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From chat gpt
To "wear your heart on your sleeve" is an idiom that means to openly and transparently display your emotions, thoughts, and feelings, especially your affection or love for someone. When someone wears their heart on their sleeve, they are not secretive or reserved about their emotions; instead, they express them openly and without hesitation.

This expression suggests that the person's emotions are readily visible, much like a badge or emblem worn on their clothing (a sleeve). It implies a willingness to be vulnerable and authentic in their emotional expressions, even if it means risking rejection or hurt.
Farting is a natural bodily function that occurs as a result of the digestive process. It's essential for releasing excess gas from the digestive system. While occasional flatulence is normal, persistent or excessively foul-smelling gas may be indicative of various factors, including:

Diet: Certain foods, like beans, cabbage, broccoli, and some dairy products, can lead to increased gas production and foul-smelling flatulence. Eating a diet high in fiber can also contribute to gas.
Digestive Issues: Digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lactose intolerance, or celiac disease can cause increased flatulence and discomfort.
Swallowing Air: Swallowing air while eating, drinking, or talking can lead to gas in the digestive system, which is eventually released as flatulence.
Bacterial Activity: The natural bacteria in the gut can produce gases during the digestion process, contributing to flatulence.
Medical Conditions: In some cases, underlying medical conditions or infections may lead to changes in bowel habits and flatulence.
If someone is experiencing persistent or unusually foul-smelling flatulence that is causing discomfort or concern, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional. They can help identify the underlying cause and provide guidance on dietary changes or potential treatments to alleviate the issue. In most cases, addressing diet and lifestyle factors can help manage flatulence.
I need to get an apprenticeship to minimise my chance of being sent to prison. Should I become an electrician or plumber?
Listening to how pajeets do kite fighting where they cut one another's kits down with glass coated kite strings. The coated kite strings fall onto the road and get wrapped around the street signs there across the road and passing motorcyclists get beheaded by them. How did they reach 1.4 billion?
I don't mind that though, I poo into my hand sometimes to inspect the poo. Also I burned myself in the oven last week so I'm kind of autistic and stupid and I might electrocute myself, and my electrotechnology lecturer told me plumber pays more. What do? Which skill is more internationally transferable?

I got arrested by counter-terrorism police who used a legal technicality to charge me with something nobody will understand (broad definitions of shit found nowhere but australia). I'm taking it to trial as their prosecution is bullshit but juries are niggercattle and my defence is public so I'm not optimistic.
I'm pretty sure they're setting me up to be killed in prison if I get an unsuspended term of imprisonment. might just arrest me immediately after if I don't get one and charge me with something else because they already did that once before. LOL
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When it's finished I'll write a whole book about it but not right now.
It's the biggest fucking reach I've ever seen. Every lawyer I've spoken to says they've never seen anything like it and the prosecution is overprosecuting massively even from their position. Probably because this is on the charge sheet and I've not committed a real crime.
Reminded me of this

