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these cunts are incapable of being good boys for even one week
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Richard and Mortimus S07E08 was downloaded on tuesday, and i have just been too shagged to watch it, and yes during that time i heard about its extremely low quality and am probably not going to watch it.

Woooooooooooooooooo !
You said a few years ago that it has been ten years since you had a woman smile at you. I guess if you count that hooker you paid to fuck but who refused to smile at you it has been less than ten years though.
IGA posted a video of himself with the most HORRID fat brown prostitute. The infamous red light video series.
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> You said a few years ago that it has been ten years since you had a woman 

Nuro has ladies smile at him everyday. Whether its the quality service he provides at the shop or the silver fox gracing the bike track on that champagne afternoon ride that Nuro is one hell of a guy.....
> A huge thank you to everyone who donated towards my rehabilitation. 

Thankfully I've made a full recovery from this list of injuries:
Factured skull and facial bones
Fractured left scapular
Punctured lung
Fractured left 6-11 ribs
Grade 3 splenic injury
Left descending aorta intimal injury
Fractured L1-L4 transverse vertebrae 
Fractured T4-T7 spinous vertebrae
Fractured right pelvis
Fractured laryngeal cartilage
Lip lacerations
I wonder what that costs to insure to here

> Since its unveiling, the Tesla Cybertruck has seen its fair share of criticism over its angular design. One aspect of the design that's often overlooked is safety. Not only were there concerns about ineffective or non-existent crumple zones, Australia's car safety chief said in an interview with News.com.au that he had concerns about the truck's sharp edges and how they will affect pedestrian collisions. 
Had seven choc ripple debickies. Also having a coffee. Perked up a bit. Might have the energy in me for a wank.
It is awful FreshFM style stuff. Bill is about 5 years older than me. I could almost understand him listening to the techno from when he was a teenager, but not the shit they churn out now.
I think its a thing that there is a big risk he will die after he gets out of hospital with multi damage to his body like that. Nuro's bossman died suddenly after his car wreck because of the damage.
> Nuro's bossman died suddenly after his car wreck because of the damage.
Nuro's bossman died riding his bike into a log and then hitting a shipping container head first or something comically retarded.
He did smash a work van first though in a separate incident, IIRC.
Between globohomo, the ayys, and the freemasons I don't think we will ever know the full story. One thing is certain though, many neets sleep safely in their beds only because of nuro's heroic and secret battles with unseen forces we can only imagine.
> Ashley McGowan died after his motorbike veered off Collins Road in Ninderry, on the Sunshine Coast, before slamming into a log and a shipping container on Tuesday.
Bill has gone for the day.
He left the doughnut and the energy drink where I had put them this morning. Won't be making that mistake again.
When he was here last Sunday he talked about spending longer here tonight, but that was probably meant in jest, like buying paint during the week.
I can't trust him to secure the house again when he's going.
And where am I going to go anyway?

Things should be fine enough for her when she gets here in two weeks. Not finished, but nothing that will stop her being comfortable.
Corvette Club Christmas dinner was tonight. Not going. Haven't attended a club meeting since September, or a club drive since May.
I have risen. Having some charcoal chicken chips and carlton draught. 
Is there something pressing I need to attend to?
It was ok but not worth the hangover. Ended up at a nightclub, did lots of cocaine again. Kissed a femoid and squeezed her boobies. Slept poorly, waking up to piss multiple times. Bender woes.
Thanks. I am chilling and just had 4 seperate groups of geocaching faggots run through the area. This place now just stinks of reddit and I must leave 🥴
It has been quite a long time since anyone gave me positive feedback on one of my "exact body type" posts. 
Is it another one of my failed memes?
I will try and think of all my unsuccessful and underwhelming failed memes.

