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> Unable to find a hire car to continue their trip, the couple is now waiting for a friend to make the 2500km drive from Melbourne to take them and their caravan home
That poor bastard friend, imagine if the coons stole that as well.

Interesting outcome. 
> In December, the 14-year-old boy avoided jail after a judge ruled he was allowed to carry the blade for religious reasons. 
> District Court Judge Sophia Beckett said she did not consider the stabbing to be premeditated as the blade was already in the offender's possession.

It was an informative article overall.

> Senator Linda Reynolds is suing Brittany Higgins for defamation

Triggered from comments due to this 
> Damning findings against Shane Drumgold in Lehrmann inquiry

On the house of cards. 
The original the other day on womboflix was good. 
I did mention that it was skipping, and that's why I turned it off but my excuses are not good enough for boardneet.

Had an hour long big boss man phone call. 
First step to a big win. First one in a few months. 
Answered the phone with her name and skipped pleasantries and formalities. 
Avoided shittalking competition, in a way which just made me look better than that. Commented on pay rates and negotiable working hours. 
Did alright. Might not go anywhere but it's the third call regarding it today and I've basically sorted it.

Also did he screen all three episodes of House of Cards last night? If he didn't you only saw a third of the storyline, and I'm not talking about To Play The King and The Final Cut.


Been at a park the last couple hours listening to an audiobook. Then went for a bit of a jog around a nearby sports field. Got skid marks on my knees after tripping over a roped-off area I couldn't see in the darkness. You?



art gallery is also cheap for the general section. if there is an exhibition on they usually bill that section separately so you don't have to do it
i think there's a freida (monobrow lady) exhibition on at the moment, but that will cost $25+ each probably
so save it for another time maybe

> South Australian police are calling on motorists to “wake up and grow up” as the road death toll for 2023 surpasses the 2022 with five months left in the year. 

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> In 1569 Ludwig Lavater would publish De Spectris (On Ghosts), a text that would go on to become the most popular textbook on ghosts for several generations, including William Shakespeare.
Get in here neets, the magic jew is revealing to us a forbidden secret book us about demonic ghosts. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

I did meth recently. Felt amazing for like 12 hours then crashed real hard. I think I might have adhd because it made my concentration and thinking super clear. I’d do it again if I had money and there was no crash.


> Mark Margolis, Actor on ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘Better Call Saul,’ Dies at 83

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I'd say he packed my paper bag. He chucked picrel in loose instead of putting them in an antistat baggie and then put a bunch of heavy stuff in on top.
He also substituted an LM555NC for the NE555 I ordered without consultation. With an NE555, the output timing is dependent on temperature and supply voltage and the trigger pin has a higher priority. With an LM555NC, the output timing is relatively independent of temperature and supply voltage and the threshold pin has a higher priority. Now for what I'm doing that doesn't matter a shit, but he didn't ask or even mention the substitution.
I also had to check in the folds of the paper bag for one of the loose tantalum capacitors.
Harrumphing my tits off.

The girl ahead of me in the drivethrough at hungry jacks was in an ndis car
after a bit of fucking about and handing over a couple of coins they gave her some ice cream in the lid of a sundae container which I pressume she handed to the mong in the passenger seat
I thought it was nice.

> an infection of naegleria fowleri, the now-notorious brain-eating amoeba that swims up people’s noses and colonises their brains.

pedo leers at a girl and gets smacked for it, state has a cry about it

I used to get mine from Roger David.
I think the last pair were from tarocash and were okay. 
Anything that's an Oxford, leather and whatever colour you want. 
Or get some brown Chelsea boots with the stretchy ankle bits with nice jeans.

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Okay fellas, movie starts in 1 hour 10 mins. It'll be Ladyhawke.
On Endcorner:

Till then some youtube perhaps odysee stuff.
Right now Shiey rolling, literally whizzin on a bike to the Adriatic in the Balkans.

I selected the videos till the film.
As I mentioned Shiey: Cycling Journey to the Adriatic Sea rolls now.
Geowizard - Maps I find fascinating (and hilariour)
Steve Wallis - 3 Days Storm Chasing
Living Ironically in Europe - Why Bosnia & Turkey Love Each Other?

I bought skyrim. I haven't played it since not long after it came out. 
One of the few games that I finished more than once.
I remember arguing with someone about how games aren't good enough to have dragons flying around in the sky.
I played it first while living in the thick of Webby territory. Moved in with my dealer, his missus was a gamer. She got it the day it came out I think.
I played it and got killed by a sabertooth tiger. 🐯 Finished it with a nord, and an ork. 
Orks have berserk mode and you get two one handed axes and bash the triggers. 
This version is the 'special edition', winner of over 200 game of the year awards. It had a free upgrade to ps5 when I  installed it. Not sure if I can delete the ps4 version from the disc. 💿 There's also expansion packs included which I don't think she had. 
Keen. Although this is the first time in at least 2 months since I turned it on. It made lots of noises, like the fan was clicking on something, or the belt that drives it is slipping. 
I've only had it a bit over a year and don't use it often. 
It's installed.

