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> studied hard

That's part of the problem with modern society today, people always trust the system and institutions, "as long as I conform and do this I will succeed and be happy hurrrr durrrr"  ...but NOPE! Not today, not anymore, this ain't the 50s and 60s anymore. Society has become corrupted. So have governments, nearly all institutions have as well. They only exist to exploit those who put effort into them. Hate to say it, it is almost better to simply find ways to sponge off the system today as sad as it sounds. Why have to pay off a massive student loan for worthless degrees that give you menial labor work? NOT WORTH IT BRO!
No it isn't. The problem is a weak gay cunt didn't raise his son right and now he's "autistic" and doesn't act right. Cunt definitely left him infront of baby shark on the telly while he played skyrim
i saw my reflection in the window and it scared me because i thought someone was staring at me through the window
The line between mentally retarded and autistic has become increasingly blurred because some train loving aspies who cant talk to girls start claiming neurodivergence online
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Why do you think his son has autism in the first place? Autism was very VERY rare many decades ago. Very uncommon. Yet, over the years it suddenly and vastly increased. Why would that be?
woe, woke up in the middle of the night with anxiety again. I need to start drinking chamomille tea. woe
Luke Smith has a good video on the self-depricating nature of the term “autistic” as it’s commonly referred to by internet weirdos as a modern replacement for “nerd” and such
> Victorian bakery
> Country Cob Bakery
> migrant Cambodian
Not even once.
I'm about to let out a big reee via email. Got served by some teenage afghani terrorist looking piece of shit with a paedo moustache who refused to put my hygiene products in the bag (just tossed them down next to it) and while I was staring at them in disbelief he literally shouted "DO YOU WANT ANYTHING ELSE?"
I had to ask for my receipt
Woolworths Feedback lady reading this:
> I was not impressed by the demeanor and attitude of the checkout operator who served me this morning. For some reason he declined to put the soap I purchased in the bag (just tossed it down) and while I was looking at that in disbelief he literally shouted "DO YOU WANT ANYTHING ELSE?" After packing the soap into the bag myself I had to demand my receipt as he had already turned away. If it helps with identification, he looked like an Afghani terrorist with a paedo moustache.
> This interaction occurred after I was first ejected from your store for a fire drill. Between the drill, the shithouse customer service, and having to type this up, it has been a fantastic day so far.
I watched a couple of seasons of Arrow on TV. I think the last comic book movie I saw in the cinema was that one with Ben Afleck and that big nugget. I think it was called Dare Devil or something.
Looking back I was never a big fan of the MCU itself, just of tony stark/iron man. I got bored of it in the mid 2010s and never finished watching endgame
20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?

21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:

23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,
has anyone used a fantech keyboard? They've got the cheapest mechanical keyboards, but I don't want to buy rubbish because I spend a lot of time typing
> The court was told the Kot family, refugees who fled war-torn South Sudan, had lost two sons to knife violence in six months. 
good parenting
why isn't the state giving all of these nuggets free airpods each week?
Woolworths responded asking which store it occurred at, despite that being one of the fields on their feedback form, along with my rewards card number, which would also have been linked to the transaction.
I think this weekend his daughters have some dance or aerobics championships or something. I vaguely recall him saying there was something on the 18th too.
I immediately had a shower and did some things after waking up this morning instead of going straight to my morning wank, I think breaking that cycle today has helped a lot. I also went for an hour long walk, since it's not hot now I think I might just go for short walks whenever the boredom induced urge to wank gets too much for me.
Yeah he should have shouted at me and turned away before the transaction was finished. Fucking raghead should have been killed in a mosque bombing back in dirkadirkastan.
People stupid enough to strap microwave ovens to their heads are stupid enough to be culled by their future brain tumors and loss of vision.
Got severely too boong'd last night. 
Did a 20 min workout without any rests, doing some weird squat+arnie press thing while listening to captain beefheart at midnight, and now can barely walk. 
Tingly leg and stabs in my spine. Might've herniated a disc.
I'm sorry. I hope your back gets better soon. You need to be careful about your form when exercising, especially if you have pre-existing issues.
Possum was left parallaized after a hit and run by an American sports car with suspension leaning heavily to the right once.
Today is a Tuesday and I'll be going to the gym tonight. I'll make sure to start going Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday like I used to. I'm going to not follow a programme at all and just do big compound lifts until I get back most of my old strength. Then I'll get back to my old plan.
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Tomorrow night on womboflix: in the allegorical British science fiction TV series, The Prisoner, Patrick McGoohan attempts to escape the village and return to London.

