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The bored four NEETs

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I might have called the haggard bitch out for cop-out cope when she is saying "let kids be kids" and the toothless bogan male calls me a gay cunt so I condemn him and his for being trash and gesture at the rubbish everywhere. I might told him to come take it when hes sayig givvus back me axe.

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Quite prolific wasn't he? I think he was making a shelter to sleep in because I found it later. Pathetic and all his bedding soaked by the rain. Really monk could do better. It must be hard to raise such a damaged sprog but it probably doesnt help to give him a tall can of red bull and leave him unsupervised in the park with an axe. He got all excited and was acting out after the encounter, i heard him as I was packing up. I got the falcon hell out of there in rapid time.  This is why you point your vehicle at the exit and dont set up camp in front of it.

What a fucking story. 
Tiffin is a champ. 
I can just imagine the bogan tatted chick snarky howling and the kid with the rat tail crying about losing the axe. The step dad with a missing tooth coughing in the smoke as he skids away, rocks flicking into his Woodstock can. Fuck them.

I'm contemplating becoming a hobo after I have a solid repertoire, and winter passes 
wouldn't be much different from my living situation rn desu 
I would exchange showers and going to the bathroom whenever I want for extra practice time 
sounds like a good deal to me

> Tyrannosaurus Reich is a supervillain who was featured in Major Bummer #5. T. Reich was pulled to earth through a dimensional portal from a dimension inhabited by Nazi dinosaurs

It never used to be like that
The shops here have homeless people outside the methodone clinic, always some bogans with big dogs, bins are overflowing, angry cunts in high vis, asians everywhere, rubbish, huge lines for woolies self checkout. 
It's like the cbd with none of the pros

Chick at the bottle-o has a weird accent. Think she might be spanish or portugese. She had a strange smile as she was scanning my nuro goon. I honestly couldn't tell if she was attracted to me or just in a good mood. It was an unusual sort of smile.

Got a fucking bad  case of the feels thinking about the girl from a few weeks ago. I thought about pouring my heart out over some text messages but knew I'd die when I came to my senses. Decided to get gooned instead. Might hunt for a gf next week.
There are quite a few things I see around uni and rundle mall that make me recall little remarks of hers that hit me right in the feels. She was so smart, why did it have to be this way?

Wish I went to one of those posh private boys schools that chant sexist shit on trams and get a bad wrap by the ABC for being toxic and beligerant at interschool footy 
Woulda been sick

> Sounds good to me.
Our constitution doesn't guarantee us anything except the right to vote, and now they want to use it to elevate one group above everybody else.
Whenever people have suggested having a referendum to put a basic bill of rights into the constitution (ie free speech, freedom of religion) both sides of politics shut it down, but now they want to elevate a subhuman minority above all else and grant them extraordinary powers.
None of the real details have been released either, with voters being told to just vote yes now and then the details will be worked out later.

aphantasia is a normie disease. 

NEETs are constantly bombarded with visual flashbacks, auditory hallucinations and can navigate blindfolded based on their nightmarish mental rendering of their environment

> Has there been a big change in her eating habits?
She eats fuck all now. Haven't had a pub meal in a couple of months with her as a result.
Even if she makes something she thinks she will like she has a few bites and bins it.

Might be to do with all the fluid retention in her feet, hope they actually do something and maybe change her meds. 
These cunts are quick to put people on worfarin like its a fix all. 
I'm sorry you're both going through this.

The knee specialist told her to get her GP to prescribe prednisone to help with the legs.
GP says she wont prescribe it without knowing why, says she'll contact specialist and then get back to Mum. Doesn't.
Knee specialist sends notes to some rheumatoid specialist for review. Supposed to contact Mum. Doesn't.
Meanwhile she is paying about $3000 per quarter for top tier private health insurance.

The possum is still in the roof. It hasnt left its lair except to drink from the gutter just outside. I think they kind of hibernate and only go out to forage when its nice weather. I tightened up every point of access and left a one way exit for him to find. Thinking of going up there and poking it with a stick or something. the little cunt is pissing above my bed space i just know it.

She had an injection into the knee about a month ago and it was good for 24 hours and that was it. Apparently they can only do that about 4 times before they cause permanent damage to the joint.

13 pixxas in the freexer. Just gotta clean up the mess and might settle back for the rest of the arvo. I had some leftover slami from the crowd pleaser pies. Was going to give it to the neighbour for her dog but if it get coincidentally sick then I'll get the blame. Into the bin it goes.

She has been booked in for an endosccopy and colonoscopy on the 9th. With the stomach pain and blood work showing inflammation levels off the charts the doctor was talking about cancer.

Ah shid. "La Dreadnought" came free of its plastic pipe insulator and is skating about on the high tension wires in the filthy weather, threatening to cut into the insulation and electrocute everything.

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Waged today. Big cleanup at the shop. Had a little helper. 

I was pessimistic about the line at the voot but left at 11:30 went to the local  Church. Had to line up for 3 minutes on the shade.  Did not have to deal with any pandering. Gave the lady my Drivers License. Got ballot, voted NO. 

Got a  plate of sushi for lunch. Ate while the Van was getting a car wash. Did some shopping on the way back. 

Waged for a couple more hours. Feeing the heat, here we go again…. Riding around Maroochy to cool down. Will get some Guzman on the way home and will catch womobo flix later. 


