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> EXCLUSIVE: Read fed up ex-army officer boss's blistering text to her overseas-born staff about their 'dirty' kitchen: 'You live in Australia now... your mother doesn't work here'
I have found our calling. 

Neets, does it seem like there's a lot of building going on? There are 4 house construction sites within about 100m of me, and a dozen more around my neighbourhood. Just seems like a lot.
The vacancy rates are low across Australia and a lot of people are turning blocks in multiple residential homes. Unless they're a boomer who can afford a double story brick mansion.
You can't find a place to rent for less than $350 pw. 
Either have one big house with a yard rented out for $450 or two houses for $350-400 pw.
Tonight we'll be seeing The Mauritanian(2021), a 2021 legal drama film based on the memoir of Mohamedou Ould Slahi, a Mauritanian man who was held for fourteen years (from 2002 to 2016) without charge in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, a United States military prison.
Unless I've screwed up the encoding on the video, in which case we'll be seeing The Social Network instead.
The hottest ever temperature in Alice Springs of 45.7C is actually below Sydney and Melbourne's hottest days.

Nuro is still living his best life.
These Cambodian cunts don't ask for much

Aside from the compensation, Mr Risby-Jones and the Australian-managed surf resort he was staying at will also have to pay for a cleansing ceremony in the town, which will involve slaughtering a cow.

That's on top of the $25k fine and $5k hospital bill. 
Getting mogged by a mong qlder is the best thing that'll ever happen to them.
We shouldn't dwell on the past. RIP.

> These Cambodian cunts don't ask for much
I think they wanted $50k or $60k in total before this agreement. The $25k in compensation was in cash handed over at the meeting, so add a few percentage for transaction fees too.
I want to see orangutans in the wild. Partly so I can take photos of them and send them to my sister telling her that I found her real family.
Interesting perspective. The first one or two would be bogged down in copyright issues like this:
Shes threatening to kick me out if I don't get linked in with some kind of mental health service again
Let the beetroot hit the floor
Let the beetroot hit the floor
Let the beetroot hit the floor
Let the beetroot hit the
*doink doink*
Do you have any idea how much work needs to be done to fix an entire house that received no maintenance for about 40 years? It's also a house that is being lived in and is full of furniture and bullshit and the owner has to give the appearance of working occasionally Monday to Friday, so fuck all gets done during the week.
Had a post about Neanderthals in my head but had to write stuff about potential meteors and the younger dryas and how living in caves would have been beneficial and that sapiens probably did violently relocate them to take their caves. Maybe.
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My mother always reminds me about things from my childhood. Or brings items like old toys out that she found somewhere thinking she is giving me a treat by showing me.
She has no idea that I feel sick looking at it all. That my memory of everything was poisoned by the abuse. No clue.
Where is that hug?
Like my family minimising the abuse my stepdad put me through, or acting like him being a prick to them is even remotely as bad as the shit he put me through when I was a kid. They say they know what I went through when there's absolutely no way they could.
Yes and that way you get abused twice. The first time when it happens, and then again when they minimise it and/or deny it. Traps you in it forever.
I in no way hold it against her, but I think a part of my issue with my sister is that she is my stepdad's daughter. So there's always going to be that lingering between our relationship, even though she's at least somewhat aware of his true nature.
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Ok neets, we'll be screening The Mauritian (2021) in 1 hour on womboflix. 20 minutes before that, we'll be showing a documentary on the zodiac killer, to complement the movie we saw a few days ago. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
I genuinely have no idea. I think stuff like overcoming our own shortfalls from a combination of nature and nurture and trying to give more than we take from the universe is a good start. I've only made so much progress, though.
If I save $500 of each NEETbux payment for the next 12 months then I should have an extra 13k on top of the savings I already have. My cost of living is pretty much just cover the internet every month and a few other things.
The common wattle (acacia aroma)  has a large amount of it in it. 
Put the pollen in a capstan tin and leave it for a month or so. 
It'll turn to orange sap looking shit that you can smoke through a crack pipe.
imagine if half the people making youtube videos for views actually did anything remotely fucking useful
It's wonderful how many people can be not just fed but ensure to live very well without the need for their productive work (or even the illusion of it). Wealth unprecedented in history.
It's the season for feeds like that. I remember when my mum used to make me raisin toast for breakfast before school and I'd watch Cheez TV while she'd warm my uniform up in the dryer for me.
What's next?
Now we'll have a bunch of people that aren't needed for anything.
They are consumers can keep the numbers up and growing by consuming.
But when it will be realized that actual consumption can be safely replaced by virtual consumption no need to really consume, just make the numbers grow on paper, in practice the only difference is trash being created as the result of consumption, and we go green, no? they won't need all these people anymore.
good morning neets. yesterday was a very good day. a local grocery delivery service was running a promo where you put a code and get 10 euros on your account, but they forgot to stop it from being used on more than one account. 

