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My parcel is on board for delivery. I am tempted to leave a note on the door asking the postie to knock loudly this time so I don't end up having to go to the ghetto post office again to collect it.

But he might take seeing that sort of note as rude.

might create a business and app called mong hire, where losers with no friends can hire a mong to go with them to the movies or wherever so strangers will presume that they are mong herders whose job it is to take a mong to the movies.

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Pogroms werent really genocides, more mass murders or ethnic cleansings. The jews gave it a name but it overwhelmingly happened between tribes of whites, in Evropa. When it did happen to jews, it was usually because of long simmering resentment over the jews usual tricks of usury, enslavement of whites, blood libel i.e. child sacrifice, well poisoning etc... Official Russian totals of jews either killed or injured over three centuries amount to somewhere north of 400.

Duno how jew kids factor into it. Probably just normal upbringing but a focus on academic and religious training in hebrew if they're gonna be jew priests and yiddish if they're just expected to be normal. Probably the bright ones get selected to go into the orthodox streams and get psyopped into the evil slowly. I'm sure the jews have all this shit dialled in.

Checked my bank account - kfc charged me $10 for lunch. I got a small box of popcorn chicken in there. Maybe it was an accident. Maybe the drive thru qt has the hots for me. Maybe it was the universe trying to make up for all the ways its fucked me over in the past.

Not really. Told me to download an app, make a list of shameful things I've done / caused in the past due to boongery, stuff like that. 
Told me that I was very cognizant of my own behavioural patterns, addictive cycles, gabanergic withdrawal and kindling, etc. 
Too arrogant to be convinced of something. Need love of woman or prisoner of war camp to fix broken heada

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11 acquired. This will be my final drink for the next 6 months. For *real* this time! As soon as I turned my car on my last working headline blew so I had to drive there in the dark. I thought it was another divine sign but ignored it. 

I have been meaning to make a shame list for a while now. Will end up being more of a compendium of stories really. 

It's an app called Reframe, used by addicts to track the days since they last used and gives you writing prompts for how you feel and shit like that. 
I already track my alcohol abuse in a spreadsheet but I'll give a go anyway. 
The mong doc lady also pissed herself laughing when I told her I made a graph of last years standards. Data driven boongery.

Has anyone used grammarly? 
I'm opposed to it on principle (being a literary genius myself) but would like to see how it analyses my tone, particularly in a corporate e-mail context.

..in 1859 there were 347 male Jews in the town. A Jew, Charles Dyte, took a leading part in the diggers' revolt in 1854 (known as the Eureka Stockade) against unjust government licensing. Later he became mayor of Ballarat.

On the Jews again. 
Interesting bits about early Zionist movements and Myer. He had to run away to America for a bit because he divorced and then married a gentile. 


Tasmania almost got rid of them, once.

I have a wool blanket over my mattress protector but below my bottom sheet of my bed. I hung it on the line after about a year of use and I'm absolutely disgusted by the hair and dust that has come off it. I've been shaking it here and there and lots of dust falls of it. I'm going to leave it for a few more hours in the hope the wind and sun help clean it a bit. Any tips on it? Should I wash it in the machine?

I've finished William Gibson's Pattern Recognition. It's set in the early 2000s, back in the era of pilates, hotmail and web forums, an age I sorely miss and mostly missed out on. In spite of Gibson's name being synonymous with cyberpunk, it's not a cyberpunk story, and is instead about the world of advertising, filmmaking, fashion, and the internet. It also commits a cardinal sin for a novel - it's boring.

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Caught sight of a stream of star like objects flying by overhead. My hand shaking the phone has made the points into streaks, but I think this was what another neet was talking about a while ago.

Mine did the opposite. I remember vividly her sitting in the same room as me and complaining about intimate details of my life to her friends and her sister. As a young child she would also mock my embarrassing moment in person to her friends as some awkward wait to gain mummy clout. 
She would often make narky remarks infront of people about me being hungover or coming home drunk even when it was normal social teenage drinking. She has told me many things about her own mother being extremely judgemental and "1960s suburban stay at home type" behaviour as she put it. Mum told me she wasn't allowed to come inside unless her shoes were cleaned and other such things. 
For many years I thought my parents were open minded enough to break the cycle of this kind of parenting but it just wasn't possible.

We could have been successes if our mothers weren't such emotional menopausal cretins. I remember every time going camping or going on beach getaways my Mum would crack it in the car or in the tent about something. She just didn't wanna be there. Wanted to be at home on the couch doing her nails and watching her night time TV. 
It always seemed my Dad didn't understand this. He genuinely thought she was keen for a family holiday but didn't realise she couldn't handle the stress of it. 
I remember a holiday we had in Queensland once, I remember the cold blue tiles and the shit 90s fake timber furniture, they were fighting and someone threw the TV remote against the wall which broke, then they argued about how much the motel would charge. Many such cases. 
People talk about feminism and such things but I reckon our Dads were more cucked with thier 1970s tier free love gay shit. Couldn't be me.

My mother ruined every trip with her mentally ill bullshit.
She literally couldn't handle car rides by the end. She would have to sit in the back seat and keep her eyes closed. She'd scream when we went round corners.
And I thought this was normal. I didn't realise she was insane. My father just acted like it was normal.

