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The bored four NEETs

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Agares will not recite his language.

The old man, riding upon a crocodile, and carrying a hawk on his fist will not arise from this sigil

If theres an earthquake, its your fault.
I think my mistake was quitting coffee at the same time as taking up the green tea. I thought it would make for a smooth transition since the tea has caffeine in it.
But I ended up having a very bad time. Calling it a "breakdown" is a bit melodramatic though.
He spoke from experience. RIP.
I am still amazed at how when I said I collapsed that time he immediately accused me of being on pills. The projection of that man was insane.
Back from the gym. It was a good session, not too intense since I need to get back into the swing of things.
I tried that shit in the past, honestly if it makes you feel the way it made me feel then you're much better off without it. Circumstances are obviously differently, but as much as I still struggle with things and most likely always will I feel I'm better off without meds.
> Circumstances are obviously differently, but as much as I still struggle with things and most likely always will I feel I'm better off without meds.
Yeah. Mental illnesses are 99% not real but despite believing that I still take that shit. Hypocritical.

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