> my exact body type
> food for thought
> Detergent Jones
> Pineapple Juice

There are probably more. At least I am trying.
You just keep using them until other neets mistakenly think they have currency and start using them too in an effort to be cool. That's how I got all my memes into use.
NEETs I have to declare that getting on the diet wagon has me feeling better. It takes about a week for you to get all the junk out of your system, then you feel better.
balls hurt gay shouldnt have won ANYTHING its a cringe DATING SIM disguised as an RPG and should NOT and WILL NOT be ALLOWED in my CHRISTIAN HOUSEHOLD
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Lord Nuro just got back to Noosa

Geocachin aint bad by itself but when normies hijack it as a group activity, this time a christmas hunt you just have in my case 5 groups of 5 numpties wandering endlessly around a park looking for some meaningless trinket. They all dont find it, nor do the groups communicate (because they are competition) so you find yourself in a park in a comfy place and then 5 seperate crime forensics teams start investigating all the space around you.... even worse is some find it and others dont...... i just cant explain how annoying it is to watch .....
I might try and buy some more meth. I liked how it made me feel included in the local community, smiling and greeting people on my morning walk, having actual conversations with storekeepers.
She would have to wait until I have eaten all the cheesecake, I don't want her anywhere near it because I don't want her to ruin the experience of having an entire cheesecake (down to the very last crumb) all to myself.
Remembering the BEST A Cheesecake Shop employee in the early 2000s who made a marijuana cheesecake and his colleague accidentally sold it and an extended family all got "sick" and called the police.
Huge waste of weed that.
I remember this story from 2008

> Stephen and Jessica Whyte and their three sons were served complimentary gelato dessert by Coogee Bay Hotel staff three weeks ago after complaining about food prices, facilities and staff attitude.
> After eating the dessert Mrs Whyte became violently ill. A heated argument erupted with staff over the contents of the bowl. Distraught, the family took a sample of the gelato and had it tested at the National Measurement Institute. A report from the institute found: "The sample has an offensive odour and physical properties similar to human excreta."
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Godzilla Minus One (2023) has been given the thumbs up by the critical drinker, and womboflix will be showing it when it comes out on bittorrent.
even in these sort of photos you get a sense for just how fucking disgusting women are by looking at the carpet or flooring they're sitting on
dirt and debris everywhere
I've been getting heart palpatations lately. I've been having six to eight coffees a day, each with 2-2.5 spoons of coffee. I'm wondering if this is the cause. Might cut back to a more reasonable number like two or three cups.
I'm coughing like crazy and I have problems breathing 
the cigs are not helping either 
brb I gotta practice
He has work boots on today and yesterday. I’m just sitting at the other end of the house looking at my phone. Can’t be bothered with him today. Would have been cheaper in the long run to just have a team of people fix the house up in two or three weeks a year ago.
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Good morning to all the NEETs.

It is indeed PostieNEET once again.
I found someone still remembered me in a thread a while back, so I thought I'd give everyone an update, although I'm not really into blogging like it's done here, and I'd eased off on posting because I'm pretty-much doxxable now, not that it worries me, but 'celebrity' interrupts the purpose of this board imho.

I've been living off the back of Postie for the past year!

Camping riiight around Australia again. The trip is coming up to 27,000 kms. It came about because the landlord was upping the rent by $100/week, so I rode off into the sunset leaving him to find some desperate cashed-up idiot.

In spite of finishing the lap of Australia and doing 25,000 kms this time, I'm still going. The plan is to do Tasmania during February, so now I'm doodling around NSW and QLD just to find nice campsites to spend the time.

Camping is pretty-much fucked in Australia now though. All the Grey Nomads have disappeared (petrol costs..) and replaced by Cashed-Up Retired Bogans who're selfish cunts. Almost been killed by one driving over me in the middle of the night.

There's like a book's worth of stories to tell..
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I did carry the Yaesu and Baofeng around for the first month, but charging the 12V stuff (solar panel, etc.) was a pita..

First photo - me and another guy rescued a wombat. We thought it was a goner and just tried to make it comfortable, but an hour later it was snoring okay (no lung damage) and the next morning had dig up around the box (legs not broken). Yay.
#2 An Emu calling me a pedophile taking chase for photographing its chicks. Postie was about 5 km/h faster than an angry Emu!
We are glad to hear of your exploits neet, and forgive you for not posting because the doxing has ruined the board. 
This is a very impressive journey even for travel neet, most bikers have huge hondas with panniers and go in convoys.
> Would have been cheaper in the long run to just have a team of people fix the house up in two or three weeks a year ago.
Doing things yourself can save a lot of money, the day rate of someone reliable and materials all at once can be big.
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(Also, I picked up the Yaesu handheld when I returned to by brothers place, so I've been pinging repeaters as I travel now..)

