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The bored four NEETs

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someone create a new board and use those id numbers other boards use, I'll post there cause I'm just about had this place, the last two weekends I've kept away because of all the drama,I'm at the stage now where I would rather watch a half dozen episodes everyday of old tv shows that post here.

I don't understand why there is no moderation here.
From what I could gather Chickendinner quit as BO but for some reason it seems he was never replaced and the place is basically just unmoderated now.
Why was there not a new BO selected after chickendinner quit?

> Residents of a tiny town where a 17-year-old girl was allegedly raped say they are “living in fear” after hundreds of migrant farm workers moved in.

The climate coons are coming

Fish curry is very good. Huge flavour in these southern curries, good choice for multi pack. Spicy, bitter, pungent. Not quiet fishy enough with tuna, might even warrant the vile fermented fish paste.

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I offered to rid the board of its hated cringe pedophile and kick that commie cruisey to the kerb where he belongs, but the fag BO at the time didnt want to hurt anyone's fee-fees and instead made it a safe space for his ilk. That offer has gone cold, I dont care if this board goes the way of Something Awful.

Dont know if the new pandemic psyop just dropped, but stay away from gook whores for a bit. Cruisey is a commie degenerate and supports isreal. Can you turn on ID flags for his IP? I want one that puts a red star on all his posts.

1) Probably not.
2) Cruisey is a neet here. Tiffin (nuro's friend) thinks Cruisey is a communist and hates him for it.
Nuro and tiffin have been trying to get us to move to discord so they can have control over our community.

cancers from viruses are a tiny subset of cancer medicine. Even those ones commonly understood to cause cancer like HPV and cervical cancer is based on highly dubious data. Its a good psyop straw man tho. An airborne flu like pandemic illness that gives you fatal cancer in six months. I hope its real TBQH

that kind of mentality is bullshit 
a lot of people don't drink, don't smoke, and don't gamble but still live paycheck to paycheck and have nothing to show for it 
if anything, statistically speaking you can only lose a salary, but you can win 10 times more

I think the lottery can be a healthy form of gambling since it gives you something to look forward to and can inspire you to imagine a better future for yourself, even if it is a future gained by not doing any work to earn it.
The pokies are a bit more grim, they do not inspire any higher imaginings but rather just let you dissociate for a time in the present.
Dissociation has its uses but playing the pokies is an expensive way to do it.

No I don't. Bodyweight is enough. Get some muscle and some flexibility without injuries or grunting and groaning.
I used to hate doing squats with the bar. Worst exercise by far. Used to hurt just having it sit on my shoulders. Never again.

I am looking up exercises to do so that you can sit cross-legged on the floor like a school kid. I could never do it properly even when I was a schoolkid.
I want flexibility. I want to be LITHE and SUPPLE. Wish I had Based Tiffo to lead me through his callisthenics routine.

Puntneets are one of the lowest spiritual forms of neet.
Suffering both the phisical and the metaphysical, but still degenerating.

The neet in the center of the tightrope can only better himself, he is spiritually static and can remain in this position forever. 
The punt neet still has a long way to fall, gradually losing sight of right and wrong.

Dissociation is always tied to moral decent, so is always degenerate.
Mongs in the state of nature have no self awareness and so cannot dissociate. A higher moral agency is needed to dissociate, and the highest moral being could dissociate but doesn't. 

So it is the puntneet who is the most degenerate, having the most to lose and actively losing.

The NEET on the tightrope will stagnate and not move for risk of failure.
PuntNEETs enbrace change.

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;

This Demon Slayer anime teaches good values. That you have to work hard to become good at something. That you have to persist through doubt and adversity. That you need to win other people's respect with your actions.
Hollywood stories these days has the hero being perfect from the start and only being doubted because of bigotry etc.

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no its because in a thousand parallell time lines you are a loser and only in one did it pay off. The prudent NEET what does not be a degenerate is a little winner in every single parallell universe including the one odd case when he loses, because he acts prudently the next day with 1000 to one odds he wins the day, negating his little loss. Your just a dopamine addict chasing a high with money that could be saved for a car or education or some material upgrade.  This is why the prudent neets are sitting pretty with all the nice things a job can afford them and  you are just a spaz in a hovel surrounded by empty goon boxes and spent scratchies.

Losing awareness of wrongdoing is virtually the definition of degeneration, of course you wouldn't see the moral issue, you see only the material gain/loss because you are degenerating towards the material. 

