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The bored four NEETs

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bought a pair of pidser rolls from coles, they were unusually good - moist and tasty and soft. Scoffed them both for morning tea even though I meant to have them for lunch.
You are wise neet. A $10 mega fill up box would go down well. Maybe if I'm lucky they'll be a few extra chicken nuggets, or a bonus popcorn chicken pack.
Deposited a cheque from Motherbat and then transferred same amount from my existing savings to Sisterbot.
On Friday morning, Bill didn't shut the rear hatch on the 4x4 and the kids schoolbags fell out and he reversed over an iPad and a Chromebook and the kids lunches exploded and the backpacks tore.
Fucking herder didn't rock up for the fucking shift and won't reply to fucking texts or calls to fucking reschedule it and I can't contact the fucking client until she fucking let's me know when she's fucking available because the fucking client will want a new fucking time booked. Fuck.
Australian workers are fucking hopeless. I might be an alcoholic mong but no wonder I can get ahead when the competition are all lazy fuckheads.
It's a sellers market. The replacement is likely to be just as incompetent. 
I spend more time coaching these faggots with their worthless fucking qualifications than I do monitoring clients health, which unfortunately they rely on these fucking cunts to inform me and I get left liable for the inadequacy of their fucking capacity. 
Limited capacity is how I talk about clients ability to undertake tasks, the herders have no capacity. 
Some of them, obviously there are good ones out there but they are under the same award and shit as these numpties.
I can't believe racism still exists in 2024.
Oh where oh where could my, WEBER be? Teh Lord took him away from me. He's gone to Heaven so I've got to be good, so I can see my Weber when I leave this world.
Never heard of htem.
Sucked in, arsehole fish
If you were really my mates you'd have stopped me from having that white monster this morning. Disappointed. Let down. I need more positive, supportive friends.
I had two cans of OG Mondster and a can of Mango Loco, and apart from briefly feeling like I might die when I was half way through my schnitzel burger at lunch, it turned out fine.
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Ok, filled out a form I should've filled out weeks ago. At this point I'd normally go and binge on some junk food, but I'm turning my life around so instead I'll go for a walk and listen to some music.
There are 131 calories in 1 one wing (38 g) of KFC Australia Wicked Wings. You'd need to walk 36 minutes to burn 131 calories.
Very frustrated with people who don't understand the executive/ managerial/ technical/ functional hierarchy.

In trying to do someone else's job they become liabilities.
NEETs these nasty little responses to people that take the form of "oh-kay" or similar are not acceptable and will be removed in future and short bans handed out.
The same goes for "Didn't ask" and similar.
We are cleaning things up around here.
I jumped aboard de telegraph,
And trabbled down de riber,
De lectric fluid magniied,
And killed five hundred nigger.
De bullgine bust, de horse runoff,
I realy thought I'd die;
I shut my eyeto hold my breath,
Susanna, don't you cry.
Is that kind of passive aggression mixed with attention seeking that only gays do, which provokes nothing but disgust from straight people
It's clearly a minstrel song, the second verse would have been sung by a black face chorus.
At that time slaves hadn't race mixed so still had distinct African dialects, this one is sub Saharan, not francophone, this is pre south Africa so I'm saying swasi. It may not be swasi, but it's not Zulu or samali or Congolese so geographically I can't be more than a hundred miles off
I'm not sure what I can do for you neet. Faggotry makes nobody mad but is universally unwelcome. Goad makes everyone mad but is welcome, goad is honest, self aware, healthy.
The colours are different languages but I don't really know anything about most of them, or what they are. I think there's some mix between Swahili and Arabic but haven't heard anyone talk about it, just the trade. Not the language.
But polka was a fad, despite the beat its clearly a minstrel song. I checked.