Stayed in Darwin for 3 months, too.
Too long.

I've seen *one* small motorbike traveler on this trip, and only two 'big' bikes (both KTM Adv 1190s) even had a tent.. Everyone else--old feeble guys on litre-bikes staying in cabins every night. Goddamn.

Backpackers are almost extinct too. The last trip 10 years ago, they were about 20% of the traveling population. Now they're about 1-2%. Backpacker Hostels have all repurposed into Boong Hotels (Mt Isa..)

Photo 2 - WA's Willie Wagtails had massive white eyebrows on them. Irritated burd.
after the covid bullshit people who are camping / touring are tending to stay inside their own state boundries 

also postie NEET how are you financing all of this ?
Emus are high on the retarded scale, which considering their low overall intelligence makes it even more bizarre. They're more retarded then gallahs
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Noticed the change of culture here. It's looking a bit better..

My one serious accident: the first part of the Eyre Highway coming into SA from WA has NO shoulders, and worse, thick loose road-base off the sides. Got into an approaching three-way collision with two road-trains -- I had to get off the road fast.
Went down face-first into the road-base (was ATGATT, tho) with Postie landing on top of me, pinning me down.
First minute: just wait without moving to see if any serious damage and for the adrenaline to wear off.
Second minute: tried to get up. Couldn't, has my leg was twisted under the bike, and the weight of it was on my back. Was going to wait a few more minutes to get my strength (and pain tolerance) up.
Third minutes: two caravans stopped, luckily driven by Dads in their 40s who were strong enough to lift Postie off me.

Lucky as all Hell!
I continued on to Mudrabilla(?sp) roadhouse, and stayed for a few hours to make sure I was okay. Damage: twisted leg, sprained knee+arm, ripped shirt. The manager there was really genuine and told me to let them know about calling up the Flying Doctor if I needed it.

Postie weighs about 95kg, maybe120kg with the stuff on it. I'd have been in much flatter condition if it were a 'real' adventure bike (loaded BMW GS's are ~400 kg..)

Photo 1: largely I've been photographing the pretty and unique things around the country..
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Saved up $8000 of my neetbux beforehand (the money I'd been saving for years to buy a car after getting my drivers' licence..which fell though yet again), plus the non-rent-assistance Aspiebux pension. It's worked out to like $1000-$1200 per month to travel this way, so I've actually been better-off than before.
Fuck yeah not paying rent--and my costs are under my exclusive control, buying only want I need, having the option to ignore the rip-off stores and ride over to a better one, etc.


I transferred Postie's rego to the NT during the trip. The NSW rego was due back in August, and interstate online renewals are one-offs only good for 3 months. So I emigrated to a 2nd-world country and got another 12 months, which'll now be due next April.

God the NT is fucked. Even the white people.

 >>/784884/ Thanks for remembering me, too..

 >>/784885/ "Stubbie holder" - I've got a Lifestraw-type bottle in there, which I can reach at while I'm riding to drink from.

 >>/784886/ Got a laptop.
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The bike has had several odometers replaced, sohas done about 120,000 kms now.

The one major mechanical drama: burning out the clutch plates.
After leaving Charleville, I wasn't able to find wet-clutch/motorcycle compatible motor oil, and after a 1000 kms of doodling around south western QLD and not being able to find any, the clutch plates finally burnt out from having to use car motor oil (..which was better than nothing..)
Posties wear down, they don't break down :) ..and so the bike's top speed was now 40 km/h ..and it was 400 kilometres to the nearest Honda dealer (back at Charleville) .. I rode at 40 for three days. Eh, still faster than the flies, and Ive been a cyclist, so it wasn't too distressing.
I finally arrive at Charleville, wheel the bike into the mechanics there, and the Boss Mech goes "Oh! A FARM BIKE! Just take it down the back right now. We've got clutch plates on the shelf waiting for you!"
A WALK-IN MOTORBIKE REPAIR JOB! ..and the parts didn't need to be shipped in from overseas.. like the 20 other jobs that mechanic was waiting on.
Anyway, he gets Postie up on the lift, disassembles it for the clutch job.. looks at the bike.. and goes, "Your bike is NACKERED! ..would you like a full engine rebuild? .. Here's a list of all the parts needed, and it'll only be a week getting some other parts sent by Australia Post."
He and the apprentices went completely over Postie, fixing a few other things that weren't the engine as well. The job list went for 3 pages. It cost as much as I paid for the bike 16 years ago, $1700... 6 hours of labour + parts, a good price actually.
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Keeping the travel photos coming..

