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The bored four NEETs

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My camera is too crud to take a good picture. 
Pic related, where the shadow is on the bottom of the moon. 

I have seen memes saying that shouldn't be possible and that means the world is flat. 
Even if it isn't, I think it's good to think about the world as flat and small.

They can't penetrate this thick green gunk and stringy nasal saliva.
I only have one left and they don't do anything. Gargling and trying to half choke on cough syrup then coughing up wads of phlegm with it works best. Just little sips works best, right after a shower. 
I might do a eucalyptus oil and hot water in a bowl with a wet tea towel over my head trick and sound like a flooded 4 stroke in a bit.

You can do the rump shaker, huh? The thug shaker; gimme the thug shaker, dude, shake your ass! Take your hands off it and shake that shit. Pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah that's some thug ass right there.

> On April 30th, 2020, the gay pornography video "That Dick Tastes Like Money" by the production studio Thug Hunter was released.[1][2] In the video, a man named Logan approaches a young Black man, who according to the plot is a "badass thug from the hood," and pays him for sexual intercourse. In one part of the video, Logan asks the man to remove his pants and shake his buttocks, referring to the act as the "thug shaker"

Kekked at my post about tfw no gf feels. If only I knew how good things were going to be.
The posting there is as I remember it being - fairly typical neet gen stuff. I don't what buro is on about. 
FRM's mother has a possum piss in her roof.
I'll be doing so shortly. Might grab some Brown Brothers as that is Webby approved.
Perfect time for a contemplative walk. I love the smell just after a hot summer rain. I don't like the heat in general but the rains that break the heat are always lovely.

> your family 
Multiple relatives too. The reason he keeps calling IGA a "fatherless bitx boi" (the spelling is a gay discord meme) is because his father is the only relative that nuro is still in contact with. He thinks he has a good relationship with his father because his dad buy buys him a pub meal off the specials board once a year.

You were banned first. I still have the screenshots. I left and served half my sentence voluntarily in peace because i have a life.

Meanwhile this is the only thing you got and i pray to god we tear it away from you after the all the damage you have caused you fucking scumbag.

Saturn is between Jupiter and the moon. From our perspective the flat earth with the firmament star chart changing above our heads, remembering time I am a fan of the flickering star beneath Orion. All these characters have been worshipped by men.  Jupiter is looking down at me saying what the fuck as I try to rewrite the experience I had looking at him. 
A solar emanation of the Indo-European sky father deus rather than the feminine earthly mother of the basic surroundings. 
The place we sit between the something or rather.

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You know who is even worse ? The last (2)  #BOs who enabled the mental patient to whom originally went by the name of Stanley / IGA

ChickenDinner and GoonDaddy asked for the job. They wanted some power. They got it.  Turns out while being the top dog has its perks IT ALSO COMES WITH SOME ACCOUNTABLILITY !

While in Charge ChickenDinner and Goondaddy bare the final responsibility as to the current sorry wretched grim state of the board. One had a terminal case of Autism and a chip on its shoulder, while the other was just lazy and a complete fuckup (no suprise)

So while stanners best belongs in Nambour mental hospital (a 10 minute drive from the caravan park ill pay for the uber) The board has really suffered from terrible administrative mismanagement.

I reckon the stars recall their view of you better than the moon. They're constant. They've viewed us through our whole evolution, the moon has only been in the sky since modern humanity has bewn around. Everything remembers it's surroundings. The universe knows itself. I wrote some stuff about Israel then deleted it. Jupiter.

I like how nuro just projects. You know exactly how he is doing based off what he says about others. He kept calling other neets poor and then became homeless. He then started this caravan park meme despite no evidence at all lol. 
This new suicide one is interesting. With any luck nuro will finally off itself and give the board some much needed peace.

The problem with BigUNNA banning nuro is that he fails to actually enforce it. Nuro always comes back and the mods allow it. They will need to make a sustained effort of banning it on sight for several months to truly stamp out this pajeet pest.

We got yiros at the food court for lunch. He could only eat half of his and put the other half in his pocket and forgot about it until the garlic sauce leaked through the packaging. I didn’t know he had done this until the leak was discovered at home. I went into Big W with him not knowing about this pocket yiros.

I have a dentist appointment at 10 o'clock. My first time there in many many years. Last time I went I was in school still.
I noticed some of my teeth have started turning brown so I made an appointment.
I had a very thorough shave and shower. Clean clothes ready too. I am not used to having strangers in such close proximity to me.
I'm feeling a bit nervous, but not as much as I would have when I was younger. I have mellowed with age. The anxiety has lessened. I am able to see life as a bit less serious now.
Today is just an examination and x-rays of my teeth, then they will tell me what work I need done. I hope I can afford it. I do not have insurance.

I am back from the dentist.
Everything went well. It turns out the brown on the teeth wasn't decay but rather something called "calculus" and they just cleaned it off with the water sprayer.
There were no signs of tooth decay anywhere. Nothing more needs to be done. They just recommend I come in every six months for a cleaning.
I am very relieved. I had been picturing the worst case scenarios - root canals, thousands of dollars worth of work needed.
They were all quite impressed at the good state of my teeth given my very long period without seeing a dentist. They don't even know the worst of it which is I went years without brushing my teeth at all back when I was younger.
I am very lucky.

