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The bored four NEETs

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at first I thought my ctrl was fucked 
then I realized it worked anywhere, except on youtube
the I tried harder and saw that it works only if I clicked the link 
for a few hours I thought I was losing it, but now I regained my peace of mind 
I'm glad to see that at the very least I'm not the only one who has this problem
What state did and will you live in? 
How do you maintain your neet status over there? 
Why did you never reveal your nationality previously?
10-4 mate

currently florida, moving back to ohio (my home state)
not actually neet, I have a wagecuck job tragically but ausneets feels like home for a faggot who grew up on 4ch
I have a few times but people tend to conflate me with the US flag that posts here
This is blowing my retarded mind. I thought cruisey was almost always USAneet, I thought family tragedy neet was jbhifi neet, i thought this was a safe space for australian assburgers like me
ohio really isn't as bad as memes make it seem
it's boring as fuck but the people are good
I hated florida when I moved here but it's grown on me
lots of attractive women and a very laidback attitude

don't worry mate, I won't be sharing ausneets with anyone
I had seven walks yesterday. Thought my dick was going to fall off trying to get the last one out.
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Neet fodder. Four sausages, two beef, two pork. Mashed potato made really thin to serve as a sauce. Carrots, green beans, broccoli, peas. Thw colouring is from the paprika.
> fast x
I remember watching the first one in the 2000s, thinking 'man that sucked but at least it sucked enough that nobody will ever make a sequel. Thank god.'
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Tonight on Moofiesflix we will all be watching Fast X. Part of a tryptich that will be the penultimate heights of the Fast and Furious saga. Come and marvel at the magnetic cars and flying cars. There are lots of fast cars exploding and awesome CGI. Rated PG.
Those cylindrical things he eats all the time are called "takis". Apparently they are some kind of Mexican corn chip. I have not seen them in Australia.
I bet he's made the vocaroo twice and deleted it, worrying it's not good enough. 
I can work at your speed.
They put us in little boxes so we can't see the horizon. Even tried to convince us that it's a satan. 
The morning star needs to be observed to be honoured, and in turn blessed by. 
They are taking the power for themselves. 
Left us the rage and folly of Mercury in the north east tonight and Saturn somewhere else with its greedy eyes. 
They are stealing my power. I need to live on a hill that can see the horizon. 7ft fences hurt the soul. 
I need some Venus in my life.
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nvm I haven't drank enough 
thank you
you deserve neetbux for being retarded enough to: 
1 think I'm an aussie using vpn
2 believe I'm so faggot I never heard about 
look nigga some years ago someone mentioned this site on /r9k/, and since then I come here now and then to yoink apu images (ikr, typical gypsy behavior) 
4china is nothing what it used to be, and funny junk has the nsfw toggle, so I rage blocked both sites and now I'm here 
if you want any more proof that I'm romanian (gypsy) I can provide timestamp
Oláh is just Wallachian. But yes sometimes used derogatory. We also call them hairy-soles (szőröstalpú).
Broblems with these that Romanians usually don't know Hungarian, and Hungarians don't know Romanians, so either bozgor or hairy-soles has no real edge to it.
That's a caricature of a Romanian shitposter who was nicknamed as Bogdan (or Bogdan Radulescu). He posted under various flags throughout the year, and only had one topic, hating on Hungarians. He was easily trollable, and occasionally was fun, and easily ignorable too. He stopped a couple of years ago.
My note about the Russians was for the fella, who asked if we have any slur to Ukrainians. We don't have but can mistake a Ukrainian to a Russian.
I don't mind you ramble about anything. You are okay.
I don't know about numbers as I just closed the browser down. The threads I pay attention to are still very busy. It isn't dying or anything.
I have watched Episode 1 of The Last Kingdom. I think I will download the rest. It is not great but I will keep going for now.
Discovered I like milk, never got the appeal before but now I see it's just water with carbs. Have drunk two litres in two hours.
None of the stuff I usually get is there. The stuff I could get is either too expensive or I consider myself above drinking. eg. Golden Oak.
I hit Cruisey with my car once when he was scrounging in the gutter for discarded cigarette butts.
Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so, so bad
Before you came into my life, I missed you so bad
And you should know that
I missed you so, so bad
Cormac Mccarthy has died. He was a novelist who's works include No Country For Old Men and The Road. We might watch The Road on womboflix soon in his honour.
has anyone read blood meridian?
I have it lying around, but idk if it's worth reading now over other books
wondering if I could have worms from when my family used to keep cats years ago. Is it ok to take worming tablets just in case?
One type of worms make your arse really itch. If you keep scratching it is time to de-worm. Taking it now won't warm if it's been a while.

