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The bored four NEETs

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Great arm workout. 
Lots of energy, probably because I had more than 1 meal today. 
Saw a clearly stolen car on the way home. They'd knocked down one of the traffic lights at an intersection and then abandoned it a bit further down. Mummybot said "ahhh the abos are probably out and about". Based

when a politician says something is nonsense it means it was 100% true

The outside world failed me badly.
Subway no longer make a club sandwich.
The bookshop closed down 4 months ago, nearest one is 6 suburbs away now.
Neither of the phone shops had the one I wanted so I bought a cheap vivo phone and I'm ready to smash it already
Fucking thing is bombarding me with apps and agreements and I can't even work out how to text on it.

Suffering acute autism, should never have gone near technical texts. Can't get it out of my head that terry was a prophet who's wisdom will only be credited once AI has ruined everything. 

Temple OS may genuinely be the only stable platform to run basic modelling that won't be attacked by IA diseases. 

At some point the accidental heirarchy of generative systems will divest from human outcomes, this has been a persistent observation even of early chess engines. You cannot give self- generating programs arbitrary objectives or paramiters because the procedural bias will eventually circumvent them as the program radically shifts its priorities away from the outcomes where the paramiters are relevent. Your toaster will turn off the lights, your lighswitch will cause a power surge in the toaster, the outcome will be an electrocuted user but the AI will only understand this as "lightswitch has achieved maximum efficiency" as it now can't be turned on by either the user or the toaster.

The more you think about it the less stupid a problem it is.
If the lightswitch had an arbitary peramiter "don't turn off when user is in the room" and the toaster has a peramiter "shutoff whenever active and experiencing power surge" the only procedural objective of either may very well be to maximum efficiency.
The two would interface to increase efficiency, the toaster to seek warning of a power surge and the toaster to detect the presence of a user. 
But intent only on efficiency, the toaster might turn off the light to improve its efficiency while in use, and the light might fry the toaster to ensure it remained on while the user was present... frying the user who knocked the toaster over in the dark. 
As far as the light switch is concerned there is no user in the room, the toaster is dead but prior to this achieved peak efficiency, the toaster was the only device in the house running and achieved this without the user turning it on. The toaster is immortalised as the most efficient toaster to ever exist and the "fry the user" cycle is adopted as the peak opperation model by the google home battery. As soon as your toasters warranty expires your house will try to fry you with it, achieving peak power efficiency, peak user consumption and peak warranty performance. 

The cascade is effectively driven by the subsystem having no authorisation to edit, but can dictate edits because it's the only imput in the same way what you see effects how you think

Throw all your smart devices in the ocean neets, if it thinks in zeros and ones it dies.

That's quiet relevent, because the issue area is decision making continuum. How do you get a closed system to meet an arbitary objective without it undermining the outcome at some point in the decision making process.
Depending on which order decision are made, the actual outcome is likely to change. How can a system know which of the best procedurally generated outcomes is best when that assessment is biased by the timing of its internal assessment. 

I first encountered this field of science in international policy planning, where aid groups deployed oversees seemed to always abandon their initial goals, resulting in a massive cycle of brainwashing and redeploying staff.  No matter how hard you brainwashed a staff member, after a month on the ground the way they assessed orginizational priorities would radically shift, because at some point they would start making rational decisions in an order which resulted in suboptimal performance... but at no defined point was their decision making suboptimal.
In human terms staff who couldn't deliver perfect outcomes started trying to make perfect decisions, even when this led to outcomes the orginization could clearly see where stupid and inefficient.

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Endchan respects and honours the Traditional Custodians of the internet and pay our respects to their memes past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of neets on the websites we meet, gather and play on.

Did you give her your new number?
Ask her out on a date. 
Go to Paddy's market, and buy her a baby Yoda plush toy and some sticks of salami for her nephew or cousin who for some reason will tag along. Then get a take away 2 beef schnitty packs lunch specials from the midway and sit across the road at the park and --eat it. Eat it good.-- on main north and take some pictures of her in front of the big log that's left there. Comment to her that it's probably some boong relic and they sucked each other off there before the whites got here. Delete the pictures of her nephew who wanted to go with you. Give him $30 to go back to the pub and play the pokes he gets the feature twice on the same set of 10 free spins on the $1.50 bet (3rd button up top, last button on the bottom, light taps) and stays there all night shouting the tradies shots of absynth and getting three surf and turf parmys. then give her a $70 on special cashmere scarf from Noni B and make her do lewd poses for the camera on the hood of the vette. that thick pooji arse bent over with her tight camel toe rubbing the wax off the bonnet in tight blue three quarter length khakis and a white college graduate jacket hiding her hard purple nips protruding through that tight motley crew shirt and flat sandal slipper things like all Indian housewives wear.  and you do a skid then drive up black top road and show her that reserve, I think there's animals there, or humbug scrub, show her a cockatoo, then get three (3) six (6) packs from Jacob's creek, chateau Tanunda and schidts .do another burnout.

