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The bored four NEETs

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Nasty neets can always sock puppet, I'm not sure if would matter.
We can't have nice things because we're neets.I had no idea that this had been going on years, it's bizarre and unbecoming.

Someone tried to dox me once and I just ignored. There's nothing to be gained from an internet shit fight so someone starting one is better just ignored. 

Many of the neets who goad you are simply bored and if you didn't react they would quickly get sick of it and move on.
Everyone should move on from this.

Doxxing completely kills the fun of the anonymity. When you're anonymous you can enjoy not being judged for past shit you couldn't control. I used to like the illusion of imagining new people coming and going. that illusion died now i just see the same few people posting the same few things for years. maybe internet communities like this one have an expiry date. maybe it dying could have been prevented by frequently adding new people into the mix.
sorry for effort posting but whatever

It’s just what every  celebrity has ever said. We can’t have nice things because there are unemployable people with severe mental health problems who have nothing else to do each day other than obsess over you and make your life a living hell. 

They usually win purely because they have just so much free time to devote to an utterly pointless task and until they fuck up. Then when the law comes after them they cry for mommy.

You were the first one to post any personal information by posting his phone number.
Before that it had just been him posting a public business which is also wrong but you can't claim you didn't escalate it. Both of you retards keep blaming the other and using that to justify your spastic behaviour.

I remember years ago when I was looking at joining the ADF the website had a picture of a boong for the fuel specialist role. I remember posting that here and we all had a laugh about sniffing jet fuel.

This doxxing stuff is just limited to nuro, tiffin and iga. The first two even have a discord server dedicated to doxxing iga which has been completely fruitless despite years of work lol (the phone number and face photo were both provided by iga directly).
What the board needs is a reliable moderator (not monk) to ban all three of them (weber is too soft for this) and enforce the ban long enough for them to move on. There needs to be an extra rule about not bringing them up for no reason, no dickriding etc, no replying to the ones evading their bans (the "Based" replier needs to be raped and crucified) etc. None of the neets that could be trusted to do this are willing and the willing would only destroy the board. Nuro has had half a decade to reform his ways and hasn't done so. The only way to remove him is get rid of all three of them.

Yep. IGA still thinks he is the victim after prank calling Nuro’s Business. Just let that sink in. His mental illness knows no bounds. 

IGAs occupation is that of a full time grifter. This is a fact. There is no disputing it. Imagine being his job service provider. He has fulfilled literally zero obligations while escalated several complaints to supervisory body. 


I assume this iga character keeps coming back for one specific reason or else everyone would have ignored him and he would eventually get bored of the place.
The last proper troll we ever had that I can remember was that fagneet that talked about getting a hand job through an email and his fake indian family (or whatever the fuck his story was) but that lasted less than a year because he ran out of ideas and we stopped taking his bait.

> Of each particular thing, ask what is it in itself? What is its nature? What does he do, this man you seek?”

So what’s the final solution to the drama and doxxing killing the board?
Ban nuro if he ever posts in his usual style?
I don’t think I’ve even seen iga post in ages but nan him anyway?
New BO?
Advertise the board and bring in new users again like the old days?
New rules preventing too much personality like nuro being narcissistic?

I tried doing an application to the army a little while back. I was stumped when they said you must have an active healthy social life before you join. That and you can’t have herpes. I was hoping to join to escape neet dom. Instead I got JUSTed

Before modern plumbing the local government would dig big holes for the people to poo in and sent police around to people's houses to make sure they weren't shitting in their backyards (pissing was allowed).
It could sometimes take up to 10 minutes to reach your local shitting hole on foot and many people would shit their pants on the long trek, you weren't allowed to shit in a jar and bring the shit with you to empty in the hole because all shits had to be done in the hole.
Many people tried to smuggle shit they had brought from home but the state employed hole inspectors to observe the people shitting in the hole, the punishment for poo smuggling was for the criminal to be thrown into the hole and not allowed to leave for 12 hours.

They need to do a 2020s sequel to the castle, where the family is now renting, has somalians and gooks for neighbours, dad's an alco, mum's on valium, and the kids are on meth. The whole thing is set around trying to save the local pokies where the family spends most their day.