nuro will be assigned to the metal shop work detail while in jail, and use his incredible machinist skills to devise an elaborate escape plan.
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This is how my boy Joey is wearing his shirt in order to try to hide his double chins. It is never a good idea to do something like this. You have to just let it all hang out. Let them stare. No shame.
Googling only yields a few arrests by counter-terrorism in the last few years. Given he mentioned he's an electrocution risk, he's not Simon of Smerf Electrical, and I doubt he went to Syria or funded the one who went to Syria.
What does getting an apprenticeship have to do with it though? Would that be to show the court he is doing something productive that will keep him out of trouble?
During that time that Gary Buusey was posting here I often thought Papa Smurf was posting also. I saw a blue toe at the bottom of a photo someone posted.
My noggin was joggin'.
> I don't understand how an apprenticeship would keep him out of prison if he is going to be down for terrorism offences.
"your honour, my client is taking steps to turn his life around... he has started an apprenticeship [...]"
Pretty sure you can be raided and questioned by the counter terrorism police just for the weird shit you say online. I wonder what his charge is but 
Was reading about neo-Nazis telegram groups on white rose society last night
> I wonder what his charge is
yes, seems like something you'd specify if you're going to post about it online
also if he's unemployed and young, these "lawyers" are probably just legal aid fuckwits/graduates who couldn't cut it at a real law firm
As in a public defender? Yeah, probably.
Dunno what Queensland does, but down here if you get charged with a serious crime (like murder) and can't afford a lawyer, the state appoints a good one. Lots of QC's and the like representing murdering scum from Lizbef. Not sure if they do it pro bono, or whether they/their firm bills the state.
How likely do you reckon it is to be IGA? We have at least one other QLD neet, it isn't just IGA and nuro.
What evidence is there that IGA is actually back and that it isn't just nuro? I'm not trying to be a wind-up but I struggle to identify his posting style.
Keep hearing noises. Strange sounds, things that sound like other things. Things that sound like noises, noises that sound strange, strange sounding noises.
> Meet cute girl
> Shares my interest; enjoy talking to her
> Look her up on Facebook
> Tons of family members, uncles and aunts
Fuck that
Good morning NEETs. I did some early morning work in the front garden. Green bin filled. Scratched by the roses but no blood drawn.
That trick of setting the alarm and leaving it out of reach works well.
When it wakes you up you feel instantly compelled to get up and walk over to silence it. You don't even need to think about it.
I find it works provided I went to bed at a reasonable hour the night before. If I'm really tired I'll get up, turn it off, piss, and go back to bed.
"When you study mediation and advance the moon will come down and enter your heart. You might feel terror or sadness and great regret. I don't want this, now I have a moon in my heart. But if you continue you will learn to accept it. That is the way of the warrior."
finished making some 50sh cigs 
I'm starting my shift at 7 again and I'm drunk, but not sure if drunk enough to sleep until then 
fuck this shit
being a wagie fucking suksc
When I voted yesterday I was the only voter there. It was full of staff though. I wonder how much they get paid. Looks like some sort of cozy job rort for boomers.
I am 5 minutes in to the new Ahsoka. It might take me a few days to get through it. Very difficult to watch this crap.
It started as a wholesome slumber party themed dressing gown striptease burlesque and ended as a full blown donkey show. When the NEET compound was hard up for funds.
How many years until it will be feasible for a NEET at home with a good but not exceptional PC to use AI to make good quality TV shows and movies to his own script?
Just seeing the lame cringe title of this Ahsoka episode has me grimacing with distaste.
I feel ashamed for having watched the series at all. What am I doing with my life? Still consuming goyslop in 2023.
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Its not me FFS. Who else besides GOADneet is in QLD ??

this whole thing smells

well thats what i reported him for 

not yet

high probability, and judging by how he handled his job seeker obligations, a trial in court would be equally disasterous and hilarious

well it is deranged

at this point in time we all know when someone points a finger and says "ITS NURO!" who it really is......


how many McGoys ?

yeah Ahsuka is falling off pretty fast i can only watch it after a bottle of wine 

Anyways... Avoided the fast food the past few nights. Ate Lamb. Rueben sandwich from the bakery thismorning. Redbull in hand. Firing on all cyclinders. Got heaps of work to catch up on. Eyes on the Prize. Lets Go !
> Doritos Australia launches coriander flavoured tortilla chips
How do you know if thats misinformation? 5G warfare weaponizes information and sieges your mind. The jew has been doing this since the pyramids were built, even the idea that its somehow the latest iteration of war is false.
I tried the Paul's iced coffee for the first time. It was average. Dare green top is the best, followed by Oak carton.
> Dare green top is the best
This is wrong, it goes Dare Intense (aka quadruple dare), Triple Dare No Sugar, Double Dare, put the rest in the bin.
how fuck did you not even give ICE BREAK a mention ???

