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Praise Her Thighs

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Been a lot of family drama lately, transferring colleges, but whatever, I'm still alive. 

Still hoping Ammit-chan fills my sleeping bag.
Me too, though it may depend on how JUSTICE we've been and how long it will be before Ammit and us manage to bring monster girls into reality.  We're still waiting on updates to that Nightmare, but it seems like there may be multiple Nightmares in Canada now, which is interesting.
What if all the Nightmares band together for the sake of their husbands and use their combined powers to give Trudeau the worst nightmares possible until he becomes the Canadian Trump by force?
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It's just occurred to me that I have absolutely no idea how Ammit-chan's going to fit a bicorn in a sleeping bag.

I swear it's not entirely  for haremfag reasons, I just like their design and think they're best horsepussy.
thumbnail of Bicorn.jpeg
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Bicorn jpeg
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I choose to ignore the cuckoldry int he profile and just believe that they're bisexual.

We need more bicorn art, there's only the one I already posted and KC's profile art.
Bicorn fag here, have an update: I had a dream that I was hanging around with a bicorn, a kitsune, and a lich. Is this a sign of things to come?
> a bicorn, a kitsune, and a lich
I'm... actually not sure what this could necessarily mean.
But you REALLY need to make a new thread on 8/monster/ for now.  What exactly happened in the dream, anyway?  Make that the start of your new thread.
Yep. Probably just a dream, but it's a nice thought.

Maybe she has a nightmare relative/friend? I still have hope!

Anyway, the dream wasn't particularly exciting. We were just drinking tea together and talking about dorky shit. I finally have a monstergirl dream and it's not exciting to talk about. Not tat I'm complaining, though.
She looked Asian to me though she did have a pretty amazing ass and thighs, so I'm not sure if she actually was
It's the thirteenth tomorrow.

Also, I just realized something.  This summary actually fucked up somewhat.  It doesn't make it clear that the holiday lasts until January 27, but instead implies that it ends on the 17th by mistake.
I mean, the chart says the last event was on the 17th, may as well cut it off there, unless there were extra events I missed out on.

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