"Getting" is not a virtue, it's not the same as earning. Gamblers dissociate and believe that they've actually earned their winnings somehow. Every gambler I've ever known thought they had a special system or understanding, straight up narcissism and that's what the gambling was really fueling. They didn't care how much they won or lost it was just a degenerate self esteem exercise. Hence my comment. Doesn't matter if you lose or gain materially, how rich or poor you were to begin with, or how much you enjoy it. Go on, tell me how it's valid as a activity and compare it to other hobbies, you gamblers are all cut from the same block. 

What you're losing is personal accountability, you're divesting from reality into a world where gambling makes you better and abstaining makes you worse. You lose sight of why what you're doing is wrong and become addicted in just the same way a heroin addict becomes addicted to the phisical gratification.

> save for material things
Pokes, chokes and tokes.
Your multiverse faggotry is the same in all of them and base, carnal, short lived moments of pleasure are all we really keep.
I own a house and cars etc, its all nothing.

> Your just a dopamine addict
> car 
that just takes money out of your pocket
useless unless you live on the country side/you have a job that requires you to drive  
> education
waste of money, you can learn most thing for free nowadays 
but if you meant qualification, you got a point
> material upgrades 
might be worth it now and then 
> you are just a spaz in a hovel surrounded by empty goon boxes
kek you know what site you're posting on, right? 
not even a gambler, but I understand the mindset 
look, everybody has some sort of obsession and/or addiction, stop shitting on others

I am accountable. I dont get the issue. I think spending $20 at kfc is a waste but people enjoy it. When they get that perfect go bucket, they act like their timing and whatnot was the work put in.
But not really, because like them, I know that my system isnt real. 
Its just a moment, which is all we have.

 >>/771545/ Like I said, you're clearly trying to reinforce the validity of pleasure seeking and trying to frame the issue as a material one. Getting $20 through gambling isn't compatable to earning $20, and losing $20 through gambling isn't CompuServe to


Your seeing gamblers as sophisticated enough to care what is right and wrong, this is a myth, The mentality is somewhat rapacious where instant gratification is sought at any price. All degenerate activities lie in this category. Self esteem is simply along for the ride of gambling as a daily occupation. These types are anti-social and had scant sense of personal responsibility in the first place. Naturally I am generalizing and putting degenerates like monk in the same sorry group as litterbugs, the premise falls down when you look at the odd successful "Pro' gambler who are basically actuaries. But scratch the surface and teh flashy stockbroker becomes a boong pretty quickly.

A mong lives in the state of nature they poo their pants and don't care, so pooing their pants cause no moral damage to a mong. Noble mong. As a mong gains self awareness, they start to suffer spiritually as well as phisically. Like a dog they start feeling guilt if they poo inside. Gradually they gain moral computability which makes their life much worse.

A mong lives in the state of nature they poo their pants and don't care, so pooing their pants cause no moral damage to a mong. Noble mong.
As a mong gains self awareness, they start to suffer spiritually as well as phisically. Like a dog they start feeling guilt if they poo inside. Gradually they gain moral computability which makes their life much worse. The worst position is in the middle. 

The gamble neet has a highly evolved sense of self, and suffers more spiritially than phisically. As they gamble they degenerate, losing self awareness and suffering less. Gradually they lose moral culpability and start to suffer more phisically as they approach the center. 

Neets in the center poo their pants in the RSL after losing all their money and suffer both woe and JUST. But from that position their life can only improve by taking action

Read that back to yourself and tell me what morality or life lesson youre trying to convey.
Be ashamed and guilt ridden about the things you enjoy.
There is no stoicism or complimentary abstenance in the modern world. 
You are on the internet, in a house and fed through enforced charity.
...and I'm the pinko scum.
Less can be more but only if its balanced by more variety.

I member when Weber emailed the dad of a E-thot he hooked up with on some sugar daddy website because she wasnt giving him any sugar. 

I member cruisey losing his temper at him over that one.


ChickenDinner here. When I resigned as BO and passed the board back to Imissfather I assumed he would do the job or pass it on to someone else who would do the job.

I did not anticipate that he would just do nothing and let the cancer come straight back like it has.

I am no longer as time constrained as I was when I resigned the position. I could take up the job again and bring things to order.

What do you NEETs think?