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Again I am being kept prisoner in my domicile by the startrack dictator who watches my every move to swoop when I am temporarily outside my designated delivery boundary, and refute my claim to the package I covet so I can finish my PC build.

I don't have any.

My missing parcel also went to the local post office. I don't know why he said he had delivered it.

A bottle of whisky and my Johnny Bigg order should arrive today with the van one. She starts really late in the day for some reason.

I also don't know what made the hole in the ground. I assume the wasps don't have little shovels. Probably a fucking snake that upgraded to something else I haven't discovered yet.

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This Wednesay on womboflix...an English sailor becomes shipwrecked in 17th century Japan, in Shogun (1980)

Then on Saturday, the crime thriller Training Day (2001) - a rookie cop spends his first day as a Los Angeles narcotics officer with a rogue detective who isn't what he appears to be.

Finally, on Sunday, we will be showing the New Zealand sci-fi film The Quiet Earth (1985) - a man wakes up one day to find out that every other human on earth has vanished, leaving him with all the tendies.

i got some yoghurt and sultanas tho.

Border security is more invested in enforcing state taxes then anything else. Biosecurity is mostly for show, and counter narcotics is a joke because the big boys sent sea freight containers and they pay taxes like everyone else.

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I dont suppose it matters. I was going to hassle the chud to look harder but he is part of the tyrrany, a agent of the Package ZOG so to speak and I do not want to go on a list. I'll just go back tomorrow and buy something else I dont need.

Reddit is very strange, it's like a written version of what normies think. Infinitely divided to create a safe space for every kind of snowflake, constantly censored, full of shills.

Gonna take that bitch to flavourtown (uhh)
then clap them cheeks till my dick turns brown (hot)
post on ausneets - gotta be the clown (kek)
say to IGA - nigger why the frown? (based)
Back up vocals (bracketed) to be done by tiffin.

I'm the king of FLAVOURTOWNNN
Shut it down! 
Burritos fat just like my crown 

7 dollar goon thats called a pairing! 
There's girls next door but I won't be sharing! 
They hear my studio woofers start up a blaring! 
Damn, I just raised the pressure 
Flavourtown atop my dresser! Ka-pow! 

Pics of young girls up in the line 
I rev the eeb and make em mine - nigga! 
Work all night blow out my spine

Colour: Intense mahogany.
Nose: Heather honey, molasses and brandy snaps, with notes of mocha, raisins and baking spices.
Palate: Dark chocolate, raisins and heather honey, followed by toasted almonds, candied ginger and gooey toffee.
Finish: Velvety and indulgent, with dense butterscotch, drief figs and hints of glazed cherry.

Ladies and Gentlenoots, I give you The Glen Allachie Double Sherry 2013 Vintage.

forming a theory that Aliens is kind of a remake of films like Zulu, where a few white guys with guns have to hold of the dark hordes of subhumans as they attack an outpost of civilisation.

You'll need to phone the dentist and ask the receptionist if an inspection is completely covered by Medicare or if there is a gap.
The dentist should then be able to tell you what needs doing and what that will  cost and what is covered.

> Adults need a Health Care Card or Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card to be eligible. The rules to access public dental >treatment can vary depending on where you live.
> Each state and territory offer different services. You may have to wait up to a year or more to see a public dentist.


There was a mob of unknown blackfellas at Foodland tonight. They were all short and primitive looking. They weren't African or Aboriginal.
I think they might have been New Guinea tribesmen. The penis sheathes were not on.

> towel on the floor 
It’s called a bathroom mat. The fact you just asked about this confirms you have never lived in a normal house and you are full time homeless a bitxh boi and have to shower in a communal trailer park. 

Just kill yourself now. Faggot.

> The American consulate in Erbil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq was attacked Monday evening by drones belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), according to a report on Al Jazeera.

> Now new WhatsApp messages from some members of a 156-strong group called Lawyers for Israel have emerged detailing the constant pressure on ABC management to deal with Ms Lattouf.

> Donald Trump WINS the Iowa Republican caucus in just 30 minutes: Ex-president, 77, storms to historic victory in political comeback

Finished the NAS. Now just need to do the finishing touches on password access because I cant write to two of the drives. Might go down the post office and see if my package is there. Will get milk for tonights custard.

