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Why is it that only the BO can make new threads? 
Clearly this is why we have a faggoty new Gen. 
Why is the BO such a woman?
Do you remember Gordon on gumtree who used to sell that stuff in hillbank? 
Tell him it's a sex toy. 
I've always suggested that they are very similar. 
I and you are very similar. 
Crush them up and put them in your bumhole. 

Good end to the Gen. Quality posting. Worthy of more (You)'s but copy pasting and rescrolling is too hard.
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Some bogans have scavenged a queen size mattress that had been thrown out on the street in front of a bad home. They took it off to another bad home by using an abandoned shopping trolley that was nearby.
Bad home neighbourhood life.
I saw Cruisey in a toilet cubicle at the Grosvenor wearing nothing but a sarong. He had lipstick on. The door was wide open.
Why is kееgz allowed to be back from the dead? Wizzy wouldn't approve of this white fella sorcery.
It was only the iron will of Chicken Dinner as BO that kept Keegz and the underage womens gymnastics enthusiast at bay.
Is anyone using Chrome with ublock origin and getting ads on youtube? If I refresh the page they go away
I loved the part at the end of full metal jacket when after killing the vietnamese and marching through the bombed out vietnamese city they all start singing the mickey mouse song. Such a great moment. Much togetherness.
You'll notice much of the dialogue in the film is just catchphrases and slogans. It is probably a commentary on the vapidness or mindlessness of American culture at the time.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_metal_jacket_(ammunition)
A full metal jacket is a hard metal shell that encases the lead bullet.
Pvt Joker and Pvt Cowboy had gay bumsex in the toilets. That was the whole tube steak thing. There was no sister, just Cowboy with a mop on his head.
ate the rest of that bag of toob things
mouth is burning
having a mondster
need to retrieve my pcbs from the neighbour
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Turned out quite good. The holes on the right board look weird, but that's just because there's 3 other boards underneath it.
Bypassing/emulating the third and final part of the anti-theft system in a 4th generation Corvette.
A 5 volt pin on the ECM needs to be pulled to ground at a specific frequency (which varies depending on year) when the ignition is cranking to get the fuel injectors to turn on.
I designed the board so that by changing out R2 and C5-C9, the same board can do the different frequencies.
It's done by robots now.
CNC etching/drilling/labeling, plus the little Chinese drones who put the boards in the machines and in the mail.
You need to do a tech detox. Two weeks of abstaining from all electronic devices will reset your brain.
Follow my plan and you will be writing novels and debating philosophy at university level.
I had part of Thursday off last week, this week I have Saturday.. Until that changes. 
Cooked mong life is the way. Philosophising big words is for poin dexters.
When you go through the KFC drive-thru do you always have to pay at the first window? Sometimes I have been there and the window is closed and the guy is busy taking an order over the headset.
Can you just keep driving and pay at the second window?
I used to think the second window was just for receiving your food but now I am not so sure. That first window has a "Next Window ⬅️" sticker on it when its closed.
Possum claimed he could predict the future by reading the interior of garlic bread loaves once. But he needed a lot of them.
My feet are fucked after that long walk. Gone are the days of my youth when I could spend 6 hours straight walking
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Ok, this Wednesday on womboflix we will be watching the first episodes of Peaky Blinders. I have no idea what it's about but I keep seeing the name everywhere.

On Saturday Shibs will be streaming something. On Sunday we will be watching Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now (1979).

Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny got bad reviews, but many people mentioned the first 25 minutes, which were set in the 1940s with younger Indy, were good, resembling classic indiana jones, so I think we'll stream just that bit of the movie when it gets released, which may happen soon.
Where do people do file sharing these days? I've been using bit torrent for most of the past two decades, is there nothing newer?
What if cruisey is betting monks' soul and future on the chinaman each time he plays and keeps on losing and that's why monk can never board the wagon?
Bought cat the expensive pet mince.
My plan is to make cat food by mixing the expensive mix with gelatine. Thus it would be the same price as the whiskas one, and cat wouldn't have to eat tinned garf.

