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We should have nightly rankings of how good nuro's spergout was. I'd give tonight a 4/10. He had some effort and got upset but his tantrum died in the arse pretty hard. He didn't put his heart into it and flood the reports or spam the board or something.

> never heard of munchotts

A wordplay isn't a joke.
A funny wordplay can be considered a type of joke.
Writing something that comes to mind and just want to post it isn't trying to be funny or making a joke. If someone finds it amusing, in the sense that it's curious it's just bonus.
Come on dude, get your shit together, just because you want to be rude you don't have to be braindead too.

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"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone."

Tomorrow night womboflix will be showing some choice episodes from The Twilight Zone, including To Serve Man from the 1960s tv series, and Nightmare at 20,000 feet from the 1983 movie.

Then on Saturday, Bruce Lee's son kicks some butt in Rapid Fire (1992), and on Sunday, Angelina Jolie's daddy runs from a train in The Odessa File (1974)

> partner with foreign intelligence agencies
> get hacked/insider'd
> wonder how this happened
> ask foreign intelligence agencies for help
It's Microsoft this week, surely letting Microsoft build a nonsensical firewall around Australia won't backfire

G'day, welcome to coiyberpunk, the neon-drenched dystopian sci-fi genre that explores how capitalism and technology have eroded our natural Australian spirits. Mecha-crikey, there's a whisper in me ghost! Don't clone the raw prawn with me, is it real, or just a false memory-doo?

why would this stun viewers? we saw photos of her with harvey weinstein's jizz all over her face a decade ago

Webby, I'm sorry to ask this again, but can we try moving the womboflix server to another location again? Shiban hasn't been able to stream from it the last few times. He's one of our most frequent viewers.

Went to one of those flash liquorlands that styled like a 'cellar'. Plenty of poofter craft beer but fuck all traditional beers. No tallboys. Only a handful of long necks hidden away in the cold room. 
Just disgraceful. Then went to BWS to get some tallboys and had to duck under all their gay fuckin halloween decorations. 
We should start a bottleo chain of proper true blue boozers

See that's actually a weak contender. Bread must be proportional for structural reasons, cheese however becomes sickening so must be in ratio.
6 buns is about the limit, after than you move to Turkish bread or a sub.

There's really no reason not to make a meter long burger sub

Looks like a late 80's C4 still beats a Telsa Model 3 RWD for 0-100 and quarter mile times. I imagine the Tesla 3 hasn't been designed for track work either.
A base model coupe in 88 cost $29,489 USD, which is apparently $76,723 in today's money.
Apparently a 2023 base Model 3 Telsa costs $54,500 USD.

Hungry. Had 4 slices of peanut butter toast but it has done nothing. Haven't bought coles brand bread in years, its so thin. Half the size of the fancier bread. 
Might have some rice and chicken.

> 9 	IT 	  5%
> 10  	Armed forces 	  4%


Nod really, we have other ethnographic curiosities.
Scrambled eggs.

I think the first one just fell over right at that moment. Could be drunk, could be just an accident. Second one I'm sure is a drunk, probably having a nap. These are small settlements in the countryside where people ride these dacha-bikes.

I assume it was an all black range, rapid fire isn't usually allowed at white ranges specifically to deter these kinds of retards. Many ranges have bullshit like mag limits, bans on filming, or member only days. 

Rule of thumb, the more likely a retard is to come to your range, the more bs you've all got to put up with.

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Romans used to have fish sauce with everything, it was their tomato sauce and it was produced by the ton in cement vats. 
Anchovies are in many ways a poor second, if you've got fish sauce you should use it in Italian food. 

White onions are bad, instead use green/challotes or wild onions. Don't think of red onions as Spanish, that's like thinking potatoes are Irish.

I fried the meatballs in the bacon fat, cooked the onions and peppers and then added passata/ tomato paste. 

Very important to finish the pasta in the pan, it improves the texture and thickens the sauce. I used to use the wok but cast iron works better, keeps the pasta hot. 

Executive serves will be available at the commune for $5.50.

Wasn't there a brief epidemic of killer clowns both here and internationally a couple of years back?
It reached the point here where cops were going to arrest anybody onsite for being dressed liek that because it was only a matter of time before a resident killed one.

Witnessed a woman get lost on the footy oval the other day, there was only one road around the oval and it joined onto itself. 
For some reason she veered off the only road in her SUV, drove across the lawn and two garden beds, drove down the lawn guys road, got stuck at lawn guys shed then reversed backwards blindly into the oval fence. Many normies witnessed this unfold over several minutes.

