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Got to the gym. Feeling accomplished for the first time in days. 
The loitering girlfriend was there being annoying. There was a hot girl at the dumbbell rack with me, petite but strong, small but shapely ass and nice tits but without a revealing whore outfit. Ay carramba. Might have to do a deed.
Going to poo in it. Fill it to the brim like we did Nuro’s pool.
Neets have you ever had a dream with a mobile phone in it?
I've been informed that mobile phones don't exist in dreams and I've not yet been able to ask the sherpa
Back from getting a greenslip, the chemist with using those electronic scripts and Dans, can feel the anxiety getting better without all the worries.
> Are there any long term benefits to not drinking?
I think the best answer to that is to take a look at the people who are long term drinkers. Disgusting.
I got 8 hours of sleep but woke up feeling tired. No energy at all. I think I have the apnoea. I probably should buy a CPAP but they are so expensive.
I am being serious. I used to sleep about 8-9 hours a night and I'd still feel groggy when I woke up, tired through the day. After about 5 or 6 days of not wanking I was sleeping a little bit less, about 7-8 hours, but waking up feeling fully alert and rested. My energy levels were higher through the day and more stable. I don't know if it is hormonal or what. I fucked it all up by wanking the other day and have been struggling to stay away from the porn since but I think it works.
I'd suggest you give it a go.
came home to some burnout marks in the street, a car on the reserve with its bonnet up, and a bunch of cops standing around looking at it
That's the spirit! And speaking of spirits, why not waddle down to one of my fine establishments for a bottle or two of instant gratification!
Just got a litre of bourbon from him. 
The clerk was a monk type (fashy hair cut and a poofter moustache) in a good mood. 
It was like he wanted me to stay and chat.
I did not understand the meme in a technical way but I got the gist of what the joke must be from the context.
What file size do you like to download? 
A good show I will look for a torrent about 1GB per episode.
A bad show like Ahsoka I look for a 350mb one.
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This weekend on womboflix we will be seeing Woody Allen's Love And Death(1975) on Saturday, a film about jews plotting to murder the russian tsar or something, followed by The Last Boy Scout(1991) (not a Woody Allen movie) on Sunday.

And tonight we'll be showing Kung Fu (1972), which has David Carradine in gookface.
tea was on special at woolies if any neets need to stock up. But I think after this I'll get into the loose leaf game, and buy one of those little glass tea brewing things.
Hey Weber. WEBER. The other day I went up to my girlfriend I said "Ya know I'd like a little pussy". She said "#MeToo, mine's as big as a house".

See she, she wanted a little one, 'cause hers was... big as a house.
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Tonight womboflix will be playing Kung Fu (1972), starring David Carradine, back before he became Bill in Kill Bill.
Kwai Chang Caine (portrayed by Carradine) is the orphaned son of an American man, Thomas Henry Caine , and a Chinese woman, Kwai Lin, in mid-19th-century China. After his maternal grandfather's death he is accepted for training at a Shaolin Monastery, where he grows up to become a Shaolin priest and martial arts expert.

I've never seen it before but I've been hearing about it my whole life. 1 hour, https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
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> The Kung Fu series, although always popular, was discontinued in 1975 after three seasons and 63 episodes because of problems in Carradine's personal life. A well-known drug user, Carradine broke into his neighbour's home while stoned, cut himself on a window, bled all over the house, and allegedly assaulted a woman.
I was going to take photos of them with the dog in the frame but the dog is going away somewhere with FRM for the night.
FRM looks down on you because you are a beta male. You cannot argue with this fact. To do so would only embarrass your pathetic name even further.
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> In the film Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino, Jules tells Vincent that he intends to "walk the Earth like Caine in Kung Fu."
Would a negger have been able to carry the series?
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Colour Deep amber with reddish highlights
Nose Charred orange, sticky butterscotch, malt bread and roasted nuts, apple crumble with cinnamon and a whiff of pipe tobacco.
Palate Dried apple and apricot with a hint of maritime, ripe figs and sultanas amongst salted toffee and a wash of spice and smoke.
Finish Rich, warming and long lasting. Dark chocolate melds with raisins, a touch of coffee, earthy notes and caramelised French oak.
Food Match Dry rubbed medium rare Scotch fillet, barbecued over flames beside roast sweet potato. Finish up with some dark chocolate.
And as Motherbat sits there, cackling with malicious joy as I stuff your face with 36 dozen lamingtons.
> In post-World War II Venice, Poirot, now retired and living in his own exile, reluctantly attends a seance. But when one of the guests is murdered, it is up to the former detective to once again uncover the killer.
An American just sat down across from me wide eyed and innocent and asked me "what is a seppo?" I hope you’re all happy he's crying now
A woke day, people who give a shit do so year round. Engage any virtue signaller on a woke day and they'll give you a business card then brag to everyone they know.
Desk whizzers have put out a big spread. Cunts didn’t even acknowledge me when I walked in, let alone ask if I was OK.
I know I should get the tasks I need to do out of the way before it gets too hot but it is much easier to just sit here and put them off.
I will pay for it later.
They’ve all downed tools for about an hour now and are milking about the central kitchen area thing. Nobody has said to join them or said there was food to be shared or whatever. They started their suicide talk by acknowledging the boongs
I'm not sure I agree with her. She gives good advice on colours but her opinions on fit and styling with men's clothing can be a bit off.
I'll get a photo of the dog/shoes tonight.
Another big sleep in. 
Can't stand listening to ztepmum piss and fart and meow to the cats while sitting on the torlet with the door open. 
Another day likely to be wasted on youtube and smoking choof from midnight to sunrise. 
Might get gooned
My favourite /ausneets/ moment was either the one where you pooed in a pan and cooked it or the time you took a photo of the tv and accidentally revealed the extent of your obesity.
The photo of the toilet bed was probably the best. His brain couldn't even calculate the shame over its need for (You)'s
are you just browsing the front page or something?
old.reddit.com/r/ should just work
if it's adult content you'll need to click the "I'm 18" button
Absolute horse shit I left for the best part of a year. And the main shit that did all the spamming and doxxing and stalking has been here every fucking day because chicken shit dinner is a fucking retard.