Why do I do these things for cat?
I have a blazer that needs the sleeves done up. How much do you suggest I pay for this and where do you think I should get it done? I was thinking of "Ronda's Bridal and Clothing Alterations" but I've never been there. I expect the suburbs would be much cheaper than getting it done in the city?
There's a Vietnamese lady at the Elizabeth South shops who has been there since I was a teenager who does good work. She'd probably charge you $20-30 to take the sleeves up. She charges me $20 to take up 2 pairs of jeans. A blazer is a little bit more work on account of the satin sleeve lining, but wouldn't be much more.
> Ronda's Bridal and Clothing Alterations
"Disgusted by this woman’s behaviour.
Went there for my MOH dress to be altered. Confided in Rhonda about my pregnancy as she would be altering my dress to fit my pregnant body however nobody else knew at the time not even my family which I also told her.
Rhonda told the entire bridal party and the bride and she was not apologetic at all. She said “shit happens” and “oh well” with a shoulder shrug and laughing. Yelled at me in her store with customers around. She had no idea what my journey was like to even fall pregnant and took away my experience in telling my close friend.
Thank god I took my dress elsewhere as the bride and bridesmaids were not happy with their alterations either."
I have heard that sleeves can be more expensive than expected because to do it properly they sometimes need to take them up from the shoulder end.
THis is her https://www.facebook.com/p/Marnie-Alterations-100057577864939/
She also gets all of the colourful niggers women business these days and hasn't been chopped up with a machette, so they must be happy.
Weber needs a colourful niggress woman for his wife. The type that balances things on the top of her head.
She also did the alterations on Motherbat's dress when sisterbot got married, and Motherbat was happy and it was an expensive piece of clothing.
Yeah Lizbef South Station is a straight line walk to the shops there. 1.5 blocks.

She'll get you to put the jacket on and pin it properly.
Chicks walking around braless has gotten way more common the last few months. I used to see a girl doing that every few months now I see it at least once a week. They sometimes even do it with a sheer top which is pretty hot but I find it a bit inappropriate to go walking along north terrace like that with all the children about.
chicken carcass just boiling into stock. 
could roast a maryland with potatoes, could stur fry breast. not really feeling like curryunless its tandoor
Fucking oven isn't hot, I could have cooked three other things in this time. Why didn't the neets tell me to make a schnitzel I've even got chips
Never did end up watching Apocalypto, might watch it tonight if I can bother plugging in my external HDD
Just finished a pack of tissues that didn't have the plastic film on the opening for environmental reasons. 
Wouldn't recommend it, the sound was awful, like biting an icy pole stick.
I was having a decent day until one of the neets told me I was going to die alone and now I’m JUST’d my shit up. Woe.
> inb4 he does it again
> What do you serve as a side for a roast?
You don't need anything besides taters andd gravy, maybe a yorkshire pud if you're having lamb or beef.
If the advert is accurate, the thing is registered until 2024. Rego would be more than that.