and also how do people just not buy 2L and keep it in the fridge ? it literally costs the same as 600ml .... reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I just had a bowl of home made pumpkin soup, having a pint of carlton and about to have a chicken schnitty with mushroom. Garn have some jelly and fruit after.
mong-on-herder rape
The Woolworths chicken mince released less liquid than the Aldi. Very nice white colour too. The Aldi had been more grey.
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Labour organizers like unions gas light that they are standing with the workers but in reality they just want to climb the marxism ladder that puts them above the need to work anything but their jaws. Its shitty that woolies doesnt pay them enough but teh commies are not the ones to make things fair again, they just see this issue as some levers of power they can use to further thier agenda and grow thier communism snake. Marxists and capatailist managers are two sides of the same coin, sometimes you get snake heads like cruisey who are both. These types are professional parasites, just like the jew.
What are you talking about Cruisey? Your cappo/comintern buddies aren't gonna achieve the workers paradise with robots, they're just gonna import more pajeets.
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You live in a fantasy world Cruisey, the slightest challenge to your shakey reality will tear gaping holes that you struggle to patch with ever increasing degeneracy. Such is the fate of the bourgeois dupe. Only a matter of time before you are torn apart like the carrion you are rapidly becoming.
> who will take vitamins while simultaneously being an obese alcoholic 
doctors actually tell alcos to take a multivitamin
wont do anything for their liver, but it will stop scurvy
Might make some pies with the leftovers, it could be a little risky but maybe I can get away with making them open top
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Tomorrow night on womboflix - we join Tom Cruise, the dude who plays Hawkeye, and that recent james bond chick - the white one, not the negress, in Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) - The IMF is shut down when it's implicated in the bombing of the Kremlin, causing Ethan Hunt and his new team to go rogue to clear their organization's name.

On Sunday, an ex-Navy Seal turned cook is the only person who can stop a group of terrorists when they seize control of a U.S. battleship, in Under Siege (1992)
The doctor told him he had the biggest liver he had ever seen! Nuro blushed prettily at the compliment.
I don't understand. 
I make my living off of an industry funded by social gesturing and the illusion of virtue. 
I make those judgements on automation based on this industry.
Really wanna get gooned tonight, but 20 would be too many. The 11 stando vials of vodka are still like $30 though
My hot take: how these people even exist? They do not dream either? I think this is major trolling on their behalf. But if true they lack the ability of abstraction as well. Which is sad since the incapability of that is a characteristic of low IQ people, like gypsies. They seem to write normally, perhaps it's AI/ML generated?
That parasite paid me $500. Based on the screenshot, he paid me $500 from a payment of $846.55 he received from "Quinn Emanuel Takata". I thought that was a person, but it looks like the result of Quinn Emanuel class action lawsuit against Takata over their faulty air bags.
So while I am happy I got some money, it does not fill me with hope that I will be repaid the rest with any sort of regularity.
How they think the word "apple"? Like he imagines the letters? But then they can see something, no? Or they hear ("audiolize") the words, like the inner speech, but then they can't imagine that people can "see" similarly like they hear?
I once ordered a pie in a pub and it came in a ramekin thing and when I got into it, it was just a lid. There was no pastry sides or bottom. I was incensed!
Maybe. Half the bottle is still in the car. 
Engine light has also come on and I don't have RACV roadside assist. Don't even care, I think I'm running at maximum anxiety already
I had to kneel down to find something on my car that was near where the pedals are and I am so fat sweat was pouring off me and I was out of breath and I couldn't find what I was looking for down there.
I've found a dirt road that I like. Managed to get it up to 90km/h. Was a bit slippery when I was swerving around the potholes so couldn't push it further. Only 1 blind corner and 1 crest though so hopefully I can push 100km
No idea. My rego is due in under a fortnight. Might just not pay it. Nothing even happens. If you get stopped by the goy police they just issue a fine. I'm also pretty sure they give you a notice to appear if they want to impound it. Just steal some plates and replace your own. Simple as. I'm gonna be totally, illegally off the grid next week anyway. Society is only as real as you imagine it.
Thought he said if you had to be a vegetable and I'm thinking that's pretty cruel. Almost as cruel as smashing an egg on the poor bastard's forehead.
your rego also includes a component of third party insurance, so if you have an accident in an unregistered car and somebody is injured, you're fucked
Managed to retrieve the half bottle from the car unnoticed, Assassins Creed like. 

Very bad. I could never live in a sharehouse. I'm considerate enough to do my chores and remain amicable, but other people quickly get on my nerves and I begin to withdraw and ignore the unspoken requirement of socialising with housemates, to the point where my presence alone begins to annoy people. Has happened at this house, living with my step-mum, and when I lived with my ex and someone else.
I'm generally an uncomfortable person to be around, I try not to involve myself with other peoples lives and expect a high degree of privacy which appears asocial. Most of my life I believed that it was everyone elses problem if they couldn't handle silence and had an expectation of sociability but realistically its not. 
It's why I tend to isolate myself, because I'm just a burden on other people. 
I also can't stand to hear other people having sex. It's fucking disgusting.
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Tonight on womboflix Tom Cruise helps us break out of prison, break into the kremlin, climb the world's tallest building and find a parking spot, in Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011). Also starring Jeremy Renner, Lea Seydoux, Simon Pegg and Paula Patton. 7pm AEDT.

