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The glass tipped back, seemingly of its own accord.
The beer vanished within Detergent and still he remembered nothing.
He stared off into the distance in a deep and manly way and then ordered another pint.

I don't actually look at hashes. I log in so infrequently that I need to read a note which contains my password. 

I watch travel vlogs that demolish my strong held belief about people. Luv me Sunni insurrection. Love a Kurdish rebellion. ASIO hates non-white ethnic identity. Fuck those faggots lmao

> Detergent Jones stared into the hovel, a look of fierce disgust on his weather beaten face. A lifeless body lay on the moldy linoleum floor, surrounded by empty wine boxes. How could anyone live, let alone die like this he thought while reaching down for a closer look at the suspected murder weapon - seemingly homemade and of poor quality - a set of bicycle gears welded to the end of a metal file.

Just watched an ABC doco about a woman with kids, working the bar and living in the motel room of her employer. 
Cunts in this country hate the working class, I've seen it first hand. I'd line them up against the wall if I could. 
Death to the parasitic cunts that fuck people over mate

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I put another plate on the front power lines, Just like we used to do in nam to keep the gooks off the perimiter. I showed it already to my buddies on the Nazi Steampunk Forum on matrix and they are already calling it "La Dreadnought". This one flips and rolls but is weighted at the bottom. I cant wait to see his face.

I don't think he was being cruel, he is just angry and upset with where his life is at at moment and is taking it out on everyone and everything around him. He needs to talk to a psychologist and sort through his feelings and come up with a plan to improve his life.

That gives PTSD from my FIFO days on helicopters. We would get absolutely maggot on the last day in WA and some faggot would alway buy shots and then we would have to get up early and pack our shit to grab an early flight. 

Fuck. I am feeling sick just thinking about it.

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Heading off camping after lunch. Heading to a remote mountain for a couple of days. I'm going to scout it for bug-out area potential. Its in a mysterious triangle retards go off trail to take selfies and disappear so full operational security will be in effect and I wont be taking my phone. Coffee day look out neets, got a loaf of bread in the maker.

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This week could be a busy week on womboflix. In the next few days I'm expecting Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning to come out, and we'll show it the same day it is released.

Then, on Friday the 13th, womboflix will terrify you with Talk To Me (2022) - a horror movie about a group of friends discover how to conjure spirits using an embalmed hand, they become hooked on the new thrill, until one of them goes too far and unleashes terrifying supernatural forces.

On Saturday Michael Douglas stars in Falling Down (1992), and on Sunday we have David Fincher's masterpiece Se7en (1995)

Yesterdays zinger came with a chicken rib in the burger. 
Probably because I asked to change every sauce to guarantee fresh patties. 
I can't see how that could have been an accident.

Cruisey and I took lots of drugs and then did a seance once and we thought we accidently summoned some dark maicious spirits that smashed the house up and stole things but it turned out we just left the front door open and some boongs had walked in.

Possum became the man in the ceiling at Tiffo's and eyed off his lemon collection and rather than beating him off, tiff ran away into the scrubland leaving his phone behind so he couldn't be notified on what will inevitably happen once he realises there's garlic bread in the pixxa freexer once.


if not that, I must consume at least 1/3 of romania's beer supply 
> woke up at 2 pm 
> drink all day and night till it's 6 am and I have to leave to work
> greeted by the firefighters with beers 
> proceed to drink even more 
as I was saying, the vasluian liver has been conditioned through fuck knows how many generations to withstand stupid amounts of alcohol

Bit of a scene at Hoyts after I demanded to know how the young fella managing the candy bar can sleep at night knowing he's serving choctops during non-dessert hours. Must've leant on him a bit too hard because soon he was weeping loudly and obviously I wasn't far behind

I think Nuro is the only one of you faggy twats to eat camembert (on pixxa), but just in case.

> On April 25, 2023, the company announced its partnership with Mia Khalifa, where she was responsible for spearheading the company's corporate social responsibility initiatives, focusing on issues related to social justice, advocacy, and the responsible consumption of magic truffles

There is a full on homo scene in American Gods where a djinn roots an Omani cunt and fills him with fire to turn him into one. 
Or the guy is now his lantern. 
Had to skip through it

The hose was fine. The radiator hose neck had snapped under the clamp. New radiator tomorrow.
Nigger rigged it and filled it with water to get home, and she almost overheated again. Car is off at the moment in the driveway but the fans are still running trying to cool the cunt down.

Is it just bent or is the actual radiator got a leak? 
Get a big grommet and duct tape the seal, it won't last forever but it's a lot cheaper than the $500+ they'll likely charge for a new one. 
I think my old Astra one cost $1200

The piece of plastic that the hose connects to has snapped off. The temporary fix barely got me home at a snail’s pace.
$70 to get a taxi to the desk whizzers to fix their “urgent” problems. Will cost the same or more to get home again.

> Mental health patients waiting days in emergency due to chronic bed shortages at Queensland's largest hospital

Up this way we didn't even have a Dr in emergency for a while, when someone came in they plonked you down in front of a pc screen and you talked to a Dr 700km away, if it was a severe emergency they shipped you 110km away to the nearest ER.

We had one before in er but they didn't rehire him because Hunter health will only employ them for 12 months or so and get someone new. Sirs are the only ones we get now, I think there is a GP from Iran that has recently started in one of the local surgerys, white Australian doctors don't want to work in the country.

Went to the shops, its changed since I was last there. Less bogans, more asians. More of cruiseys massage joints. Went to the gook grocery store, they take card now. Times are a changin

I might get some later. Still a bit taxed. 

That actually looks pretty doable

> The truth behind 'haunted' houses? Toxic moulds can cause severe psychosis and hallucinations, researchers say

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Off the darts. Read Allen carrs the easy way a few days ago and then read the few most important chapters again this morning before extinguishing my final durry. Going well, feeling positive and optimistic. On black blend 43 #5 for the day. I can only usually have 2-3 max.

> It's really important to the team at Menulog to understand what happened with your order so we can improve our systems and processes, so we're looking into this in a little more detail. We'll be in touch with an email update shortly

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This Friday the 13th on womboflix, we are marking the date with Talk to Me(2022) an Australian supernatural horror film that follows a group of teenagers who discover they are able to contact spirits using a mysterious embalmed hand, only for things to go too far...

On Saturday, Michael Douglas starts taking back America, one bullet at a time, in Falling Down (1993)

On Sunday Bradd Pitt and the wise old negro Morgan Freeman track a biblically inspired serial killer in Se7en (1995)

We're also expecting the latest Mission Impossible to be out this week, and we'll screen it the day it's released.

It's booked in for tomorrow to have a new radiator and hoses and possibly a new water pump (that was making some noises when we got it running again this morning, probably from being run dry).
Car insurance bill for the year came while I was at the whizzers.

>  woman running a respected massage business has had enough of 'rude' Aussie men demanding a 'happy ending' and decided to lock them out.

Gaucamole done. Tzatziki done. Now to cook the meat that's been out of the fridge the past 2+ hours. But you know what they say, you should always bring your meat to 'room temp' before cooking.

laughed to death

Pls show bobs
Do needful
Oh mai God
Your compooter
Has Wirus
Call sooooon
Bloody bitch
Go down hill
You will Ack-ci-dent

Greatest man ever been
British Shocked
India Rocked
Pakistan we shall burn
Israel my best friend
Muzzie scum we'll upend
And when the sun goes down
Grandpas hind I shall pound!
The thing about "grussykin" (grandpa pussy) and "grandpa porn" is a reference to that video of the indian man in the photo raping his grandfather up the arse as some sort of internet prank.

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