I figure a soloist sings the first part, which makes the second part the black face chorus.
It's not just logical, I recognise many African dialects and remember this particular one coming from southern Africa.
>  This board is not a “safe space”, and banter and honesty are allowed and in fact are essential
Lol, (You) need to overhaul the list of rules ASAP.
My car insurance payment came out. I bought some mince and now have $8 left. Got five (5) large potatoes and a few kilos of rice. Should be able to afford another 500g of mince. Cenno reporting on Friday. Doable.
Might ask chatgpt to write me cloud based cytube variant that can stream AFL and stick it on github and list it on my resume as cloud/webapp dev experience
Two doors up from me is laughing at something. I think he must have headphones on. I cant hear anything playing. 
Maybe he's just standing out the back laughing at nothing.
> unironically, as of the last census, less than 2/3rds of Australians were born here. 1/20 Australians came here last year.
With secret channel+ you can call up to ask them to change the ending if you didn't like it and you can get the actors to wish you a happy birthday.
I got arnold schwarzenegger to sing me happy birthday in the opening scene of terminator 2 when he beats up all the people in the bar, I even made him rape the man after he steals his clothes.
I left 0.1 bitcoins in a wallet that I no longer have access to. Back then it was worth basically nothing so I deleted it like it was loose change I didn't want to carry around.
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I went to Priceline yesterday and bought some Dr Bronner's soap (Rose scented 237ml $14.95).
I put some in my soap foam dispenser diluted with three parts water and was very happy with the results. It comes out like shaving cream.
It is very pure - no chemical additives. I want to cut as much of that sort of stuff out as possible. Still not sure about whether getting rid of shampoo will be a viable option. 
Deodorant is a tricky one too. The aluminium and other crap has worried me for years but I am not sure there is a good alternative.
They say you can wash your hair with just soap - no shampoo or conditioner - but you need to rinse it with apple cider vinegar afterwards. I don't like the sound of that.
A gentle reminder of the word 'matutolypea': grumpiness or downheartedness first thing in the morning.
Based on Latin and Greek, literally 'morning grief', or 'sorrow of the dawn'.
Watching first episode of the new Shogun. It's like a more ostentatious version of the old. They display more from the details of clothing and such.
I do not like the visuals of Osaka castle when they show it from the distance. Crappy CGI and reminds me or the similarly cheap looks of the castles/towns in the Witcher telly show.
Fuck, forgot the badge.
On the other hand I can tell, I lolled at the appearance of Richard Alpert/Ricardus from Lost.
Herder just dropped me back home, license has been renewed for 5 years so I won't have to worry about that ever again.
Discovered the Burmese Pajeet had created an API route 9 months ago that dumped the entire employee database unauthenticated. Even included home address and phone numbers of next of kin.
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Another elderly white killed by a nigger
I will go see it on Sunday or next Monday once my neetbux go through. Shouldn't be many normies on those days. Need to rewatch the first.
The big dealership are not interested in my old car, so I am shopping around the same list of work I want done.
Mostly recreation. Occasional night raid if I can get Tiffo to leave the bloody spars at home.
Mostly just doing some fishing a couple of hundred meters off shore in Encounter Bay.
Launching a proper boat really requires two people, and I don't have any friends. I also don't really want to mess the new car up putting a tow bar on it.
Do druggies on psychedlic drug trips ever encounter hallucinatory versions of people they've known?
Trips are generally disassociative fractal mind fucks. Your existence as human is temporally cancelled. You may encounter entities but they aint human.
yeah i could take it to a specialist clutch place but they wouldnt want to do the dirty work, so the mechanic gets the big and small jobs, hopefully they are interested in the large amount of labor hours. 