This one isn't too far away: https://www.boatsales.com.au/boats/details/1980-bellboy-half-cabin/SSE-AD-14779501/
Adriana from Teh Sopranos
Whats the appropriate punishment from a husband discovering his newly pregnant wife has continued to smoke cigarettes despite carrying the baby?
Heavily choof'd and goon'd. 
Watched two hours of quantum mechanics videos.
Now watching turing system video. 
Wage. In 10 hrs.
I'm also gooned and considerably choofed
I'm on the police interrogation videos. Fascinating to see people in their rawest form. I remember speaking to cops in the cop shop during my first arrested to really spoke to me straight up about how I was fucking up my life with my anti-social behaviours. I totally disregarded them at the time but if only I'd listened
My first infringement was on the highway to blanchetown and was a dyke butch slut and a nude nut pom cunt with tribal tattoos.
It reaffirmed my sentiments of FUCK COPS 👮
Hungover wank. 
Wage in an hour. 
Need coffee to poo and need poo before shower. 
Can't see any of this happening.
Although bismuth-209 is now known to be radioactive, it has classically been considered to be a stable isotope because it has a half-life of approximately 2.01×1019 years, which is more than a billion times the age of the universe.
> The other Vietnamese soldiers and civilians simply scream, die and babble. This kind of storytelling sets a dangerous precedent for how we talk about imperialism and the Vietnam War.
Marnie said it is fine. Going to have to take it into the city with me. Not a bad area but the customers at this time are pretty bad.
> Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's salary will get a massive boost, rising from $564,200 to $586,768
> Mr Albanese's pay will rise by $1,880 a month to $48,897, meaning he earns far more every month than someone on Australia's minimum wage earns in a year, which is $42,278.
> McDonald's Australia customer's can get their hands on a small Big Mac meal and bonus cheeseburger for just $5.95 - as the cost of living crisis continues.
> Customers usually have to pay $16.30 for the same meal.
> Nevada Rangers plow truck through Extinction Rebellion protest after the activists blocked road into festival causing 'miles-long gridlock'
We should send our best drink drivers to show them how it's done.
This will pair nicely with Hungry Jack's stunner meal deal. Plus a half-price pixxa from Dominos and the 4-dollar big mac voucher already on the maccas app.
I get so puffed out wiping my arse. I think the contortions cause my midsection to crush my heart and lungs.
I went to meeting place today and they opened with an acknowledgement of country. 
Had an internal chuckle because we were on the second floor.
I'm hungover at my friend's house 
got drunk last night with his dad and he started playing tunes he used to play when he was younger 
had a zoom recorder so now it's saved 
vocaroo time?
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Important Womboflix Announcement
We're going to have an impromptu screening of Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny (2023), tonight, in 1 hour and 35 minutes. I recommend only watching the first 25 minutes of the movie, as I'm told the rest sucks, but I'll let it run the full 2+ hours for neets who are optimistic.
Oh, a womboflix advisory - this movie may contain negative portrayals of fascism and promote harmful and outdated stereotypes about nazis.
Failed to observe somthing happening in front of me, bossman claimed this demonstrated that I didn't care enough about my job. 

No point arguing, either bossman understands the cage or he doesn't
Wage was grim today but we shipped off an ultra annoying nigger inmate to the dungeon planet and I'm handing out english wrapped sweets like its the west bank when some JIDF zogbot got schwacked. after dinner I'm going to the cinema to watch Tom Cruise's new mission impossible. Going to take the piss bottle so I dont have to duck out halfway thru.
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Microsoft React Engineer 2024?

Womboflix endeavours to supply neets with all the 0-day movies that are fit to watch. Which is not a lot these days.
fucking pajeet
Deserves its a nasty word. I'm angry because he made a personal judgement about me without even bothering to investigate. Might kill the bossman
> A 93-year-old commuter has died after she lit a cigarette at a bus stop and accidentally set herself on fire. 
lol wtf
I was at some store and a qt3.14 walked in 
didn't knew how to talk to her so I decided that pulling off her buttplug was a great ice breaker 
unfortunately I woke up before I got the chance to do so
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What does this sentence mean:

> One local said: 'She'd always stop at that bus stop and have a ciggie... and 'cause she walked every day I would spin out on her as she smoked. How sad.'
That moofie sucked so bad with the cartoon nazis. I miss the days where mulattos were just exotic stage props.
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On Saturday am streaming Into the Wild. Usual time which is 7pm on the East Coast of Aus.
I think was requested by someone in the chat last time.

