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The bored four NEETs

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Yeah, that isn't the proper way. That is the way it is with dominos and frozen homebrand ones. Garlic bread is way nicer if you do it yourself.
Nuro always gets narky around Christmas. He gets angry seeing how other neets get along with their families. If he wasn't such a fuck up this might lead to introspection but nuro is too far gone for that.
This "return to the family" started right after it was pointed out that his family disowned him. He also has no evidence for it. He is still on the outside for Christmas, birthdays etc.
If i am not mistaken last time Nuro was in Brisbane you got BTFO when he posted photos of his mums lamb roast.( ican dig up the post if you want) So no. You are the one spending christmas day drinking like a faggot by yourself.
That is IGA's image.
Maybe this whole 'imitation of each other' thing is actually just the two different personalities growing together. As in, nuro/iga forgets to switch personalites.
I wouldn't shit for a week until I felt like I would die if I didn't shit and then I'm sitting over the toilet and screaming at the floor while forcing out a giant piece of shit the size of a garlic bread for 20 minutes and ripping open my anus and blood would spray all over the bowl and sometimes when it finally plopped into the toilet I swear to god I almost came I'd be drooling in my cumdies and almost pass out while it was still poking my arse because it couldn't even fit in the toilet.
They had some conflict back when FluteNEET was known as NoFun. I can't remember the details.
Nuro's lore is poor and he often sprays friendly fire all over the shop.
> NoFun
NoFun was any neet that opposed nuro, not just flutenoot. The latter was known as pancakeneet and I think was also the north terrace boong neet.
> Pedophiles want to show their genitals to children during mardi gras parade; police will now allow it.
That dead home invaded doctor:

> Dr Yung created a $5,000 scholarship to support Indigenous medical students in the name of his 'kind, thoughtful and intelligent' wife.

> Investigations into the assault are being assisted by Operation Mandrake, a crime squad established in 2003 to investigate crimes committed by Indigenous youth.
He probably thought living in Millionaire's Row would prevent this sort of thing happening, or that he could talk his way out of it if it did.
They need to bring back "dead or alive" reward warrants.
The Police and TV talking heads should also be on screen reminding South Australians about their rights in the case of home invasion, but they aren't.
> or that he could talk his way out of it 
These toffs have idealised and magical views of "troubled youth" they think if they talk to them a certain way "Hey man I respect you, I'm not like the others" then they can become friends with them and stop the crime from occurring.
Absolute morons.
Unless you have a weapon to hand just give them what they want. They aren't even human.
> He said a black BMW and five people were seen on James Street, Gilberton, at 12:05am on Monday, the same street as Dr Yung's property.
> "At around that time we know offenders were walking along streets trying doors to houses and attempting to steal cars, and in fact did steal a Mazda from West Lakes which was recovered yesterday evening at Davoren Park," Detective Bray said.

DavoNEET you need to be careful. I have always worried about you being out and about walking around that hellhole at night.
> nless you have a weapon to hand just give them what they want. They aren't even human.
I suspect he got beaten and stabbed because he couldn't give them anything they wanted (namely cash).
The point is that nuro claimed previously to have not posted for six months and now tells the truth which is that he was posting the whole time.
Maybe. I think what they want most is cars. They pick houses with cars they want to joyride in and break in to steal the keys.
The irony is all the immobiliser tech has actually made us less safe since now when they want to steal cars they either do a carjacking or a home invasion to get the keys.
In the old days they would just hot wire it and you wouldn't know it was gone until hours later.
Bottled water mostly (essential, duh). Tinned stuff( already 'cooked' and requires no refridgeration or heating/can eat straight from the can). Besides that I'll get some more candles in case of power outages at night.
the only thing I dislike about rich kids is the fact that they hardly know what is like having a rough life 
they parents might know, but they don't 
consequentially they treat most people like shit
I remember sending this on the high school group a few years ago (well this, and the egg man sequence)  
after that things haven't been the same
but I saw who had a sense of humor and who pretended to have one
that's how I got closer to some people and flat out stopped talking to others
Sisterbot is a fucking idiot.
She sends photos to Motherbat during the year that she has taken using her stupid phone.
Motherbat asks me to get some of them printed.
Think the photo aspect ratios look weird, so check the dimensions:
2811x2976	1.05869
2056x3295	1.05869
2474x2809	1.13540
2106x2973	1.41168
2626x3878	1.47677
1127x1387	1.23070

