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The bored four NEETs

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Yeah well explain how you lot can all make posts about the previous thread ending yet can't make anything in the 10 minutes between then and me noticing and creating a new thread? Are you all retarded or computer illiterate or something?
Remember they had that pizza photography thing and then got rid of it after it just backed up the customer complaints about shit food
I haven't had pizza in ages. Local Dominoes went completely to shit and then the expensive but good place went expensive but bad.
Remember the photo I posted of the younger niece's class where she was stood off to the side as the token white girl next to ~32 yellow/brown pieces of shit?
My local pizza shop just sold out to pizza hut, have no idea if their pizzas are any good or not as they haven't had a store here in 20 years.
Scratch that. You'd need to use the Google developer console to create API creds for headless 0auth, which probably means a google cloud 'project' with access to the personal google drive FS. 

Submit a ticket and I'll action it after the long weekend. 
Priority: Low
Project: None
Not him, but I think it's a mobile phone issue. My iPhone does similar when I post attachments. I have to delete them before hitting post.
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Consoomed champagne and amphetamines and oxy. Bought to have that kino first doggie of the day. Samantha Fox vinyl rips on the hiby

Eagle boys was everywhere on Queensland in the 90s. Everyone knew they were trash, but somehow they had some deals people could not refuse. And then suddenly they were gone and no one gave a fuck.
Worked today you menially ill fatherless derroranged piece of fucking dogshit. 

Heading down tomorrow when I fucking feel like it. Back when I feel like it. 

Die die a little bit.
Negro always gets narky around Christmas as he is embarrassed about being cut off from his mothers. This is why it makes such a big deal of this stupid fatherless meme. He thinks his father buying a hamburger for him every year or two offsets the intervention orders his relatives have against him.
Oh look the board just spooled up a fresh IP but we see you

Multiple personalities and gaslighting incoming. Big mad soon. What a fucking looser.
Remember that time when we didn't have to put up with these two fags screaming at each other for a while?
That was a good time.
The ones I went to had the RSPCA rule that a staff member had to be present when you were fucking the chicken so you didn't get too rough with the chicken.
There was a knock-off chicken treat behind the cinema that didn't care what you did to the bird and would let you fuck on site without supervision in a private room.
Back when I was a boy I'd fuck all the dogs in the garden and fixings aisle then go into the car park and return some trollies for the dollar coins.
Would get a sausage and drink with enough left over to rent a video game.
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Thank you neets for the support. 
It was very difficult to stop drinking, mostly because of all the fuck heads I had to cut off. Only last night a fuck head was trying to get me to drink, i don't get out much anymore but have got my shit together, am saving money, got a lot done for my family. My grandparents got to see me sober and employed, I'm semi employed, at least employable.
My health has improved a lot, I don't crave alcohol any more, I still suffer chronic nightmares but I'm going to make it. 

We're all going to make it NEETs
It doesn't simulate the struggle either.
You always started on the slower, older dogs then moved on to bigger more aggressive dogs and you got paid more for it.
I broke a mean pitbull that 3 other kids couldn't and bunnings gave me $2 and a golden star.
New Beatles song, Now and Then:

He let Epstein (his manager) wank him off.
Does anyone remember Gary Busey's email address?
I want to email him to see if he will come back and post here again. The board hasn't been the same since he left.
so he got the occasional tug job from a faggot jew, who hasn't? Just so long as you utter the phrase 'no homo' at the right time, it doesn't count right?

Drunk tank for boongs opening up. No white cunts allowed. Culturally sensitive pisshead care.
I'm always smelling chlorine or bleach from the gook who lives next door. What nefarious things could that smell indicate?
I finished watching Casablanca. That NEET was right about it being propaganda. The ending made it very obvious.
I kicked a fat kid in the knee in grade 8 he was in a wheel chair for 2 months and I never saw him run again.
an unplugged microwave carries enough residual current to kill you, even if it's been unplugged for months. So never try to repair a broken microwave unless you know how to discharge the capacitor.
Having said that, I'm back from a cruise. Gonna binge on some oxycodone I found in my memory box. 
Gym tomorrow, this time for real for real.
Cruisey is the only NEET with any positive popularity left this week and that is only because we don't know about the poo yet.
Cenno landed. Might pull an allnighter. 
Get a full tank of fuel, go for a sunrise cruise, get a vape, do a grocery haul.
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Took 2 valiums because I wasn't feeling the oxy. They've both kicked in very nicely. 
Slightly weak, knees, enjoyable to scratch my pubes. Vision is a little blurry but I don't mind. Swaying my head like a slow dance. 
Looking at properties in the south of Spain, dreaming of a new life with the Argentinian
Wish I was sitting in monks car punching billies and watching trucks on the horizon as the sky starts to lighten around 0430 and looking at star maps doing short yoga routines towards Jupiter
Dad used to take me to the viewing area at the airport, just after the runway. 
We should do shrooms and listen to Om there sometime. 