i managed to snag like 600 dollars worth of wine, beer and alcohol before they shut it down. good stuff
Had a big feed and a tall glass of milk. Resisted the urge to get on the goon. Bottleo closes in four minutes. Going to avoid it!
I only deadlifted and overhead pressed tonight, and only for two sets each. I feel a lot better though having gone at all. It was my first time in two weeks and I haven't deadlifted in about a month due to my Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status.
> Australia must recognise Indian vocational and university graduates as “holding the comparable AQF qualification for the purposes of admission to higher education” AND "holding comparable Australian qualifications for the purposes of general employment".
No employer ever would.
Good morning NEET.

> but they forgot to stop it from being used on more than one account. 
> i managed to snag like 600 dollars worth of wine, beer and alcohol before they shut it down. good stuff
Good morning NEETs.
Unpleasant dream woke me early.
I could not get back to sleep. All the mental poison had risen to the surface in the wake of the dream.
Have to spend the morning tamping it back down.
What a life.
I think I will buy a second executive mixing bowl, just in case they stop making them and next time when I need to replace it there will not be any.
I have learned from experience to do this. If you find something that is quality and works well you should stock up, especially when they are on sale.
I have been admiring the new mixing bowl ever since it was delivered. I think I will get the next one in a different colour.
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I will get about half an hour of sleep then get hit with an intense wave of anxiety over something I'm not aware of then I'll be up until two the next morning. I pray to God every time I go to sleep that I will not wake up, but he just ignores me. Clearly I'm destined to fulfill a purpose for him or he'd bless me with that simple wish. It's probably something like outlasting certain relatives but I seriously need to find a purpose in life. Going for that 30 minute nap.
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Tonight on womboflix we'll be showing The Social Network (2010) - a biographical drama film directed by David Fincher and written by Aaron Sorkin, based on the 2009 book The Accidental Billionaires by Ben Mezrich. It portrays the founding of social networking website Facebook. 7pm AEDT
They are inanimate objects m8, they don't have the capacity to accept or not accept anything. If it fits in then it is in, and you walk away.
weak cunt
Possum you’d better get over here Cruisey is in the stocks again and I think they have rotten fruit coming
Big charities usually don't because they can't verify if the disk works or if they're malware or some shit burnt onto it. They also get smashed in the bins.

Don't use the bins unless you have to, take the shit to the actual depot or the local op shop.

Its to crisp the pastry, if you cook it in the foil the moisture can't get out and the pastry will be soggy
It actually happens a lot, and 9/10 times the "malware" will be ponzi scheme marketing or jehovas witness shit. 
These guys do shit you'd never even think about and often they work somewhere within the organization.
They sew shit into clothes then donate them, come into stores and put papers inside the books, they disguise marketing material as instruction books for specific products then double side tape them onto the box, they'll try to steal internal mailing and customer contacts. 
People know how pajeet steals customer data and sells is to scamers, well jehovas and MLM fags do the exact same thing. 