So he trapped us watching this. I feel violated.
You tell me what she was wearing and had in her hair that she went up just lighting a ciggy. Even 100% polyester or acrylic doesn't spontaneously combust.
Feeling really warm and thirsty all of a sudden. Sitting here in a tshirt even though it’s supposed to be cool or cold
Only rice noodles I had. 
I just make stock with whatever I've got on hand, there's a best version, a realistic version and a neet version. 

Lazy neets can just boil a chicken carcass with a charred onion, charred knob of garlic then add a pho cube and fish sauce.
If you don't have fresh ginger then jar ginger is fine, if you don't have a pho cube then google the whole spices. 

Mine went cloudy because I fridged the stock, didn't blanch the carcase, and added red oil. No ragrets
I think a big African man was looking at my phone while I was posting about piss.
Wonder if he'll follow me home.
lol based of the dailmail to show the video
I wish Amazon delivery pajeets would start earlier in the day. Setting out on a delivery run at 11am is a joke.
sounds like it is company policy
> Saturday October 14
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Tonight on womboflix we are showing Peaky Blinders - a gangster family epic set in 1900s England, centering on a gang who sew razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their fierce boss Tommy Shelby. Starring Scarecrow from batman, and Bane, but weirdly no batman. 7pm AEST.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum will be held on Saturday, October 14.
I have finished Ahsoka Episode 2 and have started episode 3.
I am a bit embarrassed that I continue to gulp down this woke Disney slop.
I presume that voting in the referendum will be less anxiety inducing since there won't be a crowd of FLOGS trying to hand you how to vote cards outside. Should be nice.
Mummybot spontaneously adopted one of her clients cats because hes going on an end of life plan or something 
Another fucking cat to deal with
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Awww yisss my 3-in-1 handheld digital oscilloscope, signal generator, and component tester arrived.

Real-time sample rate: 10MSa/s
Analogue bandwidth: 500Khz
Dick ended up red raw after that tug. She put her baby oiled finger on my date. 
Think that makes me gay.
Not sure if it's from high intensity rubbing or I'm allergic to the oil, but my cock is swollen. 
After rubbing the oil off she hung the towel on my dick and giggled. 
The one in the next booth came out of her rub session to have a peek too. 
Probably ruined the other blokes assisted wank. Sounded like a gentle mong, I think I heard him say thank you.
Need to find a way to fund 6 months of rural mauy thai training near the chinese border with some proper tribal gooks
had a large zinger stacker combo and ten nuggers for dinner
going to open some wine and watch arsesoaker episode 3 before peaky bolinders
NEETs do you do a proper signature on the handheld electronic signature device the postie gives you to sign with your finger?
I don't think it is even possible to do more than scribble illegibly.
Especially when it's bright red. 
She was talking to the lady in the next booth, complaining. 
I only paid for half an hour and 20 mins was a tug. She had to swap hands about 10 times because I kept pretending to about to cum, just to keep her going and relax.
She said $80, but I asked for topless, so $100, which is all I took in. I left my phone and money in the car. I have had 1hr and happy ending for $100, I think. But they all sort of give up once you cum. I practice tantric ball busting. Some landed on my armpit, because I had my hands behind my head. I had a wank this morning and it was still an explosion 💥. There is ancient Chinese magic afoot, hunan region.
You really should try a rub and tug. 
It might be cheap and unwholesome and whatever else you want to call it, but it makes you feel like a million bucks. Same as $40 win on the chinaman. Hedonistic detrimentalism, maybe. But intermediary satisfaction, definitely. No worse than KFC, or debeki pictures, or wearing masks in public, it's all just to make ourselves feel a bit better.
> it makes you feel like a million bucks
It would depend on whether you were the type that felt shame and guilt over everything. Some of us are incapable of being happy.
> Sanjay Parasher
That's one of those ironies in life... some of us are never good enough for anybody and the ones that have partners aren't satisfied and cheat on them.
> The Labor stronghold of Elizabeth in outer northern Adelaide hosted the Prime Minister and the luminaries backing the Indigenous Voice to Parliament on Wednesday for the Yes campaign's official launch
> Apples
are some types of butchers more trustworthy than others? Should I avoid, say, chink or greek butchers?
Some of them are alright. 
The chinks on Catalina are an okay butcher. 
I don't like Arab butchers but that's because they dice all meat, and it's always just sold as 'beef', there's never actual cuts.
I try to avoid franchise butchers, I think they're the worst. The type you often find in shopping centres.
> it's always just sold as 'beef', there's never actual cuts.
The people who buy the meat usually know the different cuts, their chefs certainly do. 