Hello everyone, 

Due to continued, and previously unpredicted conflict between board members, I must regretfully announce my resignation as moderator. 
It is unbecoming of my character to continue involvement in such petty affairs, and has also taken a significant toll on my mental health, which I take pride in knowing the /ausneets/ community champions at a high level. 
My resignation will be immediate as of this post, though I will retail my endchan account and all privileges associated with it. 
I thank you all for the compassion and respect that my volunteer moderating has received, and I will never forget the gleeful surprises that your elbow pics and (You)s have given me. 


> I'm a NEET
Are you Russian?
It isn't that bad being a NEET as long as you know how to spin it to the girl. First of all don't call yourself a NEET - you're a writer. When she asks about what sort of writing you do just evade the question.
> in my age pretty everyone is married
Just marry a younger woman then, it isn't that difficult.
> STEM gf 
Those girls are still pretty dumb, sorry to tell you.
> same values and understanding of the world
She will adapt to yours, not that it matters.
> magnetizing water or using horoscopes 
Lol, women often believe in silly stuff. Why do you care? The naivety and innocence is part of the appeal.

-22 I think, it can feel colder sometimes depending on the weather and time of day.
All I do is put finished pallets from a production line into double racks in a freezer with a high reach.
Sometimes I can last 30 mins in the freezer without needing to step outside for a while but some days your fingers are freezing off after 10 minutes.

One time on souf road I saw a man in trackies bend over and shoot out a big squirt of poo onto the footpath before pulling them back up and walking again. He hardly missed a beat. Impressive.

if she's smart she'll have said the woman tried to dyke her

Jeet was doing barbell calf raises in the squatrack. With gloves on. 
Other jeets were doing supersets and leaving their towels on different machines, socialising between sets. Also with gloves on. 
Hate jeets.

If Snoop Dogg can give up the choof, so can Cruisedog.

Some young filas were flashing out for me at the bus stop. 
Sayin her bag was two hundo and her sista was hungry. 
Then they started talking this and that, who got arrested, who still in remand, who got a car. All that talk. 
No time for filas today, going to cenno

Being an administrator is a totally thankless task. Having to pick the lesser of two wevils you get blamed either way. You get back-seat driving and also have to protect the community from outside threats.

> outside threats

what like IGAY? it comes down to being stronk or weak. The position has been exclusively handed over to weak retards. Now the hated pedo troll has given this board terminal cancer and its because of the weak retards.

Pearl Harbor is a Christmas movie now.

Every time I have asked someone if they know a decent doctor, they rave about one and give me the name and then when I ring up to make an appointment I get told that that doctor does not accept new patients.
All the good doctors do not accept new patients. Only the bad doctors have vacancies.

Forgot to put the mixing paddle on the breadmaker, now I have to start again. Let this be a lesson to you lesser neets that even the most eliite of us can make mistakes now and then.

Some rat tried to steal my bag, he walked up to it, looked around, and I saw him and just pointed at him from across the store and he saw me. 
He took two steps forward like he was going to fight me, then realised he hadn't done anything yet, flipped me off and walked away looking over his shoulder. 
Yea get fucked rat

Just another day in bad home area.
Rat wouldn't have known what to do with 10kg of dried beans anyway, 0/10 theft. Can't eat it, can't sell it on Facebook marketplace, cashies won't take it, exgf wouldn't know how to cook them, maybe the rat would have given them to his nan.
Bad home nans go through a lot.

Spam call that starts with recorded chink female voice saying "DHL" and then a stream of chink talk.
What is the scam here? Who are they targetting? Chinese speakers in Australia? To do what?

You should leave one of those small 250ml Jack Daniels bottles filled with metho, black tea and glyphosate in your backpack for the day that one of them does make off with your bag. Damage will have been done before the arsehole knows something is wrong.

Burden of proof on the prosecution to prove 100% that you made the drink and put it in the bag. Chain of custody stops once you put it down out the front of the shop, so the bottle could have been put there by somebody else, could be a lie made up by the bag thief etc etc.

And what makes a backpack a 'school' backpack. I think all retail stores have a general bag policy which covers a range of different things like women's purses, bum-bags, shopping bags from other stores, and basically whatever else doesn't fit in someone's pocket. How furious would you be if some pajeet security guard asked to search your wallet?

Stanners sweating in humidity 
Trying to avoid the toilet block
Low on money 
Low on good 
Out of gas
Out of self respect
Out of favour here
Replying to itself 
Toshiba power cord frayed

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