They are restricting volume sale more than a packet of de-worming tablets for sale as people abuse them
Correct: https://scammell.com.au/blog-post/south-australian-motorists-to-cop-significant-increases-to-fines-for-driving-offenses/
He really sucks at Boss Man due diligence.
Thing I saw on 4chan with no source, but I believe it.

> Coffee (both caffeinated and decaf) increases masturbation behavior leading to risk of Cynosis
> Tests were conducted on adults ranging from 18 - 26
> Each subject was given 3 cups of coffee per day 7 days a week
> Other symptoms include: Headache, nausea, vomiting, Munchausen syndrome, and Acute Hygienic Arrest
> Subject showed signs of perverted behavior, laziness, and weight gain within the span of 1 - 3 months
I only made it 'corporate' so the car repayments could come out of the business account.
Initially I wanted workers to use it for social shifts but that never happened.
Can I ague that its a personal car and just pay the $500?
Read the expiation notice. You can make a statutory declaration as to who was driving the vehicle and voila corporate portion of the fine gone.
No doubt it'll be in HP 24
> Miriam Margolyes poses naked in British Vogue: ‘I hate my body’
caffeine is a stim(allegedly a weak one), and I think you are somewhat familiar with stimfapping 
I don't mean to say it's poison, but if you drink too much it inevitably acts like amphetamines
The whole reason for the additional corporate levy is that drivers were hiding behind corporate owned cars to avoid demerit points. You can't assign demerit points to a corporation.
So until they know exactly WHO WAS DRIVING, they fine the company a few thousand extra
Yeah she did, was probing me to see if I was gooning and she found out. Got mad. Can't really remember what was said. 

Anway, morning all, on the instants.
I hope Cruisey understands about the fine now. Sometimes I think he might not be very intelligent.
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Remember when nuro accused some other neet of having been suspected of having learning difficulties whilst in school?
Blood donor place emailed me again. They've been calling me heaps and I've been ignoring them. Apparently I've done 16 donations so far. They want me back in but I am a bit embarrassed about not having gone in a while.
I ordered that dog hair broom. In the future I'm going to sweep the carpets before vacuuming them.
The donation only lasts 40 days iirc 
They can grow blood cells from a dish but it takes time and costs a lot
Only because they do it case by case.. When they know that they're always going to need more blood. 
They want the business. 
Blood donations are a scam.
I ordered 19 canisters of deodorant so that the amount qualified for free shipping. My brand/variety was on special.
If you have a good driving record and after you have paid the fine you can write to them asking for the fine to be waived and you should get your money back, at least you can in nsw.
Heading into uni. Forgot my gym shorts. Going to have to buy some at BigW. Might grab some new cumdies while I'm at it.
Nave you seen this Weber? Motherbat might like to see it.

She took my car keys so I couldn't drive to get goon. She has given them back but was going on about how I need to go to the drug and alcohol program in the next town over 
Might not get that other sack
She needs to start providing a proper sit-down meal for the three of you at the same time each evening, where a bottle of wine can be shared.
Someone is outside taking photos of the front of my house. Their ute has a sticker on it, I can't read it. I am getting the vibe they work for the electricity or telephone. Maybe broadband.
The man in the hi-vis taking the photos is talking into his phone now. I couldn't hear exact words but the tone sounded like something is fucked at the front of my house and might need to be fixed.
Is the subject of this story a tranny? I can't tell. This is happening more and more often now. An effect of the clown world. You just can't tell.