On Saturday we have The Karate Kid (!984) - the story of Daniel, a violent sociopath who moves to california and begins to torment a local boy and his friends.

Then on Sunday we have Zulu (1964), a movie where Michael Caine shoots lots and lots of black guys. I hope none of you neets will be offended.
Sack acquired, just before mummybot gets home from work. Also got a double cheesy b meal from dolans
Hope he chokes on his cheeseburger and his tranny mum has to give him mouth to mouth and notices his death erection and then sucks him off and snowballs the cum with his actual mum
It's all a load of Project Bluebeam bullshit. If they actually have captured an intact craft capable of interstellar flight, then they have no way of understanding it. It would be like cavemen looking at printed circuit boards and trying to figure it out.
Nothing recent but the US has been working (submitted to) with them since the 50s.
Theyre complicit with the abductions and adrenochrome farming. 
All technology since them has been ET.
They've reverse engineered part of it. Cern is as far as they've got.
Noone wants you to look into the propeties of ionised mercury.
Liquid torque.
Get in here neets, John Michael Godier is garn give us the truth behind the UAP phenomena https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
The sauce had a slightly rubbery flavour if that makes sense. The powdered seasoning is unremarkable. The noodles themselves are fine but not really any better than just Maggi ones. I'll be going back to Maggi noodles.
if they had a whole ship, why didn't they just put their stack hats on and get inside and start pushing buttons
lol i hope they all drown
so some american intelligence officer has filed a document saying they have alien materials and that's it?
Got trapped on the express train of substance abuse, extreme social isolation, unemployment and internet addiction by mistake. Going to miss out on my life. Woe.
actually it was the 21st, I went to somebody's office on the 22nd thinking the shower the previous morning was enough
also the other guy at work got his ndis worker check turned around in 3 days, so I'm definitely on a watch list with those three weeks and that shit about the ACIC
are neets into skincare? After watching all these girls put stuff on their skin in the morning, I'm wondering if I can get better, younger looking skin
I keep wondering if all the shit these girls put on their skin and eyes is safe, especially as they don't test it on animals
> especially as they don't test it on animals
you literally missed the 80s where all they did was complain about rabbits having full sets of face makeup and being locked in cages
Also women put all this shit on their skin and then look like they're in their late 50s by they're 26
Ah G'day Bill, how they treatin’ you, come an' have yourself a goon,
We all feel better when you're around so drag yourself up here,
You're never on the bite and you're never a skite,
you're as dinkum as can be,
You're a good mate Bill, and I'm tellin' you, you can have this one on me.
/ausneets/ needs more men like Bill to lift us up once more,
An' our comradeship an' will to win has crumbled on the floor,
Our 'Fair Go, mate' s gone out the gate, we no longer seem to care,
Should the likes of Bill ever meet with you I reckon you will declare.
And you’ll say "G'day Bill, how they treatin’ you, come an' have yourself a goon,
We all feel better when you're around so drag yourself up here,
You're never on the bite and you're never a skite,
you're as dinkum as can be,
You're a good mate Bill, and I'm tellin' you, you can have this one on me;
Ah, You're a good mate Bill, and I'm tellin' you, you can have this one on me."
I really want to write a novel or something but my mind is completely blank in terms of a premise or anything.
Watched the new Nicolas Cage film. 
Not bad for schtick.
Strange that he's classed as a good actor, it's like he's accepted that he's good at shit, and the audience now just see that as genuinely good. 
He's always been a b grade Netflix tier actor, the films that are decent that he's in are due to good screenwriting and effects. 
Well produced shit they can churn out without thinking too hard.
Watching I think you should leave. 
More of the same. High production value but just absolute shit. 
As long as the contrast is high and the camera work and visuals are okay then we eat up that crap while smiling.
Can't sleep because of my back. 
Legs went weak a few times throughout the day. 
Didn't fall over but had to hold the wall.
My last spreadsheet entry was May 22nd. Are there losses between then and now that were not mentioned?
Is the spreadsheet being manipulated? Is that part of the system?
where's the best place to go if I think I might be going into anaphylactic shock? Can a doctor or pharmacist deal with it?
Starting to sleep a bit better despite not having wanked. Very vivid dreams. Still waking up in the night but managing to get more sleep in total.
Severe no gf feels. Trying to take my mind off it. Tempted to get absolutely boonged out of my mind but I've got things I need to do.
Still have a headache.
I think the fresh flatbreads he was bringing me got used as toilet paper after the accident in the Aldi soft drink aisle.
A criminal-looking youth walked past my house and he was eyeing it in a way I didn't like. He had his head turned and was looking at it the whole time he went past. There is nothing to see for an honest person.
I feel like he had a predatory eye.
I want to lose enough weight so that I can ride the bicycle I bought but never rode because I was too fat.

