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The bored four NEETs

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The neighbour ambushed me when I was putting the bins out. Told me they would be collected tomorrow. It is a day later each week because of the Christmas and New year's Day public holidays.
This is two weeks in a row they have bin mogged me.

People often shame men for not going to doctors and being forthcoming about health issues but so many women are just as retarded in dealing with their own
Diabetics not taking their insulin, mong chicks forgetting their schizo meds, women in general being fat and ugly, etc. 

We need 1 year of national service for men and 1 year of domestic training/fat camp for women

All the NEETs will be required to complete a 10 minute course on the correct and safe use of firearms and a 5 minute course for rocket-propelled grenades, to help us defend the commune from Boong and mong attacks.

After six weeks of daily cardio my lung capacity has increased. Breathing feels weird sometimes because when inhaling I will hit the point where before I would have stopped but now I just keep going.
I did not realise how bad things had been. It took this change.
I feel much better.

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Pls show bobs
Do needful
Oh mai God
Your compooter
Has Wirus
Call sooooon
Bloody bitch
Go down hill
You will Ack-ci-dent

Greatest man ever been
British Shocked
India Rocked
Pakistan we shall burn
Israel my best friend
Muzzie scum we'll upend
And when the sun goes down
Grandpas hind I shall pound!

Gymed. Up in all. There was a female downie there. Their stocky frame gives them huge asses, I had forgotten. Could see her underwear through the leggings too. I wonder what sexing a downie is like 

Do you think I just sit here browsing ausneets all day? Do you see any posts from me today? 
Note that imissfather is still around, and NONE of you cunts have volunteered to act as BO.

Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more

I offered to resume BO duties now that my circumstances are more settled but when I told imissfather that I no longer had access to my old email address he wrote "oh well" in such a nasty way that I was completely deterred.

mong question - is it important to clean the outside of your cooking pots? I've noticed there a layer of grease on the outside of mine, and it gives off kind of a smell when I cook with them.

Nice VPN you got there you rangebanned faggot. 

When we profiled IGA originally we noticed this odd behaviour of the trouble maker appealing to authority. It’s from its childhood no doubt. But the main question remains is this all a game to IGA ? Or does he honestly believe in every way his behaviour is rightfully and justified.

NewsNEET: try a chrome addon called stayfocusd. I've had it on for the past 5+ hours and didn't go on youtube or twitter. 

B1/Thiamine for goon recovery 
Magnesium for mood and back pain 
Zinc for big cums and sexual prowess 
Valerian root for sleep (does nothing)

I can't be bothered linking the articles, but the Australian media is reporting a story about some kid "beating Tetris for the first time ever" even though it's NES Tetris he was playing and AI have gotten to higher levels before the NES version locks up.

Every time I've been, it's had volunteers working there. 
Got a bottle of grubbs lemon lime and bitters, some sarsaparilla drops, which I gave away. They smelt nice but tasted like sugar, with a burning sort of thing on my mouth. Kind of medicine like. Too much syrup.
Also got wine gums and sugary watermelon things.

He died 
> In June last year, the Cockle Train was involved in a crash with a truck along the line at Middleton that left several passengers with minor injuries.

> The previous year, a woman and her two children avoided injury when their car collided with a train on the same line.

Cunts are going to try and take it away.

> Jeffrey Epstein offered money to disprove a claim that Stephen Hawking participated in an “underage orgy”, it has been revealed. 

I get to a limit with what they would do partying. 
Not all of them would be into the pedo and cannibal stuff.
Imagine snorting pcp off of a snow leopard rug and shooting elephant guns at boats on the horizon.

> Women like smart guys
No, they want good-looking guys
> Women are attracted to 'bad boys'
No, they are attracted to physically-attractive men
> Women want a man who can make them laugh
No, they want someone handsome.

I think Epstein actually offed himseld. They just allowed him to do it. He was the ultimate hedonist, he hated discomfort. His life was just pleasure all the time. Prison would have been excruciating for him way more so than avergae joe blow. I think they just let him off himself.