They didn't say she was killed by a bear, just that it was bear country. If a bear was involved they probably would have mentioned it, and said if they were going to try and find it and kill it etc.
I'm imagining you in a hoody and a back pack with boots and no shorts, running from the train station down into rundle mall. Hope the new pair look good.
Going to buy some more coffee so I don't have to keep stealing it from her. The jar of hers is getting low and so it is increasingly obvious when I steal it but I don't think she knows and even if she did I don't imagine she'd care.
What's one day going to change. 
You need to find a  pot dealer. 
Only have 2 small choofs a day after 4, with a couple stubbies, before tea and the slumber. 
A quick choof after and a stando to let the night settle.
Hungry again already. Ate four sausages with a bunch of vegetables this morning and I'm hungry after stuffing myself before. Odd.
Its in my norma under desk hidey hole which she knows about. Not gonna lie about it. If this next fight camp attempt doesnt work I'll go to the retard rehab or see a jewish mind control doctor or whatever
i was comfy in bed watching a youtube on my bedtop, went to scratch my arse but it wsa a bit too moist. alas. shit on my finger
not sure since this cenno payment is still affected/effected idk by when i waged and i never bothered to learn how one influenced the other. next cenno payment is pure neetbux though which is like 800~ dorrar
if the moon has a million haters, then i am one of them. if the moon has ten haters, then i am one of them. if the moon has only one hater then that is me. if the moon has no haters, then that means i am no longer on earth. if the world loves the moon, then i am against the world.
The chick on linkedin message me saying thanks for connecting or something. I quickly closed the tab hoping I didn't send a 'seen' receipt. Don't know how to reply
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Tonight for womboflix's Wednesday night tv screening we'll be watching The Boys, set in an alternate universe where a group of vigilantes set out to take down corrupt superhero/celebrities abuse their powers. I haven't seen it, but it comes recommended by my youtube hero the critical drinker. 7pm AEST.
Back from kmart. They didn't have human sizes so I had to buy trackies instead. Will be good for deadlifting at least.
If I'm wearing grey trackies I usually put my hand down my pants for a few minutes after ejaculation so the trackies dont get wet
I keep falling back to the 2.4ghz network instead of staying on the 5ghz one. Should I just disable the 2.4ghz?
made it through dinner without my gooning being identified 
still under the radar. behind enemy lines.
Gooner yesterday told me her life story, I gave her some chips. 
How have gooners developed a better economic system than normies?
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As promised, we'll be holding another open microphone night tomorrow in womboflix, where cruisey will finally be able to thrill us all with his youtube videos. All neets are invited, please bring some shortish youtube videos with which to entertain and thrill the other neets.
You have to accept your situation before moving forward. It can get a lot worse. It might not get better but an average life is still good.
We go to a cytube room and watch Youtube videos selected by the NEETs. We make comments about them to one another in the chat. That's it.
You show up. They've already discussed and seemingly agreed upon some bgrade 80s garbage. You make recommendations that fall on deaf ears. They bleat at each other a bit and comment on diversity in movies like its unexpected. Tell you they'll show it next time and run away like their on a schedule at the end.
Intelligence never got anyone anywhere. 
Action and blind conviction is all that is required.
You'll be pontificating and discussing the trajectory of your deeds while standing still.
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is it even possible to not feel like shit for at least a couple of hours? 
being happy is an impossibility at this point, but not feeling utterly miserable shouldn't be that much to ask for 
at some point mishima said something along these lines: I'm not so sure heaven exists, but I'm certain of the existence of hell (paraphrasing because I'm drunk)
I fucking hate that by each day is passing, I find myself agreeing with what he said more and more  
perhaps kierkegaard had it figured it out 
without the metaphysical and ethics, life is inherently meaningless 
but how the fuck can you accept a higher entity, or an afterlife, or social demands when you can't even remember if the events that spin like a broken record in your head are dreams or memories? 
godfucking dammit I just want to sleep 
hopefully tomorrow I don't wake up hungover
In bed. Bedtopping. Watching a video on the population collapse of developed countries. Going to have a single, or possibly series of wanks shortly. Fucking feminists destroyed the birth rate and our society by extension.
I watched a thing about mouse utopia (a bunch of studies on overpopulation in groups of mice). 
The beta males hang out with the females and accept the sexual advances of the dominant males.
The opposite of a beta male is not an alpha male, it is instead the incel mouse. That's me. Watching the female mice get used and abused by the alpha chad mice.
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I still miss Joslin
> White Starbucks manager who ran Philly store where two black men were refused access to bathroom - sparking protests - is awarded $25M as jury finds she was fired because of her race
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> Domino’s Pizza to shut down 70 stores, exit Denmark as sales plummet, share price drops
$60m Powerball tonight. It would be nice to win just enough not to have to worry about money again.
When I cooked my two steaks yesterday the kitchen filled with smoke. There was grease splattered all over the stovetop, on the floor and on the benchtop next to the stove.
