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The Karate Kid 2 (1986) will be playing in 1 hour on womboflix. 20 minutes before that we will be streaming some karate kid related videos and music. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
The sentence made perfect grammatical sense. All commas were used correctly, although might be considered old fashioned by today's standards.
Love. Atmosphere. Sit down to eat. Footy on the big screen. Pale on tap. Chinaman in the distance.
Alternatively, KFC will get your order wrong and make you wait in a line of idleing cars in an enclosed space, then tell you to keep moving and make you eat with your hands or bamboo.
I know. Why would you want to fix something that isnt broken?
If you dont like the footy on low volume in the corner, that's probably something noone can fix.
> If you dont like the footy on low volume in the corner, that's probably something noone can fix.
The bad home areas have turned their once-separated front bar and dining rooms into a shared room with the football or UFC blaring and pool tables and bullshit, next to a room full of fucking bing bong machines emitting a neon glow and a bunch of degenerate gamblers
Neets outside my back door there is a sort of shelter, I can't remember what you call them. It is just a roof, like a carport, but it is open on three sides (the house is the fourth side).
The rain blows in from the sides and makes it unreliable as shelter. I have a table under it but everything on it gets wet when it rains and there is wind.
What would be a cheap and easy way to enclose it so it stays dry year round? I need to block off at least two of the three open sides I think. I have no construction skills or ability to transport anything that won't fit in a car boot or back seat.
Just cut to shape.
Or if you wanted to get a bit more serious.
Bean neet was right all along.
i do kind of miss his retarded takes on things, i'd like to know what he thinks of current world events. if only he could have restrained himself
Back from Hungry Jacks. Got a whopper and a medium chips. Chips were far too salty, very low in volume too.
Whopper was okay but very poor value. Not terrible but bad experience. I won't be going back.
Tab re-opened. Good to see tiges in front. Angry from sucking at CS. 
Might funnel my rage into gym later.
I'm your go-go dancer, midnight answer
Jukebox sweetheart, queen of the night
Vegas baby, if you pay me
Anything you like, anything you like
Go-go dancer, midnight answer
Jukebox sweetheart, Queen of the night
Vegas baby, if you pay me
Anything you like
Go-go-g-go-go dancer tonight
If I don't have a girlfriend by the time I'm 30 I'm gonna travel around south east asia impregnating as many jungle sluts as I can
I fucked the niponese girl and the milf in karate kid 2 at the same time
one sat on my face and one sat on my peen0r
He'll mention some pub 50 minutes drive away, negating the ability to have a drink and drive home legally.
Why SEA? You could do better. Go to Mongolia, eat nothing but meat and cheese for three months, get into sumo wrestling and carry goats across the steppes
The whole point of the pub was that it was just around the corner, back when liquor wasn't taxed to shit and the only entertainment for women was sewing and lifting their skirts
> The one on midway has a good salad bar
Can't go back there after a poker night gone wrong in my mid-twenties. Do NOT want to talk about it.
Karawara isnt that great
Angle Vale has $15 lunches but no salad bar
Theres a couple in gawler I frequent
The salisbury one is meh
Salisbury footy club pub
The one on bridge road near the footy oval is good too
That's the whole point, you'd lose weight and gain muscle. 
I only say sumo because you would gain the respect of the mongols and could invade China with them on the weekend
The one that is in stumbling distance installed a fucking playground in the dining room and then cancelled meals altogether.
Same place probably pulls in $1m per fortnight on pokes.
