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Thinking about leaving the Gen and stopping drinking and smoking weed and getting my shit together and doing things well like I think I can and bring enthusiastic about stuff and doing good.

And shitey and even NK. 
I'd love to come here for 15 mins and leave and not continue to think about you all. 
Every stud cunt in Lizzie west is davo and commodores in Elizabeth/Playford district are Weber. Sometimes I see monk looking cunts and stare at them menacingly as they go in to Cashies. 
Theres a guy who makes me think of stanners who walks around the Elizabeth area with an electric keyboard in a trolley. 
I'm missing a FIFO. 
I should have hired him. 
I wimped out harder than him.

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mumsie says her neighbours are going to europe with their sub two year old infant. she wants to give them her meme travellers security luggage with the fswr in the handles and the x-ray proof credit card holders and such. The whole affair is retarded to begin with and she wants to overlay maximum cringe but they will probably love her paranoid boomer trinkets and they will get to some kind of zoomer NPC full retard tourist nexus with her gifted slash proof bags and RFID sheilded underpants. The just moved into the 800K house enext door and one tenth of their walls are builders underlay plastic and the backyard is fallow weeds but shit lets spend our four weeks annual wageslave temporary hiatus haemmoraging aussie dollars in eurodisney world. Pah. I'm rolling for the GFC 2.0 and nigger chimpouts, then these morons will really see what the world is like.

> This case describes the requirements for the importation of the following fresh and semi-processed Allium spp. for human consumption from permitted countries: Onions, shallots, chives, leeks, garlic and allium flowers.Summary of import conditionsWarning: The following is a summary only; all consignments must meet the full import conditions contained in this BICON case.Fresh garlic bulbs for human consumption will require an import permit for importation into Australia.Fresh Allium requires phytosanitary certification and department inspection prior to release from biosecurity control.

Found another sickle neet.sickle neet 2 plans on keeping hundreds of guinnea pigs. This struck me as a bit jean de flourette but the more he explained it the more it made sense. I'm helping him dynamite a well for the guinnea pigs to get water.

"There are racial considerations too grave to be brushed aside for any sentimental reasons. Biological laws tell us that certain divergent people will not mix or blend. The Nordics propagate themselves successfully. With other races, the outcome shows deterioration on both sides", said possum once in an interview

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> ‘Fired when they get fat’: More dancers speak up against Lizzo

Not really. The few online ones I've looked at want you to sign up and then seem to limit how long you can use them without taking out a subscription.
I'm sure there are some completely free ones, but I haven't taken the time to find them.

I went to officeworks and got 'served' by your tranny. 
It told me they no longer print a4's and I need to do it on the self serve.. but it could do it for me this one time. I said that it can, then told me about the self serve again so I went and did it myself. 50c a page now and you need to pay an estimate before getting it done. 
Was in a playful mood and was going to go in to jaycar to give them some positive feedback as a joke but zer pissed me off so I didn't.

I was looking up LA just because elliott smith died there and bukoski lived there his entire life and came across this 
> Los Angeles has 25 sister cities,[335] listed chronologically by year joined:
first city on the list
> Eilat, Israel (1959)

I did not know about those. I think I read the First Law and the three following standalone books just after the last one's release. Since then I have not checked on Abercrombie if he wrote anything more. i should have.

This would have been good to know about with more than an hour's notice:
Funny how she seems to know about every other retarded happening down here but didn't know about this.

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Tonight, on womboflix, Good Will Hunting (1997) - Will Hunting, a janitor at M.I.T., has a gift for mathematics, but needs help from a psychologist to find direction in his life. Starring Jason Bourne,  Batman, and the guy from good morning vietnam. On in 1 hour: https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

Originally Good Will Hunting was going to be a Jason Bourne style thriller...
"They completed the script in 1994. At first, it was written as a thriller about a young man in the rough-and-tumble streets of South Boston who possesses a superior intelligence and is targeted by the government with heavy-handed recruitment."

Absolute rectal catastrophe. 
Was driving home from Melbourne and really needed to poo after I picked up the choof. Luckily I found a decent public toilet. Problem solved I thought. This mornings eggs benedict and last nights mexican and enough standards to get kicked out of the RSL had other ideas. 
Took a couple wrong turns in the first half of the journey but wasn't too stressed about it. Suddenly need to poo again, and fast. I know theres a good toilet in a town coming up but its at least 20 minutes away. 
Heavy breathing, sweating, groaning, just struggling. Decided I couldn't make it, gonna have to pull over. Manage to find the tissues under the drivers seat but I'm on the verge of losing control, like when you're really close to a toilet. Had the front and rear passenger doors open, was gonna pop a gook squat and let it go but I decided to wait just 10 more seconds for an oncoming car to pass. Couldn't make it, did the first squirt through my undies and trackies, squatted right as his headlights were illimunating the car. Sprayed all over the grass, which was basically up my bum. Poo everywhere. Poo on my thongs. Finish and try to wipe but that makes it worse, poo all over my hand, some more dripped into my trackies. Wipe wipe wipe. Somehow still stepping in it as I'm waddling. Poo on my phone after I used it as a torch. Hope I don't end up on aussie dashcams 
Luckily I had clothes in my bag, put some fresh undies on but got something wet (poo) on the seat. Just poo everywhere. I can see the brown on the trackies in the passenger footwell after I make it to the drivers seat. 
Problem mostly solved, just the smell. Made it home and showered, survived the ordeal. Now just the cleanup.

