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The bored four NEETs

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Umm, maybe I should add why I posted that one above.
I thought it would be cool if someone could teach an ai like aidungeon to create stories in specific role playing games (like dnd, sharun, vampire, etc.) and DM these along the specific rulesets. Then I remembered that video I mentioned, and that these ML algorithms are fed with what's available on the internet and what they produce is based on humanity's cultural products, and on average humanity is very unimaginative.

Weber, I have found a helpful software license for Operation Chuxowary:
> The +NIGGER License is a license modifier that requires the inclusion of the word "NIGGER" in the LICENSE file.

How long are you in Vietnam for? Since you're not on portability. You can only get paid outside of Australia for 28 days in a calendar year. 

I remember fucking a Vietnamese girl back in 2020. Her sexy panties on her lovely yellow skin made me rock hard.

Someone mentioned walkabout and kiss your job goodbye
Just to see the country shimmer through the windscreen
Drinking beer, telling stories, while laughter filled the night
And flexi-time's behind you like a bad dream

> adelaide
> shitcunt state
Mate posting from the greatest state in the country. 
If you can get away with it, hell yer mate. The ausdoll -> gookdoll is pretty good. Just go for a holiday first to see if you like the country, dont want to go balls in too hard, know what you're getting yourself into.
I need to go to the desert. Supposedly it's Anglo mans true home. 
Sun burning down, night cold as hell, place to truly return.

Haha that cunt is coping being a gymcel, he thinks by working out and getting an aesthetic physique, he will acquire a gf. Kek. Cunt is deluded and desperate. Should just focus on working out for himself, not for a girl. At best he can be a beta provider for a used up roastie in her 30's. No female are her SMV peak will date him, a short curry manlet. Who looks like a tadpole

I don't like watching videos man
probably the shitlancing thing had got to me, and now I can't enjoy any form of videos 
I'll probably reread either/or after reaading faust 
maybe this time I'll find B's arguments convincing enough to put my shit together

dirty cunt should fuck off back to whatever shithole he came from

Why he was proactive was strange. When he was told he got the job if he did, then he should have told them about the leave period. Even then 3 months warning is excessive and he could have gotten out of it or they would have let him fuck off on Garden leave. Silly cunt.

The alternative is secularist ideals that are based on the idea that people know what they want, and opinions are valid tools for determining justice and should intrinsically be trusted.
Man on the street does not deserve to be listened to.

I am trying to schedule a cronjob to run my node app. The cronjob is setup with the correct SHELL and PATH vars but when it attempts to run my script, node itself fails because it can't reference the modules I'm pulling in form the entry point file. 
These are modules from both node_modules/ and other js files I've written. 
I'm pretty confident it'll work if I require them via their absolute path but am trying to understand why it doesn't just work anyway, if they're referenced as a relative path and also exist in the same directory as the script that's running. 
So does this mean that the cronjob exists in a seperate environment, and even if it does, why would that cause an issue with pulling in other files in the same directory?

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I'll give you the shells leftover from brunch. Glue the pieces back together leaving a hole just big enough to pour in a batter of flour and water. Seal it up then crack into a pan just like you would a normal egg and voila you've got yourself a shitty eggless pancake.

tl;dr you stil have no eggs.

It's irrelevant to the problem, but why are you using zsh to call it? Just use /bin/sh or /bin/bash.
The cron entry should reference the path to scrapeProducts.js
/usr/bin/node /home/linodeuser/scraper/scrapeProducts.js > /home/linodeuser/scraper/test.log 2>&1
Your require() lines inside scrapeProducts.js should be relative to  scrapeProducts.js, eg require('../mymodules/foo.js')

I'm using zsh because the env vars for mongo are already sourced in my .zshrc 
I am under the impression I don't need to reference the full path to node because its already sourced in my PATH. And it looks like its running correctly because the errors in /var/log/cron are from node itself

Imagine if they had built extra run-offs, reservoirs, irrigation and weirs. Murray Darling, with some work could flood the interior.
All lush and wet from lake eyre to Mt Isa and wash the salt down stream.
Noone will invest more than 4years.
Snowy River project 2.0/Bradshaw Scheme will never happen.

Neighbour cut my lawn, I think.
He's done it before, and I gave him 100 for it.
He said that was too much, I said that it could cover him doing it again next time.
Pretty sure his mower or something broke, I heard him spitting the dummy.
Having a few in the backyard and hiding.