I think I am dealing with one of those "there are no tradesmen" situations. I could do it myself but its not very viable.
Massive shortage of car mechanics at the moment, no zoomy apprenticies comming through either since school and Gretta are telling them combustion engine = bad.
My 20 year old car is better made than these newfangled low emmission high stressed internet controlled pieces of shit. New cars are designed to die just after warranty.
replacing a clutch should only take 2-3 hours, I don't know why you have this idea that it is a massive job or too dirty for somebody to do
Do you have any suggestions for how I go about chatting up a girl if she is sitting? It seems a bit presumptuous to sit down next to her (and there isn't always a chair available) but standing whilst having a conversation with someone who is sitting always feels a bit off. Do you think leaning is a good compromise?
Do you think a skinny NEET can get a job as a night-time security guard? Wonder if I'll have to get rough with anyone

bit scared
Yeah i can get some help who has the hoists and shit but its inconvenient as fuck. The whole Idea is that we are taking everything off and fixing everything and then putting everything back. I gotta get the coil packs and injectors done too. 
I dont think those cars exist in reality 
lol i open the windows when I fart inside.
There is a femoid monitoring the Australia Wide Labour Hire application inbox and rejecting mine. I'm sure of it.
thoughts on the new maccas choc icecream? everytime I've been the machine is broken so cant try it yet
Boong woman outside of Maccas: "Oi gizza dollar cunt"
Executive NEET walking by: "N-n-no thanks."
Back on the NEET board later: "I was chatting a girl up outside of maccas."
Drank a liter of milk in the ten items or less aisle. Checkout chick scanned half full milk and didn't care.
One of the cheap ones that still has dirt on it. Didn't go as planned, I boiled it for 5 minutes but the centre wasn't cooked. 
Enough salt and she'll do though
Every time I type questions about drugs into google I keep getting australian government drug help sites as my top results rather than answers to my questions. Fuck off google.
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Cruisedog this is where they've put mobile phone detection cameras. Don't touch your phone while driving here.
They are very sophisticated. I was surprised at what they can see. They get a very high angle shot. If you touch your phone they will detect it and get a good photo of it.
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Picrel. Or you could try sticking your arm down the pipe. Won't get far though. If there's tree roots somewhere along the line you're not getting rid of them with baking soda and vinegar.
I tried an airplane jelly milk drink today. It was disgusting, like lemon dishwashing liquid. Was only 50c. Wouldn't try it again but it was interesting. Also got an orange Gatorade for $1.90, that was also bad.
Manipulative faggot on Aus Survivor played the whole camp and got rid of the most attractive woman.
Almost finishe the 4th and can't recall anything from it. Will watch teh 3rd afterwards. The only thing I really remember is a bunch of droids fighting the negress.
I am back out of bed.
Had horrible semi-awake dreams recalling things from my past.
They weren't even dreams, just memories. I wasn't even asleep.
Need the computer to distract me.
Can't function.
Got a black instant. Torrenting a cam version of Dune Two. Probably won't watch the whole thing, just the first few minutes to see if the cam is any good.
On my second black instant. Having a look at the supermarket catalogues. Magnums out cheap at Coles starting tomorrow. I might get a 4 pack.
