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> dashcams, cctv in-store and out, body-worn cameras on supermarket staff, cameras on registers

FFS all I wanted to do was scan the truss tomatoes in as the cheaper 'gourmet' variety without ending up in gaol...


There are literally no joggers where I live. It’s mostly huwite beach community. I am very lucky. 

Almost all of the confrontations / screaming matches I have had  with people where I get in someones face is with Karens. Don’t get me started with Karens. Almost more offensive than joggers.

KFC prices are going to go up again because of these dirty little communist teenagers

They've all sucked for a long time.
Everytime I went ronalds he gives me half filled chips and a shitty burger.
I gave up on them all and only eat from the local pizza shop or one of those independent burger places.
If one of them had the balls to make a drive thru business the big chains would shit themselves.

that guy over there who kicked his auntie in the head and then set fire to her the other day was pretty based
from what I read, she inherited 3 apartments including the one he was paying rent on and she tried to jew him out of it

It's actually not bad. I've following maybe 40 right wing accounts and getting some good news. It's comforting to see a lot of it with a large number of likes etc. Lots of discourse around the current boom in ant-Jew rhetoric.

Yes and no. The Christian traditions gives an arching theme over Christian folk, and even found itself in Faust too.
But to be frank, in general in Indo-Euro nations are poor in folk tales, even Germans (the Grimms) could collect all in all 200 of theirs. Hungary has thousands of folk tales collected, so selections about the deal with the devil is wider (many of which has Christian themes, but all has earlier pagan roots).
Here's three, which were made into animation.
The first and last is the "dunce devil" type, it is favored for it's funny.

> watched all
Oh man, I did not know these got to Romanian kids. Very cool.
> English translation is shit
Yeah. I think it could have been better. We suck at English, that I know. And Anglos added pretty awesome works to the World's literature. So I think it's our translators fault.

Traveling by train is not that expensive, but the stay is.
There was a Pole on Krautchan, or perhaps it was Kohl then already who did an IWO, he cycled from Polan to Florence and back. Slept in tent, drunk water mostly from public wells, or asked locals to fill his bottle. I think he brought most of his food from home. It was pretty cool.

I only ever traveled abroad because I had people to pool resources, family, friends.
I think most people here travel like that, they plan a holiday in Croatia for example. Although these days more and more can allow to visit farther. And still many stuck here, and never go anywhere.

I wouldn't download one.

Night fella.

I exited a roundabout today and found myself fact to face with a ute that was coming right at me, driving in the wrong lane.
He moved out of my way just in time and gave me a lazy wave of apology like it was nothing.

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Tomorrow night on womboflix...Ice Station Zebra(1968), an espionage thriller film starring Rock Hudson, Patrick McGoohan, Ernest Borgnine, and Jim Brown. The film concerns a US nuclear submarine that must rush to the North Pole to rescue the members of the Ice Station Zebra. Based on a novel by Alister Mclean.

Then on Sunday, Rocky (1976) - a poor small-time club fighter and loanshark debt collector, gets an unlikely shot at the world heavyweight championship held by Apollo Creed. Starring Stallone and that black dude who got his arm shot off by the predator.

Cheap asian. Looked good though, petite, soft skin, decent tits and good hygiene. Probably mid 30s. Took a while to get fully hard while she sucked me. Once I was hard started feeling hornier, did 69 and ate her pussy out for a bit, it was clean and tasty. Fucked her missionary and doggy for a bit, pussy was tiny and tight so I almost nutted. Asked if I wanted to cum in her mouth for a tip. I obliged. She sucked me raw for a bit, started getting closer but I couldn't quite cum from just getting sucked. Got her to suck my balls for a bit while I deathgripped jerked. Then she started sucking my cock but I told her to wait and I'd let know when to open her mouth. She got a stern look and told me not cum on her face and I said I wouldn't. She started sucking my balls again. I told her I was about to bust but we both weren't quite quick enough and I shot a rope over her nose and one of her eyes. She pushed me away and said something in chink speak. I got dressed and left while she was in the bathroom washing her face.

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Even though each whore visit fractures my soul I still crave it. I wanna go to thailand for two weeks and be able to coom everyday on the cheap. It's all water under the bridge at this point. I'm a weirdo whos never had a relationship. I'll be 30 in january, If I'm being honest with myself the chances of turning things around are very slim. The best I can think of for my future is not being a piece of shit and doing something worthwhile thats useful and helpful to other people. Even If my life is lonely and pathetic I'd like to do something meaningful. No Idea what.

> Josh*, who is trained in cybersecurity

> Josh was instructed to transfer his own money into the system to receive more orders.
> Over the course of three days, he transferred $150,000 to the scammers, believing that it would turbocharge his commission.
> “Eventually I just emptied my savings accounts,” Josh said.
> “What makes it worse is that I reached such a point of desperation that I went into my parents’ accounts and I drained their money as well.”
This guy doesn't have the mental capacity for security work.