#3 Woo!

Net access has been surprisingly easy. I've got a Hotspot with a Woolworths SIM--that means the Telstra Wholesale network, not the Telstra 'Premium' network. A number of places, mostly in Queensland, the Telstra towers associate with the hotspot...but then boot it off because you're not paying an expensive Telstra plan.
But most of the time, the Woolworth SIM (a $200/220GB/year prepaid) has worked fine -- even in remote WA bush campsites!

Several Landlord Caravanners have had Starlink mobile terminals. Those are around $200/month ..but I've only seen them where my hotspot worked anyway.
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PS: Feeble old people in caravans ruin campsites.
Camping on a bike for a year has been overall enjoyable, largely because I'm 'bushwalking on two wheels' rather than being a mobile-livingroom'er ignoring the surroundings.

One guy at Iron Knob was so fucking feeble, he had an electric lift modification to his RV to bring a mobility scooter..
90% of the time, I'm the youngest person at a camp site..
90% of carvanners never leave the camp area..
and have those fucking worthless yapdogs that were raised indoors for most of their life, and now go spastic constantly when outdoors--driving all the natural animals away, on top to barking non-stop and generally making the owner's camping experience 10x worse.
Of course, it's now a thing for the boongs to deliberate jump in front of a car, then have 20 of his/her mates rush the driver and rob them. Happened three times that I noticed while I was there. Two liquor store staffers were killed within a week of each other, and an international student was murdered in his bed while an Abo tried to rob a Uni student dorm..
Ah yes the clutch plates, we used to go through them, it was about the only thing that went on the CT110, that and chains, at least you should be good for another 20 years.
> $1700
You did good. Very wise to do the engine properly so you didnt end up like that Japanese guy on the Kawasaki stuck in a tent in the middle of fucking nowhere......
PostieNEET how do you do at keeping yourself clean out there?
How often do you go between showers and washing your clothes?
> One guy at Iron Knob was so fucking feeble, he had an electric lift modification to his RV to bring a mobility scooter..
That made me laugh.
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The third photo in  >>/784889/ was taken at Wangianna, on the Onnadatta Track, where I didn't see a caravan during the two days; pretty-much all 4WD and Motorcycle Adventure drivers/riders. The abandoned Railway station was awesome - lots of travelers graffiti, and it was good enough to camp inside.

Also caravan-free was the Bridle Track north of Bathurst, where the unsurfaced road through the hills was too steep for them. Still plenty of (P-plater..) 4WDs, but those guys were chill and wanted to know everything about the postie trip.
I say good on the old fella who is out there even though his body is giving up on him.
Better than sitting in a nursing home waiting to die.
Fuark. Uni asian wouldn't know what was going on. 
I heard stories about truckies being told by bush cops not to stop because of the mobs that would be hiding
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At Loxton I found a shop selling O-Ring chains! That chain done about 14,000 kms so far, and still hasn't stretched out noticeably.

 >>/784920/ I'll make a note of it. I've already got a few invites from Taswegians I'm met. Going there during February is of course to avoid the school holiday campers.

 >>/784922/ The guy from one of my 2013 photos? That was from an accident with a roo -- and his story was buying a unregistered car for $40 from the Sandfire Roadhouse Manager, ripping out the passenger seat to mount his busted bike, and driving up to Broome.. Heh.

While I was staying at Darwin, I borrowed a newphew's 1989 Kawasaki ZZR250. It was a nice friendly little bike... (which could manage the 100 km/h road into town..)

 >>/784924/ Eh.. it's been about a week between showers, and 2 months between 'proper' laundry days. usually I do a bushwalker's washing machine by putting the clothes in a dry-sack with some water and shampoo and given it a good shake.
NSW has been good for fixing free/donation campsites with a free shower. I made a list of campsites with a shower within 250 metres from Openstreetmap data: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1Emo ..a number of those are bogus/incorrect, but still it's been useful..
Deffo more. What I've called "Wadeye Disease" (recall the mass tribal rioting there) has spread the extreme Boong antisocial-ness to Katherine (nearly every business getting its windows smashed twice a week..), Darwin, etc.

