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The bored four NEETs

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Express Post remains our fastest postal delivery option, but current circumstances mean we can't guarantee next-business-day delivery at the moment.

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Cunts fucked. He lost his virginity to a hooker. At least I lost my virginity to an Asian student. Around the same time as decline lost his coincidentally in 2017. I'm better looking and white, although short for an Anglo-Celtic male. He's an ethnic curry manlet. Although I'm autistic with ADHD/OCD.

At her apartment in the CBD. She lived with another Vietnamese girl at the time. I've fucked pretty much  a dozen Asian girls from various SEA and East Asian countries by now. In the beginning, I was shit at sex and would cum so easily. Now, it takes longer. Can still cum inside a condom, given the girl is tight. The current Korean girl that I'm fucking was, i believe was a virgin. Blood came out of her vagina while penetrating her. She wasn't on her period, as she's reluctant to have sex when she's menstruating. I fucked a Japanese girl while she was on her period and blood went everywhere on the hotel bed kek. What a life. A socially isolated DSP recipient whos only social and physical intimacy is with foreign Asian women. The rare time I did have sex with an Chinese/Korean-Australian. She left me after fucking her at a hotel that she paid half for. My autism and weird routine is what throw her off.

Beyond the usual childhood vaccines and covid, do neets favour getting vaccinations for other diseases they might get? I remember asking my doctor to give me a vaccine for meningitis when I went to uni, only to realise later that it's a disease you get from kissing and I was in little danger of it.

The outside world fucked me again.
Was doing my shopping and the rotting flesh beggar came into the shops and stood in the queue behind me.
And there was a retarded old woman with a mountain of shopping asking about the prices of each item in front of me.
That stench was so fucking foul I nearly dumped my shopping and ran, I cannot believe he can smell that bad and still be alive.

there's this one writer from my country named cioran (one of the few worthwhile romanian writers)
you might know him for on the heights of despair
anyway, at some point he becomes full blown misogynist  
he starts the chapter by saying something like 
> women are animals incapable of spirit and culture 
they fucking removed the whole chapter from the english translation

International Cruisey stock took a sudden rise today amongst the women hating NEETs.
Local Cruisey has dropped several points but there is still hope of recovery before close of business if he likes my poem.

There is genetic screening, but it usually requires a good reason and I'm not sure it covers cancer. They tend to just go on family history for that sort of thing.
They can screen your blood for prostate cancer, scan your bobs for breast cancer, and look in your shids for bowel cancer.

such a pity the shithead who translated the book completely omitted the chapter 
the funny part is that it's not just schizo rambling from a butthurt guy who couldn't get any pussy (they guy literally had a sugar mommy) 
it fucking makes sense (if you want to, I can translate it, so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about)

The publishers might have been the ones to remove the chapter rather than translator.
Translations of Mein Kampf here come with publisher's notes (lies) for each chapter. Often the publishers notes are longer than the chapter itself. THat's if you can even find a book shop willing to still put it on the shelf.

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2 hours and 15 mins till the stream, fellas!
Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard at 7pm AEST

Probably will stream something before that perhaps for an hour. But yt blocked ct so it's gucked.
Is there anything good on Dailymotion?

Okay. I found something to stream before movie.
Oldest God in WRITTEN History STILL IMPACTS TODAY by Gnostic Informant
50 mins long, so gonna put that on in ~15 mins.
It's on Odysee, and kinda like Esoterica. They have a conversation/podcast thingy with the Magic Jew too.

Usually you buy it stale as fuck and mixed with rice powder, you can keep that in a jar. 
But the real shit is like tree sap and it smells so strongly that you've got to put it in a jar inside a larger jar inside a zip lock bag with rice. 
Tastes different to how it smells, kinda like fish sauce

Gippsland yoghurt and clinkers. Two soups, hearty beef,  and creamy mushroom. Thinking about a couple more honey and butter crumpets. 
I have some connesoure vanilla that would go well with a crumpet.

Yeah, I had heard that sexy Sadie was about that, but thought it was about George Harrisons gf./wife. 
An ex gf used to have a cat (was a stray at mine until she took it) and named it Prudence. 
When she moved to the city with it, twice it brought back to the house ducks from the park and left them by the back door. 
It cut the ducks lungs out and left them next to it. 
Apparently it's a thing cats do. 
Funny because ex was a vego.

Probably why Twotter has gone to shit
> Twitter is refusing to pay Google for cloud services. Here’s why it matters, and what the fallout could be for users

I ended up getting a brioche with bacon, egg, hashbrown, spinach, tomato relish and hollandaise and a flat white at the part of Smithfield that tries to pretend it’s another suburb.

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4 years ago I sword I'd never take lobster pills again. This morning I cracked. Called the doctors at 9:30, made an appointment for 10, saw a nice white male doctor and by 10:15 had a script and by 10:30 had a box of temazepam.

Wish a NEET would get me a few pastries. 
I reckon a chicken curry pie, a beef and red wine pie, a plain pasty, a fresh turnover, two custard eclairs and a beesting, and a strawberry milk. 
I'd like that NEET a lot if he could do that.

Just met the cuntest person I've ever met. Usually people have a mixed bag of negative traits, they are a bit racist, a bit sexist, a bit rude which all add up against them. This guy had somehow isolated the pure cunt sequence, being a pure cunt without possessing any other negative traits.

Long long ago in a thread not unlike this one NEET was craving a fishburger.
"Why, why do I not have a fishburger" he cried, it was really deep and moving.
Then a dragon flew in and ate him.

The End.

It's alright, just delivering parcels and you get an hourly wage which is better than uber, however with my car I'm only allowed to work 4 hours a day, if I get a van small van I can do 8 hours, thinking of getting one of those little vw caddys.

she looks guildy to me

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Just updated my lifting spreadsheet for the first time in months. 
Going to help mummybot upload some documents for her personal loan. 
Then going to find and plugin my webcam. Then I will shave. 
I also have to go over what I'm going to say in the interview tomorrow, put air in my cars tyres, call my Dad, go to the gym, and then work on my pajeet code project, fleshing out the API routes and getting angry at react
Big to-do list

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The Princess Bride (1987) will be on in 1 hour - it's got fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles...

30 minutes before that we'll play more of that documentary on John McAfee.

> I had no lemons and tiffin never shares.
I think he might be a bit of a hoarder where lemons are concerned, they will find him in a couple of centuries in his house perfectly preserved by all the lemons he has amassed.

> trying to digest vital safety information
> website full of advertisements, distracting content
UI designers should be beaten,their failure is serious and persistent, their profession is a joke.

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