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That NEET should wear a hat made of cheese and if any of it starts melting he will know that the mindreader is using his power on him.
i wasn't really feeling up for it today at work, i don't regard the door dash drivers as customers so they get nothing from me. he was in a hurry to pick up one of the grocery deliveries and i just kind of dawdled along while others from the team got around to bringing those groceries down stairs and during that i served the real customers. i heard him pissing and moaning to door dash about it or something and i thought it was funny. he was getting a bit too chummy with me over the past year or so and started referring to me by my name. i doubt he'll do that now.
This is what womboflix should be. 
Did you know.. 
There are 72 emojis approved as the base facial pack (I can't remember the proper name) and there are 72 Solomonic seals. They have a few that are quite similar. Along with Google, Microsoft etc, the Government of Oman signed off on the approval of the emojis. It's a little weird. No other government is on there, or at least listed. The queen of Sheba is suspected to have lived in either Yemen or Ethiopia. Oman is next to modern Yemen. She gave Solomon a bunch of gold, and apparently was gifted in return.. something. It doesn't say, but it'd be interesting if it was these original 72 seals, or at least some of them. A bloke went to Oman in the 1800s where the modern western world got the seals that we know of. I think. 
tldr sending emojis is unleashing demons.
I reckon she lived in Ethiopia. 
Not sure where the gold came from, maybe South Africa near Adams Calender. No evidence of their culture because they lived on boats and only made port towns, that are under the water now. 
That's a pretty believable tinfoil Afrocentric choofd idea. 
Better than any other African one.
Also seen someone say that Zimbabwe was Sheba. 
That's a long way to transport gold. 
I dunno. I'm not convinced.
You won't find anything on Google except terrible tiktok on it or some other meme thing. 
I forgot where I heard about it.
Probably in my dreams while Dr Sledge plays on repeat. 
Images of green lions and bloody arrows. Compasses and squares.
I know someone who was a head pastor or something in the druid society. 
Apparently freemasonry used lots of their ideas (that weren't really organised or consistent) as well as kabbalah ideas. 
Seriously considering going to a meeting. 
The YouTube man I let radicalise and covertly influence me doesn't wear shoes and looks like a back up singer and mandolin player for Van Morrison. They seem pretty hip. 
The guy I know used to host big gatherings in the country. 
That was pretty much the whole point. Just community building. They seem a bit like hippies but more the organic food type, not the boong.
one that professes or is held to be able to perceive another's thought without normal means of communication
I think I might. 
Have a home made mushroom schnitty with vegan gravy. 
Listen to some fellas in beads play one of those Irish drums and a lute. 
Talk about food safety and 5g.
The word pure doesn't mean anything in the food production. 
Same as green. 
It's all just marketing, in line with corporate and government compliance regulations which they have a lot of sway over.
Went out to have a quick cone. Couldnt find shoes so took socks off. It's wet. Knocked and smashed glass goon cup over.
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Womboflix will be showing our cancelled Saturday night movie, Zodiac (2007), on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, tonight we are showing the action packed Pacific Rim (2014) - in a terrified futureworld, spindly-limbed, whale-sized beasts emerge from a Hellmouth on the ocean floor and duke it out with immense robots, each piloted by a pair of humans. Directed by Guillermo del Toro. 7pm AEDT.
> I thought The Raid was actually a really good movie, although quite violent.
I said it last night. The subtitle version would be. I felt the dub was a let down when hyped moments were dulled by a shitty English voice
> Amazing
Was one line Big Fella highlighted in the chat that was absolutely butchered. 

The ending was good as it answered a question I had about why everyone lived in the building in the poster as that wasn't clear until the very end.

The choreography was also very good. It was well performed but not overdone and excessive.
Internet has been shit lately. Keep needing to reset the router.
Going to make a list of things to do and try to be productive today. Been boonging for too long. I'm going to make my list and then start work as I gradually get Danned.
I hear this sort of sentiment expressed quite often amongst the depression and misery communities, but I have never been able to relate to it. I can't recall as a child imagining myself in the future at all.
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I wanted to ask if there will be a movie today. I still uploading Ace Ventura 1. Probably for future downtime.