No, I haven't. As a child my grandparents always used to have Golden North honey ice cream, and I would like Motherbat to get some or the Giant Twins in honey flavor (basically two chocolate covered ice cream sticks), but she likes pedestrian shit like Magnums and Cornettos.


In my undies with 5 tabs open on 4chin pol eating a burrito with salt streaming on ABC 

Grining so hard my face is starting to ache 

Will need to have a good smoke to calm down from tonight. Some amazing posts. My sides. NUKE ACT.

Went to use the toilet at the shopping centre yesterday and noticed from the smell someone was doing a shit, I kicked all the doors in until I found the cunt and picked him up off the seat and could see he had done a massive shit.
I threw him to the floor and bashed him until he couldn't get up and forced him to watch me take a shit on top of the shit he just did.
I then made him wipe my hole and leave without wiping his hole and I left the toilet unflushed.

I'm amazed the board has lasted this long with only global moderation. Between the CT police neet and nuro publicly plotting murder, I'm surprised there hasn't been a police investigation here yet.

Obviously there isn't much they can do to him beyond an impotent email but nuro is a retard to plot a murder and defend Tarrant and so on all whilst having his name and address public knowledge here.
NEETs being too lazy to submit a report to crimestoppers is all that is saving him from getting fucked. It'd be pretty funny having two QLD neets being investigated by the CT police lol.

ASIO are desperate for white supremacist/neo-nazi shit. They will chase up just about anything.
And you can't tell me that they wouldn't find heaps of creepshotted little kids on his phone, drugs etc.
Honestly, the fact that stanley never did anything is probably the most compelling evidence that nuro was stanley all along.

> https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/australian-indigenous-leaders-call-week-silence-after-referendum-defeat-2023-10-15/
Better yet, why don't they make it an indefinite period of silence. That'll teach us.

Let it rise in a warm place for 1 hour. In the meantime, heat the oil to 350F or 180C. Fry about 4-6 at a time, about 2 minutes per side, until golden, turning with a stick. Remove with a slotted spoon to a plate lined with paper towels to absorb excess oil. Cut a hole with a knife and fill it with...


he knocked over a bunch of banks, the last of which was 20 years ago
it was suspected he was ex-military because of the tactical nature and the way he engaged police at the last robbery
his age would mean he was possible ex-Vietnam
wont know until a name and photos get released I guess

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Se7en (1995) will be on in 1 hour neets - set in an unnamed, crime-ridden city, Seven's plot follows disenchanted, near-retirement detective William Somerset and his newly transferred partner David Mills as they attempt to stop a serial killer before he can complete a series of murders based on the seven deadly sins. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

> Detective Superintendent Thompson said there had "literally been hundreds of people looked at" over the last two decades, but said the 73-year-old man only became a person of interest "very recently".
wife/ex-wife rolled on him or he started going doolally and said something he shouldn't have

I would have moved the trolley if I had gone out there today. I am not making a special trip outside to do it though.
I don't feel comfortable out there. Feels like everyone is watching me. I forget how to walk and breath. Switch to manual mode.
Severely mentally ill. I'm staying in.

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Ever get tired of sleeping next to a dunny?
Ever get tired of being universally unloved?
EVer get tired of lubing chains in 30C+ weather?
EVer get tired of being obese?
Ever get tired of leaving this board forevor?
Ever get tired of women not having smiled at you for over ten(10) years?
Ever get tired of being my bitch?

Bad home area story
> neet calls me up
> asks if I've got bolt cutters
> ask what size he wants
> he wants the biggest bolt cutters I have
> seemslegit.jpg
> find the pair I normally loan out
> found them in a place I was breaking into
> probably left by the last guy who broke into that place
> wd40, sharpen them up
> friend says he is buying a bike off someone
> but the guy can't unchain the bike
> That's why the guy is selling it for $20
> friend apparently believes this story
> tell friend to pay the $20 first
> friend says "that's retarded the guy will just run away"
> trust me bro

> olive oil and sautéed garlic.
The new olive oil and garlic bread from woolies is lovely. Had some before with some hot english mustard but the mustard was too hot for me so I put a heap of butter on some other bits and made sandwiches to make it more tolerable. I will just have it with butter in the future, maybe getting some cheese to have with the mustard to take the edge off.

> friend runs up to my house panicking 
> says he went to get the bike
> bike was chained onto a post outside the dudes house
> then the police turned up while the pair were fucking around
> lo and behold it was just a random bike
> dude (we'll call him nigger) blamed my friend, nigger said he just lived in the house
> friend says the nigger tried to sell him the locked up bike
> police came while they were fucking around, assumed it was a bike theft. 
> nigger sprints down the road with the bolt cutters
> police book it after him just leaving my friend standing there. 
> police come back with nigger in the back of police car
> friend pleads innocence, says he paid the guy $20 
> police ask nigger if he has $20 on him
> nigger denies having $20, claims he was the one to call the police, claims he only ran because racism.
> police say they can't prove he some the bike but can arrest him for stealing $20
> nigger panics and returns the $20
> police ask why he had the $20 if it wasn't his bike
> nigger confesses to trying to sell my friend a stolen bike for $20
> said he just needed bolt cutters and was going to ride off with the bike, bolt cutters, and $20.
> master criminal
> friend gets released
> police ask friend if the bolt cutters are his
> nope.jpg
> friend gets let go, told to write a statement at station
And that's how I lost my bolt cutters

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