They're meant to be for the physical withdrawals but my last drink was Tuesday night so I'm fine now. They gave me 40, at up to 6 a day per the recommendations thats a weeks worth. I reckon I'll put the rest in my medicine box and maybe use them for job interviews or other stressful shit. Not particularly recreational.
Big cruise to the CBD for sunrise. Two big red bulls. Went for a walk, never been there that early without being fucked on rum and cokes and pingaz. Quite pleasant actually. 
Saw two crackheads in a big argument, saw a decent crowd outside the strippers, saw a garbo driver yell at a pajeet who didn't understand hook turns. Did a good deed. Got a mighty mcmuffin and 3 hash browns for breakakaky
I tried to play magic once but the cunt teaching me just told me what cards to put down so he could win.
It was not much fun.
Last week I watched the neighbour lady over the road struggling to bring her bins in. She is very old and uses a walking frame.
I did not go over and help her even though I easily could have. And the reason I didn't is because she once called me a big fella.
I am not your "big fella".
This fatphobia has to stop.
I am going to slap the next person who calls me a big fella or who mentions my size or appearance at all.
I've been avoiding making the post I want to make for over a year now, taking valium everytime I want to make it instead
Women all play mercy in overwatch. I used to give them so much shit when I played it because they didn't heal me fast enough. 
All they could do is ask why I'm so toxic 
Wish women weren't allowed to play video games
Went to the shops to get a vape. Had a valium a bit before I went. 
Felt very relaxed and friendly. Almost wanted to talk to strangers. Was more verbal when talking to the chinaman at the smoke shop. 

Strange because when I did my good deed in the city I walked away anxious and a bit shaken.
how did we miss this
I hit the gate backing out trying to get around the skip bin. I tried to pay for my KFC with my Woolworth Rewards card. I'm a fucking loser.
Downloading the final episodes of Attack on Titan now. It has been a long journey NEETs. Great show.
has the google maps colour scheme changed for anyone else? I quite like it 
still with you could toggle dark mode
It would have been good if the skinheads in Romper had a boong mate.
Boongs hate asians worse than anyone.
In this gripping episode, Jana talks about narcissism in others without a shred of self-awareness.

reddit learns that faggots are degenerate perverts
At Hungarian weddings the last guest to finish his dinner gets stripped naked and thrown outside into the snow.
When you combine goon and valium you get blackouts and wake up and find out you acted like a complete arse.
Went for a rub, but she started to suck, then wanted to fuck. It was all too much and I nutted then spent 10 mins explaining how to get free podiatrist visits. She seemed overly concerned about my drink driving.
Nah man, you go mountain climbing over your furniture in the lounge trying to reach the hanging light or to make a bridge over to the mantle.
Nuro might be annoying, but at least he has remained consistent.
Now we've got Cruisey being a degenerate boong, Weber thinking he's terminally ill and acting like a retard in public, Monk doing a Jordan Peterson and eating lobster pills like they're smarties, and the list goes on.
This site could be useful for looking at trends on whether a sale is really a sale
The third image with the crack made me laugh, I hope this is on the news soon
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Event Horizon (1997) in 1 hour neets, movie reviewers have described this as 'disturbing', so make sure your mummybot says it's ok for you to watch -  https://moofies.wombosec.com
> On release, the film was a commercial and critical failure, grossing $42 million on a $60 million production budget. However, it began to sell well on home video; its initial DVD release sold so well that Paramount contacted Anderson to begin working on a restoration of the deleted footage, but it had been either lost or destroyed. In the years since, the film has developed a cult following and is referenced in other works of popular culture. 