It took me a long time to work out it was not my job to make my parents happy, and never had been.
It was their job to raise me to be healthy and able to function with confidence in the world. And they didn't do it.
And I spent years feeling guilty about not pleasing them, while they never had any guilt at all. If you tried to tell them they had failed you they would be outraged and were simply not capable of believing it.
Their egos are impervious. They would rather heap more guilt on you than admit to their failures.

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Yes me too even though I don't believe in the disorder as such. 
I was always picked last at on the lunch time team for footy or soccer, even though I was half decent physically. 
A very important selection to go through I think. Ever since then I've been largely apathetic to competition and selection. 
Why should I step in and risk myself if a woman is being abused? No one ever cared about me. Why should I wear a facade to recruiters and HR gimps? I will not belittle myself for the slime. I hate them. 
If this makes me an edgy incel loser I don't care, that's exactly what I am. 
They must suffer

My parents used to stand next to me while I answered the home phone acting me being nervous was a normal thing. They didn't seem to connect that I was nervous because they'd give me a spiel about talking on the phone afterwards. 
Similarly my Dad would have a go at me about a firm handshake and looking people in the eyes and such things. 
I have met people with high flying careers with confident demeanours and their parents are a lot more relaxed and lead by example, not authority. 
I think my parents were too desperate to make sure I didn't turn out like them that they ultimately inflicted the same sins upon me that their parents did upon them. Many such cyclical cases.

With all due respect I think Fight Club (1999) was good for its time. It was critical to my develop as a teen as me and my best friend almost obsessed with it. As it turns out the author, similar to the Matrix, are all fags but lets judge it for what it is

> cheap human starlink crap is what impresses you.
When you know, you know
> Telstra makes movement in transition to LEO satellite backhaul for regional Australia

these grandmas and grandpas never go to jail for their criminal idiocy

Might spend the day making up stories about the Jews waiting for the messianic age but produced their own omen because tikkan olam etc can't wait for the unfoldment of God within man. I'm sure there's something in the zohar about new stars being the messenger of the new age. All the old establishment is dying off and  Aquarius has begun. The new God will be science and the promised land will be the firmament. If the new Jerusalem is heaven touching the realm of man, and the mixing of waters, then I'm sure some wise old rabbi with grand delusions could spin it as its man's job to bring the heavens down instead of elevating man. God will become mortal and weak. 
I hope it all gets cut down, we can't fill the shoes. Might also be another sign of mockery to speed up Armageddon, and the new heaven. 
Unfortunately only Tiff will understand from his apocalyptic training with the deacon but won't side with a communist. 
I already believe it.

That'd make a good story to tell gullible and religious people, I'd expect such a ploy from an ambitious marxist trouble maker. Sadly i think white supremacist millenarians would see you as part of the devil's cabal and try to assassinate you.

The Outlook email inbox puts an ad at the top so it looks just like a new email.
And they give it a bit of a delay before it appears, so it materialises right where the first unread email just was so you accidentally end up clicking on it.
These companies are evil.

Walked out the front and neighbours kid started trying to talk to me. Pretended I was checking the letterbox then ran away. I could hear her singing out to a family member, presumably to come and talk to me as well. Definitely not going to KFC now.

I got the KFC two nights ago and legit felt high afterwards.
People say it is the fat and salt that gives you the dopamine hit but the KFC hits different to anything else.
They have discovered a formula or combination or maybe it is additives which increase the high.

On Friday night I was coming back from the Colonel's at around 8pm and there were about 5 dirt bikes on the road coming towards me in the opposite lane. They had no lights and some of them were doing wheelies.
It would not have taken much for one of them to spill and go under my tires.
Real bad home situation. Do the police even try to do something about them?

Started on William Gibson's most famous sci fi novel Neuromancer, about a burnt out hacker turned drug dealer. It's much, much better than I remember it. Over the years I've started to notice just how much of their own lives writers often insert into their novels, and I'm certain from the first chapter of this book that Gibson has been (1) a junkie and (2) a drug dealer.

> pull up to KFC drive-thru
> open app to find it crashed
> cars piling up behind
> drive around like a numpty, park and reload the app
> roll up windows outside of bottle-oh
> driver's side winder snaps off
> too ashamed to go through HJ's drive-thru paying and collecting order through rear window

They will never acknowledge us. Pizza delivery war veterans, cola war veterans (I fought with the jolt faction), meme war veterans.
I have been turned away when I tried to march on ANZAC day.

The CIA research indicated that greatness required a bad home - bad enough to instil a desire to prove oneself - but not bad enough where the person becomes too fucked up to be functional. You have to get just the right dose of suffering.


> About five million Australians on social security payments will receive a cash boost when indexation kicks in later this month.
> People on the age pension, disability support pension and carer payment will receive an extra $19.60 a fortnight for singles starting March 20.
> single JobSeeker recipients with no kids will pocket an extra $13.50 per fortnight.

Back from first wage. Client had a bag of potatoes on the ground that must've been there for months. I went to move it and the liquid poured out. Smelled like that chemically smelling diarrhea. Stomach acid reflux scent and starchy fumes. Absolutely vile, then had to clean the carpet.

I bet she couldn't stop saying "ay papi1" and squirting.

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