I cannot --in good conscience-- go to a pub more than 5 minutes away and have an alcoholic drink. Because one becomes two becomes three and then there's a real risk of blowing over when the inevitable RBT stop happens.
I cannot --in good conscience-- go to a pub more than 5 minutes away and have an alcoholic drink. Because one becomes two becomes three and then there's a real risk of blowing over when the inevitable RBT stop happens.
Every time the cops tried to stop nuro for not wearing a helmet he'd just whizz away. He was simply too high speed for them.
You should learn to do the same.
One of the reasons for wanting a GF is having somebody to drive home from dinner. Can't drive the rest of the time because they're shit at it and have no spatial ability.
Two pints is my limit
I only go to have a feed, then leave.
I might spend 15min on the pokes, but I dont spend all day
Usually in and out in less than an hour
Two pints is my limit
I only go to have a feed, then leave.
I might spend 15min on the pokes, but I dont spend all day
Usually in and out in less than an hour
Seriously, with the amount of revenue they are making from them they could almost afford to put on a Michelin chef and give the meals away for free.
Go to a pokie room before lunch.
Tell me theyre all depressed losers and sad
Most are from retirement villages and brag to each other about wins
Focussing on positives, you should try it.
Those are exactly the people I'm taking about, they should be outside playing boche or knitting or making jam or somthing. Old people are useless now.
The Corvette Club went to the Modbury Boche Club last month and the old wog women cooked all their food and the old wog men shouted at everybody under the guise of tutelage.
These are those 'sad, degenerate' gamblers.
Worked for 40 years and now spending their dollars how they want.
Sometimes I let them order, 25% off with a seniors card.
When I saw Jordan squeal like a fruit on Imadeathing's youtube, I knew he probably deserved it.
And/or knows who did it but likes the channel 9 coverage
Feel like some pecks, the pink one, ontoast with salt and pepper.
I dont have any though and the times i have got it, ive used it once then it goes off.
My nan used to leave it in the fridge for years
Never had to deal with snark in one.
Just people wishing each other good luck and skiting about their or someone they knows last big win.
It might be a better place for the oldies to be than sitting home alone watching the telly.
The problem is when they put too much money in. Life savings gone.
Yes, but theyre easy to spot and usually dont stick around.
Certain pubs attract different crowds but none put up with scabs or aggression. 
It is a business.
They are both too sweet. I used to enjoy them though when they first got big several years ago. Before that the thinner yoghurt was all you could get. Thickening it and adding way more sugar attracted new customers.
I might have a look at it, but I am not really into yoghurt any more.
I used to get a 1 kilo yoplait tub and drink it right out the tub. No spoon. I liked the mango one. And the black cherry. And the vanilla. And the peach.
I get irritated with myself when stuff goes off.
I used to get the big tubs of yoghurt but they'd go off.
The smaller ones are more expensive by kg, but even then often go off.
> I get irritated with myself when stuff goes off.
I know what you mean. Hundreds of dollars of fresh food wasted. Even good meat. Too lazy to cook it or even to put it in the freezer.
I'd eat a kg a day so they never went off for me. I had to stop buying them because I was getting fat and I lacked the self control to just eat less.
With yhe level of social supports around, you'd think someone would jump on that niche.
Fuck funding depression and whatnot, get me a case manager to schedule my bills and shopping.
I noticed afterwards that you hadn't used a capital, punctuation, or grammer. 
Depressed, self absorbed alcoholism.
I think he gets it reasonably well.

