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The bored four NEETs

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I opened a stainless steel tiffin. There were three gingernut biscuits in there. I had them for morning tea. Then I did a little dance.
This was all in a dream that never happened. But I feel like I could have dreamed it.

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Womboflix will be showing another episode of Peaky Blinders tonight, at 7pm AEST. Quality tv.

On Saturday, shibs will be streaming Into The Wild, so no womboflix.

On Sunday we will be playing Francis Ford Coppala's Apocalypse Now(1979) a vietnam war film  loosely based on the 1899 novella 'Heart of Darkness' by Joseph Conrad.

Schadenfreudeal NEETs. 


> A new sex-work model would attack the men who buy sex but protect the women who sell it in a move to push one state away from its legacy of full criminalisation.
> The Bill, introduced by South Australian Upper House Liberal leader Nicola Centofanti, would make the purchase of sex illegal but decriminalise the women who sell it

Good example how they geolocate pics and videos of the war in Ukraine.
Getting doxxed on ibs works out differently for people. For some it turns out to be a disaster but others don't give a fuck and no harm gets done to them. Still it's a good policy to give away as little as possible.

> Children as young as 10 are being made to write letters in school apologising to Indigenous Australians for 'taking their land', pictures reveal.

Woman at the vape shop asked me if I had the day off work today. Had to quickly make up an excuse that I do afternoon shift, at a remote job. Why do they keep asking me? Fucking normies

They are doing some work in one of the pits over the road and had to remove some footpath pavers to dig a trench. They had the pavers all stacked up neatly on the median waiting to be put back in place once the work is finished.
I just saw one of the bad home locals load them all into a shopping trolley and take them back to his house round the corner. The trolley was so heavy he could barely push it.
Bad home life.

Lately I've been lifting as:
> A: Squat, bench
> B: Deadlift, military press
> day off
Trying to get back into the swing of things. I want to start doing some hypertrophy work on my off days to burn off the extra energy. Any suggestions for lifts that won't interfere with my main lifts?

He drinks a Whiskey drink, he drinks a Vodka drink
He drinks a Lager drink, he drinks a Cider drink
He sings the songs that remind him of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him of the better times

Looks alright I guess, but this
> M.J. Bale has offset the approx. 43.5 avg. kg of CO2e generated in the production of this garment in green projects. M.J. Bale is Climate Active certified as Australia's first fully carbon neutral brand, covering both products and organisation. We have measured and offset 100% of our Scope 1-3 emissions in green projects. 
has me thinking about cows


Also I am issuing a public apology to  #BO  he did me dirty but I can totally understand why he did what he had to do to maintain a board. It did become unusable but I was not the provocateur. In fact it still posts here is just insane really. Anyway some things were said threats were made Christmas last year and I am sorry. 

Vote YES for Nurofen+

> Prime Energy, which launched this year, has 200 mg of caffeine within its 350 ml can — exceeding permissible caffeine levels in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Quadruple Dare is 260mg

> Bronwyn Pollitt said she hoped “a massive influx of Indian people will not turn our beautiful country into the filth that is India”.

Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o
And on his farm he had shit
Ee i ee i oh
With a poo-poo here
And a poo-poo there
Here a poo, there a poo
Everywhere a poo-poo
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i o

big outing
having some kfc now
the girl at office works called me hun. she had hairy arms
as I was walking out there was a girl in the centre carpark jogging toward me who was just wearing jeans and a lacy pink bra

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Possum: you better not be using the large chambers of your proboscis-like snout (which unfortunately leave you susceptible to respiratory infection) to filter dust and warm the freezing air you breathe on the harsh Mongolian steppe

Cleaned out some of the gutters for mummybot 
Got really itchy again. No idea whats causing it. Can't be from the plants because it happens in the gym too. Can't be heat rash because it goes away quickly.

got 4 x 250ml JD & coke cans for this arvo and a 375ml bottle of wine to have with dinner tonight
that should leave me well under the limit to drive to nuri first thing in the mording

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Hey, fellas!
At 7pm AEST gonna stream Into the Wild.
Before that there will be some pre-show stream, starting perhaps an hour earlier or in 13 minutes (at 5). Probably some outdoors stuff or other. We'll see.

Go to Ukraine and do soldiering.

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Just got back from the airport. The line thru customs was a bit tense  because of the six kilos of china white in my boogie board bag but I got thru the trick is to give the customs bro a roman salute and spent four hours in the bar waiting for my connecting flight home. Dropped off the heroin, collected my fee and drove home. Went to make a fire in the heater and got the fright of my young life when a swift parrot jumps out. Gotta put a cap on the flue. Had a chat to the QT across the street when I was on the roof looking down the chimney with a torch. Got a nice tan and had fun in the sun, 10/10 would recommend any NEET to go running smack from the golden triangle, What did you retards get up to this last month?

Forgot to upload the movie, uploading it now. However it's at least an hour and a half until it finishes. So it could be like 8 AEST.
I have a Hungarian action comedy uploaded, we can watch that instead now, and Into the Wild in some other time. Or wait.

I’m going to go to Cars and Coffee Barossa this morning and get a bacon & egg roll and a coffee for breakfast. When I return I’ll get some circuit board cleaner and lacquer from Jaycar and after that I’ll try powering up the pcb I soldered last night and looking at it with my oscilloscope.

Home again. Those things aren't much fun when you're by yourself. I think I'll stop going.
I took a photo of a Corvette but I can't post it because my horrendous pig shadow on the bitumen.

cave troll uses it as an opportunity to post pictures of herself

I was wrong about magpies. 
There is a northern black backed, and a southern white backed magpie. 
Both are the same species. 
I thought the white back ones were the native, and black back were an introduced European variety.

I went up to the counter with my two cans of spray and asked for three 2N3904 transistors (which live behind the counter), and the guy put them on the counter top and rang up everything and bid me good day. I had to ask him to bag the transistors, and then I had to ask him to put a staple in it.

> The original reports state that the Piping Shrike is the Australian Magpie,[1] and government sources specify the subspecies as the White-backed Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen leuconota).[14] The range of the subspecies (Gymnorhina tibicen telonocua) of the Australian Magpie is almost entirely confined to South Australia.[15]: 20

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I might have recruited a new NEET today. I was talking to the clerk at jaycar when I was getting some RG58 coax and he says he's going to quit his job because the customers are intolerable retards about anything electronic and get all autistic screechy if you dont handle their chinkshit junk like its going into the Mars lander. He asks what I do for a living and I said I post on AusNEETs all day, He said he'd be joining us if he can quit before he goes postal at the next fussy neckbeard who threatens to call his supervisor for not stapling up a paper bag of three twenty cent tranny's. I dont think he'd fit in because he seemed nice an normal tho. I hope he's okay, the clientelle at the store are certainly weird.

Another virtue signalling operation. If you've actually got problems nobody wants to hear about it, everyone has their own problems, nobody is actually putting their hand up to help someone else. They just wear this gay badge and tell you to call a special number, which gets you a robot. 

NEET can't help people, so NEET doesn't pretend to help people. NEET has his own problems.

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Nah the bossman knows how much trauma this job entails, if you make it to six weeks here you get a medal and if you make it to six months you can become the shift supervisor. 

I'd rather be homeless than put up with the kind of shit I got today. Its usually insane stressful dealing with these retards who come in but today was just out of control.

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