> why everyone lived in the building
NEET commune.
> dub
I try to get everything in original, I was just glad I could find any version of Raid Redemption. On May 25th if everything goes well we stream Solaris, a Soviet sci-fi in original Russian.
I ended up getting a fucken yiros because apparently the local pasty merchants couldn't keep up with demand and they just got that fucken paprika nugget villi's stuff in wholesale
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Ok, we'll be screening Pacific Rim (2013) in 1 hour on https://cytu.be/r/womboflix - 15 minutes before the movie starts, we'll play some of the awesome soundtrack.
When I go out at night and look up and see a possum overhead on a wire, I worry it's going to poop on me.
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I will be screening Harry Potter 19 (2023) on my cytu.be channel 
https://cytu.be/r/moofiesneetkino at 7 PM ESBT. In this one Harry gets sexy with Delores Umbriage. Actually I'm not sure its actual franchise  or maybe its some degenerate reboot, i duno. Rated X.
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Harry Potter 19 was not quite what I expected, it was kind of repettitive and based around some alterenate fantasy where harry potter is submissive to the headmistress. Of particular kek was the foot in mouth scene and the spanking. Other than that it was too much plot and dialogue and little to no CGI. 

2 out of 5 "yes mistresses"
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Thanks to everyone who came to Pacific Rim tonight.

Largely hollywood's attempt to do Japanese anime and kaiju movies, Pacific Rim is a silly B-movie given some A-movie direction and production values by none other than Guillermo del Toro. It was a big hit in China, where the biggest foreign films are always about superheroes, dinosaurs or giant robots.
This is the second time I've seen the Pacific Rim, the first time, years ago, I was highly medicated and thought it was a good movie. Now I'm not so sure. One thing I am sure about - it's way too long.
Pacific Rim should've been directed by Michael Bay rather than del Toro. There has been a great disturbance in the thread of fate ever since 2013, directly caused by this miscalculation.
Any Bunnings NEETs know if you can buy bags of Australian flower seeds? I think I'm going to start sprinkling them all around my town and hope they grow.
I think native and non-invasive species are going to be more expensive. I would look online and when you find something there should be something similar at Bunnings maybe.

Be careful how you do it as people might complain and report you.
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Ok neets, we'll be seeing Zodiac (2007) on Wednesday, and on Thursday, which is Towel Day, we'll be watching the first episode of Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1981). In a few posts we'll also start voting on next weekend's movies.
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The womboflix movie selection committee is now in session.

The movie list has gotten a bit mixed up over the past few weeks - if I've lost anyone's movie let me know. Otherwise, vote for a movie on the list or nominate a new one to the list:

Wrongfully Accused (1998)
Good Will Hunting (1997)
Angel Dust (1994)
Last Man Standing(1995)
The Sunset Limited
Kamikaze Taxi (1995)
Captain Phillips (2013)
The Ghost and the Darkness (1996)
Smokin Aces (2006)
Rapid Fire(1992)
The Mauritanian 
Apocalypse Now/Full Metal Jacket/Tropic Thunder
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Rambo (2008)
Showdown in Little Tokyo(1991)
Who Killed Captain Alex
Under Siege
Wag The Dog
Truman Show
Weekend At Bernies
Taxi Driver
Trading Places
BMX Bandits
There Will Be Blood
Synecdoche, New York
Fritz the cat
The Princess Bride
The Social network
Another shit on-site job where the cunts don’t bother to offer you a glass of water or a cup of coffee or tell you where the toilets are. Staff are all non-whites. Walked a lap of the block but couldn’t find a coffee shop or anything.
Drank too much last night. Badly taxed. Going to go shopping for food. Any suggestions for food to help pay off the tax?
I won't drink tonight and won't drink that heavily for a while.
Cenno still hasn't come in :(
Slept till 2pm despite my 9:30 alarms 
Feeling like I am too stupid to be accepted into the army
I ate the reasonably priced rump. It was okay. A huge quantity of water seeped out of it as it cooked though. I started off frying it and by the end it was essentially being boiled.
Cruisey tell us about the last rug and tug adventure please. You said last night it was not very good. What happened?
It has a whole backstory, someone who worked somewhere got it free and froze it but then they moved house so someone else got it frozen but their wife didn't eat meat so I got it. 

