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The bored four NEETs

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Actually how i doxxed IGA was rather simple. I just went to the office of  all the low income accomodation / caravan parks with long term stays in the area and asked if they had recently any arrivals with black curly hair who were causing trouble going around accusing everyone else of being Peados.....

Monk? I've done it sober but only after I've been talking to her for a bit. I think it is best to keep interactions with a girl in person as much as possible as it gives you an edge over the competition. Texting, apps and shit suppress the advantage of confidence.

> struggled to watch Doctor Who (pozzed political shit)
> struggled to watch Rick and Morty (not funny any more)
> struggling to watch Loki now (ridiculous pointless plot)
I struggle to watch anything any more NEETs. It is all so stupid. It all looks fake. Can't lose myself in it.

One day all that will be left to me is sitting staring at the wall.

This woman they cast as the female Loki is ugly. Why do they cast so many ugly women on TV now? There was a reason the original TV Jews only cast attractive women. No-one wants to look at ugly women or have them speaking to us. Triggers something inside us.

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Then stay a sheep, go watch your sports or cartoons or whatever mummery you fill your mind with. Knowing about the forces that shape the world you live in can stop you from enlisting to fight and die for the bad guys, warn you about psyops to inject you with bioweapons and steal your money. What you call politics is really the world outside of the wooden box you lie in just waiting for the lid to get nailed down. politics is the rules of the game that you are losing at. This is me giving you help, accept it or NGMI.

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Its been recognized since the dawn of civilisation that most humans simply dont have what it takes to be independent. They are happy to be cattle, even enjoy the role. But the thing is: Cattle get milked then harvested. They have no little other use to society. I'm so tired of victims like (You) trolling yourselves with your whining.

I have noticed the general decay of society is effecting my personal morals too.
I used to be a very honest person. One time I got to the car park and noticed I had accidentally left a block of chocolate in my trolley and not paid for it. So I went back in to the service desk and explained what happened and paid for it.
I would never do that again today. I would just drive home and be pleased to have scored the free chocolate.
Also I now find myself not caring about other people shoplifting and sort of fantasise about doing it myself, though I don't think I will. Not at this stage.

> Anthony Albanese's high commissioner to the UK has scrapped the annual Australia Day fundraiser, citing 'sensitivities' over the controversial public holiday.

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Your pitful bleating that I'm a fool for reading in depth is just cope. The slights you come up with vandalize your own stunted moral development and leave my intellect shining and spotless. I am better than you.

Last time at the self-serves there was about a dollar's worth of silver in the change dispenser. I was paying cash and expecting change so just scooped it all up and put straight into my pocket. I'd never do that with notes though. Well not unless absolutely skint such as on the day before payday.

You wouldn't get caught right then and there, the guy who left his change behind would come back the next day then the CCTV would be reviewed and it would show you stealing the notes and then it would be referred to the police and they would knock on your door three days later.

Yes they do. Every second client says it and I write it as a request for support to have good English skills. I've had a client ask for 'no faggots or niggers', I forget how I wrote that.
Choice and control is what it's all about. They also don't need to tell you why.

If a mong goes off it is an issue for an employer 
> Psychosocial hazards may interact or combine to create new, changed or higher risks. It is important to consider all the psychosocial hazards workers may be exposed to when managing psychosocial risks.
> A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must eliminate psychosocial risks, or if that is not reasonably practicable, minimise them so far as is reasonably practicable.

> As a public patient you cannot choose your own doctor and will be treated by the doctor(s) and medical team assigned by the hospital.

Walked in the back door and a thick, curvy, fit Chinese lady was sitting out the back. I said hello and she sort of shrugged and moved her head towards the door then did it again. I think she grunted. The receptionist was significantly less attractive.

[ leed; German leet ]SHOW IPA

noun,plural lied·er  [lee-der; German lee-duhr].
a typically 19th-century German art song characterized by the setting of a poetic text in either strophic or through-composed style and the treatment of the piano and voice in equal artistic partnership:

The series' title is a misspelling of "Elfenlied", German for "Elves' Song" or more formally "song of the elves'" and takes its name from the song "Elfenlied", which is featured in the story.

yesterday I was drunk (again, sober by romanian standards) all day with the boomers at work 
at 11 pm they asked me if I wanted to go to hookers with them
had to decline because I don't wanna be a cheating asshole 
plus from what I can gather it's worse than alcohol; once it gets in your blood, you can't stop it 
 plus I have no  money  
 maybe next time 

This NEET has a good point. You need to take some token gift in to the brothel like sweets or some gee-gaws. Go down to chinatown and pick up a packet or two of fried bugs and present them to the surly chink whores and their bad manners will improve, you'll see.

First direct-to-boot order a success. The wagie doesn't actually put the items in the car though, they just wheel them out in a trolley in front of the car and the rest is up to you!

> Expert lip-reader needs an interpreter to answer questions in court
> Bruce Lehrmann's barrister Steven Whybrow SC told the Federal Court on Monday that he has concerns about a professional lip-reader Network Ten hired to interpret CCTV of Mr Lehrmann and Ms Higgins at the pub
> The expert, British man Tim Reedy, has been deaf from the age of four and taught himself to lip-read.
> Justice Lee said: 'Mr Reedy requires an interpreter himself, and if the lip-reader is being asked questions, how the dickens is he able to interpret videos?'