When you compare it to shoplifting it starts to make sense, and it's a big part of the reason big charities exist.
heard a heap of banging coming from the spare room and went to look and it was Bill smashing the new $1000 custom made venetian blind into it's support brackets with a hammer
> Uh, think of something smart to say. What would a professional say? Umm...uh... is that a stapler in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? ... That doesn't sound right
YouTube mods and Minus Dick Tips mods were working overtime today with all the trolling of Tech Fiona's video.
like that nugget in the us recently that was late for work 56 times in one year and claimed she got sacked because she was black and won something like $11m USD
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Whats up with these gay films you picked this weekend? Did you overdo the soy this week?

I'm going to watch some gamer streams on youtube instead at least that will be slightly less gay.
Can you start saying the actual time of the movie screening? I always have to change to relative time to check when
Beat woe.
Got dressed because of the goad, went shopping, cleaned up the yard, did washing, did dishes, prepped meals, going to vacuum and clean up some vile things
> Saverin and Elaine Andriejanssen, an Indonesian national of Chinese descent, became engaged on March 27, 2014, and were married on June 25, 2015.[30][31]
> Saverin renounced his U.S. citizenship in September 2011,[33][34] thereby avoiding an estimated US$700 million in capital gains taxes. This generated media attention and controversy.[5][35][36] Saverin stated that he renounced his citizenship because of his "interest in working and living in Singapore",[37] and denied that he left the U.S. to avoid paying taxes.[33]

Smart scheming Jew. Maybe he ended up with that hot gook after all
> Nuro-tier meme
It wasn't merely nuro-tier, it was nuro. Think of all the stupid shit neets have done and then consider that no other neet has ever shoved coffee up his arse or shit in a pan and fried it.
It all started by accident as well. He was just trying to shoplift a tin of blend 43 in the usual way but the tin broke. After that it was too late; he had become an addict.
switched back to 6 coffees today, after having been at 4 for a week or two. I felt better, but I'm awake at 11pm when normally I'd have gone to bed by 9.
A juicy chicken one with crisp batter and some mushroom gravy on the side for chips, curry egg salad and cauli bake from the salad bar and $8.50 imp pints of pale.
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morning neets, spent the night in hospital, thought I had myocarditis from the covid booster I got 2 weeks ago, but the doctors don't think so
I got some more chux and six scones and some samboy chips and some brioche buns and some pulled pork and some bbq sauce and some mondsters
projectionist neet here - I may be gone for a few days, not sure if there will be a wednesday night movie
Just saw that obese shrek cunt from Linus tech tips thinks hes a woman 
Why is it always the autistic loser men who can't get girls that want to become one?
A person that has one mental illness is more likely to also have others. When the brain is already broken the person becomes vulnerable to more and more mental illnesses and perversions.
It's a few things, probably.
- Excess weight reduces testosterone and increases estrogen production.
- The whole 'coming out' thing will give him attention and a feeling that people caring about him (which won't last).
- This clownworld shit is easier than the discipline and self-control and exertion it would have taken to lose the weight and fix some of his demons.
That said, I'm obese and socially retarded and not once have I ever considered being female or gay or anything else.
He might be reforming to a skellie. The larger belt hole to the left of current one looks like it has had use. But it could be the angle of the light.
Do you ever wake up suddenly from a really intense dream and struggle to discern between the dream and reality?
https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyjunimo/video/7237250313831320874 [Embed]
I looked up the youtube video for this song:
Awful song, but notice how they have the gook girls with heaps of white men and black men? Do they have the same problem with subversion over there or are they actually just that pathetic?
The BEST A neets drew straws to decide who would drink the polyjuice potion to become Luna Lovegood for that Thursday night once.
> A crime lord (Cruisedog) ascends to power and becomes megalomaniacal, while a maverick police detective (Possum) vows to stop him.
Yes. Recently I dreamed I had signed up for an American college and had forgot to cancel it and had run up a huge bill and when I woke up I knew it was a dream but I was not sure whether I had really ever signed up for a US college or not. I thought I might have even though it is ridiculous.
> Ferdinand the Bull is a 1938 American stand-alone animated short produced by Walt Disney Productions
I am listening to Transglobal Underground, it's taking me back to Nepal when I was rolling joints in my shitty hotel with the beautiful mountain air and the sounds of life from the laneway below rolling through the window.
There really is nothing like that air there, it just has a certain smell and taste
poured the left over juices from the lamb shanks into a bowl and put two slices of torn up bread into it
Going to lay in bed while watching stuff until I fall asleep. Goodnight NEETs, make sure you all behave.
Made scrambled eggs with onions.
Probably spaghetti, ham, mushroom, and tomato sauce (not real one just powder).
Dinner I have not figured out yet.
Probably not.
> Wings, braised in a sweet spicy garlic sauce.
We just fry wings in oven. With butter and sliced potata. Salt and pepper. Garlic slices.
Sometimes on salt bed (put them on layer of salt, not sure why).
Sometimes I make sauce out of sour cream garlic and tabasco sauce.

