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Ok neets, the votes are in and the candidates selected, with only a moderate amount of vote tampering this time. Here's what womboflix will be playing for the next two weeks:

Wed 16th - American Gothic

Sat 19th - There Will Be Blood
Sun 20th - Syndoche

Wed 23rd - The IT crowd

Sat 26th - Apt Pupil
Sun 27th - Full Metal Jacket

Accepting is on a temporary basis, or existence on a temporary basis.?

They just making music pröööting into em.

I was thinking yesterday I might stream Argo sometimes not on those occasions. It's a relatively recent (2004 or something) Hungarian action comedy. Great fun for not the whole family, lots of violence and cursing.

I went to dinner at a Hungarian fella from works house once.
I was expecting a bbq but it was a 3 course sit down meal, some dumpling things then a really nice stew and a very strong flavoured cake after.
They also got me a bottle of the whisky I drink, extremely good hospitality.

She new, she new!

Good use of the emoji.

He'll be back on the Javascript soon.

> tomorrow
Sounds do-able.

Did you find it?

You need your local partners services to help you.

You'll burst something in your eye.

Cheese (diary, cheese) sauce with cauliflower.


> give it to me straight;

> well god damn this really is the end.

I thought of this image  >>/738047/




I shouldn't but I chortled.

> Do other countries even exist?
Good question.

Down for Love on one Wednesday.


Very busy day.



> They just making music pröööting into em. 

> A cowboy ghost has been haunting my house! 
> I want you to take off your blouse, stand at the window, stand there, for hours, each night. Lure him in. Trapping rogue spirits is dangerous work, especially topless, take lots of photographs. 
> Alright, who’s got a theory for me? Next! 

He's a solid international partner.

That part made me chortle.

NEET spirit.

The show must go on!

Sounds do-able.

> You sure you didn't drink em all? 
Well bantered.


Got choofed last night and spent hours looking at the value chain of Indonesian nutmeg exports. 
50% of the market (20,000T) is exported and the vast majority of the supply comes from small-time holder farmer local collectors, no industrialised farming. 
The exporting companies seem largely like smaller operations, I found some of their US customs records and a lot are making relatively small shipments of 5T or less. Looking at their listed addresses from the customs forms shows standard small suburban industrial yards with a few dodgy trucks that would move the dried product from villages. I'm not sure if these exporters would be the 'local collector' element of the supply chain or if that exists as a middle man between the exporter and the actual producer. 
There has to be a way to exploit the lack of farms somehow. With current methods they just let the nutmeg seed and mace dry by laying them out on the ground, surely I could pay a premium for them and setup a more industrial processing plant with gas heating and internationally compliant quality assurance (EU safety regulation is the largest non-tariff barrier) to try and find the upper hand. It seems like due to the traditional nature of the industry it would be a lot easier to break into compared to say, palm oil. 
Coles brand nutmeg is packed in India, the second largest exporter, but Woolies brand nutmeg is packed in Aus from imported ingredients. 
Wondering if the importers face issues doing business with foreign companies and would benefit from having a direct Aussie contact as their supplier. 
Need that cruisey money to get started


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The first episode of American Gothic will be on in 1 hour on womboflix: 

The story takes place in the fictional town of Trinity, South Carolina, and revolves around Caleb Temple and the town's corrupt sheriff, Lucas Buck. Though appearing affable and charismatic, Sheriff Buck is a murderous rapist whose power base is backed by apparent supernatural powers, which he generally uses to manipulate people to "fulfill their potential" and make life-changing choices (usually for evil). 


The job interview that I cancelled so that I could get gooned has e-mailed me. Their tech talent advocate is apologising, saying she had to take some "urgent time off work". They want to reschedule. The interview I cancelled. 
I don't know if they are desperate, or if this is representative of the wild shit women in "recruiting" do to boost their fake productivity numbers.

> Critics have deemed his portrayal antisemitic and have accused him of “Jewface,” with some deeming it a “caricature.”

Indicators of Disinterest
In Person

Body turned away from you
Has phone or other object out and engaged with it
Appears annoyed or bored with the current interaction
She shuts down intimate moments
She keeps her distance from you in an interaction
Direct eye contact is usually avoided
Her friends come and swarm you, usually involving her departure

Text and Phone

Responses are often short
Message response time ranges from very late to never
Emotion appears to be lacking in the conversation
You are always the one initiating the interactions
Phone cuts to voice mail after 4-6 rings (2 rings to connect, 2 for her to respond)
An offer to talk over phone is ignored with no response
Friend requests are ignored and rejected after a long length of time


