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pretty sure this is another case the neets solved on day one and then the cops took a couple of years to catch on

Yeah something was a bit suss about it all. Pretty dumb to get the pigs involved in your life if you have crimes to hide. Some of these criminals are arrogant and presume they can lie and manipulate their way through. The police are stupid but not that stupid.

lol the oldies over the road just caused another Pajeet taxi driver to sperg out. It was one in a turban this time.
I think the conflicts arise because the oldies get anal and demanding about where their walkers get put. The old girl like to bark orders like she's talking to a servant.

Fed a swamp chicken, many Chinese tourists came to watch, then the stupid swamp chicken bit my hand and the Chinese tourists panicked. 

I tried to explain that the bird was totally brainless rather than aggressive but they didn't get it.

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Yes literally "ham and eggs".
I dunno, never ordered this anywhere. I know they often fry scrambled eggs into one piece, like a pancake. And sometimes they place some decoration veggies on top and/or next to it (some greens and tomater).

I've only got one engine so I use it for everything 
The whole thing disassembled itself like optimus sub-prime and the flying bullshit bent a piston and the carby is fucked, though that's probably unrelated. Got a massive welt on my arm where a broken belt slapped me.

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Tomorrow on womboflix we have the action comedy The Last Boy Scout(1991) starring Bruce Willis and some black dude. Then on Sunday we have the /cruisey/ approved film, Love And Death (1976) starring Woody Allen and whatever shiksa he was banging at the time.







Thinking with my dick again. 
I asked her how much and what else she does and she grabbed my dick like a microphone and said '$150 anything you want?', I said 'anything?' and she said 'anything'. 
Realised afterwards that is pretty much the same dialogue as in full metal jacket.

Depends on what you're dealing with, but the results of swapping the two can be nothing at all, death, or something in between..
Neutral grounded chassis becomes live.
Ground-fault detection circuits might stop working.

Watching my multi which is falling apart in the second half. 
Eating some of that fancy popcorn. Got some cobani flips on special and then I'll have some chicken and rice for proper din dins. 
Choofed wanks will commence from about 11:30 and continue throughout the night as intermissions to the moofie '13 hours' and some youtube travel vlogs. 
Might gym, listening to Pantera in the car got me hyped up and feeling extra anti-social and unapologetic. 
About to have a caffine squirt

Walked in the front door. I didn't like that. There was noone at reception. Didn't like that. Cute Korean bopping up hallway telling me to come in like a girl bouncer at a bts concert. Pretty flat but had nice K-pop Bob cut hair and sexy eyeliner. Very assertive.

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McDonalds has this Monopoly game thing going on for another month I think. I was checking it out but it seems you need to buy the sloppiest of slops (the chips and drinks) to get the coupon entry things. I couldn't tell if you even get one or some for buying a burger by itself and the line was too long for me to wait and ask.

They only put a sticker thing on the large drinks and chips. Boigs have nothing, nuggers have nothing. Used to be two stickers on the large items. Also you have to use their datamining app to see what vouchers and shit you've won.

From Big W:
Five 'Big Joe' tshirts in 5XL for $8 each
A pair of 'Circuit' tracksuit pants in 3XL for $20
Three Tradie 'Big Fella' singlets in 4XL for $12 each
One Tradie 'Big Fella' trunks in 3XL (to see if I like them) $20
A four pack of 'Brilliant Basics' briefs in 3XL $16
A five pack of 'Brilliant Basics' socks (shoe size 9-11) for $11 

From Target:
That Fila hoodie and trackies set

The price of singlets and underpants is obscene.

Would a bit of lubricant rubbed betwixt the thighs work? Some people use talc powder but I think that is more to do with stopping sweating.
I once saw a video of a fat woman pulling up her top and rubbing cooking oil on her bare stomach so that the steering wheel could turn when she was driving. She was so large the wheel was in contact with her stomach at all times.

Is there some kind of rule in UI where every pixel of a webpage has to have a link in it?
Feel like a boomer, can't touch a single part of a page without opening some kind of a link. 

Less is more cunts, menu trees exist, live features are always fucking taxing, don't make toolbars chase people up and down the page for the hell of it, use Windows instead of links For dynamic content so the hotlinks don't 404, don't abuse accessibility features like zoom. Always backlink help pages, and if you glass ceiling client support options never dupe yourself into factoring the non-existent support into contingency planning. 

These cunts come out of uni totally unqualified

It seems like UI devs are trying to turn menus into features to gain professional clout. 

When you show your portfolio, ui devs want to have remarkable rather than usable deliverables. Project leads should all be aware that a UI dev who can't stay in their lane is a liability rather than a top performer.