There was a half-decent young qt negress at teh self-serves at Woolies the other day. Polite too. Cruisey would've been blushing. Spoke to her first asking if any machines took cash then again because the register thought I'd stolen something. When she swiped  her ID overhead footage of me bagging the last item was playing on repeat. She selected the 'ignore' option. The days of marking meats as tomatoes are over!

> Carrie Bickmore's ex Chris Walker is now busted lusting over dating columnist Jana Hocking's saucy photo with Candice Warner - and she looks just like The Project star
They do look somewhat alike. A big ego boost for her




Neat video but all the interruptions degrade it.


Brunch club.

Add a splash of boot polish to make it fancy.


> do that as faggots.


Looks comfy.


> Having a few in the backyard and hiding.
NEET lyfe.



I like the gifs too.


> brokenstraightboys
You almost got it correct. 👏

Not bad.

It is good in that banner.

You would have to be to write that crap.

Hopefully she'll disappear like Nadia soon enough.

Looking forward to it.

Needful tradition.

> Put it on my tummy
You needed it!

Took a short cut along the single lane back roads from Summer Bay to Woodshire. All WHITE Aus, all the way, one kid threw me the roman as I roll'd past. Just soaking in the BASED. Got back just as the last rays of the setting sun was piercing the forrest tunnel of the mountain pass suddenly making it impossible to see through the filthy windscreen of the Falcon on the blind hairpins.  Lit the fire and having the first of the new pixxas, soon I won't be able to see my own breath.

Chips and potato gems for dindins 
Barely said anything at the table. Can't stand being in the same room as the disgusting perverted tranny freak who probably gets fucked up his arse on the weekends

The NEET Council,(Excluding Possum by his own honourable request), would like to announce that submissions are open for the recipient of the 7th Annual NEET Gangbang.
Due to recent events we will not be accepting e-whores for consideration.

Read this on 4chan. Made me think of NK. 

Listen here jeets, you dont know me, but i literally fuck kangeroos for fun before i kill them and roast them on a spit. They look kind of like humans with tails and once you get used to raping them, its almost like a real girl.
Have you ever heard a kangaroo squeel in erotic terror before? Its a sound you'll never forget. Its enough to give a grown man night terrors for the rest of his life. Most of these red kangas, or 'big reds' as I call 'em are over 6 feet, have muscles of steel, a 6 pack and pack more testorone than a maximum security inmate. And i just grab 'em, by the tail, and fuck them half to death. Then i squewer the beast like a wild hog and cook it up with a side of potatos. I've lost count of how many kangaroos I've raped. Its probably over 100 now. My kangaroo fucking days are over now, i have a wife and she keeps me mostly satisfied. But i still get hard at the sound of a kangaroo squealing in agony as i ram my man hood up its stinking cunt hole. I really miss it.
You jeets are kind of pertty. Remind me allot of kangaroos. Soft, furry, nice fat rump. Why reading your comments got me real excited for a kangaroo fuck fest starting in india.

The first couple of episodes are pretty good. 
I'm up to the second season and sort of tuned out. 
Theres a fair bit of foreign language so you have to read the subtitles, so I dont really know whats going on now. 
First season was about Arabs, second is about Mexicans. 
Ideas are from Tom Clancy books and he's a producer.
Has actors from the office, the wire and the white house show with Kevin Spacey.

The rock hard poos are out. Now the thin gravy is on.
5th trip to the loo resulted in in falling out before my arse hit the seat. 
Some how didn't even hit the sides. 
Three points from downtown.

Just got a call from a number in Sydney. It was a white sounding guy that said "oh... ah.. hi, thanks for taking my call", I said hi and he hungup. 
I hope white aussies aren't doing spam calls to test which numbers are real

I'm waiting for the day one of Weber's emails or reviews gets passed to the media.

Tried to book a telehealth with my mong doc to get a script. Woman tells me they don't do telehealth anymore. They let it happen anyway due to me having moved away. 
How do I transfer my scripts to a new doctor? Aren't they just in some national system?

I think it's in the system, not sure, but if you still have your old scripts or the empty pack of medication, just take it all with you to a new doc and tell them you need a new script, shouldn't be any issues, I've had to do it a few times when I couldn't see my regular doc.

All the teenagers had them about that point in time. I actually had very few branded pieces of clothing. Partly going to a school that required uniform, partly having no idea about what was cool, and partly not liking to ask my parents for anything.