Then on Sunday, award winning chef Steven Segal will serve us a dinner of non-stop action in Under Siege (1992)
back to the desk whizzers today, after two days doing something for a federal org that sounds a little like chortler horse
hope my bum closes back up soon
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Good Morning NEETbrehs 

Went to the bakery. Got a chicken curry pie. They Gave me a free coffee.  Winning.

Half Day then heading to Noosa. Yeaeeeeaaah.
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Mission Impossible was funded by the scientologists and its got bits that are either MK ultra tier programming or easter eggs depending on your definition of either. I cant guarrantee that I wont try to plastic bag cruisey midway thru the moofie if I attend.
I've been roped into feeding the neighbour's dogs tonight and the weekend.
Other than that, I'll probably sort out some of the mess in the hovel and maybe tinker with the car.
Remember when he was going on about that woman trying to fuck him in the shop? Fucking pathetic to see that sort of wishful thinking, mistaking politeness for interest.
Only be a sparky if you are small.
Electricians spend half of their lives crawling around inside other people's roofspaces, which is pretty shitty to begin with, but extra shitty if you're a large person.
> doctors actually tell alcos to take a multivitamin
Alcohol abuse (ie, being Australian) causes vitamin B deficiencies, which cause all sorts of problems, including "wet brain".
GPs used to just give pissheads a vitamin B injection whenever they saw them. Don't know why they stopped. To save money, probably.
Also, heavy daily drinkers should never stop cold turkey. You can have seizures and die. You have to taper off. Ask your GP and get the prick to give you a shot of vitamin B while he's at it.
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The NEET is correct, in that you should not stop refreshing yourself with fine beverages from one of my many cellars. Why not pick up some vitamins that we now stock at the checkout along with herbal viagras and amyl nitrates for your enjoyment.
One of my underlings had the temerity to suggest we should offer Vaccines as well but I had him flogged, after all putting poison in my valued customers would be unconscionable.
Email from Australia Post, 6 October:
> Dear Customer,
> From 5 October, we'll send digital notifications* to advise of an attempted delivery, instead of leaving a paper card.
Good morning you abo dogs 
Might go to the pub soon, but I'll have to drive so I'll be limited to 1 beer. Will visit doctor Dan too. Might push 100km/h on the rally track
Is it legal to eat the homeless? You could say they were dead already when you found them.
This would solve the rising cost of food and the housing crisis.
> You could say they were dead already when you found them.
You'd still be in trouble for interfering with a corpse, failing to report finding a body, etc, etc
The homeless don't have houses, eating them wouldn't magically get you more houses.
And the homeless aren't safe to eat, they have pin worms,giardia, you'd have to keep them in a bath tub for a month like carp in order to flush the meth out of them. It would end up being much harder than raising lambs.

No, the solution is building dred style tower blocks in the countryside with prisoners on the top, free housing in the middle, and council housing on the bottom. 
To escape, prisoners would have to work, fight or negotiate their way down through the tower block and get a job at the bottom. 

In reality it would be a crab barrel because the strongest prisoners would throw the weakest off, the homeless would barricade the middle and the council housing would get taken over by mace wielding cultists. But that's the perfect system, a solution people made for themselves.
Belushi mode nuro whizzing the streets on his eeb, stopping at Guzmans for a couple of burritos before going home.
How based can one man be? What a lifestyle.
australia post are now claiming my parcel will be delivered between 5.10pm and 7.10pm this evening, despite loading it on the van at 10.30am
I wonder if pajeet crashed the van or something
Wish I could meet at a side street pizzeria and have some prawn cocktails and  share a lamb golzeme before going upstairs and doing shots of Drambuie then just enough h to stop feeling my shoes on my feet then a licorice cigarillo on the balcony while spitting on the sidewalk, then cruising down the beach to get turned on by, and ignore the teen slags who get impressed by public joint smoking then going to Nuro's brothel and getting a discount on three pinay sloots and stealing their amphetamines then waking up on the shores of dogshit beach with Stanley's board shorts on my head and the eeb plug in my bum.
Been getting scam texts saying my postal address isn't correct. 
Strange, because I don't buy anything online. Assume it's a scam. 