Yes. Sometimes with tomato juice. But then needs a bit of sugar.
I mean there is nothing to be sorry for.
On one hand you can't know what tomato powder is that, I could have written spaghetti powder. 
On the other it might read confrontational what I wrote, I had nothing the mind when written.
On the third I don't think this format needs apologies.
Ate two kilos of fried rice. 
The new strategy is to use the shitty bulk bacon, fry the aromatics in the bacon fat, deglaze with the sauce then boil the black and gold frozen mix veg in the sauce. 

This uses less oil, and means I can make four times the volume by filling the wok each batch then mixing everything in a canning pot at the end.
Still haven't had any icecream. Might put it off after having all the moscato and lollies.
Need to cut back on the sugar.
2kg of fried rice has to be some sort of record.
Maybe it has been just that one neet requesting 30kg of rice all these years.
ChatGPT estimates that as only being 5000 calories. I am still impressed but not quite as astonished.
"My mind fabricates scenes so fantastical the mortal mind will never comprehend their glory. I cum hands free."
Sparkling moscato acquired. Had a bird shit on my head while en route. I thought about continuing but I thought I'd look like too much of a boong so I rushed back to wash my hair.
The two employees were reviewing some security camera footage. Some niggеr had been stealing from the shop.
The thing that will probably fuck him was that he went up to the counter to pay for something (as cover I guess) and they got a shot of his face. I doubt anything will come of it. Too many blacks around here.
I believe he dripped garlic butter on his flannel shirt and on the counter and they matched this to a nearby Dominos where sixteen garlic breads were stolen at lunch time.
The lead suspect has a rap sheet as long as your arm. Countless cases of wank evasion, blasphemy against Dan, cutting in line at NEET gangbangs, he even tried to outlaw Jews for a month once.
Well bantered.
I happened to stumble across the song I Write Sins Not Tragedies after not having heard it in ages. It brings back a whole bunch of happy memories about a girl from school. Thinking about her fills me with nostalgia induced wistful affection. Bittersweet NEET hours.
> Thinking about her fills me with nostalgia induced wistful affection.
Fuck that is a clumsy sentence. I hope you know what I mean.
I have happy memories of being with her and of aspects of my life at the time even though I was flirting with suicide quite a bit at the time and it was in some ways one of the worst times in my life.
I do sort of long for it in a way though. Knowing that is gone and I'll never really enjoy that in-the-moment carelessness.
Once again I have started on the cask too early and will be left awake and bored once I finish it.
I have put a load of washing on. I thought the weather was clearing but now it is drizzling again. I may have made a serious mistake.
I had a grilled hotdog with bacon, onion, cheese and tomato sauce, and a potato fritter for lunch.
> Australia's breakdancers are still fighting for funding and respect ahead of Olympic debut
clown world

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