Standard aspect ratios:
4:3	1.333333
3:2	1.5
16:9	1.777777
My phone takes every photo as 3024x4032, so I don't know what retard potato method she is using to take photographs.
I have spent half an hour fucking around manually cropping them with the image centered as sensibly as possible. Harrumphing hard. Would have been harrumphing harder if I'd just gone and hit print at Office Works.
Wasn't Trev a portaloo trucker? I was thinking of the guys who took and emptied drums of fecal waste from behind houses in the cities before they had sewerage. How strange to think that they didn't have such services that we now think of as baseline. This was less than 100 years ago too. Those same houses would be worth multi millions of dollars now.
Yeah I remember my urbex days and the aincent terraces with the old fireplace things for the copper basins, even the tiny fireplaces for coal fires in the middle of the city where you would be stepped on pretty quick if you used them the way they were intended.
Just purchased Motherbat 100 meters of Glad Go-Between on Amazon, as none of the supermarkets seem to carry it anymore.
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How about the low pressure gas silo thing you could see from the traino at Engadine. I cant imagine how they had to pump gas at just above Atm around the suburbs. Cray cray.
> Iconic Aussie Soap Solvol Has Been Discontinued After 105 Years
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Sure why not? Your problem, wombo is that you get fixated on these nostaligia items, hoping to salvage a little bit of your youth, when things made sense and you were in your prime. Just let it go and adapt.
I think Count Dankula has just uploaded a video about the N/IGA drama. The video is called "The Bitch Wars".
with all the modern technology, did anybody bother to analyze the soap content? 
something tells me they didn't use actual jews, but I might be wrong
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Left is what the supermarkets now sell and right is what you can buy from super cheap. 

I am actually a little depressed they couldn’t invest in a machine and relied on back braking potato slave labour to package their product. Fuck them.
Aus manufacturing is a joke to the rest of the world. Its not that the ching chongs make it better or cheaper its just that aus factories cant get financing for automation, or engineers for that matter. If any factory or mine or sheep station or whatever was still profitable then they would get fanancially engineered to fail and then sold off to foreigh investors who run the brand into the ground.
> Its not that the ching chongs make it cheaper
They do though, when it comes to employees. They don't allow unionised workforces that constantly try and push up their wages.
bullshit, employees in a well automated factory are interchangable. Its the factories that rely on workshop tier processesses that need chuds who have done the same shit for five years and know which tools give you electric shocks and which ones dont. You cant simply swap these old hands out or you lose the ability to make things, thats why they can command higher wages, essentially holding production to ransom. Its the engineers and software jockeys that aus factories wont invest in. look at Industrialised countries like japan or germany, automated and profitable with happy workers.
Don't encourage him. Nuro already made those awful songs:
Over and over again. He used some phone app to put a poo over his head and referred to this as "real time AI video editing" as though we'd be impressed by a tiktok tool. We don't need more of them.
No I don't think thats a good idea right now. Life gets uncomfortable sometimes and you cant just beg it to stop. You need to accept that you are not special because you're a named neet.
It was a bit cringe. I'd been under the impression that with all his audiophilia and drinking and drug use maybe nuro was a bit of a musician. I was wrong.
Stanley needs to record a dis track in response. So far nuro is winning, no matter how lame his song was.
Back from the shopping expedition.
I had planned to buy a new phone today - $399 from JB Hi-Fi.
I was happy paying that price, but looking at ozbargain this morning before I left I saw JB is having a 5% discount on all phones just for today. $20 off, thank you.
And then when I checked the JB website to make sure the phone I wanted was still in stock at my local store, I saw that they had just added a free $100 JB gift card offer for buying the phone.
And I would have paid the $399 happily with none of that, but instead I only paid $380 and got a $100 gift card too.
It was a good day. I don't know what I will spend my gift card on yet.
I got served by a negro who took ages out the back to get my phone and he was mumbling a lot and I didn't understand everything he said.
Luckily he passed me off to the competent white dude when putting through the discount and setting up the gift card was too much for him.
The universe is aligning for me. My hard work is being rewarded. We are on the upswing NEETs. Winning.
You have to pay attention to the omens.
Nuro writes songs and cooks for stanley, all with nuro's signature poo theme, and stanley just ignores him.
How ungrateful!
Presented without comment or prejudice.
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Apparently it was just coincidence that a pack of coons was also trying to break into everything in the street and the Operation Mandrake guys were just mistaken or doing unrelated work.
It will be interesting to hear the story. It is unusual for a 27 year old woman to go along for a home invasion and murder.
> It is unusual for a 27 year old woman to go along for a home invasion and murder.
It used be unusual to leave your baby at home, but here we are.
Does anyone have the screenshot about nuro sleeping overnight in a park after popping too many pills?
And conveniently next year is another year of acceptance, so there will be no quitting anything, only accepting it.
The more you have the less it feels like. There doesnt seem to be anything to watch that I haven't seen.
I miss 5 channels and rewatching xmas movies each year. Yelling at the tv when all the commercial stations show the same thing.
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Tonight on womboflix we will be showing the highly rated Fall Of The House Of Usher (2023), the story of siblings Roderick and Madeline Usher who have built a pharmaceutical company into an empire of wealth, privilege and power; however, secrets come to light when the heirs to the Usher dynasty start dying. 7pm AEDT.

