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The bored four NEETs

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> showing it off
Every picture you've ever posted just has to have some form of 'swag' in it. Like a teenage girl showing off her accessories to her fellow female classmates on IG. The only (pathetic) difference is you're a 48 year old CreepLordā„¢ posting on an anonymous imageboard.

I only get them when they're on special. The butter chicken ones are nice but gave me indigestion.
Mrs macs ones were the same price last week or the week before, they are better than these but these are still not bad.


nobody has a sense of humor anymore

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The womboflix movie selection committee meeting is now in session. This Wednesday we will be seeing The Sound Of Freedom (2023), so we just need to vote on some movies for the weekend.

Wrongfully Accused (1998)
The Sunset Limited(2011)
Captain Phillips (2013)
The Ghost and the Darkness (1996)
Rapid Fire(1992)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Rambo (2008)
Showdown in Little Tokyo(1991)
Who Killed Captain Alex
Truman Show
Weekend At Bernies
Trading Places
Fritz the cat
The Commitments
Wolf Of Wall Street
The Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum
Don's Party
Old Henry
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
The Holy Mountain
The Joker
Mortal Kombat(2021)
The Odessa File
The Mission
Rocky (1976)
Lethal Weapon (1987)
Top Gun (1986)
The Grey
Dogs in Space (1986)
Reckless Kelly(1993)
Midnight Run
Event Horizon
The Usual Suspects

I wonder if we would have been able to tell the difference if they changed the voice actors without telling us. You would think you would but maybe not.
Sometimes the same voice actors start to sound different over time. You really notice that if you watch an episode of The Simpsons from the first two seasons. Homer and Marge are very different.

Umm sweaty when we say banned books we mean books that were banned in like 1963 and are actually widely available now, not chudly antisemistisms and misinformation that are actually banned and hard to findšŸ’…šŸ’…šŸ’…

No womboflix tonight or tomorrow neet - now is the perfect time for you to fill the gap in the market with your own streaming service.

The next womboflix stream will be on Wednesday, with the critical drinker recommended movie The Sound Of Freedom(2023)

That moofie is a psyop designed to divert attention away from the bio security 5 labs that used the kids to test MRNA technology designed to extend the lives of jews and reduce the goyim population. I refuse to watch it.

> now is the perfect time for you to fill the gap in the market with your own streaming service
Tonight we will be watching Harry Potter and teh Goblet of Fire at 18:30 ACDT.
Will Hermioniny get molested by a surly Hungarian?
Will Harry and Ginger Ron get to finger the Poojie Twins?
Why are people named Cecil always faggy twats?
Get on teh Hogwards Express and find out at

Harry Potter and teh Goblet of Fire will be on in 1 hour
6 minutes and 35 seconds before hand, there will be two short YouTube videos related to Harry Potter. There's 3 hours of Harry Potter ambient music currently playing before that.

> Row over Noosa Bunnings exterior paint job

> Aldi
I remember I started shopping there because one opened near me and nuro sperged out heaps and said I must be poor because why else would I shop there. They used to sell these big 2kg tubs of greek yoghurt. I liked them, they were a bit plain of course so I'd add just a dash of jam and sweeten it myself. Those little aldi homebrands can be quite nice and because of the vertical integration they're often more stable in terms of price and supply.

Yeah, I've noticed that too. It isn't as good as it used to be. I am not sure if that is Aldi having a lack of supply or increased demand. I expect lots of people who had been going to Coles/Woolies out of inertia started going to Aldi after not being able to get what they wanted.

I'm using uBlock with Chrome. 
Was originally the warning with the 3 second countdown, then it gave me 3 videos to watch, then it blocked every video. 
Restarted my browser and its back to normal

 if you buy its premium service then you dont get ads. what do retards who pay for ads get out of this deal. if you are non-retarded enough to google search a solution to its forced ads then you can block ads and youtube doesnt have to pay for the bandwidth to serve them. YOutube doesnt lose if you dont see ads.

I suspect that Google is trying to create a funnel, where the least IT literate users pay a premium. Google is universally hated at this point, it's less an issue of whether users want to leave and more an issue of where users might go.

They have a stranglehold on productivity tools. Ask yourself, if someone who was not Google had the exact same resources, which would you choose?
And I'd also argue the need for these tools is largely artificial, it's like the apple charger for the apple cable for the iphone for itunes.

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Good Morning. 
I'm late, but didn't want to disappoint my stalker in here.
Yes I'm a NEET, even if I don't know who or what y'all talking about in here most the time.
I thought it would be nice to give positive vibes posts.

Have a blessed day!

worried that wally may leave australia, depriving us of his invaluable education and return to his native egypt, an advanced islamic civilisation far beyond anything australians can dream of

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I managed to keep the pain in check with ibuprofen + paracetamol 
also got a check at the emergency room; the doctor lady literally ear raped me with some tool there only to tell me I have external otitis (how shocking) 
now I have to take some 4 other meds until another check
at 6am I have to leave for work

I use anon.cafe/k/ for military stuff but it is slow and not very good for anything else.
There is a pretty bad shortage of websites for general browsing. Reddit has absorbed most of that stuff and made it fucking awful.