> Donald Gordon Buckley was last seen by family members at his Warwick Farm home in 1953
> It was not until earlier this year that a family member reported him as missing to Blacktown Police Station.
kek, guess they didn't notice him missing.


Had the perfect opportunity for a car wank this arvo. A tanned brunette thot in white bikini layed out on the grass doing some yoga shit. Snagged the nearest parking spot but there was a skatepark to the right and a van immediately to my left with curtained windows... So between potentially being seen by the skate punk kids and/or a backpacker/s I left with a big old pair of blue balls.

I was in a good mood listening to music but then I clicked on a song whose theme brought my mood down.
Would it be smart to only keep music that uplifts and to delete everything else?

One of my wagie neighbours seems to have lost their job. TV on all night and sits outside all days. Yet another obstacle to       traverse when leaving home. This nigga likes to speak. One of those 'extroverted' peoples. I hate them so much.

I bought a 6 pack of Cheese and Bacon rolls from Woolies bakery. There was still steam in the bag, I wouldn't have bought them otherwise. You have to get them fresh.
They were pretty meh though. Won't get them again.

I went to take a pass and there was a NIGGER standing with his back against the wall pissing in a high arc into the urinal. I walked out as there was no way to the urinal that wasn't through his piss. I hate niggers so much.

Ate some mince of unknown expiry date. Feel sick. Seriously think I'm going to vomit. I'd rather the other end but that might be a bit optimistic. What should I do? Stomach is rumbling and bloated. Feel awful.

In a sane society Monk's father and Uncles would have taken him out bush and humbled him by force at some point.
When he came home and his mother exclaimed at his swollen black and blue face they would have told her to keep quiet. It was Men's business.

I'm not bloody fine.
I thought I'd do a Monk and get a couple of cheeky double cheeseburgers from McDolans for a light dinner.
My McDolans now has two ordering lanes that merge into one.
When I arrived there was a car at both, so I picked the right hand lane.
Big mistake.
The fat pig woman was ordering custom combos and alterations for about 50 people. About 4 cars go through the other lane while I'm sitting there.
Then we all merge into one lane and the fat pig woman gets to the payment window and starts arguing with the porch monkey on the till and people are honking and getting fed up because this takes about 10 minutes.
Then she gets to the food window and we have another repeat of all this.
My boigs were cold.

1. Don't leave Post-It notes on people's desks on your way out.
2. "You'll be the death of me" is apparently the correct phrase and not the same as "I WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR DEATₕ"

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> Commie plot to white knight some non-issue for the updoots.

> Greyhound trainer, Top Bloke loves his animals, simple as.

> scrapes up some roadkill, re-use that later.

> gets droned by Animal Liberacion. 

> gets spat on by old ladies in the street.

Oof this guy got smoked by fat woke dykes.

Dear Sir. 
I don't have much interest in politics or greyhound racing in particular but what happened to you was clearly outrageous and has me seething in rage.These self-interest groups are using your good name to trick normal people into supporting their wrong minded agendas. Don't let these nobodies get you down. 

what should I sign as?

It's worth doing periodically, as things can slip over time, or after components like suspension/bushings/tie-rods get replaced.
Commodore's front wheels are towing in and at risk of scrubbing if it gets worse, and the rear tyres are bald, so I am going to have the fronts put on the rear and purchase new fronts and get an alignment done.
I wouldn't get an alignment done every 6 months or whenever you swap tyres though.

My tires are going bald and theres some random shaking sometimes. Engine light is also coming on intermittently. 
Can't afford to do anything about it. Financial stress has me feeling my low fuel light is on and my phone battery is at 1% 24/7

the silver fox prefers the freedom of his ebike, the ability to perform daredevil stunts on it to impress ladies, and the agility and manouverability that lets him evade enemy agents and chase down fleeing criminals the police can't catch, not because he's so fat that the lancia can't support his bulk.

> Webbs what are you using shitballs.wombosec.com for? You have SSH running on that and wombosec.com
That machine doesn't concern you.

> moofies still doesn't serve static files either.
what the fuck does that even mean?

Went in the bleep bloop machine. Arms got stuck first time because with arms behind my head (as instructed) I was wider than the tunnel. Took two of them to help me upright again.
Waiting on scripts now.

Is it wrong to assume that any person who draws or enjoys anthro is a pedophile?
There's never an appropriate context for anthro, like back it up where the fuck did that come from? And you know it's just the tip of the iceberg , it's clop, pup, it's not even a pipeline these are just straight up pedos

> gay-Jewish-Communists
Surprised they published that talking point

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