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> she did not do that because everything was fine
there are only two races my friend, the rich and the poor 
given her dad managed to buy the tape and delete it from the internet, I fucking bet she didn't do it for the money 
what other reasons are left? 
spite? give me a break, you can pay back your dad in a thousand different ways without whoring yourself out 
she's a stupid whore; end of the story 
> I don't think there had no consequences
she's living fine off her daddy's money 
no social media presence? c'mon we're doing that voluntarily 
nobody will date her? there is a fool/sucker for every goddamn vagina on this earth 
all she has to do is either make up a bullshit story portraying herself as the victim or find someone who has no idea about her past (which is fairly easy) 
it's as easy as moving towns 
meanwhile most of us would never recover from a minor fuck up
Well that's the thing. Even you did not write:
> there are only two races my friend, the happy and the poor 
Sure, money can buy lots of things, but won't save from suffering. Rich people (unless they worked their ass off - and I'm not talking an honest day's work like hoeing on the potato field, or standing at the assembly line - to raise themselves out from poverty) aren't aware that their wealth gives them cushion from all kinds of crap, so they find things on their own to feel bad about. And to be honest poor people are doing good to dig themselves further down into the mud with shitty choices, like became an alcoholic, or give way to their impulses and they end up in prison, or stew on their jealousy.
First world problem exists too, there is a reason why Westerners cry to their psychologist all the time and eat prozac by handfuls.
A young rich girl whom mind and psyche works normally won't end up in porn. Perhaps she was abused or just simply was ignored by her parents.
And then we don't know what was like to her after she did the scene and since. Her daddy buying the tape might not was for her, but because it reflected bad on her daddy. I literally can hear the conversation:
> You stupid whore what did you do!!?? Do you know what will my business partners say about me!!?? Do you know how much it cost to keep this family clean from your idiotism!!!??
< You always just thinking about yourself, Dad! But what about me!!?? I can't live my life like this!!??
etc etc... I'm sure it was full of morale too bad (for them, I don't care), they'll never learn from it.
Sure social media looks all nice, but social media is for creating a storefront and put all the nice things there. And usually the more nice things out there the less nice the things are inside.
> she's a stupid whore
So? Stupid whores can't suffer?
And I'm not "defending" her. I'm really just being objective. It's stupid to be angry because she's a whore, or have social media presence, or whatever. It's stupid to feel bad about it. It's so petty. For the same reason one could rage about half the people on this planet, and and be assblasted all day every day. Pointless.

Good evening.
I'll need to go get a quadruple dare, a custard tart and a box of ktimes, yell at an ethnic or some cunt in a gopher then get home in time for it to fall right out of me and chux it up. 
One of you will need to play bill.
Doing no coffee yesterday was bad, I ended up with a really bad headache and my anxiety increased anyway. I had a few cups in the hope that it would help, it didn't. I did only have three cups instead of the 6+ that I usually have. I'll just have a few cups of tea today, gradually wean myself off caffeine in a less retarded way.

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