For some reason, it has Luke Skywalker in it.
I am amazed by nuro using fucking windows 7 or xp or whatever with a chromium based browser.
Even for nuro that is retard tier. I guess his hackerman knowledge is just another larp like his musical stuff or his maffs larp.
I need to clean my room but it is such a big task with so much to do.
I'm going to divide it into sections and then hopefully get started on one section and do them one at a time.
I probably won't do anything.
keegz wasn't even the 2ic for ash so i don't see why keegan would end up in charge even with the death of ashley.
Hi I'm wanting to see guys ball sacks filled with saline solution! Like to chat n see vid or pics of guys balls filled by saline solution, love how big guys balls look n how huge they make balls hang! Is there anyone who wants to fill my balls full saline solution too? So my balls can look huge n swing wildly between my legs! I'm slim guy with a cut slut cock n bare waxed below! IV wanted to meet girls n guys who want to see my balls filled with saline solution n then fuck my ass n mouth full cocks n cum! Yes I'm bi guy eager to swallow cum n be filmed with guy fucking my ass with his ball sack filled full of saline solution so can see his huge balls swinging wildly as he rams his big cock deep up my ass so I can be the slut boy I desire ! Show me how big your balls look filled with saline solution, n please fill my ball sac so my balls hang way down too! Make my balls take much as U like so they dangling between my slut legs. Love chat soon .

Too articulate to be nuro. Too young, not fat enough.
This is more like it.
Might sign up and have him sent to Lysaught street lol...
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Womboflix will be screening some episodes of Fall Of The House Of Usher (2023) in 1 hour. In case it was unclear from the description before it's gothic horror, not drama. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix
Hmm. Each advert is weirder than the next. 

> IGA OLD MAN.jpg 
I can't believe numpty came across this boomer meme and thought of Stanley. He truly is obsessed. It is  a good thing that based Stanners maintains a low profile and practices good op-sec. The obsession and mental illness of nuro is deeply disturbing. Hopefully the cops act on that police report soon.
It isn't nuro's at all unless you using warehouse to mean rectum.
Bosslady owns the joint and doesn't have the heart to evict the homeless toiletman.
IGA is a fuck up, yeah. So are you.
You freely admit to racking up HECS debt with no intention of paying it back because you know you will never earn enough. The threshold is roughly fulltime minimum wage. SAD!
I put under a grand on HECS to get out of work for dole. Never once did i say i would not pay it back. 

You are beyond mad at this point. Cringeworthy tiers of cope. Doubling down on Lies. Get off the computer and go for a drive...o wait you cant..... lol !
> Never once did i say i would not pay it back.
Slow down on the pills big boy
> You are beyond mad at this point. Cringeworthy tiers of cope. Doubling down on Lies.
You're like a parody of yourself, that is what is so sad about yourself. You never had much potential but it was still better than this.
You still live there, liar. You can't afford to move out. Maybe if you weren't so insane you could've chilled with stanners but he cut you off just like your whole family did...
This dickhead IGA thinks we can't tell when he is talking about himself in the third person. "chilled with Stanners" forsooth.
And don't forget the mayor's bike, hell let's throw in that Karl Stefanovic poofta too while we're at it. Pretty sure he has a house in Noosa. Has a single toilet ever been this full?
Remember how during nuro's big ban he said he was going to get a VPN to spam the site and then use crypto to hire a hacker to attack the site?
Dickehead we just just banned your Japanese. Took you 30 minutes to respawn. Instead of thinking hard about work for dole and when your lease is up you just proceeded to ship up the thread again. 