Keep getting connection failed, maintenance, and mongo errors.
My phone ONLY recommends JLI videos now.


Good advice, not just for relationships.
If you chose to focus on the badhomes..
Focussing on the lawnpowered motor cycle bum at the pokies will mean you'll become more attuned to seeing them again.
The first noticeing is a choice.
Choose to notice the smile as the bats win, not the jealous stare when you win.
I'm not going to focus on this one.
> [x]
Thanks for the well bantered. 
I could be walking down the road with a bit shit stain down the back of my leg.
If I was unaware of the people behind me, what difference would it make?
Theres a story, that I cant remember well.
Bloke asks for princesses hand, king has a test where the suiters need to stand in a freezing lake all night.
I think he ends up doing it three nights in a row.
King asks him how he does it, he said that he looked at the palace and could see the smoke from the chimney and that kept him warm.
Focussing on the positive, not the cold.
My old warmups are my new lifts for reps. I can work with that. Excited for fast progress again.
12 minutes on the treadmill too. 
Race war preparation fight camp is on!
I dont think so.
Or its as likely as the 'george washington was a mason' or the banks are run by them is a misdirection too.
If the club of rome or rosicrucians were the actual evil overlord marvel bad man charactitures, they wouldnt let on that mason bashing is the wrongly perceived villian.
I and Monk had a system where I'd move cars to Mildura, then he'd take them to Wagga where he'd remove the trim to get the copious amounts of illicit substances until he asked for tik for two carloads in one month and I had to cut his pinky finger off to remind him that I'll need what's due once.
Had two small choofs, choked on the first.
Its very cold. Having a quick stando.
Discovered horse chiropractic videos.
Gutsy trade.
Wish I was in bactria, with a iranian gf I stole on the way through, getting treated with reverent awe like a shaman mystic, giving steppe nomad's horses neck cracks, while drinking fermented milk and magic mushrooms, in a tent with hashish offerings put on the sacrificial hot plate in the 800s, rejecting all forms of sedentary agriculturalism.
They are trying more crap
> Free-trade talks between Australia, EU stall over prosecco, parmesan, mozzarella, feta naming rights
I've been on the door step there waiting for them to put the roller shutter up. It's not because I'm an alco, it's because I like to get shopping and stuff done as quickly as possible on the weekend.
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Tonight's movie will be Chinatown (1974), with Jack Nicholson and
Faye Dunaway, about a private investigator who gets caught up in California's "water wars" at the start of the 20th century. 7pm AEST
While at the pictures, I saw a traoler for a new batman
There is two timelines, one has ben affleck as him, the other has michael keaton. 
Wonder how much he got paid.
Anyone in Marvel shit loses ground with me.
I know it'd be stupid for them to say no to the money but it's so cheap and tacky.
VB has a new beer out. It's called VX and it has more alcohol content than regular VB. They're smaller bottles and taste better too.
The system only works to full effect for the next 11 mins. Then other variables, other thsn luck take hold.
No one commented on that "Meaningwave" Youtube video I linked.  >>/716003/
I really liked it. I downloaded another 400 or so of them. The guy had a playlist. They will be good to listen to while I play Minecraft.
Back from my outing. Didn't get a pie or any food. Might take the pub pill later and then yell at Cruisey when it is shit.
They wont remember you at the midway.
Their specials are alright.
I had the roast of the day the other day that was alright and had two big servings from the salad bar.
I dont like their pokie room.
Yeah, near Largs.
It sits over the peir at the harbour/boat carpark.
Get a entree sized croc dish, its worth trying.
All cut into little strips with batter, and a big mac type sauce.
I went to Sydney Tools at 9am. The pubs don't serve food until 11.30/12.00. I then went to Paddy's Market which is a shadow of its former self.
I was going to go to the market but got up too late.
Theres a small goods seller that sells home made beir sticks that have been cured and dried properly.
3 for $5.
I use Spotify and it often recommends me music I like if I get into a particular genre. You can use Spotify in the browser with ad block for free.
Installed a new shower head to replace the old one that was set up for dwarfs or something. Removed the greenie water restrictor bullshit before I installed it.
No, I looked at those, and they require installing a rail which means drilling tile and masonry and hoping I don't hit pipes etc. I'll save that for when I re-tile that room.
Can it be adjusted when it's on the hook though? I thought they couldn't be.
The rail ones have two or three outlets, so your hand hose is separate to the normal shower head.
Got turned away from the Red Lion as they only had two tables left and I was by myself. Had a double cheeseburger meal at Elizabeth McDonalds like the fat retard I am.
Got 4 boigs (original, zinger, and two tendie burgers), large chips, 1.25 pepsi and 6 wicked wings for $24.95, with the voucher.
It reckons that the arabs in that area worshipped ashera and el, who are dionyses and uranus to the greeks.
They cut their hair in the zoomer style, 'shear thier hair in a ring around the head under the temples'.
No nape no sideburns.
Like dionyses apparently.. but I cant find any statues of him with that hair.
> god of wine-making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, festivity, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre.
At the commune, after lunch's dessert, a daily slumber will take place in the beanbag shadehouse.
The roof will be like those glasses that shade with more sun. A hydroponic system will be tied to the walls of the gymnasium sized room, lightly spraying the strawberry plants.
IGA murdered an old guy
This guy might be making things up.
I want to believe that Jews were the minoans and ruled egypt for a time before founding greece then settling in carthage and israel, then got beaten by the romans, then subverted them to christianity but It might just be schizo nonsense.
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I was up before midday (!) and only just sat down at the compooda. Went into town with mummybot to take the pub pill. Shit frozen flathead tails, shit frozen calamari sticks. Kids food. Live music came on a few tables away just as soon as we started eating. Same old country pub acoustic classics. Salt in sachets instead of grinders. Overall disappointment, was oogling the slapper lounge. Got a vape. Took the dog for a walk into the bush, came across some bush mongs having a fire, smoking billies and a mong chick walking around drinking smirnoff out of the bottle. Bush home things. Bot complaining the whole time about the troon, love to hear it. Zxir can't afford more than a unit up here and is all woed about it. Spent almost 150k on the troon butchery tho. 
Leg workout later. Wagon inspired.
> Bot complaining the whole time about the troon, love to hear it.
I bet she also complains to the troon behind your back, and complains about the both of you to her other friends.
In a great mood. Smiling for no reason. Garn woolies. 
Mince, rice, chicken, frozen vegies. Youse want anyfin?
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"Chinatown(1974) is set in 1937 and portrays the manipulation of a critical municipal resource—water—by a cadre of shadowy oligarchs. It was the first part of Towne's planned trilogy about the character J. J. Gittes, the foibles of the Los Angeles power structure, and the subjugation of public good by private greed"