I forgot to say I use YouTube too. Know any good channels? Iā€™ve been watching a bit of dry creek wrangler school and I forgot the name of a Philosophy channel I found yesterday.

I use reddit a bit but finding good content is really hard on there. Every subreddit basically has an expiry date for when they get too popular and then it becomes full of shitters who just want to repost the same comments over and over.
Thereā€™s a bunch of small imageboards with good content but theyā€™re all really slow

Just opened youtube in an incognito tab and it doesn't even show any videos. Wants me to start searching and watching before it'll recommend anything on the home page. 
Weird, thought it would just be your standard mr beast and food challenge shit if you're not logged in

not 100% sure what happened, but at the desk whizzers the project manager who was humping my chair got let go yesterday and today it sounded like they had let the interim female ceo go in favour of some other bloke

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Tomorrow night will be The Sound Of Freedom (2023) - the incredible true story of a former government agent turned vigilante who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue hundreds of children from traffickers.

On Saturday we will be watching the 80s cop buddy action film Lethal Weapon (1987), and on Sunday the action western Old Henry (2021). We've had a lot of votes, and in upcoming weeks we'll be seeing Rapid Fire, The Odessa File, Captain Phillips, Event Horizon, and The Ghost And The Darkness.

We may also have a bonus halloween film on october 31st.

Since 2010 the internet has felt like the siege of helms deep, where all the sensible white PC users are inside and 2 billion screaming Indians and 10 year olds with smartphones try to break in. 

I want a website that straight up blocks mobile users. Sure anyone could emulate a desktop but I still think that barrier is high enough to keep the screaming retards out

Youtube has mostly dropped the you part. It is all entirely commercial these days. Those big channels like that get big through gaming the algorithm, having big marketing teams etc. May as well just be television at this point.

Nuro, behave yourself. It's not just IGA that riles you up. You need to learn to ignore it. 
#BO is an unemployed, spiteful alcoholic schizo. I will ban and remove every post you make if you keep it up. I've got all day, chuddie!

> raped as a kid
Well, we just hit a new level of projection. Come on nuro, get it off your chest.
Is it related to you having learning difficulties in school? It would explain your problems with women and paedophillic tendencies.

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Thanks we definitely need a little bit more transparency as to who are the admins here and the chain of command and what is happening. No need for Pseudonyms. 

I didnt get any announcements  

When imissfather did the stellar of job of #BO the board last few years it had its rules, and you could cite them. Since he left its a been whatever the current #BO makes up on the spot. Much gets lost in the fog of war. But there should not be any war. People should just be comfy there should be some respect between NEETs. But some  cant because they are from bad homes. 

just my 0.02

> imissfather did the stellar of job of #BO
imissfather was a terrible BO. He would ban neets on the slightest suspicion (such as having a fresh IP) but ignore nuro making death threats, posting creepshots of children, supporting terrorism etc.
You just liked him because he was a dickrider.

I find a lot of older tv shows aren't very good as they were written with the expectation you'd miss episodes and so the plot moves slowly and they keep reminding you what happened. I think that is part of why people think so highly of Breaking Bad despite it not really being very good.

I know that feeling neet. I took a massive shit and I could feel my ring burning from the cayenne pepper and my arse struggling to contract after birthing such an executive monstrosity. I kept wiping but I kept hitting my fucking colon due to how gaped I was.

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Tonight on womboflix we give you The Sound Of Freedom (2023). Based on a true story, and condemned by holywood and the mainstream media for getting a little bit too close to the truth, it follows  Tim Ballard, a former U.S. government agent who embarks on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia. 7pm AEDT.

fresh debiscuits

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  You know whats a really good conspiracy moofie series?

They were based off real books and they get pretty edgy after the third one. Its about how these rebels overthrow the government and a dictator.
We should watch that instead.

Do you think they'll need him in the future?

I think a lot of places have a hiring freeze or are letting go of contractors/anyone they can. It will be interesting to see how it goes in the future if they can't find the talent again.

I went to Aldi. Got another 900g tub of that lush tropical yoghurt. Also one of the berry flavoured ones to try.
While I was there I bought some honey soy chips, a block of hazelnut milk chocolates and some lebanese cucumbers.
They only have paper bags there now. The plastic bag era is over. Aldi had good plastic shopping bags too. big and strong (like that NEET).

Also automation in a technical role is not always a reflection of technical experience. A lot of people can use scripting to make things work and anyone can use their scripts, but a lot of people have deficits in understanding the technology beyond these magic scripts. That is when it breaks they have no clue or are fumbling around to find out why it broke.

The thumb on my left hand has been clicking and locking in the bent position for the past week or so. Being right-handed, I would assume that if it were related to over-working it that it would present on my right hand.
Googling suggests Type II diabetics are about 10% more likely to develop trigger thumb.

Only recognise about 3 of the names
> 23. Elizabeth Debicki



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