No One Fucking Cares About Your Fucking Bullshit
> Dickehead
Ach mein Gott!
> we just just banned your Japanese
What? Slow down on the pills and that $7 plonk fatso, we can't understand you. Who is "we", who was banned, and my Japanese what? I know English isn't your native language but you need to do better than that.
> thinking hard about work for dole
I racked up 10k of "hex" debt instead. I don't earn enough to pay tax so it isn't an issue.
> lease is up
Do you have a written lease for use of bosslady's toilet? You know she has a big internet presence? I could tell her that you're making nasty posts and get you evicted. 
> ship up the thread
I'll have this thread ship shape in no time.
I'm really getting worried about nuro. His mental health is getting worse and worse. His posts were always poorly written but they have been outright incoherent lately. And he has been talking about suicide so much lately. It is all very concerning.
Fucking barefoot ferals were running up and down the aisles of Coles. I hate those shops. Even the staff at the Dusk are covered in tattoos. It is sickening.
white mondsters, if they're on special - I've been off energy drinks for nearly a year, but have been backsliding this past week because reasons
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Why are the admins now taking sides in a board dispute? This is some Sardaukar bullshit. Has nuro been brown nosing shibs on discord/irc?
Eh, maybe for a bit but not over Christmas. After Christmas I'll need to work pretty hard to dispose of all the grog I'll get given by relatives. Maybe wagon 2024.
There's a scene in fall of the house of usher where roderick tells the detective 'my dead mother is standing behind you' and the detective laughs it off and refuses to turn around, and you see something move behind him. I keep thinking about it.
Difficult visit to the doctors, Doctor asked stupid question and became angry when I couldn't help him. 
I'm going to get one of those autism hats so people stop asking me questions that don't have proper answers.
I keep thinking about that abandoned artilery position in Vietnam on the Ridge. 
When I was young the busses used to stop there so tourists could take photos, then the gooks built junk shops, so many junk shops that you couldn't see the bunker.
Tourists just thought the bus stopped there because there were shops, the gooks though the tourists came to see their junk shops. 
I wouldn't have recognised it if it wasn't for a rock visible on the Ridge line, and like a dream I pushed through all these shopgooks and fat tourists and boxes into the undergrowth and found the bunker. And I was sitting in the bunker totally alone staring out the gunport at the sea.
The tourists were so sure of themselves, the shops were full of junk, the bunker was full of doubt.
Cruisey could have taken you and spoken on your behalf. Oh wait, he was too busy getting dirty chinks to pull his pud or putting money in a slot machine.
This guy had the chance to rid the world of 41 Pajeets and instead he went over and rescued them.
I hope we get an explanation about this tomorrow. It is very concerning to see this behaviour but I will wait a few days to see if an explanation is given before making accusations.

You can just tell this is the exact language he uses to bully his Job Service Providers with when he misses his requirements. Literally Karen-tier behaviour. 

Imagine getting banned by a Global Mod. I hope everyone reports any post by this scumbag. Monk wont do shit i but i hope he does.
I'm confident that today will finally be the day my life turns the corner and starts heading for success. Got my todo list prepped and I feel well rested and energetic.
I'm not with you on the last bit, restless sleep for me. But I'm glad you feel that way. I'd suggest you pick out a few tasks on your todo list that you consider to be a priority and get them done first. Alternatively go for the easier ones to put yourself in the right mood. I often vacuum first when I need to clean my room.
Keegan has been emboldened by banning. With business at HGR drying up he'll be shitting up the board and shouting at shadows.
Keegz has said before he wants us to all move to a discord server. He'd be more at home there. I want the three dramaqueens to get banned so we can go back to talking about mongsters, Bill, and Olive.
> Tou Ger Xiong, 50, a Mong activist
> Boston's woke Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu plans secret NO WHITES Christmas party
> Aide accidentally sends it to everyone
excuse me but the cyclone was barely a cat 2 and a nothing burger....

in my opinion SA has been the weather basket case.

you just had a 40c heatwave and today you have a high of 22c !
It's going to be like the end of Karate Kid II where a log falls on IGA and Nuro will have to karate chop it in half to save him.
Then the flood comes and they have to cling to the log for safety before getting whizzed away to some boong island where they can fuck all day and not pollute the board.
i am not sure of your point though

no shit queensland gets cyclones, its been really quiet past few years because of la nina 