What’s even worse is I just knocked off. Just got here and some schitzo has been here arguing with its self shitting the board all afternoon. 

Complete mental illness. Imagine my shock.
> some schitzo has been here arguing with its self shitting the board all afternoon
He doesn't realise there's only one poster on this board and he's always arguing with himself.
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This Saturday on womboflix - the era of woody allen films is finally upon us, with Love And Death (1975) - a 1975 American comedy film. It is a satire on Russian literature starring Allen and Diane Keaton as Boris and Sonja, Russians living during the Napoleonic Era who engage in mock-serious philosophical debates.

Then on Sunday, to balance out all the jewish karmic debt, we have The Last Boy Scout (1991), written by the same dude who wrote Lethal Weapon, directed by the guy who directed Top Gun, and starring a guy who recently got diagnosed with dementia. The film follows a washed-up private investigator who teams up with a scandalized football star to uncover a political conspiracy involving their former employers.
Probably won't be home on one day, but not sure which.
I won't watch Woody Allen. That needs some specific mood and/or curiosity. I don't have that. It might be good, I just can't get myself to it.
Anyway, I don't mind if filpped, because I've no idea when I'll be free.
Because Bruce Willis action movies get shown on a Saturday night with take out and booze and Jewish  intelectual movies get shown on a Sunday EXACTLY HOW IT WAS BACK ON SBS
Me either. Only spoke to a receptionist on the way in and out of a place today. Come to think of it, that was the only person I've spoken to this week since leaving Motherbat on Monday.
I spent over four hours cleaning the bedroom. Completely disassembled the computer. Cleaned the computer desk, Cleaned all the computer componenets. Put it all back together. Did the wardrobe. Did the carpets. Dusted everything, vacuumed. Washed the mattress protector, replaced the sheets, switched out the winter quilt for the summer one. New pillow.

Tired, exhausted. And now begins the process of it all getting dirty again. Is it worth it? Is any of it worth it? Have we been misled by these middle class values? Was there ever really anything wrong with living in filth?
Want a bun with a grilled sirloin, cut into strips with garlic prawns and a horseradish and pepper sauce on top and cream cheese paste on the bottom.
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Ok, given that a certain unnamed  neet keeps voting for movies and not turning up to them, and we keep letting him vote,  I guess we can accommodate nuro's request to swap nights so he can turn up to his movie. The Last Boy Scout (1991) will be on Saturday night, and woody allen's Love And Death (1975) will be on Sunday.
> the erotic films
They always promised much more than they delivered. Used to sit there for an hour and a half with the volume down low and listening for footsteps in the hallway, all to see five seconds of tits.
How did we live like that? The dark ages.
NEETs have you noticed more security measures in the shops these days?
I am starting to feel like it is all becoming dystopian.
It was white. It was sitting in the back of a convertible. His hips were all fucked up and his posture was uncanny. I would've taken a photo but I didn't take my phone.
I don't know how to articulate it but his facial expressions were very human. If I was a schizo or something I would swear it was a human in disguise.
You know you have been neglecting cleaning when all your shoes on your shoe rack need to be taken outside to be dusted.
A dero got caught shoplifting at the munno para coles but pajeet let him go after he threatened to stab him over it. The whole shopping centre is awful, everyone is disgustingly fat, covered in tattoos, poorly dressed etc. Horrible creatures everywhere. I hate it. Even the staff have tattoos and piercings. It is sickening.
Feel like jumping off the diet wagon. Calorie restriction makes me depressed and listless.
Need a big feed to perk me up. Year of acceptance I should never have tried to fight against it.
Oh, you got an ass on you alright. See that's what he's talking about. Spread your ass open, dude. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The thug shaker; gimme the thug shaker, dude, shake your ass! Take your hands off it and shake that shit. Pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah that's some thug ass right there. Oh yeah, that'll work. You got the booty, dude! God damn. Look good, bro? Yes. Yeah nice, huh? Alright that'll work for him. Put that condom on.
> everyone is disgustingly fat
I feel personally attacked. NoFun you got one compliment on your figure and now you are out of control.

