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I had the last of the death mince. Yesterdays only lasted about an hour of suffering so I reckon I'll be right. I cooked it pretty well. Feel a bit sick though, sooner than with yesterday. Woe.

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You guys getting into the next thread before it's time are like the retarded kid in what's eating gilbert grape who got into the birthday cake before his birthday. I just can't trust you to act like non-retards. From now on I'm locking the thread until the last one is finished.

Because I'm autistic I can't communicate with my doctor.
Normies can't guess my emotions, but normies don't understand this and just guess how I'm feeling seemingly at random. 

Doctor asks how much pain I was in and I didn't know how to answer, how long is a piece of string? I've got a very high pain tolerance so it's hard to quantify. 
Then he thought I didn't believe him about somthing and got angry, no clue why because everything he said was true. 
Then he became frustrated because he couldn't work out why I was there or what I wanted. 
Difficult day unna. Needed culturally appropriate care.

sucked off her dad

"Beekeeping is the maintenance of bee colonies, commonly in man-made beehives. Honey bees in the genus Apis are the most commonly kept species but other honey producing bees such as Melipona stingless bees are also kept. Beekeepers keep bees to collect honey and other products of the hive: beeswax, propolis, bee pollen, and royal jelly."

Weber needs to get his diabetes diagnosed and treated and also needs a sleep test to get his apnea diagnosed. He will feel much better when he is sleeping with a CPAP. A lot of the negativity and depression will vanish.

Weber just Needs to run over some yowies in the corvette and he will feel right as rain. 

Also requesting “Blood in Blood Out” get added to the moofie list along with the Vandamme Moofie “Sudden Death”



> 3 types of meat product with eggs?
You guys don't do that?
We also have a 'mixed grill' as an evening pub meal which typically has some combination of sausage, steak, pattie, lamb chop, bacon, egg, fried tomato, mushroom

Thanks for asking. Nuro has just been pulling 12 days at the shop trying catchup on the backlog . And every bike that I fix three more come in it’s nuts really. Weather has been shite too. No need to go to Noosa today. No time to shitpost either really :/

It's a shitty badge every soldier who can run some minimum distance and hit a target at 100 meters from prone (and supported) gets. Wearing it on civvies is bizarre and probably violates uniform rules.
He is ex-ADF, so I don't doubt he "earned" it, but I can't work out why he'd think it was acceptable or cool to wear it on a suit.

He's also wearing it on the wrong side.
> The AIRN Badge is worn above the right breast pocket, below emblems of unit citations and individual Service commendation badges or medallions.

Your be wrong on all counts. 
If it's worth selling for a margin it's worth stealing for the entire retail price. A thief makes more selling books than the book store. 
Then you've got books which are seriously valuable, archeology or collectible value. Some texts are proprietary, research papers mainly.

I am just saying taking a backpack full of books stacked on the footpath would be unlikely to yield you enough resale value to be worth the effort.
We are not talking about stealing rare or valuable books. Those would not be on the side of the road.

If you think you might need glasses (vision getting a bit blurry when reading) do you need to see your GP for a referral or can you just go to one of those OPSM stores or whatever?

I went to the party place
Heaps of normies out and about of course. Some girls in halloween gear but not many. 
Got some mercs and a long neck and walked amongst the revellers in my shorts and thongs to the car, an obvious standout amongst the rm's and tight dresses. 

18 people to move her is a lot
> Lizzo Asks Court to Dismiss Ex-Dancers’ Sexual Harassment Lawsuit as 18 Staffers Back Her

You'll have to post a headless picture of yourself on the morning.
Weddings can be a good place to meet girls too. The nature of the event also makes it quite obvious which girls know how to dress classy and which ones don't or have shitty tattoos in stupid places.

Angry about engines. Saw actual mechanic about engine, mechanic declined to repair engine and sold me two parts. Took engine apart, the two new parts aren't compatible. Very angry

Do you reckon he monged out and killed her in anger? Must have been premeditated in some sense if he used a hammer
Imagine the panic you'd feel coming to after a spaz attack where you killed someone. The cliff dive is at least kinda noble

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Rapid Fire (1992) - When student Jake Lo witnesses a killing, he finds himself caught between two feuding drug lords. Betrayed and set up by the federal agents, the only person he can trust is Ryan, a Chicago cop who reminds Jake of his deceased father.
Starring Brandon Lee, son of Bruce Lee, so hopefully he knows some martial arts moves. Although I've heard Bruce was a bit of a phoney. 1 hour. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

4 stroke, now I've got a mower in 75 individual parts i can't reassemble. Been swearing and kicking this piece of shit for 5 hours. 

