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The bored four NEETs

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> Oh. That's an interesting take.
> Hmm. 
I'm only speculating, but they're already interfering with tree planting and the like.

> Heh. I love this shit. 
I like that they gave an unknown stranger a proper burial and maintained his head stone for 115 years.

There isn't a usable bedroom. The laundry, toilet and bathroom are covered in a layer of thick white dust from when dickhead went boonta with a sander on plaster and didn't cover anything up. The kitchen has cupboard doors and fly screens and doors from other rooms stacked up against the sink and kitchen table making it largely unusable.
I'm overwhelmed with the mess and lack of space.

FRM's dog has started sitting by the window and observing the happenings in the house through the lace curtain. I don't know if she likes the feeling of the curtain, the smell, or the way it obscures her sight. I expect the novelty will wear off in a day or two.

I live next to the police station at the tenth floor 
I'm getting a free show every other day as long as I'm willing to go on the balcony 
perfect view too
I'll take a photo or two when the sun goes down; now it's simply too hot to go outside

Just finished. The last match was hilarious. The current top ranking rikishi's panty started to unfold so the referee stopped the bout and they had to tie the panty again on him.
It was a match against the smallest guy, who won in the end. Crowd threw in bunch of sitting pillows.

> Two major tree planting events in Perth were reportedly cancelled this weekend after an Aboriginal corporation demanded $2.5 million.

> Studies have shown loneliness is as deadly as smoking half a packet of cigarettes a day, and is associated with 26 per cent increase in the risk of death.

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Ok neets, if the neet who requested Air Crash Investigations can give me some episode numbers to watch before the end of the day we'll be seeing that on Wednesday night womboflix, if not, we'll be watching the first episode of Black Mirror

i like the way that any time the police cant immediately identify something they get the army in to blow it up

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Meh im sick of Air crash investigations. Its always the mechanics fault anyway. No way would I fly without racially profiling their workshops. Go ahead with this new offering and I will attend. 
T. MoofiesNEET
P.S. I'm glad you all liked my pick last night. You know there is a sequel worth watching, even if its a bit ribald.

Less is more. It's all about contrast. 
High level boongery for extended periods.
Everything in abundance means nothing is appreciated. 
Need to cut back on everything but I've spoiled myself rotten.


> Sampling 1400 glasses of wine across five days might sound like the greatest job on earth, but according to [some weak cunt] it’s a lot harder than you’d think.

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shap'd at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next design'd;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Fill'd it with vice, and call'd the thing a NIGGER.

Yeah, useless pricks. I had two degrees in computing and their IT stuff was never working but they wouldn't give me a job fixing it. When Cenno cancelled my money and I told them to shove it they tried telling me I had to tell them what job I ended up getting, probably so they could try claiming they made it happen.

> So why were you on cenno?
I was for a whopping 3 weeks, where they had decided I was only entitled to about $36 a week because of savings and "assets".
I had just wasted my entire youth working for a company and hated the idea of working and IT and everything else.

> decided I was only entitled to about $36 a week because of savings and "assets".
This is a deliberate ploy to try and force an ex-wagie back into the workforce as quickly as possible. Don't count his prior tax contributions or anything, they're for single mothers and druggie parasites.

More weight should be put into this opinion.


It destroyed his multi.

It's either wear or mold on some of the leather, vile.

He can't anchor there.

You can't park there.

Based and big fella pilled.

Interesting article. I read it this afternoon. I thought of the Venetians.

Let it flow.

> only have a decade at most left.
Lucky bugger.

You look well.

Go on...

It will soon be Wednesday my dudes.


Very informative. Could follow.


> Need to cut back on everything but I've spoiled myself rotten.
Food for thought.

To the moon!

The state of this country...

One day he will.

< My Body is Ready

Executive meal.

I miss those Good morning images.


You should've withdrawn your assets before you quit.

You earned it!

We love you NEET.

That's the skellie choice. A real NEET does the challenge.

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This week on womboflix...a bunch of tv and movies I haven't seen and have to rely on the positive opinions of reviewers:

On Wednesday we are watching the first episode of the anthology series Black Mirror - a member of the royal family gets kidnapped and the kidnappers demand that the prime minister has sex with a pig on public television in return for releasing her. Yup, sounds promising.

On Saturday we have LA Confidential (1997), and American neo-noir crime film starring Russell Crowe and Guy Pearce.

Then on Sunday, the Scottish comedy-drama film Local Hero (1983) about an American oil company representative who is sent to the fictional village of Ferness on the west coast of Scotland to purchase the town and surrounding property for his company. Soundtrack by Mark Knopfler.

We'll also be screening the following movies the same day as they come out on bittorrent: The Sound Of Freedom (2023) and Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning (2023)

> 22 hours
Just make sure you're getting all your benefits and not a contractor who is expected to sort his own tax and super and the like.
Also make sure you can do those things. The things listed in the automation line mean nothing to me and I've been around this shit half my life.

I don't mean to bring up poofter sports but I just find it ridiculous how obviously biased the ABC and BBC are on matters they are meant to be neutral on. I know people irl that think the ABC has a right wing bias too, which is one of the most comically out of touch things imaginable.
Motherbat still hasn't recovered after the Tallboy that Weber dropped.

dumb fucking nigger
dumb fucking "journalist"

When I can hit the kf drive thru last night they had run out of wicked wings and zinger fillets. I had to settle for an original burger box with the piece of original swapped out for hot and spicy. It was still delicious since I had been fasting all day.

Back from lizbef. 
Got some sushi and soup. 
A bloke was out the front of the shops, he gave me a high five gesture, so I high fived him. 
He then started talking about angels and demons and being bashed in gaol by abos and not being able to see his kids and all sorts of shit. 
Tried to give me $5. Gave me two hugs. 
Said God bless you a bunch of times.

Morning instants and nicotine going down 

Good shit. I'm back to the gym today after resting a sore shoulder for a few days. 

I will be making mine today and also documenting all the clothing items I own 

> Tried to give me $5.
He thought you needed it more than him. Why?

This is why Jew magic required going through kabbalah or masonry to be exposed to. 
He said that I didn't want the $5 because it could be harnessing bad juju and you don't know where it's been. 
I tried to correct him but he had divine insight.
Genuinely a pretty cool dude.

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