Next week, find out an old person I know lost 5k to the same scam. Apparently the text sent people to a fake paypal page and scraped their logins or somthing. Put them on a phoney subscription.

Why do any of us have to get JSP when we could just be scamming boomers. Serves them right for owning all the houses
If I was a boomer with lots of houses I would poo in my tenants houses and not flush and laugh on the way out.
1) buy magnetic strip read/write machine 
2) buy CVV dumps on the dark weberino 
3) withdraw free money from ATMs 
might do a wine and rum run before the postie/womboflix/dogfeeding mess that is going to be this evening
Room one and two are still clean. 
Going to try and clean room four today as room three proved too challenging
My town had the local communal gardens shut down because the pajeet family would take all the produce without contributing anything. Fucking parasitic subhumans. I hate them so much.
I am amazed how many of these mongs claim to think about Rome multiple times a day but then don't know really basic things about Rome. I know people irl that claim to think about Rome several times a day that think Julius Caesar was an emperor.
They are visualising the warfare and the cities and the general 'aesthetics' of ancient rome. 
You don't have to be a history buff to enjoy the way it looks. 
Don't be so autistic, you already know exactly what they're talking about.
Sometime soon I'm gonna listen to the entirity of Will Durant's Caesar And Christ, play Imperator and watch Rome
After the chinkshitdinner saga and the GOADneet seething at me for existing the next thing I do not want to know or need is the Monk story arc. Sorry Monk.
> So, when she and her mum, Lyndal, rescued a foster kitten in 2017, Izzy made it clear that Luna would be the name for their newest furry family member – after the Potter character, Luna Lovegood.
first dog feeding and watering went ok
have to go back at 8pm and let the big dog into the house to sleep
Possum told me that Charlie was in the treeline so I checked and he was in the treeline and then we all had tea and biscuits once.
The light was dark, the atmosphere both squalid and dank.
Detergent Jones stared into his pint, a look of fierce concentration on his weather beaten face.
He could remember nothing.
It was all gone.
Room one was the room I didn't know how to clean, room two was the VILE room, room three was the room that gets dirty again, room 4 was the hurtful room, room five is the room of unrequierment.

Room one, two and four are clean now.
Maybe it's a conspiracy, but I think our ancestors were probably just as good at most things as we are.
Why would Roman KFC be any worse? They had chicken, oil, flour, salt, they had onions so why wouldn't they have onion powder?
Tomorrow I'm cleaning the room of unrequierment, I'm taking all the unrequired shit to the op shop in a shopping trolley.   People might goad me but fuck it I'll do it once and it will be done.
Mummybot telling me how I can afford take away and alcohol but can't afford to pay her board. 
Almost told her the truth - I don't give money to whores
I might push for 100km/h+ on the dirt road. Foot to the floor. Sipping standards from the drink holder. Could only dream of a gum falling in my way. High speed catastrophe. 20 seconds on 9 News.
What’s worse ? Monk offing himself in high speed crash ? Or stringing us along  with broken promises for another year ?
I went to craigs for the first time in ages the ther day and there is a very fat girl with quite a pretty face working there now.
Not that neet but I bought the books once and watched the David Lynch’s movie. Never read them or watched the new dunc one. Made by Jews.
I reckon real estate would be pretty fitting for sociopathic deadshit druggos like me actually. You don't even need an education 

Got the vodka from the car during one of mums TV breaks (smoking a dart out the back) 


In my experience proper choof heads graduated from mix bowls to grinders and fancier bongs. 

he was knowledgeable of mathematics, and was an expert on abstract algebra, complex analysis and topology. But not anymore. Nuro knows so much now that even his enormous brain won't fit it all and he has to forget entire fields to make room for stuff he is currently mastering.
My biggest fear about Olive is that she'd have a big dick swinging with the motions. I'd hope she only has a small cock.
Kicked the dog. Mummybot got mad. He stopped barking and sat at my feet though, awaiting orders. 
Women shouldn't be allowed to own animals

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