> Can you detect the bogus bank apps? Try our malware quiz
ABC proceeds to leave the screenshot out of question 6; uses flyshit screenshots for other questions.

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> Mayor apologises for mural in Melbourne after paintings attract criticism of anti-Semitism

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> ‘Call it trash all you like’: Vikki Campion defends her ‘bush-bash’ wedding to Barnaby Joyce

This whore wants to be a cam slut but she's creeped out by the idea that she may know one of her simps IRL. Those other whores in the audience must think its their worst nightmare. You can see how degenerate those platforms are. A Bangkok street whore has more dignity.

Mums ex husband ended up giving me 2 grand for a laptop. It’s on its way now. Going to try to study psychology next year with it. Gotta learn how to write essays and stuff though.

> webp format images
I post them the same way my browser saves them. Is there something wrong with webp or are you just memeing me?
webp used to be annoying because you'd attach one but it wouldn't upload, but the format is widely supported now.

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For those reddit NEETs that ignored my advice to use old.reddit with the Reddit Enhancement Extension added on, one of the things RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite) lets you do is make custom tags for each user. See pic related.
You just click that little tag icon and you can write any text there you want which shows next to that users name on all their comments across all subreddits. It really helps keep track of these bastards. If someone mentions they are Indian or "trans" you just write that on their tag and then when you see them again you will know why they are such a piece of shit without having to go through their history.

The extension also records your voting history for each user. So if you've upvoted that person's comments 10 times in the past it shows you a big green +10 next to their username. And a big red negative number for people you have downvoted.
Really good tools to help you wage cyber warfare against these enemy redditors. I am going to undertake a campaign to have the RSL recognise all meme war veterans.

> It must be like that country that Herge set a couple of tintins in
I don't know what you're talking about
> Do you have a space program with a moon rocket BTW? 
I don't think so 
just some huge ass laser

The polyp biopsies came back clear. They have flagged her uterus/womb is swollen and she is having imaging done on that this coming week. There is also a nodule on one of her lungs that may require further investigation. She is still losing 1-2kg per week.

Alcoholics all tend to have convoluted, contradictory and bizarre theories about what causes hangovers and what doesn't and why. It is part of the addiction mindset. The more the brain degrades from abuse the more bizarre the theories become.

If you do a workout but are fasting and don't eat anything at all, do you still get the benefit? Will you gain muscle and get stronger?
Or do you have to be eating protein on the same day as the workout?

I will tell you what I really dislike about all of these CCTV cameras everywhere.
We all know the obvious - that they record video of us when we are in their view. Which sucks enough.
But what a lot of people either don't know or don't think about, is that most of these cameras are also listening devices. They record sound.
It is quite possible for your neighbour to have a camera in his driveway which isn't pointed at your house, but which records audio of every conversation you have in your backyard.
Some of them are so sensitive that they can even hear things inside neighbours houses.
It really is unacceptable in my opinion. I hate it.

The residential wireless ones that are all the rage are piss easy to keep offline with deauthentication attacks. They neglect to mention this to customers. I bet the smarter thieves are taking them offline before entering properties too.

> that's just a post that hit you a little too close to home
that's what a good troll would do 
I mistook it probably because it had no attempt at self deprecation (like the neet posts do) and it didn't mention anything about him going through that  
> Tell us your theory about hangovers.
mine is that the hungover is just dehydration and alcohol withdrawal 
drink too much beer and you'll get hungover from dehydration 
drink too much vodka and you'll get hungover from alcohol withdrawal 
take a six pack 
6 cans * 0.5 = 3 liters
at 4-5% alcohol content that should be 120-150 ml of pure alcohol 
by our calculations that's a maximum of 375 ml of vodka 
nobody gets hungover from that amount of vodka, but most people will get a hungover after a six pack 
plus the hungover is different
when I'm drinking too much beer my head hurts like hell and I feel like a huge rock is over it 
when I'm drinking too much liquor my head rarely hurts, but I always feel like my mind is clouded  
if I'm drinking too much wine I get both the headache and the clouded mind

The whole article has the main points hidden in the story. I wonder if her real name is Nadia.
> In a written response to Background Briefing, Natalia's psychiatrist said that a one-hour telehealth session is usually enough for an experienced psychiatrist to assess for both those conditions and more.
> He also says that she "denied previous manic/hypomanic and clinical depressive episodes" in their first meeting.
> He says it might have been possible to diagnose her sooner "if she had admitted to having had BAD (Bipolar Affective Disorder)".
> Natalia's psychiatrist says up until her hospitalisation in April 2023, she had been "doing well".
> Having bipolar doesn't necessarily preclude the use of stimulants, but it carries extra risks, such as a higher likelihood of manic episodes or occasionally, psychosis.