I think it's a hangover from small scale butchery where it was first in best dressed, and the butcher couldn't price the cuts differently. 
First in got the best cuts, last in paid the same price for offcuts.
Poultry is better bought from supermarkets, whole chooks are an economy of scale. 
I may start joining the ruralchads and buying a whole butchered animal, a farmer butchers a single lamb and send you the entire thing in a box. 
Downside is you've got to use every cut, upside is that it's cheap.
I can't see how a whole uncooked chook is cheaper. They're usually about $8 each, and a cooked one is $12. Costco have them cooked for $7.50 and they're Australian Maryland ones. 
I got offered half a cow for $300 and iirc a whole lamb (butchered by a professional and packed) is $220.
I think that was for one of those woolless sheep. 
I would do it but I need to get a chest freezer.
Yeah, but it's all diced. And I've checked it out, there's all sorts, blade, top roast and chuck, and what looked like loin. 
I don't trust it. I think it's because they cook all meat either over coals on shishkebabs or stew it. Both are a waste of a decent cut. 
Asians at least cut them into steaks and what not, not just hack it to pieces.
Not necessarily defending haji butchering, yes they just boil or burn the spicy slop. But they're at least aware cuts of meat exist they just don't care
It's an actual game changer. 
That's not a bad price. 
I went and looked at some at that second hand white goods place on pt road, but I don't have the space.
It makes sense when you realize you can then put a mini fridge in your room. 
Buy one order of dry goods online, one order of meat online, then get everything else from the farmers market. Ruralchad groceries.
Remember when the site operators confirmed it was IGA posting child pornography here based on IP hashes.
A chicken and mushroom wellington I bought from coles. Promised myself I'd eat half of it for lunch, and the other half for dinner. Failed. I'll try again tomorrow until I learn to control myself.
The oldies over the road got in an argument with their Pajeet taxi driver. I don't know what it was about but Pajeet became very animated and stuffed their walkers in the boot very roughly and then slammed it shut.
I do not feel that self control is possible for me. The pathways in my brain are too well established.
We are what we are. Year of acceptance.
Did anyone else have parents who only cared about how they looked to outsiders and had no "real self" at all, just a fake persona they used around strangers?
When there were no strangers around they were anxious about future stranger interactions and abusive to me as a means of stress relief.
Nothing like that, but I was always told I was too loud ("you can be heard outside") and they would rarely/never express their political sentiments or opinions on race publicly. Motherbat could also be in the foulest, shittiest mood with us as kids and then bump into some cunt at the shops and be laughing and smiling and carrying on and then revert once they had moved along.
Imagine having to rely on Pajeet for anything. I feel bad for these oldies. The nursing homes are full of Pajeet staff too.
Some would say lol fuck these boomers they voted for this.
> they voted for this
Nobody has ever been asked to vote on immigration. When agitators have asked for a referendum on the matter it has been summarily dismissed.
Little known NEET lore: IGA earned his NEET name by posting Youtube videos of his dumpster hauls from the bin behind the Stumers IGA. Sometimes the chicken wings were still cold.
It took me all day to identify the source of the clanging noise that was coming from the backyard. Turns out a bird was attacking its reflection in the stainless steel pedal bin next to the back door.
boomers stole our future, destroyed our chances of ever owning homes, flooded our countries with third worlders, and are crashing western civilisation with no survivors. So yeah, fuck them, they voted for this.

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