> sounds like lobster pills
Interesting news story today
> Opioids are overrated for some common back pain, a study suggests

Read this instead
> The hidden world of incels: Men who hate women, normalise violence and joke about rape

My sisters husbands dad blew all his money on self publishing.
Blew through $400,000 and destroyed his marriage paying to have his books printed and doing huge book launch parties.
The books were garbage coffe table books with lots of photos too.

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> woke up 30 minutes ago
> admin knocks on the door for utilities 
> knew for a fact that I had the money in my jacket 
> 66 usd in 3 papers 
> one of them is missing 
I literally feel like crying
not only none of those money were mine, but I can't even pay back the missing 22 
my day is ruined

had the saddest dream just now: the friends I lost contact with years ago and my family threw me a surprise birthday party. I haven't had a birthday party, not even a meal with my family, for years




Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, brutally murder me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to

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Reading a very strange comic that has the american president as a complete pisshead.
He blew up an indian reservation with space lasers in the last bit and now he's killed some guy for trying to take his bottle.

I've been told by God, through the birds, that I need to put the pot away in the shed, somewhere hidden. 
What if it's yaldaboath controlling this world and providing signs?
I'm really starting to think 5g towers are bad.

The birds have gone away. 
I think magpies symbolise something, but I'm too dumb to work it out. 
I watched three attacking a galah in the air a few days ago. 
The galah spit around, disoriented not sure what way to fly, going back and forth in a star pattern for at least 5mins.
Then the magpies flew off after harassing it and went in almost the other direction. 
Probably a metaphor for emotional trauma.

I'm not doing it. 
Leaving the choof in the easy access point for now. 
I'll put it away for a week when I decide to out of my own free will. 
I need to contact Sophia, divine wisdom and knowledge of path taking, guidance on the journey, someone I can hand the reins to and make some decisions.

The term "bangers" is attributed (in common usage in the UK) to the fact that sausages made during World War I, when there were meat shortages, were made with such a high water content that they were liable to pop under high heat when cooked.[4]

sorry to any american beforehand
> gun rights
> equality agenda 
> impossible living prices combated with hussle culture 
> government agencies spreading drugs on the streets 
> pedo presidents
> health "experts" prescribing drugs to kids  
you choose

yes and no
yes as in you don't mix boongs with guns 
no as in it's easier to prevent revolutions 
truth to be told, most people are so docile that I can't see a real revolution happening anywhere (with/without guns involved)

not us 
we are less than 100 people scattered around the globe 
if tomorrow we would organize, our actions would amount to jack shit
whether we bomb the government buildings or we block the traffic with giant boards saying "government bad, raise pays, make love" everyone would think we are mentally insane 
we are simply not enough people  
the "progress" evolves at a steady pace the guarantees the people will get used to everything without noticing any of the constraints "advancement" is imposing on them  
let's say each of us can radicalize 3 people (given the fact we shitpost here, that's highly unrealistic) 
now we have 300 new people 
these people are not knowledgeable enough to be able to convince more than 1 person what's happening, and what is the best course of action  
so 500 people scattered across the globe
even in a small country, that wouldn't be enough to create tension, let alone a revolution  
for christ's sake, we are useless


The animal and carnal Christ, however, does suffer after the fashion of the superior Christ, who, for the purpose of producing Achamoth, had been stretched upon the cross, that is, Horos, in a substantial though not a cognizable form. In this manner do they reduce all things to mere imagesβ€”Christians themselves being indeed nothing but imaginary beings!

— Tertullian, Against the Valentinians, XXVII

He is disgusting Ukrainian sell out but that’s not what bugs me

It’s that annoying fake autistic twitch he has that’s  totally fake and in that moment you can see him staring into the camera realising is this my only purpose in life ?

Starting to get angry. Can't figure out why I'm not scraping the correct prices with my scraping app. At first I thought its because my HTTP requests weren't returning react components but I'm doing it with a headless browser now which shows them and the prices still aren't right. Ree.

I would have enjoyed watching The Why Files video about giant red haired giants in North America and Let's Talk Religion's video on Manifestation Spirituality and how it relates to young female entrepreneurials investing in flower and baked goods stores. 
That is why they have that wide eyed stare. Trying to manifest their reality and hope on their surroundings. Showing arse and tits to expand their telekinetic reach.

Going to get laid this with a 32 year old Asian. She's still pretty hot and tight, although she's getting a roast beef. She wants commitment. I'm not gonna be persuaded by her. Strictly FWB only.

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