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The bored four NEETs

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imdb is in the right here. It is like when a restaurant gets review bombed by people who have never eaten there for some political reason. It distorts their rating. Google will remove the reviews.
When lots of people who have never seen a film start rating it 1 star something has to be done to preserve the integrity of the ratings.
Had a dream I pissed in the kitchen bin. FRM pressed the pedal to put something in and fainted when the smell hit her.
Not sure what any of this means. I was very relieved to find I did not in fact do that.
> Did you blame the dog?
No, it was during a fight over something. Just walked from the lounge to the kitchen and pissed in it. Alcohol was involved, obviously.
He feels suitably shamed and is eating his leftover pidser in the hallway. No plate or microwave service was extended.
> Round 8 sees North Adelaide take on South Adelaide. Bounce time: 2:5pm ACST.
Really creative team names.
What AFL game is Monk even betting on, given there is no televised game in the TV guide today/tonight?
Spent some time listening to bible study. 
Job is about divine justice and collateral damage is worth it.
accidentally got some piss on the toilet wall (my dick was still uncurling as I let the wee out)
tried not to laugh because bill was just around the corner
made a black russian in a coffee mug
passes for black coffee
What sort of jobs would fit this description:
> require only a few years to get into
> work from home
> minimal work time (2 or 3 days a week for 20-30k a year)
> stable
Is there anything like that?
Yes, they all have diversity slots to fill. A coloured gay female would shoot you to the top of the candidate list at any major organisation.
I have dark hair and eyes, I reckon I could get away with saying I'm a boong as long as I didn't have to have any paperwork. I'd probably just say I didn't have it because of racism or the stolen generator.
I doubt most places ask for proof. I know there are orgs that are supposed to facilitate that sort of verification, but I don't think they're used heavily.
Where you come unstuck is them introducing you to the other company boongs and they're real ones who ask your background.
Can I just say on my resume or on a cover letter that I'm a "First nations Australian"? How do I mention the tranny thing? Should I just say non-binary and leave it at that.
I'm the last member of my tribe and I speak a boong language that's completely unrelated to all the other ones.
Most companies have an application form with your particulars that have checkboxes for gender and nationality.
You could put something in your cover letter about being "a proud flubbawubbajugga noonger man"
The three that gave statements against him only gave oral statements and there were a same number who said no such happenings happened. The judge just decided to go with his own agenda.
Do Parcel Freight Logistics actually deliver on a Sunday? They updated the tracking for a package of mine this morning with "Our driver has your parcel onboard for delivery", but that could just mean he has loaded his van for tomorrow?
Might take Friday off and surprise Motherbat by driving down on Thursday night for a long long weekend.
It's disgusting that the most popular (supposedly) porn star at present is an Australian named Angela White. She is chunky, bordering on fat, and has a plain face. Her porn catalogue includes pretty much every degenerate thing you can imagine: blacks, trannies, fisting (both holes), lactating, piss drinking, DP, DPP, DAP, etc. Apart from munging down on a literal turd, there's nothing she hasn't had a go at.
If you're talking about me and the previous post, no. I haven't had a wank or looked at porn in a few weeks. Pretty much can't be bothered now.
You joke, but we're in clown world now. You can probably be a klansman that identifies as black and it would be a hate crime to say otherwise.
This was an interesting 5 minute read this morning: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-04/bali-bombers-caught-with-australian-intelligence-involvement/102362158
> Leyland Brothers star Mal plans 'last hurrah' travel documentary adventure across Australia
I've tried hard not to tell ProjectionistNEET to screen anything in particular on Womboflix, but by jingo he'll be screening this in full.
> Most Australians will wander through life blissfully unaware that a saturated outboard starter motor can produce an electric shock capable of scorching a grown man's testicles.
most you cunts probably dont even remember the leyland brothers being weekend tv viewing
theme tune was played on a jew harp even
> Family at war as posh private school brothers brawl with a $115 bottle of McLaren Vale grenache outside a ritzy French bistro in Sydney - leaving one bleeding from the head
do we have a list of neets who are missing? I'm confused as to whether 10k and fifo and others are still around
Fifo posted some springies the other week.
10k/AboriginalAlan hasn't been around since his spergout at womboflix
NK hasn't dropped in for months.