> Does your weight exceed the amount the bike can take?
I don't know but I wouldn't feel comfortable on it at this size. People would point and laugh too.
heh I wouldn't care what people think, I was 105kg when I bought a bike, felt like a big fat fatty riding it but it helped me lose the weight.
I find I run out of stamina during the day. I'll start off being productive but I run out of steam.
And a telly to see places.

Here's the plan:
1. Get exercise bike and get fit 105kg skellie.
2. Ride to places on your regular bike and feel the fresh air on your face.
3. ???
Still got the headache though only faintly. Thought about getting some panadol but it hasn't been bad enough.
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Ok, tonight on womboflix at 7pmn AEDT we will be watching another episode of The Prisoner, a sci-fi/spy/allegorical/psychogical thriller from the 1960s that so many people think is the greatest tv show ever. Starring Paddy McGoohan as Number 6. You don't need to have seen the first episode to watch this, as they are fairly independent.

Do neets have any youtube videos they want me to stream before the tv show?
AEDT = Australian Eastern Daylight saving Time
AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time
The second one is the normal (winter) the first one is during Australian summer.
if no neets nominate a prelude youtube video, we will instead get a selection of australian music I've overheard while walking past construction sites
No need to be sorry for.
I always have to take a moment and think which is it, because in many region with daylight saving, they call it as Summer Time (like here).
The Hungarian likes to patronise us by talking about timezones as if we don't know them. I've noticed at work that European developers act like entitled gatekeepers of UTC because they live in a closer timezone to 0.
Europeans seem much more prone to that kind of behaviour, as much as I shit on the yanks and other nationalities they aren't as bad with it.
> cure a complex medical issue.
A wise NEET once said something like
> A short term solution is successful if you're persistent in applying them all the time
Eastern timezones like ours have always copped a lot of shit. I won't allow it. 
+10 pride, world wide.
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> https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-07/traditional-owners-celebrate-fraser-island-name-change-to-kgari/102410130

Tell me again how queensland is the last holdout against the pozz that has engulfed the rest of australia
I really need to find out and fulfill God's plan for me so I can finally die. Going to suck if it requires living out a full life.
Leo McKern was Rumpole from Rumpole Of The Bailey, a show my mum used to watch when I was a kid. I knew I knew him from somewhere.

