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The bored four NEETs

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Huggin' and a-kissin', dancin' and a-lovin'
Wearin' next to nothing 'cause it's hot as an oven
The whole shed shimmies
Yeah the whole shed shimmies
The whole shed shimmies when everybody's movin' around
And around and around and around

> The world's most powerful AI model suddenly got 'lazier' and 'dumber.'
Even AI knows waging is bullshit.

> Joondalup Police Station

> A disgusting tattoo on the face of a neo-Nazi has revealed his descent into racism
> Desmond Liddington, 39, was pictured outside court with a tattoo above his ear which shows an AK47 alongside the word RAHOWA, meaning “racial holy war”.
> The phrase is used by extremists as a disgraceful rallying cry for the white supremacist cause.
So much for impartial journalism.

Bakery coffee and sourdough loaf $10
Hungry Jacks $3.95
Coles homebrand aspirin 95cents
Moofie ticket and drink $18.50
Parking $3.07
Sdtout tally $7.9
Groceries $19.37
Total $63.74

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Tonight womboflix will be showing 2 more episodes of Silicon Valley.  Weekend movies will be Kamikaze Taxi (1995) and Smokey And The Bandit (1977). The newest Mission Impossible movie Dead Reckoning has also been approved by favourite reviewer so we'll be showing that the same day it gets released on bit torrent, although I'm not sure when that will be.

The Indians in my introductory CS course used to take snippets of code from the internet and spam variations of it at the automated marking system until they got the full marks. They wouldn't try to understand how it worked or what was going on.

I think we were allowed two maybe three submissions when I did it. The system would not provide feedback either, the code was still printed out and reviewed by a staff member and returned a week or so later and students would get done for plagiarism.

The only thing I want to see in the movie is a big fucken explosion and I can't imagine Nolan doing a better job than David Lynch already did in Twin Peaks: The Return. My other gripe about this movie I haven't seen is that the most interesting person involved in the Manhattan Project is Feynman, the movie should be called Feynman and be about him. This other bloke just dropped a quote he stole from some weird old book to sound emo. And messed up the quote.

Morning. Out of bed at 3pm again. Woe. Insomnia a shit 
Got a job interview lined up for next week. 
Tax hasn't landed :( 

Not good. Last night I had some kind of sleep paralysis or something. Maybe a hallucination. It was terrifying 

It's non-bin day so zhe is filling up the green bin with yard clippings, like a good troon slave should 

Sort the comments by new! 

At my old old job I started with a poojeet who had a masters in IT but I had to teach him how to import bookmarks into chrome

Failed all the quiz questions at the SQL interview. Could not remember the names of window functions based on their descriptions. Later, sat down at the computer, opened ide and immediately remembered. I'll never get a job.

The problem is not that I don't know SQL. The problem is that I only know it at my computer. I have no problem doing any level of tasks sitting at home. But in an interview I just can't remember anything, I get nervous and sweaty.
Some of the questions were descriptions of functions and you had to name them from memory. For example, "which window function returns the previous value".

never mind, I didn't realise sum, avg etc were called window functions.
thought you were talking about win32 api like hwnd = CreateWindowEx(
        "The title of my window",
        NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);

NEET brain attack. I had that happen at an interview for a welding job years back.
The interviewer was this strange asian guy who kept staring at me and he stood really close to me shile I was doing my demonstration welds and I completely fucked them up.
And it was stuff I've done hundreds of times before.

That's the problem, because of ChatGPT, they now call you in for interviews and ask you questions looking you in the eye and you have to answer everything from memory. I can't get a job at all because of that. This is the third place I've been with this problem.

A good basic entry level computer science class of database should teach you enough. We had a teacher who would let the cheaters pass all the way to the final exam then fail them because they used unnecessary joins. Because they often paid someone to make a unique answer but the marker was expecting a standard and basic query. That was during COVID when exams weren't face-to-face or monitored virtually.

I went to an interview at Transurban once for a linux related job and they asked me to write a bash script on the whiteboard, which I had forgotten how to do, so they told me to do it in python and I forgot how to read and write files in python so ended up writing a bunch of pseudo code. 
I did not get the job

But I'm not bad at most of these topics. I have experience with databases for 6 years. I just can't recall anything from memory under pressure. I don't understand why you need to remember function names at all when most IDEs have autocomplete...

> how not to sweat and stay focused in interviews.
Do more interviews. Daily one or two. It's just training. Also you could score a job by accident.
> memory training.
Tell 'em if they want to listen handbook knowledge they should get a job as a teacher and listen retard students burping back the texts.

You see it so many times men and women back from a swim in the carpark awkwardly looking around when they could simply change in the nearby toilet block without a worry but they are exhibitionist whores that only get upset if an uggo is watching fuck i hate them so much.