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This week on womboflix...
Tomorrow night we will be screening some of the horror mini-series The Fall Of The House Of Usher(2023), based on the work of Edgar Allen Poe, The story of two ruthless siblings who build a family dynasty that begins to crumble when their heirs mysteriously die, one by one.

On Saturday we have the action-thriller The Specialist (1994), starring Stallone and Sharon Stone back before they got old and decrepit.

Then on Sunday, we have The Mission (1986), a historical drama about eighteenth-century Spanish Jesuits try to protect a remote South American tribe in danger of falling under the rule of pro-slavery Portugal. Starring Robert De Niro and Jeremy Irons.

NBN chud popped some connectors in the pit and re-did them but it didnt fix anything. The neighbourhood copper is all exposed in the pit with the junction caps not in place because of all the splicing into the downstream cable. Its a shitty calcutta tier mess. Starting to think that starlink is the only option.

The chud came back and explained shit which I dont understand but promised that not only did he fix it but now its twice as fast. Was waiting all week for this, now I dont know what to do. NEETing sucxs.

Still hung up on this from last night. 
France might not be real, it's just some pattern made by medieval astrological hoodoo men. 
Veneration of Mary is almost only European, it might all just be so they could continue worshipping the Virgin. 
Might need to see the dates of when Venus intersected Virgo. I'm not sure if Aphrodite remained a virgin. 
The answers are in the stars. 
Making me dream about earth mirroring the heavens.

I've put some potatoes in the oven 
drinking some wine before the potatoes are done enough to add the chicken 
if I don't drink myself to sleep again I might even get some practice 
life's good

I'd avoid that open universities shit. The prices are very steep as they know they've got you desperate if you sign up for it. Assuming you aren't 18 or something you should do a STAT test and just go to a nearby uni unless you live out in whoop whoop. Many unis will have a diploma of engineering or something you can do that will cover the first three semesters of the full engineering degree. It won't make you an engineer but it will give you a taste of it, be a pathway to the full degree, and is very easy to get into.
The maths and programming could easily be done all online. Many of your courses will involve a bit of lab work though and that is difficult with the internet. You're unlikely to get very far without physically going to a uni.
Which state are you in?

Nuro lives in a workshop, he just sleeps in the dunny, which is his choice he could sleep in a different part of the building if he chose to.
I do not like all this shaming of NEET accommodation that goes on here. The housing crisis is real. We are all doing the best we can.

The demountable claim is unsubstantiated.
> shaming of NEET accommodation
Nuro boasted that he was living better than other neets, that is why he is mocked. No one would care if it was just that nuro is homeless, it is that he pretends to be better than us despite literally being a homeless junkie.
The same goes for the wealth, grog etc. No one here looks down on neets drinking cheap goon but nuro mocks other neets despite drinking the goon-priced bottled wine. The sort of shit that boongs in parks drink.
> different part
Sleeping in the rest of Michelle's workshop would be a bit dangerous due to all the metal shavings he'd be inhaling. Pajeet's poo particles are probably safer in the long term.
Plus the temperature issue.

I'm very concerned by his strange posts recently, I'm worried he has overdosed again. Maybe I should have an ambulance sent to 50 Lysaght St? He has been talking about suicide a lot lately...

> https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/senator-jacinta-price-slams-cancellation-of-london-australia-day-gala-by-labors-handpicked-high-commissioner-to-the-uk/news-story/1c87d34b320271b40b32018d725a1fc5
"Supporting the gala dinner in the past has cost the Australian High Commission. This year the estimate was $55,000," a spokesperson told SkyNews.com.au.

"The High Commission determined that Australian taxpayers should no longer bear such a cost."

Yeah, especially after we spent $450 million on the failed voice referendum

what audiobook? 
> Sounds dubious and irrelevant
they probably had thousands of iligitimate kids given their power, influence, and opportunities 
how the fuck would that have anything to do with a failed painter who didn't have anyone to wait for him in the train station?
at this point it's fucking obvious everyone tried to smother (probably misspelling some other words I can't remember rn) his image after ww2 with the most aberrant claims  
the internet is fucked and you can't trust anything anymore, why the fuck are we even trying to find some bits of truth anymore? 
in a couple of years we'll be considered fucking nuts for stating the most trivial information from not even a decade ago 

It is common for the middle class to have only one or two children and it has been like this for two generations now. So there are plenty of people in this country that will inherit not just their parents estate but that of the both sets of grandparents as well. The higher fertility of the working class means it gets split more which is part of what drives wealth inequality in this country.
And because the generational times are so long, middle class people are typically in their 20s or so when their grandparents die. If you are upper middle class or so you can just fuck around living off your parents money until one set of grandparents is dead and then coast along on all the money you inherit. It is very common for arts students in this country to be in this position. They spend all their time drinking, going on holidays, fucking around in parks etc. I don't hate them for it but wish I could live that sort of life lol.

For example in BEST A you can do this:
Which is free, and gets you into:
Which then gets you into the proper engineering course. Something like this exists in every state. You're only really in trouble if you live really far from any uni.

Narcos raided one of the bad homes today. 6 cars, cops in jeans, people cuffed on the curb.

The bad home dealer was the only one who never fucked with me because he was in hiding, he never tried to steal shit from my yard, he never walked into my house.

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