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The bored four NEETs

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dirty slut got what she deserved

Had a horrible time doing that poo. Too much cayenne pepper in the slop made it burn. It just kept dropping out, wiping caused me to basically fist my own arse. Felt like I was wiping my lower intestine. Got piss all over the floor and my jocks somehow. Got poo on the toilet seat again. Easy come, easy go I guess.

Poo: Do not try and squirt the poo. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth.
NEET: What truth?
Poo: There is no poo.
NEET: There is no poo?
Poo: Then you’ll see, that it is not the poo that squirts, it is only yourself.

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This week on womboflix...
On Wednesday we have the live action 2023 version of One Piece. Based on an anime about pirates or something. I don't know. Critical Drinker has recommended it, and we'll find out whether the old scottish gooner has any brain cells left.

On Saturday we have Hell Or High Water (2016), a neo western about  two brothers who carry out a series of bank robberies to save their family ranch, while being pursued by two Texas Rangers.

Finally on Sunday, we are playing Young Einstein (1988), the true story of Albert Einstein, who turns out was not a jew but actually a Tasmanian farmer who invented rock and roll.

Yeah I loved it. I was in year 7 when the first series was first airing on channel 7. One of our friends had a tech savy dad who torrented the season 1 finale so he was able to watch it before everyone. He spoiled the ending for us all. All i can remember is walt getting kidnapped off the raft.

zhe is pissing with the door open again, like it does every day. can hear those belching farts echoing off the toilet bowl. Total tranny death when

Interesting, that would be easier. There will probably be fewer lefty nutters putting on smiles and handing out pamphlets here too. 


I was a big fan when it aired

> There will probably be fewer lefty nutters putting on smiles and handing out pamphlets here too. 
You know you can just them to fuck off right? If they try and block your path or whatever they're committing a crime messing with your freedom to vote

> Two weeks ago, my ex took me out for a belated birthday dinner. We've managed to do that almost impossible thing of remaining good friends and I'm chuffed about it
She's fast approaching a breakdown. These introductions for Nadia always made me chuckle.

I'm looking at houses online. The most realistic loan I'd be able to afford, if I could ever manage to save a deposit, is like 500k which is $3,232 per month
Even the shitty 2 bedroom brick units are 700k+. Would have to settle for one of those 2 bedroom 'modern' apartment joints, in a suburb full of chinks.

Good morning NEETs. Got up with the 6:30 alarm again. The alarm is on all the time now. Every day.
I am not sure if it is a good idea. I really felt like I could use another couple of hours of sleep this morning.

Thought my jeans felt weird in Woolworths, and it turned out I had forgotten to do up both the fly and the button. The only reason they were sort of staying up was the braces. Looked in a mirror in the milk aisle and you could quite clearly see my undies. Couldn't fix the issue without lifting my shirt, so just shuffled to the checkout with my bag in front of me.

Last night on eBay there was something I was interested in for $109. I added it to my watch list and slept on it. This morning I find the owner deleted the item and relisted it for $152.

"The NEET had been knocked out, and a moment's examination showed us that he would permanently remain so. He was a loathsome, gorilla-like thing, with abnormally long arms which I could not help calling fore legs, and a face that conjured up thoughts of unspeakable Congo secrets and tom-tom poundings under an eerie moon. The body must have looked even worse in life - but the world holds many ugly things"

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Tomorrow night on womboflix we are streaming the new (live action) netflix series One Piece, an action comedy about set in a  seafaring world, where a young pirate captain sets out with his crew to attain the title of Pirate King, and to discover the mythical treasure known as 'One Piece'. Critical Drinker approved.

Our Saturday night feature film is the crime thriller Hell Or High Water (2016), starring Chris Pine, Ben Foster and Jeff Bridges.

Then on Sunday we have the Australian comedy film Young Einstein (1988)

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Arrrrrrrrrrrr, Ye be a bunch of scurvy NEET landlubbers and I'm here to offer ye a choice.
Ye can walk me plank or I'll be plundering ye booty me lads.

> Her son’s legal name is Methamphetamine Rules.

Pity he went with vegans and vegetarians and not boongs and niggers or something

Might've been the biggest shit of my life. 
A good inch above the water line, but I had wiped three times so there was paper. 
The first half was solid, painful nuggoes, then 5 mins of gurgling and a foot+ long python smelling like sandle sweat and rotting mutton. It felt granulated. Then a minute pause to catch my breath and semi solid chocolate risotto mixed with snot filled the rest of the way. Hope it's over. It wasn't as wet as normal bog is.

Fixed the dishwasher. There was water in the bottom so it wasn't draining, the filter was fine so zu checked under the filter and found a piece of mushroom jammed in the white clip thing. Usually it's a clove

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Today I checked my nuke africa inbox for the first time in weeks, and a few weeks back somebody sent two different phishing emails to it.
A couple of the posts tonight about BigUNNA and somebody wanting to be BO have the ol' noggin joggin'...