"Perfect for Ramadan" page in the woolies catalogue. And these cunts wouldn't celebrate Australia Day.
The specials suck too.
I am 16 minutes in to this Dune cam.  The colours are washed out and it can be hard to understand what people are saying.
I think I will watch for a while longer.
The dialogue in this Dune film has that modern cynical, flippant tone. People saying stupid things and making fools of themselves for humour.
I can't stand it.
This is one of the most visually magnificent movies ever made. Don't watch some shitty cam version of it. If you want to see it, go to a cinema.
When Tiff used to send me private emails, I showed him a property for $160k in Snowtown. He started going on about making a village thing and I think took offence when I called it a commune. It scared me off a bit. That house sold for $300k, it is two blocks put together, was a semi detatched, but they ripped the middle wall out.
I should have gone in with him and we could've turned Bundaleer into a nat soc spar arvesting project.
Sometimes fantasise about yelling at him about expenses and him thinking a history lesson on usury would somehow help our interest rates. I would have turned NSN into real socialists.
in my experience, the hotter the operator the higher the rating on the work. It doesnt get much more sophisticated than that. This understanding leads me to be super nice to ugly workers.
It's true of probably all jobs I suspect. In white collar environments, attractive people advance faster and further than those who aren't. Male CEOs are generally taller than average.
Fat people are seen as distrustful or incompetent.
If I run a tug shop, I'd open it from 0600-0900. Huge gap in the market.
Would love a half an hour cock massage that leaves it red and swollen. That 60+ bpm rhythm.
Gonna turn my life around today. Gonna put in a full 8 hours of productive activity, no time wasting on youtube.
realised watching tv shows last night that I can't even escape into those anymore, as every character has a partner or love interest and friends
cant identify with any of it
yeah theres something I saw in a neuro linguistic programming text about how body morphology and how that gets characterized, generally amongst unsophisticated people. fat people are jolly, think people are aloof, you get the idea. This kind of pigeon hole-ing sort of works I suppose and the study of it goes back into antiquity, such as Rene Le Seine with his dividing personalities into emotive/ non emotive and further into "amorphous" "apathetic" "sanguine" and so on, it seems to work on some people such as Cruisey, whos behavior fits neatly into emotive- non- active - primary = Phlegmatic/Nervous, and Nuro who is clearly Sanguine like a opium smoker and Tiffin who was Stoic/Heroic, contrast this with the majority of NPC posters here. So you pays your money and makes your selection with these methods.
The way i put it on /tv/ was that if i had not seen the Lynch version countless times and read various synopsis of the books i would have no idea what the fuck was going on in this movie. Its a mess. Fuck Villeneuve.
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The advantage of never much done is that your todo list never has to be updated. What are you up to today neets?
Thinking about getting into more stimulants. But what? Dexies require a script. Maybe nicotine mints, although they didn't do much for me last time.
When I got that piza from dominos the other day there were no chairs or tables inside. I just had to lean on this window ledge until they finished making it. 
How the west has fallen. No more family dinners at Sizzlers or La Porchetta
What the fuck are you talking about theres hundreds listed here:

Do you mean ones not pozzed by pajeet franchise owners?
The independent mechanics gave me a good quote and even made a really good plan for the issues I told them about. They are saying I cant get new injectors because the dealer discontinued them but I checked on ebay and they are right there. I dont know whether to point this out to the mechanic or not. I dont want to piss them off. The youtube guy says he would just get them cleaned if he had to do it all again. The guy from the dealership says they last forever anyway.
The popcorn chicken and chips were good today.
The Wicked Wings were disappointing. Nasty old taste.
The grapes I bought were not very sweet. I don't have the courage to try one in the store before putting them in my trolley.
See your GP and ask about ozempic.
The side effects vary from person to person. It is worth giving it a try.
Bariatric surgery is also an option.
I am 1 hour 45 minutes into Dune cam version.
I am glad I didn't go to the cinema to see it. It is not very good.
Chalamet is not a leading man. He is not even a man. Awful to look at. Bizarre chin situation. Gas gas gas.
I've been off cigarettes for like a week and a half this time. I'm going to buy lots of alcohol to distract me this payday. Also my mouse I've been using since like 2011 is dying. RIP mouse o7
No motivation. No energy. 
Can't even will myself to clean my glasses. 
Never gonna work, never gonna rent again. 
It's just totally over. Not gonna make it.
Fuck this gay country
I told you to not do that.
You could have got oats, butter and pasta and not gone hungry but you are a meat addict. 
might take a pie out the freezer, dont even ask.
On the first page of Neuromancer the protagonist swallows an amphetamine pill and washes it down with a double espresso. Shamefully, that's something I've done many times, as an adult. But as a kid I didn't get it, and found the whole book to be too dark and weird to enjoy. I thought my life was going to turn out great. As an adult failure with a history of substance abuse I find it much easier to identify with the protagonist, Case, who's a burnt out ex hacker turned junkie.
I went to a "soup kitchen" once to see what I could glean, I had a mediocre meal of stodge and glop and was unsuccessful in striking up a conversation with some dudes with track marks who had to be somewhere else urgently.
Here locally I think the rspca has a adopt a pet day every so often so might be worth checking the local office or you would have to go through a local pet shop.
I've been poor and lonely and miserable for so long that I don't even remember what anything else feels like. 
Even if I had a job, whats the point? What am I making to money for?
A bit. The drinking was very light before so I haven't noticed any improvement. The lack of wanking has left me rather horny. The sight of a braless harlot walking along before left me leaking precum.
Extreme horniness was a problem for me when I did nofap.
I decided it was actually better to regularly wank instead of be so horny all the time.
The horniness does give you a certain energy though.
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Twenty five minutes into this moovie. It seems authentic but a major character is a fay swarthoid, completely ruining my belief in the period production. Not going to watch any more. Tab closed.
You can split your payment. I do it all the time to get rid of coins. I say "I'd like to pay X dollars and cents in cash, and the rest on the card please".
No problems.
> For all the Harry Potter fans out there, Butterbeer is probably the most popular drink. Made with soda, sugar, heavy cream, butter and a tinge of rum
Sounds ok
I've gotten a text from workforce. Not sure what this is about. Woe. Wish me luck neets, this could be bad.
> Duration: 3 weeks (25 hours per week) or 5 weeks (15 hours per week)
Two options, both are like this. What the fuck?
RIP. Thats what they told me last year but there was no provider near me so I got out of it. 
They've also been e-mailing about hospitality and tourism workshops. It might be over. Woe.
I was hoping there would be some bullshit where you'd fill out some piss easy quiz in 20 minutes without looking at the material and that would count for 10 hours or something. It seems like actual effort is involved.
Try reading the posts above it neet, they might provide context.
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> Each subject in Block 1 is delivered in an interactive learning environment that includes a mixture of group activities, discussions, case studies, role plays, videos, personal presentations, games and practical tasks.
I finished watching Dune.
It ended with a bang but overall was quite slow.
It would have been better to watch a better version but better audio and video would not make up for its deficiencies.
All the villains were white. No black or brown Harkonnens or sardukar. Lots of negroes amongst the fremen, no whites. Ugly brown blobs everywhere. Visual pollution.
I was surprised they kept so many of the muslim parallels in, including terms like "Mahdi". They did not use the word Jihad though.
Alrighty then neets. I'm going to have to actually get a job. I'm going to cancel my cenno and start trying to actually get a job.
Should I just stick with online stuff or is it possible to get a job at a cafe or something by applying in person?
I just answered a call from a guy calling from https://marketsmg.com/ who wants me to invest and start an account on their site. I think I was going to sign up with them like a year ago. Is this legit?
Also Timothy Chalamet having visions in the desert is just Frank Herbert tripping balls on Oregon's beaches - Frank used to use psilocybin heavily.
> decadent persians
In the books Baron Harkonnen likes to fuck underage twinks but they cut that out of the movies. Instead he likes to hurt women.
There are NEETs on here with obvious SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS who due to problems with accurate self perception do not understand they are entitled to be on the DSP.

They would feel like frauds making an application because they do not understand the extent to which their lives have been blighted by mental illness conditions which are outside of their control and ARE recognised as legitimate disabilities.

I managed to find a few extra coins. Put it in the smart ATM. Came out to $11. 
Became a Dans member and managed to get a 2L cask. 
I'll start my real life on Monday, and get a job like that other NEET. 
The great dole bludger holocaust of 2024.
You are a robust, independent worker with superior time management, a thirst for knowledge, a passion for HJs product offerings, a practical, growth mindset and a bubbly personality. 
You do not intend to hit on any teenage girls. 

When I applied to woolies they asked me to do a video recording of myself btw. Didn't do it
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I was searching Hungry Jacks on reddit to find some help for that NEET with his job application, and I found this video I hadn't seen before.
Thank you for applying for a position at Hungry Jack's® .

Your application is currently being processed.

You will receive a response within the next 14 days.


Hungry Jack's Recruitment Team.
> Your application will be reviewed and if successful a manager will make contact with you to attend an interview.
In my granddad's day you'd put an ad in the paper and the jobs would chase you. These days they don't even tell you if they rejected you or not.
Living the dream. Maybe I can embezzle enough food to run the commune?

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