This seems like a cool telly show. Reminds me of LOST somewhat. They probably took some ideas from this.
Remarkably low quality posts tonight.
It has been too long since we had a good Bill story, that is the problem.
The woman is saying in front of her husband that when you're young you want to have sex with as many people as possible because it is novel but when you get older you want to settle down. The husband doesn't seem bothered. Fucking Trev wouldn't stand for this.
So awkward watching Mark Wiens pretend to legitimately eat Australian food. Showcasing fish and chips but also eating lobster. Very cringe. Wish someone would glass him. Not representative at all. Vast majority of youtubers like this are complete scumbags
SIR just sent me a message telling me my parcel couldn't be delivered, nice try to street shitting shit skin cunt but allah will smite you soon
> Federal government set to introduce national ban on Nazi symbols 
>  >The Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill will be introduced into parliament next week, outlining a ban on symbols related to Nazis or the SS, including on flags, armbands, T-shirts in public and online, with a maximum penalty of up to 12 months imprisonment.
>  >The ban will not include the swastika, due to the religious significance of the symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, or the Nazi salute.
Haven't wanked in about ten days I reckon. Had a weird panic attack thing in bed last night.
Fighting the urge!
Woke up with a big gasp for air again
Garn a cask and double cheesy b
Taxation across the nation
I told a girl wearing a bucket hat at school that she looked cute with the hat and her friends laughed at me.
I didn't like how chamomile tea affected me. 2 hours of calmness, followed by 6 hours of stupidity and being unable to think clearly.
I am back in the chair after doing an hour's house cleaning. The thigh pain is gone. It was just what my body needed.
Could sitting in a chair at the computer all day be what is causing my body to be the wreck that it is?
It seems obvious I suppose but I got away with it for many years without any problems.
I fucking hate when I have some big productive day planned but then some bullshit interferes and I've got to do something else for a bit and it interrupts my productive flow.
This neet blames all his problems on gay herbal teas. It is ridiculous.
I drink maybe six cups of chamomile tea each day and it calms me down but fuck, you'd think they were lobster pills from the way he talks.
Back onto the Maggi noodles. Won't go back to the Koka. I'll finish the last three of them but I won't get them again.
I very much agree. The nigger one is particularly bad. At least the old ones like chicken periods and covered in curry were in reference to something in particular and were enjoyed by the neets.
I like the thickness. I always have mine with other stuff (meat, vegetables etc.) and I find the thickness helps 'hold on' to the other stuff, like with pasta. That is nice but I am not fond of the sauce and flavourings. If you were just going to throw in some stock of your own or something I think they'd be fine.
I'm way out of touch on PC components. What I think of as being really high end (eg 8gb of VRAM) seems more mid range these days.
I still think of more than a 1tb of hdd space as virtually infinite.
If I had the money I'd be very tempted to blow some $5k on a really high end computer not that I'd have anything to do with it except play games from 20 years ago and talk to you guys on it.
I stink. Haven't showered since Monday or Tuesday. It's that goon bender, oily hair kind of stench. Left hand smells like cum from the wanking. 
Gonna play some CS
I'm unsure as to whether we'll be showing another episode of The Prisoner tonight as neets haven't actually responded to the post where I offered to do so.
Feeling lethargic. About ten days since I last wanked or watched porn and I just feel tired all the time from the low quality sleep.
Mummybot came home from work early. Luckily she didn't see the goon stash. Last night was bin night too so I'll have to get rid of it discreetly.
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This Saturday on womboflix: The Karate Kid (1984) follows the story of Daniel LaRusso, an Italian-American teenager who moves with his widowed mother to the Reseda neigborhood of Los Angeles. There, LaRusso encounters harrassment from his new bullies, one of whom is Johnny Lawrence, the ex-boyfriend of LaRusso's love interest Ali Mills. As a result, LaRusso is taught karate by a handyman and war veteran named Mr. Miyagi to help LaRusso defend himself and compete in a karate tournament against his bullies.

The on Sunday, Michael Caine puts down the largest chimpout in history in Zulu (1964)
taking acid and reacting negatively when you hear mums car pull up in the drive way in year 10
rocking up to the last day of school after drinking piss all night 
shooting watermelons with an AK47 in cambodia 
borderline rape when you try to fuck an asian girls ass but she pushes you out (and you push further in) 
detailed obsessive understanding of modern online right-wing politics 
desperate for a community you never had and the betrayal once realised 
waking up and seeing a virtual counter of standard drinks
I want to watch the bow tie man but have been putting it off, and the cooking ancient Greek biscuits one
If you want we can have an open mike night on womboflix tomorrow, where each neet gives us a video he thinks is going to entertain the rest of the neets. We could watch your youtube videos then.
One of the other channels has that
A list of youtubes that run for about 10 hrs on repeat, then add the movie files to the list
Possum set up a tactical operations centre 3kms west of Bakhmut and planned an advance over the hills towards Krasna Hora once
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Ok neets, in 1 hour, at 7pm AEST we will be showing another episode of the psychological thriller The Prisoner.

Tomorrow night we will be having womboflix open mike night, where each neet plays a video of 10 minutes or so in order to try and keep the other neets entertained. All are welcome, even neets from bad homes.
Cruisey in an African village taking photos with hijabi teenagers and revealing his boner through the trackies
Big nervous on tonights bet. Sainters at 33% to win. Thinking of all the times I didn't back the underdog and those slimey bookies jewed me

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