Sounds like it was written by communists. Anyway, that's tonight's entertainment. 1 hour on https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
Maybe it is pronounced Rita, even though it is spelled Ryan. One of those weird unisex names. It might be Estonian.
I'm starting to suspect that most my "autism" is really just a set of problems caused by a lack of self esteem resulting from my childhood.
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Last shift done for a bit of mad money over the winter, went to see mummybot on the way home and she gave me two pies (scallop + cauli and cheese) then back to oldad's for basically fish fingers and cabbage. Packing up now, extraction is at dawn.
Given you work out a shit ton, and have FRM to guide you in the ways of dress/grooming/scent/etc, I don't know why you don't just ask some girls out at uni.
I am a full on fucking coward and don't understand how to just start a conversation. I've thought of just making some compliment whilst continuing to walk past hence giving the girl an opportunity for initiating a conservation without any risk to either of us.
Yeah, but there are pretty much no girls for that. I've had girls approach me before and I just power-walk away. I don't know how I am such a failure in every way.
I don't know what else to say that will help. Maybe look at joining one of the social clubs doing something that interests you and meet a few that way.
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Nah, I just need to find the courage to go and talk to a girl. It isn't specific to girls, I find talking to any stranger to be very uncomfortable. Even things like asking where something is in a shop or going through the checkout at Dan's.
The whole team gave me shit for sucking at CS
That tab is being closed for the foreseeable future. 

Of course it is. Autism is for non-verbal retards that hit themselves at die by 35 due to injury. It isn't a spectrum. You have mong disease.
I think the moral to the movie was 'don't let the irish into your country, they're corrupt and ruin everything'
Even reddit cant understand why nothing in the film was resolved or explained and why the movie is highly regarded
> 90% of the film are irrelevant clues that were designed to throw the detective and the audience off the real instigator. It was meant to poke fun at film noir (made in color, protagonist wears white, etc), and the curve ball at the end is highly chaotic.
> 9291, No offense but you're post reflects incompetence when it comes to Chinatown. It cannot be "poking fun" at film noir when a key aspect of the film are scores of people losing their livelihoods among further deliberate manipulations. I should also add that Chinatown is the greatest original screenplay in the history of cinema in the United States of America.
I did like the music.
Reminded me a bit of Edgard Varese.
He used to make music that sounded like pots and pans falling down during an air raid.
I setup nginx as a reverse proxy to a node http process. Back on the cloud engineer path. 
Need to look into SELinux bool values and why/how they work. 
Off to a leg session for the first time in months.
If he overdoes his quads he will take a week to recover and will be in another boong sesh. He needs to squat every second day and make steady progress.
You were both embarrassing yourselves simping for an ugly tranny and posting him here. It was maximum cringe you are both better off being woken from your retard coma. I have spoken.
Did squats and leg curls. Top set 10 x 40kg squat :(((
Took  >>/716690/ advice. Need to walk tomorrow so I can get a haircut. Can't be waddling. 

