christian/, I wonder if Ammit-chan will be the one who scores the most against /his/.

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Is there anyone that we as Justicians could specifically send some kind of collage card to ala v's cards to gabe, etc. in the past?
It would be a worthwhile way of spreading the good word of Ammit and might make the news out of its oddity if done right and send it to a person that is JUSTICE enough.  My vote would go to Ivan Jurevic: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/01/14/police-crack-down-hard-as-anti-migrant-rape-vigilante-groups-emerge-accross-europe/
Any other suggestions?
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This actually sounds like a good idea. Should we put porn in there to make it stranger or should we stick to SFW?
Though, come to think of it, if it has porn, then it might not be something that can be shown on the news or anything like that.
So I suppose we should stick to SFW after all.

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If you see this, post in this thread.
/ebola/ is on endchan's top boards now, and we need to be back up there too so we can be neighbors.
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> /ebola/ is back in the top ten again, but we're now under the top ten
I don't understand.
We're on the front page again now, but now EVERY board has ZERO UIDs.

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