That reminds me, how often do you neets clean inside your kitchen cupboards? I have a cupboard above the kitchen range hood, and the metal vent runs though it, but it's not sealed properly at the top, there's a cm gap between the ceiling inside it and the metal vent that goes into the roof. I'm always concerned that spiders or asbestos dust from the roof will come down into the cupboard.

I have some cupboards below some drawers that I need to clean out regularly because the drawers have worn the timber supports so much that sawdust drops into the cupboard below.
I wouldn't worry about asbestos dust coming out of your roof. Depending on when your house was made, it either wasn't used at all, or was used in sheet form which is only dangerous when somebody smashes it.

The fence that separates Motherbat from one of her neighbours is literally corrugated asbestos. The council have been on the property (chasing wasps) and nobody cares. The only way it would be a danger is if a boomer plows their caravan into it or something and even then you'd have to be doing your best to inhale fibres at the impact site when it happened.

My school had an asbestos ceiling in the computer room and it wasn't considered an issue because it was all solid and together like that in boards. Once word got around that it was in fact asbestos, bad home students started ramming the legs of the chairs up into the ceilings to knock holes in it and cause the dust to rain down.

Good on him. Nazi stuff aside, the law is fucking ridiculous. The legal aid thing also reminds me of gun owners who have been up on firearms charges and legal aid tells them to get stuffed, proving they are politically biased.

Everybody who has a book containing WWII German photographs, everybody who applied the decals on a WWII German airplane, etc, are now criminals in about 4 states with swastika laws.

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Tomorrow night womboflix will be screening some of James Clavell's Shogun (1980), a TV miniseries based on James Clavell's novel about a English navigator who becomes both a player and pawn in the complex political games in feudal Japan. Starring Richard Chamberlain and Toshiro Mifune.

Saturday night will be the crime thriller Training Day (2001) - I haven't seen it myself, but it looks like it might contain black people, sensitive neets be warned.

Sunday will be the sci-fi/schizoid film The Quiet Earth (1985)

> Could we ever have another firearm inspection doorknock again?
That part is guaranteed just by having the "privilege" of a loicense. I hope/pray Big Fella and Ovaltine let us know if requests for information are made.

Fried cm cubes of 1 butternut squash, 3 carrots and 3 potatoes (potatoes just cut in quarters) in batches in avocado oil. Now they're all getting baked. Mashed a bit of pumpkin on some bread, it's going to be good. So far, I've only used salt. I have a punnet of Greek yogurt out but I might skip it.

Yeah, there is lots of funding for tracking right wing or white nationalist stuff compared to how much of them there actually are. And so stuff that is adjacent to that like us can attract attention. Get a VPN, don't do yourself, don't be a retard and you'll be fine mate.

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What kind of reply did you expect? 
I was hoping you'd have some kind of technical answer to calm my nerves. I also already knew (from the event in question) that having a license meant they can raid you anytime. 

Here's your reply:
Are there any kind of security or privacy considerations to take into account when using a 4g hotspot instead of a wired WLAN connection? 
Would my carrier know my GPS coords and other device data? I would assume it just tx/rx IP packets like a regular router but I'm paranoid. My personal details are associated with the connection but thats no different to regular internet connection.

I did not reply because board rule #14 applies to this conversation.
"Feds" don't need our permission - like any other user don't need it - to lurk the site or this board. We wouldn't know about it.
If they did lurk they would conclude there is nothing dangerous here. Probably weird, obnoxious, ignorant, or whatever, but not dangerous. If they could make sense of anything in the first place.
I don't see why "feds" would even open up Endchan. They can monitor traffic of suspects in other ways then directly reading the websites they are visiting. And if they are on watch for illegal stuff in general, then they would look for keywords in the traffic of Australian internet (and get over 9000 false positives).
The only reason I see for coming up with this topic is baiting me to reply. Congratulations.

> 14. No posts which infer, either seriously or in jest, that the board is monitored by the Government or intelligence agencies, or which infer that any individual poster may be an agent of the government or an intelligence agency. These jokes are not funny and have a track record of stoking paranoia and chilling the free sharing of information on the board.

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