I saw a few fun size cadbury chocolate bars dropped on the street while I was walking earlier. They looked unopened. I was tempted to pick them up but I thought I would keep my dignity and ignore them. I could not stoop so low.

Went to Canberra with my support worker. Had hungry jacks twice which I had been craving and went out for steaks which was nice. We also went to ANU Uni and checked out the chicks but didn’t go in(lots of good lookers) came back today and it was 34. Celcius

> Police allege Alex Ophel hit a male student on the head with a frying pan about 2:40pm on Monday at Fellows Oval.
> He then allegedly stabbed a female student multiple times before police say he chased and stabbed a second female student.

He cheats. he’s a cheater. I won’t hold it against him though.
Can win at anything. Can’t even be the most mentally ill 
Do you know why nuro randomly starts fights with other neets that aren’t iga? I have no quarrel with him but he seems to not like me.
Partly why I don’t post with my name no more

>  The competition for first place is intense, don't get cocky
I have anxiety, depression. CPTSD. Borderline personality disorder, factious disorder, narcissistic disorder. Schizophrenia(psychosis). ADHD. OCD. Depression. Surely I am the most fucked in the head gay cunt on ausneets. Gabriel Morten would probably think so.

Someone recognised me! Yes. I outlived all the boongs on the street and had good neighbours moved in. One of my good neighbours died for some reason.
Lol tbh I think the psychiatrist who diagnosed me just thought I was lying but I had psychosis so it doesn’t make sense for him to diagnose that.
Aaaand I might have to stop posting before yowie agents try to attack me again

I actually attended a keynote speech by an astronaut about this.
They have a practice toilet with a camera and a crosshair in the bowl and a TV screen and practice aiming they bumhole.
True story.
Cisco Networkers conference, Brisbane, 2003 or 2004.

> Mexican doctors have found “no evidence of any assembly or manipulation of the skulls” of the so-called “non-human being” remains that were presented to Mexico’s congress last week — seemingly proving the remains were not human-made.

>  The federal government is planning to further turbocharge immigration with an overhauled visa process for skilled workers that will take days, not months.

I’m expected to spend 3-4 hours a day here for a couple of months remediating their dogshit network. I did a pentest here, so I shouldn’t also be doing remediation work, but good luck getting somebody to understand that.

Get me two battered fish, overdone chips, some tartar sauce, seafood salad (try not to get too much celery) and a pint of pale. Should be about $23, from the specials board. Put the other $25 in the pokes and win enough to get lunch paid for.
Nothing beats it.

> Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, KFC, McDonald’s and Subway could all face a chicken shortage

I am back from the shopping centre. I got my haircut. It doesn't look great but it is an improvement from what was there before.
I saw myself in the mirror at the hairdresser. I look putrid. Old, grey, tired, turkey neck.
I had one of those days where I could barely cope with being in public. My clothes felt strange on me and I forgot how to walk so had to do it on manual mode.
I am basically a retard now. A legit mong.

I worked for about 30 minutes at Inghams.
Job agency sent me there and told me the job would be stacking pallets in a coolroom.
Instead they put me on a production line sticking frozen lumps of stuffing into chicken carcases arseholes.

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Tonight on womboflix we have the  swashbuckling/adventure 'One Piece'', a netflix adaption that has received very high praise since its release at the start of the month.

The series follows the adventures of the Straw Hat Pirates as they explore the dangerous oceans, lands, and beyond in search of the "One Piece", a fabled treasure that will make their captain, Monkey D. Luffy, "King of the Pirates". 7pm AEST.

On Saturday we have Hell Or Highwater (2016), and on Sunday Young Einstein (1988)

Dunno. I'll try that next time.
For context, a poojeet delivery driver culturally enriched Marty & Moog's Toyota Corolla and drove off without leaving a note. They cucked out and wouldn't show the driver or name the business he was delivering for, like typical self-hating eastern state fags.

> Anthony Albanese reveals why he cries 'all the time'
such a strong leader and role model for boys

> Pixxa Hut says customer data breached in cyber hack

Kek, classy joint.


One time I did a poo in the ocean at the beach and it sailed around the world and I found it a year later at the same beach.
I've been up all night listening to its stories about encounters with whale poo and deep sea monster giant whale poo.

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After last night's disgrace womboflix will once again try and show One Piece tonight, assuming anyone but me is still interested. We'll be streaming the first episode an hour earlier at 6pm AEST, then episode 2 at our regular time of 7pm AEST.

Very difficult day with family. 
No respect for boundaries, no personal respect, very pushy, of no practical assistance. 

These people treat me like I'm a retard, but a cursory inspection will reveal that their lives are totally fucked, and that I'm actually doing ok. Sick of these crab barrel cunts trying to drag me back down to their level.

Disgusting. Waste of good ingredients.

Dip the strawberries in chocolate, put them on a brioche, don't fry anything, if you're sugar dusting don't put sugar in the chocolate. 
You could get six brioche with chocolate strawberries for the same price,  neet my son you have two choices.

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