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The bored four NEETs

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I went to a talk by John Birmingham at my local library about 5 years ago and I like some of his books.
It was quite good, he talked about his writing process and answered a bunch of questions.
Signed a book for me too.

Got everything needed for tacos except the motivation to make them. A bit annoyed there was only light sour cream available and there was a nasty young lady walking barefoot. Definitely less anxiety-ridden going late evening.

Yes its true. I can't stand it any more. Its the same as when I was 15 hiding in my bedroom away from my angry single mother 
Just the sound of the door opening makes me sigh in defeat knowing its 5 hours until I'm 'alone' again while they're sleeping

Been sitting with my left foot under my right knee for months now. My left assbone is starting to tingle when I'm in the car

Just a quey 

International Cruisey was balancing things well for us but he became less vocal about it and thus the gap had to be filled

Ball hurts less. Had a bath and a shave. was tidying up when the real estate lady comes around for a scheduled inspection. looks like I am good here for the forseeable future. Going to do some carpentry and have a think.

They tried to farm cattle on Amsterdam Island, but gave up after 9 monhs and left 5 cows there, which bred in numbers to over 1000.
They were feral and grew back horns and their patterns was similar to aurochs.
They culled the lot of them about 15 years ago.

I'm just upset because I'm going nowhere with my life and I know the time is slipping away. Going to just get gooned until the feeling goes away rather than trying to improve my life. It all comes down to time preference in the end.

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I never eat restaurant food. The amount of muds in catering basically guarantees that some brown person will touch your food. 
> Tuberculosis

> culturally poor hygiene standards

> most of them are basically slaves, do you want some slave to make your food?

I like jalapenos I have a big jar in my refrigerator and I had them in my lasgnae just now.  I put a bit of mayonaise on my beans and sauerkraut. Sometimes I put hot bbq sauce on my chippos but just a bit.

> Passengers onboard a major airline were left outraged after they were randomly served KFC, instead of the airline’s actual meals.
There's no pleasing some people.

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all you can do is minimise the risk. wholefood made in aus is pretty safe from brown hands, i think. I never get food from china. but when it comes to directly seeing the chain of handling, If you can see a mud in the kitchen of the restaurant then why would you sit down to dine? 

I think people who eat takeaway and uber eats are retarded. even food choices from the supermarket are full of obvious shit you just dont eat. 
I had a 1488 mate who bought ching chong bacon and when I asked him why he just said it was cheap. He started cooking it and I am overcome with coughing just like it was CS gas. He eats that evil toxic swine flesh and he stinks for hours. Vile. its pretty rare to find someone who has situational awareness when it comes to what they eat. 

(You) neets drink, smoke, drug, gamble, wank, play video games. All the ways you can do to rot inside, you love it. eating shit is going to be the last thing you stop doing. I dont think i could bear to be in an enclosed space with you.

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Ok neets, tonight on womboflix we'll be watching Northern Exposure  an American Northern comedy-drama television series about the eccentric residents of a fictional small town in Alaska. I've never seen it myself, but it's been listed as one of the greatest tv series ever made, and if not, we can always watch some youtube.
7pm AEST

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Im just so frustrated NEETs. The construction over the road is so loud I cant study for my maths exam. I want to say something to the foreman but I'm too anxious from lack of sleep from the stress. I finally snapped today and I went out and yelled at the excavator, even tho nobody was there on the site. I probably look like a autistic retard and there was this weirdo who stopped his car to stare but I dont care. I feel a bit better now. Soon, with enough practice I'll be able to express my anger to the union wagie chuds when they are actually there.. 
t. fed up neet.

Yeah, I got those 22 entries from the customer billing system, along with a list of sick days and annual leave days from emails/payslips. I just know how much it must pain the ATO to have to hand back $25.875 a week in WFH allowance.

helps a little if you are drunk 
if you are sober it also helps, until you drink too much and you get shaky 
at that point you're nothing but a drone 
if you get lucky, you practice for 2 hours the same thing without even realizing, but more often than not you just jump from one thing to another while getting little to nothing done

Cheers noot. I've had some toast and some coffee. Not feeling much better. Still slow and forgetful. I don't think I'm still drunk though. Still feel sick in my stomach and I have a slight ache behind my eyes if that makes sense. I'm wondering if some power powerade, gatorade or something would help.

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Ball is still painful and making me walk like a cowboy without a horse. Swelling is down 80%, I might try to wear loose underpants today. Getting back into the calinsthetics but I still need to take my pants off to do the crow stands and squats. Havent been feeling rowdy since the hurt happened. Pie was not cooked on the bottom, pastry gave me rotten reflux overnight, into the bin.

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You are more likely to get herpes from the pajeet who is fresh off the plane from the antibiotic resistant bacteria infested slums of calcutta, who lives is a cab dorm sharing one toilet with 13 other sickly muds, one of whom almost certainly has tuberculosis and possibly one who got some hitherto unknown fecal-oral transmissible hemorrhagic pathogen from raping an orangutang in that refugee camp in borneo. Hep A in this cohort is a given.

I duno what exactly is going on inside but I dont need to know all I need to do is not bash it more and not get depressed about not being able to go into the forest for a bit and my chocolate cache I do that by doing normal shit as much as possible.

bet it was another faggot he assaulted

The problem with these things is that you have to be prepared to sit in a phone queue with your existing provider to get them to match something and if they don't you have to then sit in a phone queue with the new mob. You also usually have to lock the new ones in for 12 months or something, so you cant change each month.
Multiply that by every subscription/card/loan you have and it becomes a massive headfuck.

I might have to change providers because I was doing leg raises with no pants on because ball injury, with my bare bum towards the window and the blinds open. I heard the meter guy on my porch  and the meter box is next to the window. :/

our politicians are all fuckwits, but at least we don't have nursing home patients running the government like the seppos do

I think this is one of the ones we solved after declaring her dead the day they posted the news story about her being missing. Took the cops 3 months or somethink.

A bloke I knows uncle who was a born again christian teetotaller ate half a very strong choof cake at his 21st birthday without knowing.
It kicked in when he was driving home and he pulled over on the freeway and called an ambulance because he thought he was having a stroke or something.

> The former Lindt cafe in Sydney CBD, which was once the scene of one of the nation’s most shocking terrorist attacks, has reopened as an up-market cellar concept store from liquor giant Dan Murphy’s.

> Wholesale power prices have fallen by 59 per cent in the past year, despite retail prices increasing by up to 30 per cent for customers in eastern Australia.

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Ball is so-so today. High power alfa wave field from the rain on the tin roof made it impossible for me to wake up. Wallaby didnt touch his tin tray of pellets overnight.  Four bales of hay they wont touch but the grass is nibbled down to the moss. They are just as stupid as you neets but i'll keep making an effort to win them over. Hoppers get hay, Neets get acid.

(You) love it
But neets are obviously stupid. At least the wallaby is just following its natural instinct and it probably doesnt want to eat boring hay when the grass here must be like ambrosia. (You) neets literally know your bad habits are ruining your lives and yet you celebrate your bad lifestyle here and the other neets cheer, also yet I am the troll against this toxic culture not the neet who participates, grows and maintains it. 

I am chad wallaby bro you are retard moloch.

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