She tells you that she is not ready for a relationship
She says she wants nothing serious
She gives you the "Let's Just Be Friends" speech
She curbs sexual escalation
She constantly seems to be busy when you ask to make plans
When plans are made, they are very vague and easily broken
Her former exes are openly discussed with you
Acts of chivalry and being a gentleman are rejected or shown no appreciation
She expresses her interest in your friends or other people
She tries to set you up with other people
She does not show genuine humor in your jokes
When she describes her ideal man, it is exactly not you
You've never been to her place
She is rude to you
She says she is taken with or without any proof
Mutual friends tell you that she is not interested
She manipulates and uses you for personal entertainment and higher gain
She invites her friends along to any plans that are made
She tells you what her friends think about you, and it is not good
Her friends and family have never heard about you after a long length of time
She doesn't freak out when you hit on her friend, or when you freeze her out

Received a piece of mail in the letterbox today, so I presume normal delivery has resumed. Still missing a $150 bottle of whisky that entered the Salisbury North sorting facility last Thursday and a $50 logic pulser that entered the Edinburgh North sorting facility last Monday.

> Meanwhile, the government is bringing in hundreds of thousands of migrants every year, even though there’s currently a nationwide shortage of 750,000 houses
> Good, hardworking Australians are being punished for the failure of our politicians and bureaucrats

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The UK government admitted that 1 out of 73 vaxxed people had died by May 2022. Imagine what the real death numbers must be like. It's probably more like 1 out of 10 vaxxed people have died already.

Hopefully it arrives soon.

> Broome man sent faeces and urine in post addressed to Leonardo DiCaprio and Jared Leto, court told
>  >A Broome man has been given a $3,000 good behaviour bond after mailing 23 satchels containing his faeces and urine through Australia Post
>  >The court heard the satchels' contents were discovered when one of the items ruptured and leaked onto an Australia Post worker.

Cut in half bun, squashed down to fit in the toaster. Worcestershire sauce on the bottom. The fillet bit of the bacon, shredded cheese, the bacon strip, cut into quarters, cris crossed then a runny yolk egg and BBQ sauce on top.
Crushing the bun does something to the bread roll that I like but can't explain.

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Ok neets, this Saturday on womboflix we will be enjoying There Will Be Blood (2007) - a 2007 American epic period drama film written and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, loosely based on the 1927 novel Oil! by Upton Sinclair. It stars Daniel Day-Lewis as Daniel Plainview, a silver miner turned oilman on a ruthless quest for wealth during Southern California's oil boom of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Then on Sunday we have Synecdoche(2008), a  postmodern psychological drama film about an ailing theater director who works on an increasingly elaborate stage production and whose extreme commitment to realism begins to blur the boundaries between fiction and reality.

> Michael Parkinson was born on 28 March 1935 in the village of Cudworth, near Barnsley, then in the West Riding of Yorkshire (since 1974 included in the new metropolitan county of South Yorkshire). The son of a miner,[2]

Bought a kmart barbell that has to be assembled and secured with roll pins. The chink written instructions said 'use a mallet' and I tried like a mong, but eventually realised I'm gonna need a hammer.

i ate maybe a fifth of the chips
uber have no facility for returning food or getting what you actually ordered
just got a credit
so some other cunt that wanted a family chips to go with something has also been fucked over

It's not pajeet's fault this time
Looking at the receipt on the bag, it would appear that either:
1. Somebody else with the same first name and first letter of surname ordered from Chicken Knight at the same time as me
2. Something has gone horribly wrong in the uber eats database and food orders and their owners are getting mixed up.

Went to the rub and tug.
Was intending to get one last one out of my system, took 200. (Extra notes in different pockets so they didnt try to take it all).
Was going to ask for two girls for 45min for $150 with gobby (and spitting cum in each others faces) but Im not sure they understand anything.
Ended up getting an hour for 80, and she took the extra 20, which I thought was change, so 100, which is what i paid last time for 30min.
She asked for $50 for a bj but I said no, then she got snotty and I went a bit soft. Grabbed my nuts firmly which was good and got up on the table on her knees, basically sitting on the back of my head.
Finished 15 min early so i made her rub my scalp for the remainder, she didnt look impressed. Said gday to a 50yo exec dopey looking cunt in the kitchen area. I think he was waiting for them to cook him food, i could smell fried chicken cooking.
Was hoping it was for me, last time I got a fruit salad.
Getting a chicken burgah.

> Billionaire Bryan Johnson starts ‘penis rejuvenation therapy’ as part of bid to live forever
>  >“Evidence: multiple randomised controlled trials showed that shockwave therapy improves erectile dysfunction.


I know
even when he's strumming he's doing bar chords, but I still can't stand it 
are you the guy who likes blowing long metal objects? 
the weird part is that most of the electric guitar fags spend so much type practicing scales only to get heads out of their asses at some point and remember arpeggios exist 
then they act as if arpeggios are the holy grail of guitar

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