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I think you can get onto those mental health plans without much difficulty. That way you are covered under medicare or something idk.
I reckon you should just be very direct. They hear all sorts of crazy stuff and are required by law to not disclose it. I know two psychologists socially and they take that very seriously.
> and are required by law to not disclose it
they can call the police if they think you're a risk to yourself or others
there's one crazy bitch in adelaide who calls firearms branch about every bloke who comes in, and has cost several their licenses even though they didn't even mention having them or harming anbody
The problem I have with marriage is that eventually she'll get old and I won't like her anymore because she looks ugly. 
Romantic love isn't real and divorce isn't an option if children are present.
No. I did look into that stuff and I feel I lean more towards schizotypal, but I'd rather not self diagnose. I just have poor coping skills.
I may look into that next year. I've made goals for myself for next year and I feel like those would help a lot in their own right
> she'll get old and I won't like her anymore because she looks ugly. 
if you're genuinely in love with her you wont even notice
the brain is magical in how people still look the same to you a bazillion years later
like that girl and I recognizing each other in a split second almost 15 years later the other day
I'm seeing a female psychologist named Siobhan in January. The thing I'm most excited about is to see how incompetent and retarded she is. The bloke was no good either. It felt like a manager from another team giving me a bit of a corporate brotherly pep talk. When he gave me a printout of strategies to reduce anxiety I almost couldn't keep a straight face. 
High order grifters, all of them. 
It's shocking to me that they treat mental health patients the same despite the sex difference. I think its most likely a long term, covert study in evolutionary psychology if anything. 
Women are useless.

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