Fucking shit nigger motherfucker at the mechanics who couldn't be arsed taking it in on Saturday so the little cunt told me it would be simple to completely disassemble the engine to replace the cam. I'm going to shove my whole socket set up his dick hole piece by piece

She was a water volleyball coach, that's not even a real job. She was hired specifically because the principal wanted to watch her in a swim suit. Maybe flush out the faggots in year 12 who knows. 

Anyway apparently she was fucking this junior teacher lad, that's why they were even in the bathroom after school. 

So it'll probably turn out she was shagging everyone and was also married, and the lad was being made a fool of. Only my guess, because the exact same shit happened in my senior year but the guy bashed the husband instead of the women.

8 Billion people on earth, and only 8 people on this website at any given time, except when the half dozen from h8kun(t) show up on qrb because their site admin Jim fucked up again. 
The EndChan Admins here do a far better job of keeping illegal stuff cleaned up and site running, even if it is a back water cricket site.
Ahh fk lost my train of thought....

Just believe it is
> New House Speaker Thinks Creationist Museum Is 'Pointing People To The Truth'
>  >“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder while guest-hosting the radio show of Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.

One time when it was the hottest day of the year and it set a new record for heat I was locked outside my friends house and I got heatstroke and tried to rape his dog. The heatstroke made me literally like 10 IQ

Watching American hunters pay to sit in tents and blast tame animals 5 meters away from them. 
Mate that deer is visibly tame, people feed it, it sees you, they herded it and it walked up to your tent looking for corn. Buy your meat at cosco don't betray the deer. You could have fed that deer corn as well and just had a nice walk in the forest.
Don't involve animals in your gun wank. Quiet cross.

You haven't added enough hot paprika.

> throw an animal on the fire and eat it with your hands once the fur has been burnt off.
Sounds good.

> They cook a mean lizard.
Tastes like chicken, eh?

Lots slave trade in Africa still. And human trafficker industry booms. Mostly they smuggle men into Europe, but I think an order can be placed.
Cons: have to know people.

I'd say it is their best. I wouldn't say it is the only good album though. I consider Shaka Rock to be pretty good. I have a soft spot for them since they're Australian though. And I used to pick chestnuts for the uncle of one of them.

> https://apnews.com/article/euthanasia-autism-intellectual-disabilities-netherlands-b5c4906d0305dd97e16da363575c03ae
> Several people with autism and intellectual disabilities have been legally euthanized in the Netherlands in recent years because they said they could not lead normal lives, researchers have found.
> The cases included five people younger than 30 who cited autism as either the only reason or a major contributing factor for euthanasia
How long before australia starts euthanising aspergers to save on dsp payments?

we need to do something to raise some money for low-data neet's internet. Maybe a neet stripper night where neets remove their clothes for money. Or a neet onlyfans account, where we sell tasteful neet nudes

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This week is halloween neets, and womboflix has a week full of horror, terror, and junk food binges planned.

Tonight we will be streaming more of The Twilight Zone as well as the pilot episode of The X-Files. Tomorrow, for halloween, we will be showing the Australian found footage horror movie There's Something In The Pilligia (2014) in the afternoon, and Mel Brook's Young Frankenstein (1974), a horror-comedy so jewish even cruisey won't be able to resist it.

Finally on Sunday we will be showing the horror/scifi film Event Horizon (1997)

Also, if neets have any spooky youtube videos they want played on movie nights, let me know.

I am no kike lover. I hope Iran curb stomps them one day. But Gaza is a totally fucked situation, always was. Bulldoze it and start again like Kolwoon City.

Also don’t get Nuro started on Lebanon. My high school was 95% white and we actually had some of those thugs imported into our classrooms in the 90s. What brain dead warlike thug of race. Fuck them too.

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Tonight, womboflix brings neets prime era Gillian Anderson, with the first episode of The X-Files. We will also be showing another episode of The Twilight Zone, this time about a man who is sentenced to a year of extreme social isolation for his crimes. 1 hour. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

Made ceasar salad because roast chicken was on sale.
No parmesan or olive oil, fish sauce instead of anchovies. Quiet good. 

Keto neets are advised that removing the crutons will make you gay.

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