It cost me $360 for the clean and X-Rays.
Dentistry for adults is not covered by Medicare but some states have programs for concession card holders. Also apparently you can go to see student dentists at some places who will do it under supervision for free.
Reddit threads have good information on all this. I searched in my city's subreddit.

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This week, on womboflix...

On Wednesday we will be watching the tv show Carnivale (2003)
Set in the 1930s, it follows the lives of disparate groups of people in a traveling carnival. The show's mythology drew upon themes and motifs from traditional Christianity and gnosticism together with Masonic lore, particularly that of the Knights Templar order.

Then on Saturday, we have John Carpenter's They Live (1987) - about an unnamed drifter who discovers through special sunglasses that the ruling class are aliens concealing their appearance and manipulating people to consume, breed, and conform to the status quo via subliminal messages in mass media. Very /pol/.

Finally, on Sunday, James Bond stars in the murder-mystery Knives Out (2019)

> Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles took a 2,000 kilometre round trip on a taxpayer-funded flight to watch the Cricket World Cup on Sunday in India.
> His latest VIP flight comes after revelations Mr Marles’ expenses for flights have totalled nearly $3.6 million this year.
> But taxpayers may never know a breakdown of the cost of the cricket trip because Mr Marles’ department has banned the publication of where ministers are flying on “security grounds”.

If he wasn't such a weak willed depressive blackpilled faggot he could have lost 40kg since last November and greatly improved his health 
I hope we see a right-wing political movement sweep the glove in the next 5 years so that he has something to train for

you don't get the joke, do you? 
while he was alive he was broke as hell and had little to no accomplishments that a normal human might have (like most classical composers)  
he literally had no wood to heat his house during the winter
during the napolean war he hid in a basement 
towards the end of his life he couldn't find rent because he was writing on the walls, screaming and laughing late at nigh (but he still managed to write the ninth symphony while working on the tenth) 
we have no idea whether he fucked every single prostitute from viena or whether he died a virgin 
my respect for this son of a bitch is fucking unreal 
no bach piece will ever be able to transcend his 8th sonata 
the nigga starting going deaf at 28 and still managed to be one of the most prolific and influential composers who ever walked this earth (while also being the most well known) 
all while being a giant sperg 
one can only dream to reach his level in the next 10 lives 
so again, what I said came form a place of knowing and liking too much this person, and allowing myself too much freedom while talking about him, rather than not understanding what he left behind

your wrong is wrong 
he was a god among men, and yet he had to compete with the italian retards of his day who couldn't shit anything half ahead of their time 
iirc he had 2 or 3 opera/orchestra plays during his lifetime 
all of which had been bug down by lazy ass performers who took advantage of the fact he was blind at the time

Just discovered autistic people lack bodily awareness. Couldn't work out what bodily awareness is, probably because I'm autistic. 

thought my immunity to poison was a superpower, turns out I'm disabled.

mildly amusing the commish's kid was killed by an imported pajeet

Speaking of jewish medication for not-real illnesses, today is day 1 without seroquel. 
Didn't sleep that well last night, but anything is better than nothing, and still managed to get the tyre fixed and go to the gym
Tonight will be the true test. 4 valiums left. Last time I tried to quit the seroquel I was schitzing out at the end of day 1 but so far so good. 
Gonna get some anti-histamine sleeping tablets tomorrow and be free of the pharma-jew.

I'm aware. Seroquel also acts as an anti-histamine (in the brain, not the body) which apparently is why its used as a sleep aid. 
Also links to cardiovascular disease. 
2024 is the year of only water and food consumption.

Bill has gone now.
I made him take me through the BWS drive-through for the second time tonight. Same girl served me again. I begrudgingly gave him one can of hard solo.

Skip gets picked up tomorrow. Wanted to max it out.

He has been a nasty and unpleasant poster for several years. In particular I am still angry at him for what he said to the neet with the dying brother.
He has also threatened to kill me on several occasions - only sometimes because he mistook me for IGA.

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Fucking 3 and a half or 4 hour sleep 
Woke up at 3:30 to piss and never made it back to land of nod 
Not happy jan. Still didn't bitch out and take a retard pill though. 
Restless leg syndrome. Gonna be a long day. 
Garn dolans for breakakakkeyyeyyyyeaaeaeyyey

Abo voice defeated 
Immigration becoming increasingly debated 
Rise is anti-semitism online
War on 'woke' only growing traction over time

The overtun window is beginning to shift. Unfortunately all the discussion around immigration is economic. "Lets just slow it down for a little while to catch up". It needs to be both economic and cultural.

I got a mighty mcmuffin meal and 2 extra hashbrowns. 
They put the mcmuffin into the bag sideways. It leaked grease into the bag and onto the car seat. How do they fuck everything up so routinely? 

At least there were plenty of tear and shares and apple crowns at coles

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