Hear about Howard Springs' "Centre of National Resilience'? After the Cyclone Iisa, the 'communities' at Fitzroy Crossing were rehomed there.. It was trashed--while the Labor Admin spent months denying what everyone knew was going on.
> That chain done about 14,000 kms so far, and still hasn't stretched out noticeably
We need to make neet gapes out of the same material
What an adventure. I knew the people at the pink roadhouse. Did you go to William Creek? There's good rodeo there. Do you check out local events?
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Shit. (that places was also run/owned by Indians.. Luckily that area had a lot of roadside farmers' stalls, and I bought breakfast from them-- fresh oranges and walnuts).

The most expensive places for groceries/resupplying have been the towns less than an hour from a larger city (for example Mullewa, near Geraldton) where the 5-pack $2 instant noodles were on the shelf for $7.

Some stores like Leigh Creek have abnormal prices because there's a nearby Aboriginal community to gouge. But the most expensive places in the Finders was Quorn and Hawker-- lots of well-off tourists to gouge. Worst than Leigh Creek, in spite of being much closer to civilization.

> 784951
TBH I did only half of the track :) .. I did Woomera, Roxy Downs (the place has really gone downhill in 10 years..easy come..easy go..) then up via the Boreline track to the intersection in the photo. Boreline was hard riding--rocky, dust, couldn't really do over 25. Oonadatta was being graded--which left lots of fine dust on the track: good for 4WD, bad for me, as it made steering the bike near impossible.
Local event - none on, as it was a bit before the tourist season..

A few threats from 70 year-old Cashed-up Retired Bogans who tried to 'find a level space!' two metres from my tent, one letting his yapdog go for my food in a camp kitchen, and another lot of CURB cunts getting their Enjoying The Time We Have Left being being noisy again right next to a soft-walled tent. Each time, I made it clear that the fight would be over just by pushing them onto the ground because they're fragile old fucks.
..but after the aggro had passed, hot female backpackers always appeared! Win!

As for locals-- outside the Coles in Mildura there was a Boong Elder throwing shopping trolleys into parked cars, then noticed me and ran screaming he was going to kill another white dog. About 2 metres, I "noticed" him and turned around, and he stopped dead in his tracks, being the whole thing was a bluff, or that he noticed I was in full protective gear and could roll him easily.

 >>/784957/ No, but I did meet Trolldog, who took a crap right in front of me and then made that face.
Well that was anti-climactic

Cops: "Do you know what day it is today?"
Jorp: "Ah Wednesday or Thursday..."
Cops: "Ok drink some water, eat something and take it easy bud!"
Kill boomers. Behead boomers. Roundhouse kick a boomer into the concrete. Slam dunk a boomer baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy olds. Defecate in a boomers food. Launch boomers into the sun. Stir fry boomers in a wok. Toss boomers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a boomers gas tank. Judo throw boomers into a wood chipper. Twist boomers heads off. Report boomers to the ATO. Karate chop boomers in half. Curb stomp retired white boomers. Trap boomers in quicksand. Crush boomers in the trash compactor. Liquefy boomers in a vat of acid. Eat boomers. Dissect boomers. Exterminate boomers in the gas chamber. Stomp boomer skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate boomers in the oven. Lobotomize boomers. Mandatory abortions for boomers. Grind boomer fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown boomers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize boomers with a ray gun. Kick old boomers down the stairs. Feed boomers to alligators. Slice boomers with a katana.
Didn't give me that you. 
How much of oodnadata was bitumen? There was just a small strip about 100m long.
> Roxby
That was booming about 15 years ago. 
I guess the mine isn't doing so well. 
How did you handle the heat on the bike?
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Does other travelers having loud campground sex twice within earshot count?
Another reason why less than 2% of travelers being young European backpackers is an unwelcome change.

Why the hell do all the German girls have tattoos?

Btw, while the chances might be slim of anyone here locating them, there are numerous genuine PostieNEET travelers graffiti around Australia to discover.
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None. However the entire road from Maree going south is now surfaced.