Spergo left us for dead completely six months ago (or more)
Shire pops in once a month
Big Fella said something about not liking TV shows where people stand in a room and talk and Aboriginal Alan flipped a virtual table over and stormed out. I think the Cowboy TV show (I can't remember the name) was a favourite of his.
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So if anyone wants it I can stream Gangsta Rap. I haven't had the time to got around Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard, and perhaps, it should be streamed on a regular occasion.
I'm not sure Ladyhawke will attract much attendance, the evening/2nd stream of the Red October was a flop, Fantomas could generate some interest. It's not like I can't stream Ladyhawke sometimes, perhaps we can work something out with the requester, I assume he wanna watch it oh how wrong I am.
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No, that's where I came undone. She said she would change them this arvo and I told her not to, she reiterated and I rejected the offer again with a bit more force which would have made her suspicious. I didn't want her in there because there were some recently used cumdies under the bed, on the side opposite to the bottles, which were near a pair of older, crustier cumdies already.
I tried that but I was wondering if there was a higher grade of firmness.
Is it worth spending big on a pillow? Are the $60 ones much better than the $20 ones?
I use my gym shorts for cumming in. I have made the mistake a few times of wearing the cummed on ones but I don't think anyone has ever noticed or at least they haven't commented.
You have to wash them pretty quickly or else they stain. I let cum sit on some for about a week and now they've been through the wash about three or four times whilst still being stained.
She pretended to be angry but is fine now. I had actually changes the pillows and doona but not the bed sheet because it had been fitted recently. She keeps track of this shit in her primitive woman brain. Doesn't seem to realise that I've lived and changed my bed linen independently for years
Haven't wanked or looked at porn for about a week. No desire. Do have a desire to get my goon on though.
thinking of getting some pidser to avoid having to cook or do dishes, I could also have half for breakfast, again avoiding dishes
Popped a massive pimple and some gross stuff came out. Slimy shit with some funny little lumps in it. Vile.
Okay, so throwing something in on endcorner, perhaps the magic Jew I'm not sure yet. Then at 7 (seven) pee-emm AEST, will stream the movie promised above.
Disappointed I can't look at the API calls and download instagram reels of hot asian biddies anymore to challenge the olive poster
If neets stop posting what interests them then they have one more reason not to come here, then this place will die, just ignore the stuff you don't like.
When was it that neets were posting youtube videos? I remember one neet had a video about choosing a uni major but then he took it down. I inquired about it and he gave me some advice.
Oh, you got an ass on you alright. See that's what he's talking about. Spread your ass open, dude. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The thug shaker; gimme the thug shaker, dude, shake your ass! Take your hands off it and shake that shit. Pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah that's some thug ass right there. Oh yeah, that'll work. You got the booty, dude! God damn. Look good, bro? Yes. Yeah nice, huh? Alright that'll work for him. Put that condom on.
She found and removed the fresh, still wet pair. The old trusty crusty is still there, halfway under the bed. Fresh sheets feel nice tho
Blacks on the internet have not been having a good time over the last few years. 13 do 50 is fully mainstream, Elon Musk is talking about racial differences in crime rates, chicken washing/bleaching, not understanding hypotheticals, Lowrey's salt, buck breaking, smoke detector beeps, IQ differences.
Twitter has become incredibly open. You can easily find /pol/ reposts and other such stuff. I think the MAGA movement has inadvertedly redpilled a lot of normies
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Japanese didn't turn out well. 
It all looks very nice but doesn't taste quiet right. 
The rice is undercooked but I'm too hungry to wait for it, the miso has too much fish, the tofu all wrong and it didn't brown. The pickles are bitter rather than sour.
Composition wise its too salty and lacks richness. Woe.
It's very hard to find good recipes for vegitarian food because of vegan zoomers, and Japanese cuisine is increasingly mangled by the Chinese. 
I should have used my book
i might sleep while keeping the current youtube im watching on so that when i wake up a different youtube is on for me to watch
The trauma memes tonight have almost made me cry. I think it is the green tea that has done this to me.
Feeling sick to the stomach, I think that is the green tea too.
Something has gone wrong. I have been tired and depressed all day.
Cruisey you might like this website it tracks all the specials at Adelaide pubs:

Sometimes I will see a photo of someone's living room and they will have the edges of their TV screen blocked by various decorative items. I find that highly triggering.

between this article and yesterday's, I'd say the ABC is helping the spooks with a recruitment drive
MONDAY. The day you flumpty-foo! And you think boopty-bop and zippity-zoom but the truth is, razza frazza wuzza wooza. What I'm trying to say is, maybe your brain isn't working either, but that's OK, because you're great. PS you need a firmware upgrade in the form of "coffee".
now this is fight club
Two hours on the phone to jeets.
I actually like the jeets, it's not their fault that they're sent to administer the poorly thought out systems of chickenshit Australian companies and mongs like myself. 
Bad business about the train
FIFO asked me if I wanted to see a big spring roll once and then what he showed me was not a spring roll at all.
Still laughing at that video.
Going to have a quick 25-60 minute nap. I'll have some more coffees when I wake up. all pooed out for now. Arse exploded twice. No poo on the toilet seat. Miracle.
> I wish they would say when pajeet is arriving. It just says before 8pm.
sometimes auspost will send me a text with a 3 hour delivery window
usually it's the same driver, so even if they dont, I know roughly how long it takes them to get to me
It feels very strange to longer be the biggest abuser of stimulants on ausneets. I used to have 8-12 coffees a day, but I'm now down to only 4.
My savings account has a 5.25% interest rate now. It is a pity I don't have any savings to put in it.
Can I justify spending $300 on books I want just because of how much I like the cover art?
I will probably not even read them in that format. I do all my reading on the e-reader these days.
The cover art designs are out of print and they are disappearing. I think it will be now or never.
I was not aware of it either but google revealed it was a side-effect of caffeine. I was wondering why I was suddenly smelling all these things I hadn't noticed before.
i'm going to breed and train geese to attack people, then i'll release them all around town until they take over the town for me, then over time expand my territory to the rest of the state and finally all of the country
I was thinking last night about that post regarding 13/50 becoming mainstream etc. 
It seems like black people have also just discovered credit scores too
Back from the shops. In a very bad mood. Not enough food nor sleep.
Got some of those new noodles from Aldi. They said to cook them for two minutes in boiling water and it wasn't clear to me if that meant in the usual way or to continuously boil them for two minutes. I went with the former and everything was fine.
They are advertised as being spicy and are as safely spicy as you'd expect. I'm having them with beef mince, peas, onion, red kidney beans, cheese, tomato paste and garlic.
I got Sprite and Lift+ confused and ended up with a boring lemonade rip-off instead of a caffeinated lemon beverage.
I had them mixed in with a bunch of other stuff so it is hard to say. The texture was nice. Much thicker than usual. The taste was different though I wouldn't say better compared to the maggi beef ones.
I don't know if I'd buy them again.
They weren't as salty and the oily sauce was nice.
I'll have to try them on their own to make a proper judgement.
I don't care much who is who, and don't make an effort to know it. This is an anonymous imageboard. It helps not keeping grudge for most shit, and treating everyone more or less the same.
Bought two kilos of quick sale snags for tree fiddy, browned them up, put them in pasda sauce.

While it seemed like I couldn't lose it turns out 50% of these snags was meat waste and filler. Even cooked in sauce they taste like ass.
> m having them with beef mince, peas, onion, red kidney beans, cheese, tomato paste and garlic.
Strange food. I'd have just made chilli and rice then had just noodles and peas.
These weren't even sausages, they were bologne in disguise. 
While I still came out ahead in paper I had to eat all this vile meat/plant/dairy waste in the process. 

Whenever I buy processed food I immediately regret it, BEANS are the solution.
I vaguely remember trying this on 8chan. I think the site would let you do it but it would break the linking.
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This week on womboflix...
On Wednesday, we're going to give the 1960s cult tv The Prisoner another visit, screening the second episode, seeing as so many people claim this is one of the greatest tv shows ever made.