Your sisters,mom will be RAPED by 3 ngrs in 1 year. + CURSE MARKED+

Cucknada triggers faster than your sisters' period.

Repeat " It's okay to be a cuck"

Your family females' 3 holes + my tongue dick

POST your jerkoff time, rapebaby son of a whore.
Cuck pigskins will be sliced to death on streets in 10 years. Spit on your mom's V

Until there are criminal penalties, with jail time, for companies that fail to secure, and state mandated levels of financial compensation to customers (say $20,000 each for loss of PII), nothing is going to change.

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The Last Boy Scout (1991) will be on womboflix in 1 hour. Starring Bruce Willis, directed by Tony Scott, written by Shane Black...the movie seemed like it had it all, and the script was the subject of a major bidding war that set a new record for the most expensive script at the time ($1.75 million). https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

I've been saying this for years and get derided even within the industry.
Same as when I ask why people say they want a realistic red team exercise but then complain when you want to kidnap the ceo or break a sysadmins legs with a baseball bat in exchange for creds

What a drama with woolworths  and my order. managed to talk to a human on their chat and I have been refunded, they were left at one of the units in front of my place, one of the other tenants that I know knocked on my door, she went through them and saw my name and told me they were there.
She also told me the unit where they were left the people are away and won't be back for a few days. Woolworths refused to come and collect them. I'll go down in the morning and throw what needs to be disposed of and drag the rest home.

Tomorrow will do, it has upset me badly, if someone takes it all tonight I really don't care, I'm thinking now I may have to pay my support worker to pick up my groceries rather than get them delivered, it's all too much for a mong like me.

I forgot to say, when I rolled up to Pajeet's car wash at 11.45am, and convinced Pajeet to move some of the cars up as they were starting to block parked cars, and then got the 4 hour wait time story and accepted Pajeet's terms, there was a guy sitting on the kerb looking glum.
He said nice car and I stopped and said Pajeet had quoted me 4 hours and he said he had dropped his car with Pajeet at opening (8.30am) and was still waiting and needed his car for a bridal party this afternoon.
Anyway his car was a 2013 VE SS Commodore and his daily driver and he was really proud of it. And good for him.

Weber used to constipate himself to form a really hard log and then let it slide out a bit before sucking it back in to hit his prostate. He used to spend hours upon hours in the toilets at work doing this, moaning and making everyone else uncomfortable as they hurriedly took a piss. Eventually word got around after he tried to get Cruisey into it as well and wanked poo became an /ausneets/ slang term for work.

Do you trust the plan?
> Trump Warns That ‘Cognitively Impaired’ Biden Will ‘Lead Us Into World War 2’ in Confused Speech (Video)

> revealing them to only a select few elite street shitters

>  >‘I kept all my rejection letters’: Rise of the Australian-Indian CEOs
>  >>A growing number of Australia’s top business leaders are of South Asian heritage. They tell BOSS about their ambitions to learn and their hunger for success.

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Back from the Dan and KFC run. Got some fresh Munno Para Dan's Boong content.
They were ahead of me at the checkout and when I got to the girl I said "that lot should last them the afternoon" and she keked.

A couple of boxes fell out of the smaller trolley after I took that photo but they they were looking at me with my phone up so I stopped.

I'm not up on my wine casks, but it might be sonata estate fruity and dry whites. Then again it could also be some kind of tawny port.

Trying to remember when I first started eating whole blocks of chocolate, whole packets of biscuits and whole 200g bags of chips. When I lost my portion control. When my serving sizes became comical and my obese appearance followed.

lol why tf was aldi selling electrical outlets

It was when I started eating the whole rotisserie chicken in one sitting instead of just a part of it that I knew I had a problem.
I would sit there covered in grease with just a pile of bones in front of me. Burned fingers from reaching into the cavity to get the stuffing out.
A disgusting fat pig.


this is me frfr 
still got a filling I need from like 2019, god knows what else has popped up since then. the gum bleeding hasn't stopped and I can push water between my 2 front teeth for the first time ever 
daily health anxiety 
fucking jews keeping dental off medicare should be lined up against the wall

The Diet wagon is challenging for me again. Calorie deficit causes pure misery. Mind goes one track onto every depressing thought and memory it can.
No wonder I developed the food addiction and consequent obesity. If this is what it feels like to be healthy, then who needs it.

With the effects of trauma and mental illness you need to have some sort of addiction in order to cope and experience some kind of pleasure. this is what they don't understand. Living normally is not possible.
Am I wrong?

Should be fine. If you’re worried about liability, you could just report the ant problem to the council and let them deal with it (or not).
Boiling water works temporarily at the surface and won’t harm anything else. You’ll just look like a bit of a mong doing it.

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