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The bored four NEETs

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I happen to know for a fact that Weber is only going to show the Christmas Lesbian AI Porn to NEETs who have been good.
Bad NEETs get to watch an old carboard box with a sock in it.

Thinking of quitting the diet. I have made pretty good progress but the calorie deficit makes me so depressed and lethargic it is too much of a struggle.
My brain needs the sugar and calories to keep me from feeling awful all the time.
But then I feel awful for being so fat. What a horrible trap I am in. My whole life like this.

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Well as for Mongolian folk metal, Tengger Cavalry has an instrumental album, the Ancient Call. First song uploaded. It has a cool riff I think. The song itself is a bit much repetitive.

Folk songs. This playlist has some instrumental:
Fun thing, the latest seems to be a folk melody from Moldva (the visuals are Hungarian folk art):
It seems it isn't Csángó (Ceangăi how you call them), because at an earlier song it is noted that it's theirs:
Anyway the playlist should feature mostly instrumental songs played on various instruments, from dulcimer, through harp, to harmonica.

This one is Medieval music from the Hungarian Kingdom, not necessarily folk songs, although some are. I'm pretty sure that two - "Három holló" (Three ravens), and "Középkori dudamuzsika" (Medieval bagpipe music) - starting at 1:09 and 8:46 are instrumental. Perhaps others too.

I can look for others, pretty easy to find Hungarian folk music, but harder without singing (since originally they made these to sang them).

> How are you dressing for Diwali? Share your photos with us
> Diwali celebrations are coming up and it's the perfect time to dress to the nines.
Glad the Australian Broadcasting Corporation is focused on Indian holidays on remembrance day.

Monk just uses Tinder for validation and to feel attractive and wanted. That is why he uses the old photos and doesn't meet anyone who shows interest in him.
Honestly Monk you are like a woman.

> https://www.businessinsider.com/average-age-ukrainian-soldier-43-amid-personnel-problems-2023-11?r=US&IR=T
> the ukraine may have taken half a million military casualties
> average age of the current ukrainian soldier is now 43

https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=jufBgznR2Jg&list=PLE6FE3E91D1F0490A&index=8 the run from this one is a ripoff of this piece https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=gj1n1v_9e6M
I enjoyed the ones above 
not a huge fan of tribal sounding music :((
I will listen a little later to the 1h playlist 
thank you a lot for the effort!

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A.I. e-celeb pron is going to be increasingly realistic because of the massive size of the image bank that feeds into the results. Its reasonable to expect this shitty genre to explode and take us all to weird new places. I'm off on a mission after lunch and dont know if I care to come back, such is the degeneracy and of course the image boards being ground zero.


"Police and police dogs searched the parklands but were not able to locate the suspect, who is described as Caucasian, disheveled looking with an orange beard, dirty straight hair in a mullet and long nails."

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Tonight on womboflix will be The Ghost And The Darkness (1996) - a historical adventure starring Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas, about the Tsavo man-eaters, a pair of male lions that terrorized workers in and around Tsavo, Kenya during the building of the Uganda-Mombasa Railway in East Africa in 1898. 1 hour. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

I suspect hunting movies like predator and tonight's trigger deep, million year old instincts in men, causing us to experience intense tension and focus, in a way we don't get when we have to say clean up our rooms or do homework.

> Mr Deeg said it wasn't until a second passer-by raised the alarm that police mounted a more thorough search and found a "young male adult who had fallen an unknown distance through a cavity of the building".

> Mr Deeg said firefighters broke a window at the bottom of the cavity and removed him through a tunnel.

A lot of the buildings there have basements with little windows under street level with a small cavity to let sunlight in. They have a big grate or something to stop people falling in.

About to have my first leg workout in a long while. 
Gonna absolutely fucking smash it. I'm talking like how muhammed fucked aisha, von Clausewitz shit. Crossing the fucking rubicon up in this bitch

When buying Asian ingredients I try to look for things manufactured in Japan or failing that in Singapore.
I try to avoid anything manufactured in china or any of the SEA shitholes.

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The womboflix movie selection committee is now in meeting. Vote for a movie on the list or add another one to the list. Choose wisely neets.