Then on Saturday, we'll be revisiting our favourite decade - the 80s - with The Karate Kid (1984)

And on Sunday, we'll be going back to the 19th century with Michael Caine for the movie Zulu (1964)
I am already falling asleep. I only had about five hours of sleep last night. I usually have about ten. If I haven't wanked in a while I can't sleep.
I am hoping that I can just get through it.
The NEET causing the problems is the same one I warned last time. Hundreds of posts of mostly gibberish, alternating with nasty remarks to various NEETs.
Mate, I'm just joking around and I'm being no nastier than any other NEETs on here. Not sure how the comment about the sausages has caused any "problems".
I haven't had a wank in about a week and I know this is strange but it causes me to wake up very abruptly after a fairly short sleep. Instead of just gradually waking up I'll be fully alert more or less straight away.
I am not sure but I suspect it is indeed the cause. Maybe I am just looking for excuses but the stress has contributed to me wanking in the morning just to get back to sleep.
I've done this sort of thing maybe a dozen times before with it always playing out the same way. I am hoping I can stay with it long enough it goes away as otherwise I'll give up and just wank without porn.
i'm trying really hard to break the morning wank habit, myself. it's fucked how i don't fully realise until after the fact that i've started yet another day with a wank
Do you wank to porn? If so you could try putting your phone/laptop whatever far away enough that you have to go fetch it and in doing so realise what you're doing.
i couldn't handle living in a house with a tranny, especially if it tries to do a sick mockery of a woman's voice
i do, i'm trying to start each morning by doing something productive. even just having a shower first to try to break the cycle, i don't want to do something filthy like wank after having showered.
even the thought is triggering me
The trannies I've known irl have actually been quite nice. They come off more as sad and pathetic in such a way that inspires pity more so than hatred in me. I am probably a softer neet than most of you though.
> I am probably a softer neet than most of you though
most likely. i just see their poison being aimed at kids and it stops me from having any sympathy for their kind
Yeah, I guess. I've always been pretty vulnerable to emotional manipulation with the homeless or even friends and shit taking advantage of me financially.
Kek, soon we will have three Olive neets. one for each hole.
I hope you're in SA as otherwise the shipping and handling costs will be an issue.
Apparently Grandmotherbat asked Motherbat what homosexuals did once and then replied "the filthy wretches!". That level of worldly innocence would be nice.
You'd need to clean them out with a laxative before the binge, otherwise some of them (ie Weber) will poo hoard for a few days and then drop a clogger of massive proportions.
I still remember the thrill when I watch videos of it, but the shame and disappointment of walking out empty handed as the suns coming up after 3 trips to the ATM is pertinent too. 
I'll definitely have another go when my 7 year ban is up
Hot bunking on the submarine is going to cause some issues at first for the lesser NEETs. Not me, I’ll have a rather spacious cabin.
We all need to find our own happiness, no one can just hand you the solution. It sucks, but if we earn our own happiness then it's true happiness rather than the one someone else wants for us.
Pretty sure I read one of those two’s father is a serving police officer. I bet this sort of attention is causing a few problems at work.

Autism isn't real
Agares will not recite his language.

The old man, riding upon a crocodile, and carrying a hawk on his fist will not arise from this sigil

If theres an earthquake, its your fault.
I think my mistake was quitting coffee at the same time as taking up the green tea. I thought it would make for a smooth transition since the tea has caffeine in it.
But I ended up having a very bad time. Calling it a "breakdown" is a bit melodramatic though.
He spoke from experience. RIP.
I am still amazed at how when I said I collapsed that time he immediately accused me of being on pills. The projection of that man was insane.
Back from the gym. It was a good session, not too intense since I need to get back into the swing of things.
I tried that shit in the past, honestly if it makes you feel the way it made me feel then you're much better off without it. Circumstances are obviously differently, but as much as I still struggle with things and most likely always will I feel I'm better off without meds.
> Circumstances are obviously differently, but as much as I still struggle with things and most likely always will I feel I'm better off without meds.
Yeah. Mental illnesses are 99% not real but despite believing that I still take that shit. Hypocritical.

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