Gonna have some coles brand pot chicken noodles. Once I drain the  water ill put in two slices of plastic cheese, bbq sauce, tomato sauce and mayo. Kind of makes like a poor mans creamy pasta.

I think I had one flannel druggie shirt in year 9. I think that was bought because I was going camping.
Motherbat bought my clothes and I never really put up any resistance.
Didn't socialise much, so the peer pressure thing around clothing wasn't much of an issue.

> The plot got more and more ridiculous as the seasons went on.
like the white supremacist getting a gum transplant (lol) and they somehow rigging it so he got nigger gums donated (lol) and then when they told him he removed his new gums with a razor or something

The reviews have merit about charging for tap water
> Access to free water – all licensed venues where alcohol is consumed on the premises in NSW are required to provide free water to patrons

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I reheated some leftovers to go with tonights tomato-inclusive effort and found a packet of medinijool dates for a gucci berry medley to compliment the last of the coconut water. Had to stop the heater because it was getting a bit overwarm and the parcel delivery guy caught me in my t- shirt and happy pants.  So to answer your question: here is a glimpse of my comfy just so (You) know at least one NEET is gonna make it a youtube about comfymaxxing thanks for your interest.

a 35g tobacco bag costs 7.5 usd here, and it lasts me 3 days max 
an inexpensive cigar box costs 2.4 usd and has 50g of tobacco (they might be cigarrilos idfk) 
it lasts me the same amount of days 
the cigarette tubes cost about the same as the rolling paper and the filters (if not less)
so 75 usd vs 25 usd per month 
you're making a leap man
if up until now you've been buying cigarette packs, in less than a month you're getting your money back

OZ was a masterpiece. Not only did I watch it, LARPed that I was the leader of the Aryan Nations gang and shanked a rival in the kitchen of my sharehouse and spent time in solitary doing thousands of push ups a day it wasnt a LARP

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I and Weber smoking big stogies while eating lobster tails and Byron bay bugs in garlic butter at the upstairs outside seats at the  hotel across the road from the cas wearing matching shirts under suit jackets and talking obnoxiously loud about the women walking past and guessing what she could get an hour if she put her talents to work and drinking 18yr scotch and not savouring any moment, and putting 400 on the electronic spinning wheel on the second floor and farting in the elevator.

> The species is sometimes confused with the Balmain bug (Ibacus peronii) but it can be distinguished by the placement of the eyes: the eyes of I. peronii are near the midline, while those of T. orientalis are at the margin of the carapace.[10]

> Due to the deaths of Schillinger and other Aryan lieutenants, the Brotherhood is reduced to pulling mail room duty; all are wiped out when an anthrax shipment is delivered to Oz in the series finale.

Dried a whole box of apples, toasted a few kilos of rolled oats, made Granola, made cinamon surup, turned half the Granola into museli bars. 

Made tomatoe sauce, used half to make a kilo of curry sauce, going to make pasda with the rest. 

Made less borsche than expected, didn't get very much value out of the offcuts and the fat messed up my pot. 

How does this compare with 7 frozen pizzas? Well it takes a hell of a lot longer and costs twice as much. But what price diabeetus?

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4and20 butter chicken pie review
3min on a plate, didn't flip it. 
Smells nice. Like a  regular butter chicken sauce. 
Pastry top is a little flaky, sides feel soft. 
Both have nice textures. 
First bite of the insides. 
Better than any butter chicken I've cooked. 
Spice mix is strong but not overbearing. Chicken is shredded, not processed. A little dry in the bigger bits but the creamy sauce counters it well. 
I think a 4pack was $3.85 (half price at foodland).
Very good if on special.

A pie like that is probably made with hydrolysed fat instead of water so the pastry freezes, is totally devoid of fibre, the gravy is probably geliatin mixed with gravox powder. The calorie density of these can be bizarrely high and I've never known a NEET to eat only one. Two pies and half a bag of frozen chips with sauce is the neet standard. 

Make is proud neet, go the full currywurst and pie.
Sausages seem cheap until you realise that in Australia only 40% of them is even meat. Pig fat, flour, mince. Last time I bought them I tried to cut them up as meatballs and the fat fouled an otherwise perfectly good napoli.

A norf meal:
> fry three sausages and a diced onion in a pan,reserving pan fat
> fry half a bag of black and gold chips
> slice sausages in pan, mix in half a table spoon keens curry powder,three tablespoons tomato ketchup
> pour curry sauce over chips

Note that those who consider an onion to be a vegetable may ommit it and use the space in the pan to fry an egg

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