> Moved in with my dealer, his missus was a gamer. She got it the day it came out I think.
A whimsical adventure.

> 🐯 💿
I liked the use of these.

> I've only had it a bit over a year and don't use it often. 
Your ISP should give you another one.

Your intestines are congested. Simply try putting two small teaspoons of epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) into an 8oz glass of water, stir it until it is fully dissolved. It will taste nasty but drink it down FAST. It will act as laxative. Epsom salt is dirt cheap btw, and you can buy the stuff in bulk. But NEVER overuse it, you would regret it badly.

In small doses epsom salt is a very good natural way to ease constipation and release your bowels. But only take it as directed, and start microdosing first (maybe down to one small teaspoon to test it). I myself have taken too much and can confirm it can become painful and nasty to overdo it. It's a very strong but cheap as dirt natural laxative you can pretty much buy anywhere. Even agricultural places will sell it in bulk. I have it for those types of emergencies when I have intestinal congestion and constipation.

I shot a possum caught in a racoon trap with my browning .22 the other day. Damn things were messing with my grill outside the night after I used it to cook. If there are two pests I hate out here it's raccoons and possum. Everyone weeds those cocksuckers out. They kill chickens and suck the blood from them. They destroy gardens, eat one bite of a tomato and let everything else rot on the ground. They break into sheds and garages. Etc.

> 'Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest!' the man booms at the camera. 'Get your hand off my penis!
Iconic line.

There are some good stories today
> Barack Obama biographer David Garrow who revealed ex-president's 'gay fantasies' says ex-president is as insecure as DONALD TRUMP
>  >The Pulitzer-prize winning writer then pivoted to the letters he compiled from Alex McNear, a young woman who Obama wrote was the focus of a crushes for many students at Los Angeles' Occidental.
>  >'With Alex, I think she wanted to have her role known. So when Alex showed me the letters from Barack, she redacted one paragraph in one of them and just said, 'It's about homosexuality.''

Trust the plan
> Prosecutors from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office are seeking a protective order after Donald Trump posted an apparent threat on Truth Social on Friday. Citing the former president’s all-caps declaration, “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”

Projectionist neet here - my computer won't boot and I'm posting this from another IP and computer. I can't stream a movie tonight because I can't access anything, but if you guys want to watch it Zelig is on the womboflix server, and you'll need to get webby to get the url and shiban or someone to make a new cytube room and stream it from there. I can't make any more posts until I get my computer working again.

According to Wiki:
Zelig was photographed and narrated in the style of 1920s black-and-white newsreels, which are interwoven with archival footage from the era and re-enactments of real historical events. Color segments from the present day include interviews of real cultural figures, such as Saul Bellow and Susan Sontag, and fictional ones.

Pigs in a divvy van shone their spotlights on me while in the car. Then they moved a few metres away and stopped for a few minutes, I guess watching what I would (maybe) do. Like if I took off they'd have come after me for sure.

Can't even read a book
My head's too cooked
Not even if I tried
My brain's too fried
A slave to dopamine
A flesh machine
A short attention span
Blame Instagram

My laptop's a prison
My cell phone's a prison
My PC's a prison
Please let me out

Not reading but I know its like the cia lies about razors in apples.
They dont want you to relyon, or even acknowledge that nature provides. To detatch you from the environment where the only safe and effective living measures are available in a sanitised and patented form delivered by amazon or uber.

Everything apart from boat building come from trade down the volga into kievan rus.
Jews taught them trade.
Probably taught them boat building too.
Even rome was just Jews too.
Ashkenaz was Europas son, founder of Rome from  Carthage, via Sicily.

Aeneas was a Trojan and was said to have founded Rome. I've read that his name, is similar to the phonecian way to write Ashkenaz, due to not having vowels. Phonecians were from Tyr and are all baal and moloch worshiping boat jews.

> The Fiery Zinger Burger are on available for a limited time – between August 8 and September 4 – at participating KFC restaurants and via the KFC app.

> But, fans can access the it a day early via the KFC app – and the secret menu item is only found via the app.

She is having knee surgery on Thursday, so I will stay down there until at least the 16th.
Wednesday I have to take Sweetie to a boarding kennel for a few weeks (she jumps on and bumps Motherbat). Thursday I have to drive Motherbat to Flinders Medical Centre and back. The rest of the time will be just making sure she can get to the toilet and doing the cooking and whatever.

another week, another couple of ABC articles trying to push some faggot vegetarian agenda

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