And those chinos are way too baggy. They look like clown pants.
these comments, lol lmao
It was alright. Not great, but not terrible by any stretch. I didn't realise mental issues would be a theme. Those sort of films sometimes make me uncomfortable.
I've basically had two alcohol free nights this week... Monday I had two stubbies of stdout in the afternoon and tonight I had just the one plastic cup of plonk.
Doesn't sound like you enjoyed it much.

Probably more to do with needing a cold room for storage, a kitchen for cooking and the costs of training staff/maintaining equipment plus all the insurance/red tape matters to go through. Surely they're not making a profit with only 3(three) people at a session.
> Doesn't sound like you enjoyed it much.
It was quite alright. I was just trying to be objective with my answers. I don't regret the $15 ticket.
> Surely they're not making a profit with only 3(three) people at a session.
I wouldn't have thought so. And today was the release day for that film. There were similar numbers of people at a couple of the other cinema doors, so maybe 10 paying customers for that 1.5-2 hour window.
They sell alcohol over the counter now, which they never did here apart from th at gold class thing. That might be an attempt to make more money.
that was also a 6pm showing on a thursday night
the 8.30pm showing might have gotten more, as would friday/saturday nights
> Then Bronfman appears. Bronfman the brontosaur! Mr. Fortissimo. Enter Bronfman to play Prokofiev at such a pace and with such bravado as to knock my morbidity clear out of the ring. He is conspicuously massive through the upper torso, a force of nature camouflaged in a sweatshirt, somebody who has strolled into the Music Shed out of a circus where he is the strongman and who takes on the piano as a ridiculous challenge to the gargantuan strength he revels in. Yefim Bronfman looks less like the person who is going to play the piano than like the guy who should be moving it. I had never before seen anybody go at a piano like this sturdy little barrel of an unshaven Russian Jew.
> When he's finished, I thought, they'll have to throw the thing out. He crushes it. He doesn't let that piano conceal a thing. Whatever's in there is going to come out, and come out with its hands in the air. And when it does, everything there out in the open, the last of the last pulsation, he himself gets up and goes, leaving behind him our redemption. With a jaunty wave, he is suddenly gone, and though he takes all his fire off with him like no less a force than Prometheus, our own lives now seem inextinguishable. Nobody is dying, nobody—not if Bronfman has anything to say about it.
lol the incident i mentioned yesterday finally made the news
Stop for a minute and think about what you're saying. You can't just plow into somebody because just because you think you have 'right of way'. cock
> bees shut down Facility after hive is dumped in resident's recycling bin
Looking at videos about life in Manilla. 
Would be alright if I had a remote job, only 2 hours behind AEST. 
The only problem is I've always thought flip chicks are pretty ugly. Skinny stocky jungle goblins. Not the smooth, well rounded angels of Thailand or Vietnam or Indonesia.
I'm not in America... this is very weird. My smartphone remote (unified remote) has been down for a while and a lot of websites like the chans aren't loading. Gonna reset my modem/router. Wonder if some attack happened
That's basic bitch anime taste, mate. 
Jungle Asians can be very soft and gentle looking. Anything east of Borneo gets a bit too boong for me. 
Might move to China
I just walk in with it. 
I always buy the tickets, then go shopping though so I can walk straight in. 
Usually get a meme chips and a on special drink.
My feet are cold but my back is too sore for me to be able to bend over to put socks on.
This is my punishment for doing all that cleaning yesterday. I should have just kept living in filth.
I thought I was doing the right thing by breaking out a fresh new pillow and flipping the mattress around so I could sleep in a less saggy spot.
All it has done is cause me lower back agony. I was comfortable living the way I was.
Is the stats for this rod good enough to catch barra?
I almost stepped on a possum the other night on the footpath. Do they have any dangerous diseases if they bite you?

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