I recall that BHP has gone slow on mining the Copper there because the price for the metal was low. Maybe about half the stores had closed or became pop-up discount stores just getting the space cheap.

Heat: avoided the Wet Season this time, but got a bit of it when I finally got into the Territory after the road closures lifted. You can't wear wet-weather gear for the 4-5 Monsoon downpours each day when it's also 35C - I just rode and got wet, drying out at Motels in the evenings the 2 nights to took to get from Tennant Creek to Darwin.
Otherwise, I'm wearing a breeze-through nylon mesh riding jacket (Dririder Climate Control 3), a long-sleeve synthetic shirt underneath, Kevlar jeans without the armor, and short/'shoe' style boots with good ventilation.

 >>/784999/ I'll find somewhere adequately epic to do it...
10 minutes on the spin bike.
I cranked the knob again. I shouldn't have, my quads were burning right from the start. I am not going to touch that knob again for a week at least.
That is two weeks of daily sessions now. I might take a rest day tomorrow because I am due for my bodyweight squats and calf raises. Adding the spin bike might be too much.
Slow and steady wins the race.
this says Unique Bakeries supplies them, but that was the Pierced Nipples Bakery I visited when I was at the sheltered workshop and the pies didn't look or taste like that.
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Baby Magpie. It parents were teaching it how to scab food from me and two cyclists (doing Steep Point to Byron) at Leinster WA.

Still traveling. I'm in a high-altitude area of the New England NSW at the moment waiting out the heatwave before heading towards QLD. The free campsite I'm staying at is 29C, while the nearest big town is 36C (and 42C yesterday). There's a good shelter here with a table, and a powerpoint so I can nerd out with the laptop all day.
Post-travel is going to be a bother. Maybe I'll get lucky and find a town where they love NEETs. Ha.

From the NT and WA during the Dry Season and into Winter, flies and mozzies where almost none!
In South Australia however, they got fucking serious--200 on your back at any time kind of deal. Victoria and NSW where only 1/3 as bad. It's definitely proportional to the amount of sheep around.

Travel tip: for the first 6 months I was using those $3.75 coffee sachets.. but while I was Darwin I noticed one of those portable Espresso machines for $99 that could be recharged from USB (like my solar panels do),using either those nescafe coffee capsules, or ground coffee. To my surprise they pretty-much work! Now whenever I go through a town with a real/Colesworth supermarket, I buy some fresh milk and have actual, real, fresh coffee out in the bush!
I am going to ride it until it dies. Years of use. My legs are going to be so muscular people will stop me in the street to take selfies for their instagram.
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I have two of these: https://www.jaycar.com.au/10w-solar-mobile-charger-with-usb-output-with-1m-cable/p/MB3595
They've been good. Notice how there's no glass and pretty-much all plastic, so they've been really robust.
They can do their claimed 10W power output, however a lot of devices recharge with a limited current/power rate-- I have a 'multitailed' cable where I can charge two devices at the same time from the one panel.
Things to recharge are the phone, tablet, and bluetooth audio for the helmet. I've also got an 8Ah 'jump starter' (which does 12V as well as USB) and a 10Ah regular battery pack.
Recharging the camera batteries needed one of these: https://www.jaycar.com.au/universal-li-ion-ni-cd-ni-mh-battery-charger/p/MB3639 .. It needs 12V or mains, but I've made up an adapter cable to connect the jumpstarter to it.
I haven't needed to bother with solar charging while riding (like the panel between the handlebars). I did that on the 2nd trip, but this time I've gotten by without it.
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At Piangil, some students road-tripping from Melbourne to Adelaide arrived at the free camp after dark..and drove over a water sprinkler which connected to the town's water supply through a t-piece, breaking it clean off, and everyone losing water pressure. I had to move my tent to keep it out of the flooding.

However I found the broken t-piece could be bunged with a 1-inch campaign cork I was keeping for a deserving Caravanner's exhaust pipe. I didn't have any nylon cable ties (and none of the nearby carvanners gave a fuck..) ..so I used Postie to hold the cork in place against the water pressure.