I got a six inch Italian BMT, white, with cheddar and salt and pepper and no salad, and a biscuit and a 390ml coke

Dominos sent me a code for a pidser and a side as a result of last night's complaint, but I am too traumatised to consider it at the moment.
I'm glad to see nuro has gotten over his unhealthy obsession with a certain poster and can enjoy his much-deserved and precious time off from the board with family creating everlasting memories while totally not posting pics here validating an unhealthy obsession with a certain poster...
And on the third day Posso said "Behold" and we saw a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and on it's back it carried a scarlet whore.
That was when we decided to stop doing acid.
Cock pic desecration
When ausneets was made the old aus board had cock pics for days
Wonder if those NEETs are still with us. 
Who was that other NEET who was on 16 before notifying us? 
These fucking people.
And I can't wait for that glorious picture of burritos from Guzman y Gomez, er I mean that 'roast' his 'mom' is making 'just for the occasion'...
Just as I walked up to the takeaway store counter they were bagging the last bird for some other schmuck. To rub salt into thy wound I couldn't help but stupidly ask if it was for another customer. Prick serving had a really cold demeanour too, like my presence was an inconvenience to his faggot arse. Night ruined.
Sometimes the supermarket hot chooks will have what time they came out of the oven written on them and that is how I learned that they sit there for fucking hours and that has put me off ever getting them again. Gross.
I did the dishes.
Do you think after society collapses slavery will come back?
I really could use a helper around the house.
Paul Anderson's films (Resident Evil, Aliens Vs Predator) look good and have a lot of atmosphere, but tend to be weak in other ways. He's like a younger Ridley Scott.
I heard that james cameron wanted to create a clone of himself to carry on good filmaking but he was afraid of being outdone by the clone so he had one quarter of its brain removed.
This is how paul anderson was created and explains the good but not good enough style of his films, james made up for this by creating a clone of linda hamilton for him (but infused with dirty Slav DNA).
> it's what you say to swedish chicks
What you really say to Swedish chicks is "Danske pige shmer bedst."
It means "Danish girls taste best", which then challenges the Swedish chicks to sit on your face.
going to drink another couple of litres of water and go to couchbed
getting up at 4am to tidy up and start getting things ready to toss in the skip
Considering it. Been a regular the past two years and never had issues apart from that one time I ordered a salad with fish and chips but didn't receive it. And this is a male ffs, the first time I've ever seen one working there. Shit just does not compute.
The time is not for the consumer, it's for the staff to know when they should start putting those discounted price stickers on. Well thats my theory anyway.
Yes that is what I assumed. They probably have rules about how long they are allowed to stay in there and are meant to check, but I have seen some that have been there 6 hours +.
I think it is still like that. They think they are saving money by not throwing stuff out but it tastes like shit so people stop coming back.
Struggling to typ3 food nin8n8al 
Had so.e steak with basically no finger food. Drinking on an empty stomach.
Coopers pale ale, stout. G and t.
Four of each.
Hope I don't wake up otherwise I'll have to call MAX and give them the old >tfw depressed and hopefully they'll reinstate my abstudy payments. Woe.
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It's Loc baby!
it's Loc baby!
its Loc, its Loc, Loc, no Joke, Loc, Loc, Loc
I'm the man in the place,
punch you in the face,
a gun in my waist,
It's Loc baby!
Hey yo wassup Loc?
its Loc, Loc, Loc , it's Loc,
it's Loc, Loc, Loc, Loc, Loc
Let me see you throw your hands in the air!
and wave em' like you just don't care!
let me, hear ye say,
Loc is the man,
Loc is the man
It's Loc baby!
might go for a little waddle down to the macca's mccaffe and get a muffin or something - you neets want anything?
Had FRM's friend ask me if I have a girlfriend and I told her about the girl. She knows of her because it is fucking Adelaide and things always work that way here.
Not feeling all that bad today despite the heavy drinking. I think spirits and beer are less taxing than wine. My arse didn't explode this morning either. Usually I get a case of the squirts if I've been on the goon.
might do some shopping for the one man barbecue I'm going to have tomorrow - you neets want anything?
I don't think that's right. Causing fear to people like that in a targeted way is a crime. A jury would convict him based on the footage even if he never touched the door.
They'd have to prove actual fear though. Just having some mong dancing on the road and gesturing isn't a big deal. And the guy in the car didn't sound scared. Just said something about the police and adjusted his rear view mirror.
Don't know how true this is (halfchan pol), but it sounds like Bust A Nut Guy has a court appearance today.
I find I feel brain fogged and exhausted but if I force myself to get up and do something I start to have more energy once I am doing that thing and after too.
The difficult part is getting started.
My dream is to own a nice big Queenslander house (in Queensland) with a wrap around verandah, a long tree-lined driveway with a fountain at the end and a wrought iron table, painted white, at which I can sit and imagine myself watching my boong slaves cut the cane.

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