Wait, have you been sleeping on a futon this whole time? I thought you were lying awkwardly on a 3 seater couch... 

I agree. He should delete the tiktok account entirely
It is generally easier to recover from higher weight at lower rep ranges, especially for your quads as they are so volume sensitive. You might be better off doing sets of 3-5 reps at 60kg or so until you get most of your strength back and then get back to whatever your old routine was.
I'm back to about 75% of my old strength after only three sessions despite several months of boonging. You can recover the strength very quickly although it is always a shock to feel yourself struggling with that first session back lol.
I think thats what I'll do. I know there is this popular divide between low reps high weight for strength vs. lower weight high reps for hypertrophy but I'm not sure how much faith I put into that. I was squatting for 3 months and only managed to get up to 10x60kg. Maybe I was just being a pussy and scared of higher weight, but I thought I'd be lifting considerably heavier given the size of my legs
I never liked doing weighted squats. I just didn't like the feeling, it is hard to describe.They never injured me or anything like that I just always disliked them. So I stopped doing them. I stopped the deadlift for similar reasons. They weren't pleasant.
I've noticed that a lot of these films (eg miller's crossing; chinatown) are made by jews and feature corrupt irish politicians/government officials/bosses in early 20th century america.
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This week on womboflix...

on Wednesday...Cobra Kai is a highly rated tv series that continues on with the characters from The Karate Kid 35 years later, and re-examines the "Miyagi-verse" narrative from Johnny's point of view, now a drunken middle aged failure, beginning with his decision to reopen the Cobra Kai karate dojo, and the rekindling of his old rivalry with Daniel.

Then on Saturday we have a Japanese movie I've been meaning the screen for nearly a year, Angel Dust (1994), about a forensic psychiatrist who has to hunt down a serial killer in Tokyo.

Finally on Sunday, a teenage Nicole Kidman stars in the Australian movie BMX Bandits(1983)
 “Born to shit – Forced to wipe”. As such goes an internet meme that started in January of 2019[1]. At first glance it may only appear to be one of many highly ironic memes of the kind that has rapidly gained popularity over the course of the last few years. Combining intimidating imagery with a sense of humour that would only belong in a kindergarten[2], this meme gained decent popularity. It is easy to dismiss it as a dumb attempt at humour. But in fact, this meme hides something much more complex beneath its apparently stupid outer. Something that, as you will soon see, tells us something about not only ourselves and the society we have created, but also our entire species.

Let us start by examining the first piece of this meme: “Born to shit”. This sentence may seem thoroughly childish at first, but it goes much deeper than what meets the eye. Every living human has to defecate in some way, making this line immediately relatable to the viewer. The focus on something as basic of a biological function as defecation, gives this statement a primal feel to it. After all, the need to rid ourselves of excrement is a trait shared by not only other creatures we live side by side with today, but also the ones we have descended from. Excretion of faeces becomes a unifying concept that binds together all life that is and has been, from the very first multicellular animals, to early hominids, to modern humans. In this meme, defecation becomes a symbol of primality, nature and our unity with it. It is one of the things we share with every other of Mother Nature’s children.
As we read on, we encounter the second line, “Forced to wipe”. This is where the true meaning of this meme makes itself apparent. While the first line focuses on our natural and primal side, more specifically the functions evolution has given us, the second line turns everything on its head by introducing wiping of one’s behind; a man-made practice requiring technology which is not found anywhere else in the animal world. Humans are the only species who clean their anus using hand-held tools. This immediately creates a disconnect from the themes introduced in the first line, replacing nature and biology with the human mind and technology. A division between man and animal has been created.

