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The bored four NEETs

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get a load of this bullshit

> The ABC was forced to issue a clarification after airing claims that the official 'No' campaign used 'AI-generated aboriginals' in their advertisements.

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Ok neets, Wednesday night on womboflix we'll be watching the British TV show Edge Of Darkness.  A mixture of crime drama and political thriller, it revolves around the efforts of widowed policeman Ronald Craven to unravel the truth behind the murder of his daughter Emma. I've never seen it, but it's been cited as one of the best British TV shows ever made, and was remade as an American TV series and a movie.

That doesn’t suit me.
I’m the wrong type for sexual games;
I wasn’t cut out to admire myself in a mirror.
I am badly shaped and lack the looks to feel at ease swaggering in front of a pretty, flighty girl.
For me such activity has been curtailed.
I’ve been cheated out of good looks by nature;
deformed, not fully developed,
because of the premature birth that sent me into the world barely half formed, and even then, badly.
Nature has made me so ugly that dogs bark at me as I limp past them.

those nigger womping pajeets that the other neet posted a video of recently are in trouble :(

No. She saw a boong lady walking through the self serve. Then grabbed her bag and said I need to check it. Boongette chucked a wobbly so check out chick yanked the bag out of her hands and threw it on the ground, then kicked it when she went down to pick it up. 
She said sorry to me, and I apologised to her for the boong. 
I was sure she'd get fired.

I noticed that when I used to use the dripulator. 
It gives more caffeine. 
I think it's because the store ones use more of a steam than water to perc the coffee. 
You still get the shit yourself special from all the caffeine, just without the flavour.

Yeah, probably. Still thought the OC health way is that you need to let them leave the store and call the police. 
ProteinNEET used to work at davo otr and had to let theives take shit because (at least back then) the law was that they needed to be off the property because otherwise they could claim that they put it in their bag/pocket and just forgot to pay.

Yes, you have to call the police immediately, but you can stop them leaving. It just needs to be made clear to dispatch that you are detaining them and that the police need to get there ASAP. Otherwise you're in that whole 'unlawful detention' area.


lol what a wild 39 days it was too

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I was going to take the Kenwood, along with my HP 5315A universal counter (Tiffin doesn't have one of those either), but I'm worried that long a car ride might be harmful to them.
So the only bulky thing I'm taking is my power supply that Fatherbot built.
I'll just use an LED and some resistor substitutions to confirm things are oscillating if need be.

A pleasant 20 stando hangover. Minimal anxiety and no physical symptoms. Just a little light headed or dreamy, would be the perfect day to go have a swing on the hammock and fall in and out of sleep in the sun.

Covert water bottle operation was a success. Finally relaxing in the lair. Tomorrows the big day

I want something obnoxiously extravagant and pretentious. Something that showcases my self-esteem issues and obsession with status and materialism. 
Something like this: https://www.michaelhill.com.au/p/seiko-mens-le-grand-sport-mens-alarm-chronograph-ssc314p-9-watch-18386202.html
Only 3 weeks worth of cenno bennies, thanks wagies

silly bitch needed a jiggler and a keypress thingo

Who cares what women think? Women perceive status based on the opinion of other women, and by extension, the opinion of other men. Women are just adult children that follow fashion and public sentiment. Pay no attention to them.

I'm a chickenhawk huntin' for a chicken
Get paranoid when you hear my Glock clickin'
Speakin' to the punk that's tweakin'
With the bitch-ass styles I hit you like Deacon Jones
House call for Dr. Bones
I'll roll ya up and smoke you like cones
Split the seed and grow you like clones
Don't start me up 'cause I'm not the Rolling Stones

Almost did with the KFC
> promo conditions not met, you must sign in to complete checkout
> try to log in but contact details out of date
> we have sent a code to your email
> code expires in 3 minutes
> never receive code...
Pixxa was almost out and I was about to rage-smash the phone.

their stock price hit rock bottom after investors learned about monk's departure

Morning surgery would have been preferable. I'll be driving her back. It sounds like she has to be able to bear weight on it before they'll let her leave. They'll probably give me a wheel chair to push her out to the car. Getting her into the car will be fun.

> The body of a woman who was mysteriously found tightly wrapped and buried in a besser block wall in Brisbane has been identified.
I'm declaring this a suicide.

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Got hybrid phising/chugging email today on the wage outlook inbox. It wanted me to click a link and give them money for blind niggers. Was about to click the link for funz but i realized I should only do that on machines at teh wage.

kek there’s a jehova’s witness waiting for surgery who just told the people with them that she left it off the paperwork so she can get a blood transfusion if needed and telling them they have to agree to her wishes

They then all started on about the diseases in blood and that you still can’t trust it even if things are easier to test now than 3000 years ago. Then pivoted to people not blooding slaughtered meat properly. Fucken weirdos.

Is this bad WA NOOTs?

Someone came into my yard with a flashlight.
Without thinking, grabbed an axe and ran outside ass naked and chased the fleeing trespasser half way down the road yelling obscenities.

Strange behaviour, normally I'm a comfy neet

Neighbour thought somebody was breaking into the house and was shouting out. I thought somebody was breaking into their house and went out with a filleting knife.
A good time was had by all.

Did some bossman mogging. Client has been asking for same services from myself and a different provider. Told the pooji princess that she'll need to go sort that out because I'm sending them in on Monday. She sent me a professional text, I sent back a thumbs up.

Got her prescription filled and did some grocery shopping.
Having a pepper pie and a stdout now.
Making spaghetts and meatballs for dindins.
Sisterbot had a seizure yesterday apparently.

the wall remains undefeated

Hospitals are like airports, you can make them good. 
I bring a picnic blanket, a Thermos, a poncho, an origami kit.

I give the nurses origami things, kids usually take the blanket, someone in the waiting room always needs a tea and pocky.
NEET holds the human and animal souls in one embrace

Saw three karens bully a wagie. The wagie became upset and left his wage cage. When he came back I offered him pocky and he was confused and angry. The best laid plans of pocky and neet gaes oft awry

Were you there too?
They were for looking for Japs.
Did you look at their book selection there?
I bought a book called 'I flew for the furher'.
Bloke flew for Germany for the whole war, then deferred once it was over.
The last page (from a quick squiz) is about how Germany was all that was left to save Europe from the Russians.

I need to attach the banana plug sockets to the new prototyping breadboard I brought down with me. I knew she had screwdrivers and a hammer and stuff, so I didn't bring down any of those sort of tools down. I do have a tool roll in the car boot (for breakdowns etc) which has a shifter in it, but I'm not walking outside.

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