My sisters ex boyfriend from a decade ago perished from the standards on thursday. He was well respected, polite, charismatic, tall and handsome. Was a plumber who loved four wheel driving and fishing.He was only 31.Read an FB post from his mum, "his body couldn't put up with the stresses of the chronic alcoholism anymore". He died in his parents house. His liver and kidneys most have been shot. Must have been horrific. They must of been given the bad news a while ago and opted for in home pallative care rather than hospice.I would have never thought something like that could happen to him.


That bloke has a lot of homework
> Chutkan ultimately ruled that she will allow Trump to review discovery materials without having a member of his legal team sit with him
> Windom said the government would begin sharing discovery materials once the protective order is in place -- "roughly 11.6 million pages or files," he said, adding that the materials are "extraordinarily well organized" and that the government expects to have discovery "substantially completed" by the end of the month. 

It was a big wank. 
Still thinking about going to get some more grog. Haven't eaten. 
Sort of thinking I'll get some puff pastry and turn that slop into pasty things. It's too salty, gave me hiccups when I had some with rice

Maintenance officer at Weber's anus. 
On call, must be available at short notice, soldering experience recommended, floorboard accommodation inc working away from home allowance of pepper pie crusts, salary sacrificing availabile for chux purchases.

Probably 14. Then bought a pint for someone who had been cut off. Didn't realise they would definitely have cameras in the gaming lounge smokers area and watched me give it to him after telling me not to 

You gotta go when you gotta go. Decided I will put together an emergency kit to keep in the boot. Tissues, wet wipes, undies, plastic bags, etc.

Doing big shid. Since the last one I consumed:
Fish and chips
Sausages egg and bacon and toast
Packet of wagon wheels
Schnitzel and chips
Big bag of Doritos 
Custard tart
Jelly and custard
Strawberry pana cotta
Pepper pie
Bacon egg and cheese muffin 
2 ham sammich
Bag of snakes
Six stdouts 
3 bottles of red

Had a great dream last night where I was dating Gemma Chan from Crazy Rich Asians and she was quickly falling in love with me 
Tried to go back to sleep to continue the dream but was forced to face the reality of life as a lonesome dropkick, woe

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As a change from all the drama we've had recently, Womboflix will be playing the action/crime Last Man Standing(1996) tonight in 1 hour. Starring Bruce Willis and Christopher Walken, and directed by the underrated Walter Hill, it is a remake of the Clint Eastwood movie A Fistful of Dollars, but set in the 1930s rather than the old west.

Thinking about apply to the job at aldi again. But if its 20 hours a week I'm not really sure its worth it, only $150 more than cenno pays. Not sure how much that would reduce my payments

> synagogue

took an 1 hour nap because I haven't had enough coffee 
had some dream where a voice kept saying in my head the end is near and only americans are safe 
could only tie the massage to the one world government and that americans have guns and could fight back 
the dream was probably nonsense but I woke up with sleep paralysis anyway
thought my mic stand was some intruder trying to kill me

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Ok neets, time for the womboflix movie selection committee meeting. This week for tv we'll be screening the first episode of the 90s tv show American Gothic, but we need to pick some movies too:

Wrongfully Accused (1998)
The Sunset Limited(2011)
Captain Phillips (2013)
The Ghost and the Darkness (1996)
Smokin Aces (2006)
Rapid Fire(1992)
Apocalypse Now/Full Metal Jacket/Tropic Thunder
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Rambo (2008)
Showdown in Little Tokyo(1991)
Who Killed Captain Alex
Under Siege
Truman Show
Weekend At Bernies
Taxi Driver
Trading Places
There Will Be Blood
Synecdoche, New York
Fritz the cat
The Commitments
Hell or high water
Ice Pirates
Wolf Of Wall Street
Love And Death
The Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum
Young Einstein
Don's Party
Apt Pupil
Old Henry

Got a bbq chook, coleslaw and pasta salad from woolies. 4 dinner rolls from bakers delight. Longneck of rum from liquorland (have 2 cans in the fridge leftover) and a pepper pie from the bakery.

Concerned about mummybots technical competency. She got an android phone for her new job and needed me to set it up. Needed me to setup the ALDI mobile plan, needed me to show her how to sign into the work e-mail, and tomorrow I'll have to show her again how to use folders in windows explorer. 
This also means that she signed up to all the SaaS shit they use with her personal e-mail address. If she didn't have someone to show her I don't think she'd be able to figure these things out but they've become a requirement and she won't retire for at least 5 years 
She wasn't this technically illiterate when I was a kid

I know, I don't mind doing it. She has to e-mail someone to get a copy of the land title for this house as part of her application for a personal loan but has been putting it off for weeks, no idea why. I can see where my ADHD mongbrain comes from.

> they labeled me as french
> i live in florida
well god damn this really is the end.

i cannot find a flaw in your logic, so fair enough. give it to me gay; is this place any better than 4chan? it seems alright from what i've skimmed. i don't think i can take much more botspam or tranny propoganda.

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