And the town could flush their toilets again, thanks to the heroic Postie! \o/
They call vile polyurethane fake leather "vegan leather" now as if it is an ethical alternative rather than a cheap one.
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The Welcome Wagon at Coleambally.
At first a ~12yo boy came up to chat, and told me about the Town's own Postie hoon, who sure enough noticed me as well and came over.
His bike was souped-up for performance (sprockets, etc.) and could do 90 km/h.
He said he was going over to the pub...but didn't say which one, and I spent an hour going around trying to find him before giving up..

(Photo: a manual scoreboard at the cricket grounds I camped at..)
Hey Postie NEET when you get to QLD there is some comfy camping here at Nambour caravan park by maroochy river and also  we can take out the trash 
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The UrbEx has been good too..
A lotm if not most, remote towns are near-empty, but had quite a lot around during their heydays.
And they're pristine, they're not tags by cityfaggots, and you can explore things to get an idea of what these unfortunate pleases used to be like.
Burcher in NSW for example. It also had a good campsite with a free shower, and an old lady keeping a town store going so I could buy fresh milk.

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> went to the college dorm to see a high school m8 
> the guy in question is giga normie, but tells me he has a friend I'm gonna get along with 
> after talking for 5 minutes I find out said friend is a channer 
> I make a fool out of myself in front of everyone after finishing a six pack 
well, at least I learned elfen lied is actually pronounced elfen lead
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Good question. It hasn't happened yet (on this trip). I've replace the rear tire 6 times, though..

Postie bike tires are just like changing a bicycle tire.
You get the wheel off (advantage of the Postie over newer bikes is this isn't hard--undo 3 nuts), get the tube out, replace the tube with a spare (and repairing the puncture later rather than on the road), wheel back on the bike. I've done it in under 30 minutes.

The magic to avoiding flats is to have reinforced tires, and replacing them when they're half-worn (rather than waiting for as long as possible). I exclusively get reinforced 6-ply tires like the Michelin City Pro/Extra, which last for about 7000 kms before I replace them, whereas 4-ply tires crap out at ~3000 kms.
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Hands up anyone who knows how many motorcycles die in the Adelaide Hills every year?
... I had to go through the Hills twice with no brakes...

The postie's drum brake shoes were completely worn, and I had to get to a friend's place in Adelaide to pick up the replacements I'd ordered online, using just 'engine braking'/shifting into low gear instead. Obviously I survived..
Nothing, I'm just feeling narky.
Finishing up on How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000). He reminds me of myself in some ways. I'm surprised how much of this film I remember.
> I shouldn't have
> I am not going to touch that knob again for a week at least.
> might be too much.
Poofter mentality. You are going to quit it, just like I assumed when you didn't mount the screen.
Yep, take it easy mate. You're doing a good job as it is.
A little bit of effort everyday will go a lot further than any amount of haphazard effort.
Friendly reminder PostieNEET to ignore whatever this loser  >>/784876/ (aka nuro/keegan), for he is in fact a doxxer of other NEET's personal information and has basically been a pest here for over 5 years.
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Deconstructing Harry (1997) - Suffering from writer's block and eagerly awaiting his writing award, Harry Block remembers events from his past and scenes from his best-selling books as characters, real and fictional, come back to haunt him. Starring Woody Allen and that chick from Seinfeld. On in 2 hours.
> real and fictional
Is it a documentary?

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The jews found out about an al quaeda plot to fly a plane into the pentagon and thought it was such a good idea they took over and turned it into 9-11, letting the deep state and the Mlitary industrial complex have a piece of the action. I feel smarter for knowing this.
Power level
Conceal my power level
Power level
Reveal my power level 

Mask on
Fuck it mask off
Rep the fash, gotta rep the fash
Didn't see much of the trannie, but we got a gay black man running around in his underpants as second prize.
Live and Let Die is on 9GEM at 8:30pm
That's the one with a bunch of kangz and Dr Quinn Medicine Woman
I didn't buy that cheesecake today, woke up late and had a cone for breakfast and don't feel like it anymore.
Seemed like a better idea last night.
I don't think he cares.
The reason you started insisting he lived there was that you were embarrassed about being homeless and living in a dunny. You wanted him to have something similarly embarrassing and that was the best you could do. Odds are he just lives in some rundown rental (still better than a toilet lol).
He started blacking out location info on his IGA hauls. He's scared of Based Tiffo in his gillie suit.

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