This is no simple separation. The introduction of our ability to shape the world around us and use it for our own comfort, is a complete game-changer. It is what has allowed humankind to become so massively advanced in comparison to other species. It has given us the opportunity to problematise what nature has equipped us with, finding our own solutions to problems we ourselves have created. No other animal worries as much about having a clean anus as we do. We made it a problem on our own, and invented the tools to solve it with. Yet, this meme does not convey a message about technological utopia. Rather, it is the opposite: this division, although it may seem good on paper, is shown to be involuntary. Deep down, we as a species did not want this separation of man and nature. We were, as is said, “forced to wipe”.
As we become more and more technologically advanced, we end up as slaves of our own inventions. We create problems just so we can solve them. It is not hard to imagine the life of a man 200 000 years ago compared to that of a modern man. Back then, we lived as nature had intended, survival and reproduction being the only things of importance. Today, nearly every human has a countless number of worries on their mind, most of which are not directly related to continued survival and procreation. Yes, we might live twice as long today as we did before, but does that truly matter when we have built up such an immunity towards deriving happiness from simple things? It seems life has become more stressful, as we have become more advanced. That is the true meaning of this meme; that we, deep down, never wanted to take control of our own fate in the way we have. It tells us that by surrounding ourselves with our own creations instead of Mother Nature’s, we have missed our chance at a simple, joyous life. We have long since passed the point of no return. There is nothing that could convince the modern human to go back to a time where the most complex technology was a blunt rock, when we already busy finding new things to problematise so that we can solve them for a brief sense of superiority over our past selves until we eventually take our newfound inventions for granted again and the cycle begins anew.
To conclude, “Born to shit – forced to wipe” is an amazingly deep meme. So deep and so profound, that I honestly hesitate to even call it a meme. It borders to art. It conveys a message about ourselves, society, nature, technology, and happiness as short and concise as one can ever hope for it to get. These six words are ones to live by. They are the key to true happiness.

[1] https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=born%202%20shit%20forced%202%20wipe

[2] https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/708/596/db3.jpeg
> One day I will have my own cytube channel.
me and that other neet who watched paranormal youtube videos should start a 24 hour cytube channel dedicated to occultism and ufo crap
Big Pokey dead
better remove her head and put a stake through her heart just to make sure
I got some cheese slices, gypsy ham, peppered pork, and some tiwggy stick things. Skipping the roll.
Got a mysterious text from mummybot saying she is busy at a hospital. Not sure what is happening. I hope it is step-father-bot dying and not her.
Yeah, i used to get rows and lat pull downs into my routine but I've not gotten back into them due to my desire to get back into things slowly. I might do the rows tonight.
they reckon the meat pie gonna go extinct
She has been living there a while and is somewhat invested in staying there in terms of having a house and job. She may end up coming back to Best A if he dies though.
I made a booking for 1 for a pub meal on Thursday night. I wonder if they'll contact me to reject the booking beforehand or wait for me to turn up on the night.
I made a rub and tug booking but was turned away at the door for being on my own.
"I have two hand" said the Chinese woman. "You bring friend. Do together. Save time."
I was too embarrassed to say I didn't have any friends so I just never went back.
It would be all cold. I would give it a nibble.

It does look good on you NEET.

> I was still awake at 5 having imaginary conversations
Is mental health real?



> what am I doing with my life
Whatever you want NEET.

A shell whizzing by.

Sleep tight NEET.

You needed it!

I agree

RIP King.

You need a nurse to turn you.

It looks good NEET.

Tiffin special.

Hit it with a stick!

All three of these are good.

I like the first one.

I have had that feed feel.
Cat gape.

I want chocie milk.

The middle one is good, especially with that pose.

Fear and Loathing with Groyper.

I always laugh at the elephant one.


Good luck NEET.

I have heard it's cheaper to eat out.

She new, she new!

> That's a chortler store.
Good chortler store?
The runny nose and sneezing is fucking me up, might have to give the gym a skip tonight if it keeps up.
Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't making me feel weird in the head. I might still go for a walk though, 43 minutes left of my current audiobook.
It's probably not worth going. Strenuous exercise can sometimes make you take longer to get better, plus you leave germs on the equipment if you're snotty.
I planned on going through some stuff on Khan Academy to try and relearn shit from high school but I've been too slack to do that.
I need to merge the snippets of code I've been writing and testing into an actual functioning program, rather than little proof-of-concepts.

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