Wrongfully Accused (1998)
The Sunset Limited(2011)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Rambo (2008)
Showdown in Little Tokyo(1991)
Who Killed Captain Alex
Truman Show
Weekend At Bernies
Trading Places
Fritz the cat
The Commitments
Wolf Of Wall Street(2013)
The Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum
Don's Party
The Good the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
The Holy Mountain(1973)
The Joker(2019)
Mortal Kombat(2021)
The Mission (1986)
Rocky (1976)
Top Gun (1986)
The Grey(2011)
Dogs in Space (1986)
Reckless Kelly(1993)
Unhinged (2020)
Bronson (2008)
Midnight Run (1988)
The Usual Suspects(1995)
True Romance (1993)
to live and die in LA (1985)
They Live (1988)
The Specialist (1994)
knives out (2019)
prisoners (2013)
sudden death (1995)
blood in blood out (1993)
Beaches (1988)
Training Day
Total Recall
The Quiet Earth(1985)
The Castle
The Gangs of New York

All appointments cancelled. 
Those choof crumbs look enticing, more so than the phone call and trek to get more. 
There's also a big wad of resin from when I cleaned it. 

My application for an incredibly basic process operator/pick packer at a chocolate manufacturing place got rejected 
Fucking why. Every other candidate would have been a jeet or maori woman

I tried repeatedly and it didn't work. The way the light failed was strange - no flickering, no attempts to start - just this morning I tried to turn it on and nothing happened. I noticed there's a bunch of other components in the light fixture - could one of them have failed?

a proper neet gentleman does not disturb his leisurely repose more than once a day. I will look at the light again tomorrow. If I don't decide to do the dishes, or wash the car, or some other odious and stressful task instead.

I'm currently lined up to do one of those remote courses you have to do to keep my jobseeker money coming in. Someone here told me when they did it, they didn't even have to get up at the right time, they just had to spend 10-15 mins to skim through the content and answer some quizzes before the end of each day.
The one I signed up for is telling me i have to be up at 9am to join a teams meeting. Any idea what to look for in the future so i don't get one of the shitty ones again? BTW avoid CTA, they will make you get up in the morning.

Went to use the compensation voucher Dominos sent me and the fucking cunts expect me to spend a minimum of $22 to use it. What a fucking scam. This is why they don’t just issue refunds to your credit card.

The wagies fucked up today big time. >they have one job
> job so critical that its everyone's responsibility
> so they freeload off one another
> undermine all their checks and balances
> eventually they all fail on the same day. 
> I'm probably the one person not in charge of this thing
> in fact I'm specifically banned from doing it, or checking if it's done because nobody trusts me
> I break protocal and check anyway because I don't trust any of these fucktards
> tonight found not only the fire system turned off, there was an actual fire
> had to then try to put fire out while calling these fucktards back into work in secret
> so they could have pretended to find the problem
> because I'm the one person specifically banned from doing it

> ripoff
I think that csárdás is an improvisation, containing several tunes. It has this one too for sure, a march:
And there is something else I can't put my finger on.

something something pig fucker something democracy manifest

Making a tuna curry. Black and gold tuna is good for this. 
Fenugreek,canolla seed, green chilli, curry leaf, onions, various spices.
Finally something to put in my double curry containers that's not BEANS

I freeze two different curries in the same box, so this curry will finish three and also start three.
One curry is always BEANS, but for a while I was broke and had two Different BEAN curries.

Meat has become so expensive its no longer work currying offcuts. Egg curry is good but doesn't freeze well.

I agree with you somewhat, but the outside bits of roast meat are great. Pork crackling, Outside pieces with nicely browned fat on roast beef and lamb. The bone marrow.
I will concede the interior grey flesh can be a bit boring, but a nice gravy takes it to acceptable territory.

My gut feeling is to make American food colonial. Way closer to German food, from fresh, non refined. 
Smoke hoc, molasses, mustard seed, navy beans.

Then there's 50s american which is processed but unadulterated. A hot dog that's 100% meat. Mcdonalds, Italian American, something tony wouldn't eat. 

Then there's modern American, processed, adulterated, nothing fresh, no spices but lots of powered  ingredients. The powders aren't bad at least. 

So pork and BEANS? It can't be all three.

Did you NEETs get a lunch made for you at home to take to school each day?
I had a friend whose dad gave him $10 each day to buy lunch from the canteen.
At the time I thought he was lucky - a canteen meal was a treat for me - but now I realise it was actually symptomatic of a bad home situation.
He bought the same thing each day. A pie and a 600ml iced coffee.

I want to be lifted up on a hoist in a stable and have iron shoes nailed to my feet like I was a horse.
I want Cruisey to do it and to talk to me soothingly to keep my calm while calling me Big Fella.

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