jasper was weak, if one every makes it as far south as brisbane and wrecks shit then you can say something out of the ordinary has happened
Imagine being BANNED from the city of BRISBANE and living as some weird leper on dogshit beach with your hovelmate
Did almost all the dishes. Out of space on the drying rack but I'll do the rest tonight. I put yours out the back for the dog to lick clean.
Yes I do.
The site owners have final say over everything, as they should.
Your bullshit is spilling over into other areas of the site, from reports, to their IRC channel, etc.
I am kind of genuine about that comment as well, even just as a caretaker it would be better with him in charge. Obviously depends on if he's busy or even wants to, if not then that's more than reasonable.
> final say over everything
Haha, no. If the global rules are obeyed then the admins and global volunteers are meant to allow it. In the early days there used to be plenty of boards on 8chan that hotwheels hated but he allowed them to stay up. Shibs is doing the same imissfather bullshit of taking sides according to irc/discord fellation skills.
He was always selectivity ignorant of how this board worked. His rule would be a return to the imissfather days in which posts were deleted for merely being insufficiently reverential of nuro.
Yes, I expect it is merely figurative but it may in fact be literal like with the /leftypol/ BO on 8chan.
Have the customers stopped coming to hard gay raw? Why do you have so much time to shit this place up?
I took the most horrible shit before. I kept thinking it was over and then another torrent of shit would escape my arse.
My arse has developed its own slapstick routine.
Sure as shit he is tapping away on discord. I'd wager that getting shibs in control here is plan B after tiffin as BO fell through.
I put them in the wash this morning, yesterday I even dared to wash a quilt. You don't realise how vile a quilt is until it's in a bath doll of clean water. 

Your advice is very good, goodadviceNEET
What happened to that neet with the alcoholic brother? Did he ever come back after numpty brownsnaked him?
Listening to a crack head calling everyone on his contact list making bizarre voicemail threats. 
It's like he wants everyone to know that he's after one specific person, but he forgot and just started threatening everyone. Might sell him some bullshit meth
> nuisance
> pest
> tantrums
Very odd vocabulary this mentally ill obsessive uses when talking about the Based One.
Failing to neutralise the tiffo threat was a serious mistake. It's only a matter of time before he launches his goon hall putsch and becomes fuhrer of ausneets.
It is evident that this place is both the extent of his social interaction and a tool for exploring his grandiose fantasies.
His emotional investment in this place is ridiculous. If you ever feel yourself getting upset over what some neet has said or done, just close the tab and take a break from the board for a bit.
> mentally ill
> obsessive
> the Based One
Very odd vocabulary this dickriding pest uses when talking about the majority of the board.
In year 9 religion they made us watch The Mission, but didn't realise a bunch of 14 year old heathens would think it was awesome what the Spanish were doing to some jungle niggers.
I'm out of bread and flour but I have a packet of breadcrumbs and some yeast. How hard would it be to reverse entropy here?
That meme stuff. Look on the back and its just flour and the same shit thats in the yeast packets, minus the yeasts. Artisan flour is soy I want working class flour.
Still better than nuro.
I am pretty sure nuro is as obsessed as he is with presenting himself as knowledgable on welding because iga dropped out of that boilie's apprenticeship.
When I go to my GP he has to open the bottom drawer to get the executive sized blood pressure cuff out.
Niecebot is attending a school where Martin Luther is still held in high regard. When she is a bit older I'll give her a copy of his work On the Jews and Their Lies.
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its obviously a spam call, any time i get an unsolicited call from out of state its some robocall

goes to show how a much of a paranoid schitzo this NEET is to think it would be anything else
barely hanging onto my diet today neets, can see I'm about to fall off the wagon and do something norty
I have started watching Blue Eye Samurai. It is a Netflix animation set in Japan.
They have animated the Japs in realistic style and they all look subhuman. Rat goblins.
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Thanks guys. It’s a nice day Just ducked out the beach for some air. It was in the 30s today but there is a beautifully fresh easterly blowing from jasper. Gonna get some Thai and head back to shop and work tonite . Busy as fuck.
Went down the shops. Big coat collar up and baseball cap down, furtive. Got my flour, milk, eggs and butter all paid exact in cash. Tradies in sun-bleached hi-viz and chad beards, they buy six packs for din-dins and get to dilly dally beside their utes because they own the esplenade after knock off. NEETs with no job take the back streets home and hope that mean three leg dog doesnt make them run and break eggs into their flour in their backpack and that Cat in the window down the street doesnt know who the hell you are and whats your name. Should have bought more than one bag of flour, have to go back and get more when this runs out. First time in ten days I been out. Dumplings for tea.
Finished another report.
I think that leaves one last piece of writing and some BAU shit before I go on leave for 3 weeks next Thursday.
that's the traditional one 
if you live in the city, replace whatever was in between rachiu with whatever you can find in the fridge
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Ok, womboflix will show a repeat of the 1st episode of The Fall Of The House Of Usher in 30 minutes, followed by the 2nd episode in 90 minutes.
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Ok, we're going to start a repeat of the first episode of The Fall Of The House Of Usher https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

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