Bill knocked one of the plaster air vent mouldings off the wall and made a hole in the ceiling about 8cm in diameter. This is how he repays a goulash pie, a choggy doughnut, and some fruity poof drink in a fancy glass bottle.

it's not just that 
for christ's sake who the fuck takes a 6 months leave from work for not feeling ok?
who the hell manages to kick out his kids and partner, and then act like nothing happened? 
who the hell gets all the charges dropped due to psychosis? 
there was this thread on /lit/ some days ago where OP asked how to write from a woman perspective 
> remove all reasoning 
> remove all accountability
all in all it's not that unrealistic

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good morning. big sleep in again. all nighter on the cards. 

> The older you get the longer it takes to bounce back.
Ackshually that is debated. It might not be age, but rather the amount of benders you've had, that dictate hangover severity. Something to do with the glutemate rebound and GABA homeostasis. I suspect this is why I had withdrawals so bad I  almost had to go to hospital after a few days of medium-high standards (20, 20, 23). This is referred to as kindling: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6761822
Yes I'm aware it probably doesn't apply to your average drinkers. 

Maybe your nose is fucked from all the sharting 

There must be a way to stop it. Some kind of radio wave voodoo which interupts the microphone. 

Many such cases. Overdiagnosed up the wazoo. Women particularly susceptible to self-diagnosis due to twinktok trends and 'neurodivergent' propaganda. Many of these retards can't take a shit or eat a meal without their phone. We are entering an age where we treat neurotransmitters like idols that we must venerate with pharmaceutical worship. 
> “The danger is this will entrench the influence of a demand-based medicine practice, where people identify they’ve got ADHD and the role of the medical profession is to rubber stamp that,” Jureidini said.

So they should. Weed is for fags

It's a nice car. It's too bad he never drives it. Just rolls it on and off a trailer. If he has the doors open at a display he places tennis balls in the hinge area so the doors can't be closed. God forbid somebody touch it or something.

I'm not a fan, and it has split the Corvette market. There are a lot of people buying them not because they're a Corvette fan, but because they're a relatively cheap Lambo/Ferrari knock off.
A lot of Corvette people aren't happy they switched from front engine to mid-rear engine.

There was a video taken on a train here a few years ago where a guy told somebody to turn it off and they didn't so he got up and smashed their phone into a million bits. But of course he was charged with destruction of property and some other bullshit.

>  .flac 

Um seweeety Nuro whips the Hiby out for DSD vinyl rips. Everything else I just use the Hiby WU1 doing AAC to  my phone. Much better for riding. 2.5mm balanced can’t withstand the drunken beaded rides for too long.

It has been a dark year for our boy webby. His belligerence and anti-social attitudes have only continued to fester. His end of life fantasies cause for increasing concern. 
This is what Year of Acceptance advocates do to people. Fridge memers are all devils.

Nuro, tiffo and stanley got lost out in the bush but managed to get back to civilisation by having tiffin and stanley give nuro some hot DAP action until the neetstick induced friction started a fire in nuro's rectum and the trio took off like a hot air balloon once.

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> At around 4.40pm on Tuesday 22 August 2023, a man is seen ride his bicycle up to a washing line in the grounds of a caravan park on River Road in Kelmscott. 
> The man removed eight items of clothing the victim had hung up to dry before riding off with the victim’s clothing.

I did the deed, total let down. 
Pornhub changed to their logo to celebrate tranny week and I saw tranny shit on the front page. 
Even without that it just felt weird and retarded. Chimp like. 
Think I'm just done with porn

> Queensland health minister orders hospitals to see sexual assault victims within 10 minutes
>  >Shannon Fentiman’s announcement comes after Guardian Australia revealed an alleged teenage rape victim was left suicidal after her treatment in hospital

> Heartbreak as grandfather dies in the back of an ambulance after being made to wait outside hospital for THREE HOURS
>  >While he was waiting, his condition worsened to the point that he drifted in and out of consciousness. 
>  >As he was lowered down a ramp to be taken out of the ambulance, Mr Irving suffered a cardiac arrest and died a short time later. 

Phoned the police about a guy who had been passed out under a tree since 4pm yesterday. They did a 5 second welfare check just now. Didn’t ask him anything. Just confirmed he opened his eyes and drove off. Duty of care isn’t what it used to be.

Sex AND Pixxa Hut

Why couldn't she just settle down with Nuro?

The thing about Ryan is zhe's not even hot or particularly cute. I think these average girls just do it anyway to try and carve out a market of particularly desperate simps who think they somehow have a chance if she's more attainable. 
Slippery, devious whore.

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