Roasting it 220, going to baste it and roast it a second time till it's cooked to shit
The psychologist said I scored "high" on one 'tism test and mixed on the other. One more form to see what the final outcome might be next week.
Nothing. It came up during our appointment as a discussion they brought up. The only thing it might be good for is if I need more support in life.
My sister is trying to get diagnosed as an autist. Dumb bitch doesn't really she's just a spastic like all the other grandkids. Second generation agent orange babies.
'The Project' has a piece on the vile racism against that ABC host and says the government will be 'monitoring social media' in the runup to the referendum.
One day. If I don't set up the supports nothing will be there. 
I feel like anything disability related takes at least a year to set-up. Having everything documented can also support my case if I need to disclose it.
Just had a wank. Something weird happened as I came as I had a second orgasm just a second or two after the first.
> Received and ready for processing
They don't include where it has been received. I want to know what city my package is starting out in.
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> The Patient is an American psychological thriller limited series created and written by Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg
> Weisberg
> A 1987 graduate of Yale University, Weisberg became a CIA officer three years after graduation
> Weisberg grew up in a Jewish family
My skin gets dry during winter. I'm going to go a full 24 hours without showering after my post-workout shower.
> Women’s childish behaviour is socially sanctioned, they are empowered to switch at will between being considered a child or an adult. And if you point this out as a man, then it’s sexism. For carrying the burden of being the only sane adult in the room, men are called 'emotional cripples'.
Which side would you choose neet? Russians just took Bakhmut and have managed to hit a Patriot SAM site. Looks like its going their way even if the reddit brigade doesnt like it
He's a Jewish shrink who gets locked up by his serial killer who's trying to stop. 
Pretty good screenplay. It didn't seem overplayed. 
Worth watching. 
The shrink has lucid dreams about being in Auschwitz because he's locked up. 
Wakes Viktor E. Frankl up in the dream. That's a woody tier joke.
My boss, the one who wanted me to take a pay cut and then wanted me to go casual, is sitting behind me. Not sure what he is doing for these stinkers.
Who dis?
> Only when I hit rock bottom did I confront my porn addiction
Having another coffee. Just want to go to bed but I have work I need to do. Won't be able to nap until about 4pm. Woe. Probably won't even have the energy to drink by then.
Keep taking breaks. If he's in meetings he might not notice. You could ask if he wants coffee and take the long route.

Long lunch and then leaving early to work from home could be a good strategy too. Say you have a commitment or appointment to leave early.
Only got about 3-4 hours of sleep last night. Dying. Can't have a nap as I have things to do for the next few hours. Woe.
When I went to hospital the other day there was a girl no older than 13 waiting in emergency. She had alcohol poisoning. A future female monk.
Pouring out the goon. Neet o'clock it is.
My old man used to say that you weren't an alcoholic unless you started drinking before noon and it is nearly four hours past that.
> 705714
school said it's a bad idea to drink before the afternoon, the afternoon starts at midday. neets saying it's too early to drink are just queers, drink away and have a good time. you earned it
How long does it take for Amazon America to ship stuff? I put my order in several days ago and they haven't posted it. Fucking yanks.
Improve the quality of your posting please. You have made dozens of posts that are little more than indecipherable stream of consciousness gibberish, as well as several hostile and nasty posts at other users.
Where do you guys buy (physical) books online? I used to just go with the book depository because I was used to it and with the free postage it was often a decent deal but they've shut down. Is there anywhere better than Amazon that still has a pretty broad range?
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Sup cunts,
Lost my job today- won't miss it, but I thought 'fuck it' this afternoon and decided to try and get on centerlink benefits or some shit and embrace the NEET life fully.

The only problem is; I've never been on benefits and don't really know how to go about getting on em', so I figured where better to ask than - mind helping a poor cunt out?
My posts haven't been particularly "nasty" or "hostile", no worse than the ones constantly whining about this and that or getting snarky at others for not doing what they want. You overlook a lot of other low quality posts.
It has been a long time since I regularly bought physical books. I just download ebooks now.
Booktopia.com.au used to be okay with range and price.
Man if I was a Thai bloke and a bunch of weird foreigners were filming local women who were lined up to sell themselves due to local politics, you can guarantee I'd be out there with a gun ready to dance
I doubt the average Thai man cares about the honour of the sort of women that sell themselves to foreign tourists.
They do. Legitimate marriages in south east asian culture are a village affair. Move to Bangkok for sex work and you're immediately ostracised. All non-western cultures have communal values regarding women.
> immediately ostracised
Exactly, they don't care about those women. Do that to the women that actually have honour and the result would be different.
Does anyone want to watch the first hour or hour and a half of John Wick 4 tonight and we could tackle the rest of it later?
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Ok, we're gonna have an impromptu screening of the first half of John Wick 4 in 53 minutes on womboflix. If nobody else wants to watch it besides me then fine. It'll run for roughly 1 hour and 20 minutes, and we'll watch the second half some other time. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
how come that nugget lawrence fishburg is in john wick 4 when in john wick 2 or 3 they was all like *shoots him and his stupid birds*
I start watching YouTube videos about woodworking desks and think about making a solid redgum desk top with  one natural side for an electric Ikea sit stand desk.
Back from my nap. Big nap.
Back on the goon. It has a funny taste after bingeing on chocolate upon waking.
Australia superpower when?
> Part of Harris Park, near Parramatta in Sydney’s west, is set to be permanently renamed Little India – the name its large Indian community has informally called it for years. 
I've got a $1,166 in my savings account. Should I put all of it into my future plans account or 50/50 with as close to $500 as possible going into a Commsec Pocket ETF?
Maybe 60/40 into the future plans account, and keep an eye out on interest rates, I just noticed my maxi saver has dropped down to 1.1%, so be prepared to move it around if necessary.

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