Cooking is really messy, I understand why people don't do it much any more. One time I cooked something and I had just brought the washing in and had it on the table in the living room next to the kitchen and all my clothes ended up smelling like the food I had cooked.
What I really want is to set up an outside kitchen so you can just cook stuff and not worry about the mess.
The air fryer I used to have was good for minimising cooking mess. You could contain all the grease and there was no smoke.
But I got rid of the air fryer because I cut non-stick chemical surfaces out of my life. It was the right decision but I miss the convenience. Those two steaks would have gone okay in the air fryer, and no mess.
I have a copper plate airfryer. 
That steak cost I'm guessing around $10, for $24 you can get it cooked, with chips, salad and the salad bar with no cleaning, prep or actual cooking, and if they fuck it up you just ask for another.
I wonder if this one will get deleted also.
En route to uni and then later the blood donor place. Hoping I can cop a feed off of them. I didn't bring any food but usually the food there is gone by the time I get there.
I've been to every capital except Perth and I've seen boongs drinking in the park of every one except Hobart and Canberra.
I got in an elevator the other day whilst needing to piss and I damn near pissed myself when it started going up. I could feel the piss being compelled outwards.
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the digits don't quite check out the holyness of the words 
I'll definatelly look into it, as soon as as soon as I finish editing some podcasts and practicing guitar for at least a couple of hours 
for christ's sake I forgot to work in the past week, and now I'm both low on money, and behind with the work
cunt just destroyed somebody's life and cannot be compelled to give a statement to police or repeat the accusations outside of parliament
lol that reminds me of this garbage sentence I read in an ABC article today on periods:
> But while the period-tracker apps may seem like an easy way for women, and trans and gender-diverse people, to keep on top of their cycles [...]
I think that is one of those shops where there is no checkouts, instead they can tell what you have put in your basket and when you walk out your card is charged.
Fucking Indians in the library yelling and carrying on. I go upstairs and there are just fucking Chinamen coughing their guts out. We need to just ban non-whites from this country. No non-British descended people at all. Boongs and Islanders excepted of course.
Motherbat has the one pictured.
Cheers noot. Didn't have a great time. Had a pajeeta nurse. She fucked the needle up somehow and blood was spilling out and it really hurt. Don't know what that was about. 
Had a party pie, sausage roll, freedom frog, small bag of chips, iced coffee and a bit of cheese. I feel obliged to take it all after whatever the fuck that was. I've done more than a dozen of these donations and never felt more than a slight sting.
They rang me up asking for a dono and I told them I'd never donate again after being made to suffer and lose for not having teh vaxx. Said that I'd only donate to another pureblood.
I think the ISS is hovering above me. 
The CIA studied the effects of low frequency radiation on unsuspecting citizens and all their emotions were said to be elevated. 
Like an external fungal parasite navigating my thought patterns. 
It's to the north east. 
I've seen it there for the last 3 days sort of in the same spot.
I never got the vax. They asked if you'd had it in the last week or whatever but didn't ask if you'd had it at all.
The woman was somewhat cute. Quite good by their standards. Very polite but incompetent. Not like that awful image of yours.
On the train home now. Another football match is on it would seem.
I'm unsure if there is a regulatory body governing and enforcing the standards of electromagnetic radiation from outside of one specific country, but even if there is, I would not trust them.
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We'll be holding womboflix open microphone night in 35 minutes, where neets compete to impress their fellows with the finest offerings youtube has. Bring your best youtube videos. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
It is indeed on north terrace, just in front of Government House. The statue is of Matthew Flinders.
It is near the spot the boongs usually are but it has been too wet and cold for them lately.
I must admit I've considered buying some cigarettes and whiskey premix cans to join them for some gonzo journalism.
It'd be fascinating to do it. I'd need a way of filming them or at least to record audio.
It's a tear in the firmament and they needed an excuse. 
Elon Musk fucked it up and they paid him off to keep quiet and gave him twitter for no reason except he's a mong who thinks real life is a movie and came up with unrealistic requests from the Rosicrucian elders, like give me twitter and facebook emo chick hot rocker girl. So they did and twitter was owned by the greys so now the rosi's owe them and they need adrenochrome because aliens are just time travellers and we've bred ourselves to a state of infertility so they have to come back to our time to get long decayed genetic material to take back to their time. The annunaki were exiled from this time path and nibiru is set to reappear in the next 300 years so our timeline needs to be 'strong' enough to hold off them or the greys will cease to exist and won't be able to help them due to their timeline no longer existing. 
It's not that complicated.
They hang out right by the entrance of the train station. 
When I used to go to the city on train about 10 years ago, there were half of that big crowd at Pittman reserve in Salisbury and the city boongs would stay near Victoria square.
Now they're right at the door. It is very intimidating and unappealing, especially to tourists. That's the central hub.

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