Did a chest workout. Up in weight but form felt off. Lots of shoulder involvement. 
The annoying loitering girlfriend was there. She was sitting on the only free bench just scrolling her femoid device while her bf was working out. I managed to take it while she stood up to randomly do some 2kg hammer curls. 
Fuck I hate women

Had a succulent Persian meal.
A platter of dips (thin yoghurt and dill, eggplant, tomato and eggplant, hummus (with extra sumac), and a bowl of mini pickles), a combo kebab thing (one chicken, one lamb shishkebab, a pile of long grain saffron rice, leaf salad for looks and half a lemon, and a hot tomato sauce. Tore the flat bread and scooped up rice and meat in it then dipped it in the dips. They were out of pomegranate olives.

> Practising being sober?
my fingers don't do what they are supposed to do when I'm drunk 
there's no other way
> Is lidl better than aldi?
we don't have aldi here, just kaufland 
> You're going to end up with an ET gut.
at some

ended up having a luke warm sausage mcmuffin and hash brown
didn't go to vilis because the last couple of breakfasts they ignored my instructions about making the fried eggs solid and cooking the bacon crisp

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Ok neets, at 6pm AEST tonight, one hour earlier than normal, we will be showing two more episodes of our surprise hitSilicon Valley.

Then at 7pm AEST, we will be showing Kamikaze Taxi (1995). After his girlfriend is murdered by yakuza, a japanese pimp goes on a suicidal revenge rampage. It's a low budget and inventive movie that came out around the time that Pulp Fiction did.

Then tomorrow we have Smokey And The Bandit (1977) starring Burt Reynolds.

> probably buy some shit i dont even need just for the momentary serotonin boost
I spent $86.10 cash monies
$11.50 mcdolans
$ 9.60 mondsters
$35.00 bcf ($31.00 stuff, $4.00 donation oz fish)
$30.00 sca ($28.99 stuff, $1.01 donation beyond blue)
I forgot to take my parcel collection card to the post office.

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> This is the rarest of the single malts behind Ballantine’s top-selling blends and the finale to one of the most significant trilogies of single malts ever created.
The trilogy they refer to is the 17yo Glenburgie and Miltonduff. I have the Miltonduff, but the Glenburgie was released before I joined the club and is sold out.

Lunch specials are always much better than dinner. 
It's also Saturday and likely to be rowdy folk about, if you don't mind them,  maybe Gawler Arms, or the rib joint near the oval in Gawler. I haven't been there. 
Or the sailmaster and get some fried croc. 
Bombay bicycle club and check out their toilet with the indoor garden and bird sounds.

Enfield Park looks nice and peaceful,

"There is real variety in the gardens and pavilions here. Traditional rose plantings complement secluded groves of ornamental trees. Water features wind their way amongst paths dotted with shrubs. The Mausoleum Precinct has its own quiet elegance, while the Buddhist Garden has been designed as a place of harmony and peace. Alongside it, The Cascades places bold modern metal sculpture in the midst of a grove of trees standing on sprawling lawns."

I went there for the Zeytoon Parvardeh (olives marinaded in pomegranate puree).
Their flat bread is not great, it used to be more doughy, now it's like paper. 
Still a very nice experience. 
Had a guava bundaberg. They have that weird runny yoghurt drink but I didn't get that.

I went there for the Zeytoon Parvardeh (olives marinaded in pomegranate puree).
Their flat bread is not great, it used to be more doughy, now it's like paper. 
Still a very nice experience. 
Had a guava bundaberg. They have that weird runny yoghurt drink but I didn't get that.  >>/727565/
Good post

Just me and the troon at home. He is all depresso because he sold his house today for left than he wanted. 
I can't stand being around depressed people. They drag everyone else down into their misery.

If they want, they have.
We have sweet dishes. The most simple example is butterbrot with apricot jam. Marmalade - what the Brits eat - is the same. But we have "warm" sweet dishes for lunch too.
Also don't forget stuff like cereal often sweetened. Especially if American.

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Howdy NEETs. Today I went on a mountain adventure with my new freinds, there was even a femoid. We all had a great time out in beautiful nature and then when we said goodby I went for a drive in the amazing countryside where I had never been, to see an old country gentleman who gave me some bales of hay for the wallabys. I told him it was for a goat tho because these hayseeds hate wallabys. Had a hot bath and thought about the cold snowflakes all up on the top of the peak, and wondered if any of you NEETs acctually managed to leave your apartments today.

> Take a look inside the '90s time warp where one brave Aussie video store battles on renting out DVDs to customers 39 years after it first opened: 'This is priceless'

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thumbnail of Mesmerising footage reveals a driver's-eye view of one of th.mp4
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> Mesmerising footage reveals a driver's-eye view of one of the world's greatest railway journeys - along Scotland's West Highland Line and the Harry Potter viaduct


I helped run an ruok day about 10 years ago. 
80% went back to them for advertising for the following year and wages for internal staff. 
All charities are scum. 
Giving the local boongs a pouch of tobacco is unironically better.

Other topics they don't want to discuss include why the same homeless guy can sleep in the church yard for years and not get a place to stay, and why niggers straight out of Sudan can walk straight into a house when the public housing waiting list is 15 years long.

It wasn't because it was safe to eat, they told you that but it was a lie. 
The reason was that it had no solvent so you couldn't sniff it, they lied because they didn't want you to learn that glue even could be sniffed.

Only bad home children even know that inhaling solvent is even a thing

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