> A lot of these people don't understand how much time and effort goes into this, and there's no payment for it at all
A thankless job 

Nuro will casually refer to something that never happened as though it did and we were aware of it. For example he has started claiming that PostieNEET was a creation of IGA and that we all worked it out together and agreed that was the case. He is genuinely mentally ill.

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Big mording.
Took Motherbat to Tanunda for a walk about. Took her to lunch at the 50's Diner place. There were two couples from the Corvette Club waiting outside for it to open. Had to introduce Motherbat to them.
She had a Houston boig and I had an Atlanta hotdog and we shared some chips and also both had choggy milkshakes.
Got some choggy and some stainless whisky cubes.
Having a hard solo in teh Cool Zone now.

There have been lots of Lithium battery fires lately. I hope Numo remembers to unplug everything at the end of each day and leave sufficient gaps between things with batteries and other flammable materials.

Battery fires are misunderstood. The batteries are fine. The problem is the. Chink dogshit chargers made out of unshielded headphone wiring that have usually been bashed about that are hooked up to the battery. That is where is the problem starts. A Bosch or Shimano system has never caused a house fire.

He is obsessed. He can't help himself.
> appealing to authority
I like this new meme. You were all for the heavy handed approach of imissfather but now that moderation is more neutral you're against it.
Remember when you said that you'd get those funeral photos and that the neets that didn't believe you would be banned for some reason?

Throw out your keyboards, Monk, you need one with the new extra button

> https://www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/59648/1/south-korea-hikikomori-bribing-reclusive-young-people-leave-house
> South Korea to start paying young people to leave the house 
How much would you need to be paid to leave the house neets?

The company that makes those miniatures I do sells them in china under the slogan of "it will get them off their computer" and "outside other person interaction".
It's a fucking mad world when chinese mums want the kids to become warhammer nerds.

He once tried to tell me about why Brave New World is a better book than 1984 and he hadn't read either book which was obvious very quickly.
But he had just been in a reddit thread where they discussed it.
It was almost like he became reddit but with more conspiracy.

Got a nice new polo. Adding brown to the rotation. Half price too. Has a nice texture to it. 
Strong desire to boong. But it means I'll miss the gym tomorrow and I haven't missed it yet. Also need to ramp up the calorie deficit. 
Grinding my teeth and tapping my leg in goon anticipation.

A lot of what they say at AA is bollocks but the one day at a time thing is spot on.
Just don't drink today, tomorrow maybe you drink maybe not but that is tomorrows problem.
Don't drink tomorrow

Went gym, not nearly as difficult as I've been led to believe. 
> already fitter than most of the executives in the gym
> if you use the machines wrong nobody says anything
> had air conditioning
> you get a copy paste routine when you sign up
> nobody bothers you, no instagram bullshit
Would recommend gym neets

Autopiloted 15 from GLs. 😩
There was a homeless cunt in there with dreads who literally had a staff. Like of those white boongs who has fallen into the homeless derro 'culture'. He was taking too long looking through some woolies bags for God knows what so GL served me first. 
We should probably round them up into derro camps for their own good. 
There were cops outside mirin my new polo.

> Defence personnel have overwhelmingly signed on to receive a one-off $50,000 government payment for committing to serve another three years.
> The up-front bonus, which is not tax deductible, was established in response to a defence strategic review and initially expected to benefit up to 3400 personnel within three years.

Why does no one join the military anymore?

He smelt like shit. And his mate could only afford one can of rum and coke, which the aryan wizard was apparently paying for. 
When I moved to put my goon bottles on the counter he didn't move. I had to move forward like he wasn't there for him to move aside. 
Was he trying to hold his spot at the counter? 
I really hope they bus these people out of normal society and clean up all the graffiti when they do.

Watching a youtube video where a black american sex tourist (stylised as "passport bro") promises to teach you Python if you buy his course 
Even in online scams blacks are hilariously bad

Quoting the DSM-I regarding homosexuality and providing references to lobotomies to silly, inbred, brown skinned subhuman psyop influencer quote unquote psychiatric doctors regarding their interpretations of family structure

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