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The bored four NEETs

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I said good morning to Nuro and he said "Hey Retard, Whats Up?" and when I complained that he disrespected me for no good reason he said to not be a faggot because he didn't call me a "Fucking Retard" although I was and not to push it, once.

Fug me just had to make a new mygov account, tried to login on my old one and it kept saying invalid user name / password tried to get a code sent to my email address and then my phone when that didnt work, no email and no sms code sent, tried with and without vpn on and off, no go.

Oh well new account with another email address linked and cenno linked and banking details updated (all worked while I was on vpn as well) the best bit was the confirmation email was sent to my other email address that never recieved the code from the first try.

> The incompetencel (incompentencel being a portmanteau of "incompetence" and "incel") or fuckupcel or bad-decisioncel is a man who is always making bad decisions that sabotage any success he might otherwise have had.
> When he makes one bad decision, rather than finding a way to redeem himself, he keeps squandering new opportunities he is given by making more mistakes.
> Eventually he realizes, there's no hope, because by extrapolating outward, he sees that the pattern is just going to continue in every new situation in which he finds himself.

An unexpected visit by a couple blokes from the fisheries department spooked me good. Turned up in an unmarked dual cab ute and dressed like cops. Shitting my pants I knew something wasn't right so threw the car keys under the passenger seat before they even stopped their car. At least a bottle of wine in the system. They asked a few questions before leaving. And I did the same not long after thinking they'd call in the real coppers after smelling wine on my breath. Had a good couple of bites. Lost a hook to something shortly before leaving.

That orange globe is the Sun in the app?
The Sun could also mean ruler, and as you said power (for all energy on Earth comes from the Sun in some way, coal and oil is just died vegetation which used the power of the Sun for photosynthesis to get the C from the CO2).

Yeah, Venus should be around there too, that's what I went to look for first. Last time I looked I couldn't see her because of the hills to our east. Not sure if its always like that here or if it depends on the season.

The app is always slightly wrong. Most of the apps and online stuff I think must be made by people in the northern hemisphere. 
Most of the constellations are the same but the proportions are different and I think from the refraction through the atmosphere, the sky sort of 'fish eye lenses' making things look very different from how it's shown there. It's like they stretch out more at the horizon.

I checked again. Didn't see that Mars and Venus are also in Aquarius with Saturn, as they rise together with Sol. 
Thinking I should cover myself in soot and baking soda then laugh with the galahs as they begin to screech.
Wish I had a white, first born male goat and a mother of pearl razor.

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Good morning. Stayed up all night thinking about 'learned helplessness' and how it isn't real. 
Rather it should be called 'realised incompetence'. 
I've realised just how bad I've got it and why. I have never baked a cake. Never wrapped a Christmas present. Never changed a bike tyre, never put up a tent, never patched a hole in the wall, was never taught to shave, never been to a wedding, never been to a festival, never had a female friend, never went to high school formal, don't know anything about cars, don't know how to fish, don't know how to tie something onto a ute tray, don't know how to buy or sell a vehicle, don't know how to iron a shirt, can't cook anything more than chucking something in the oven or pan, can't do home maintenance, was always picked last in lunch time soccer when you lined up against the fence, was always teased about my glasses and face. Never taught how how home loans work, don't know what stamp duty is, I could go on and on.
Everything I know is from a screen. All I know how to do is use a computer and go out drinking and taking drugs. 

So its really no wonder how you progress from that into self-deprecating humour, isolation with video games, and down the internet rabbit hole you go. Then you can't complete a degree, can't keep a job, a stable routine, a healthy lifestyle, maintain relationships above the status of drinking buddy, and more. 
Woe to the incompetent

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> The King is about to make a "somber statement" at 21:00 GMT on all TV channels. Will post stream when it's available. I don't know what it's about but BBC News are calling it an "existential catasophe for the United Kingdom", parliament will be recalled for an emergency meeting at 9am tomorrow.

First you wash your face with warm water, that softens your beard. Then apply shaving cream (just use the spray can type, no need to do with a brush and soap, shake the can first) around your face and neck. It's enough over the board and stache, it is unnecessary to spread it onto your forehead and nose. Then put the razor - use a safety razor, not a blade - to your face, you don't have to apply pressure just rest it by its weight, then pull it along your face vertically (90 degree to the razor, basically where the handle points move it into that direction). Remove the foam off your face and neck, one strip after another. Wash the foam and hair off the razor after each pull. After you finished, wash your face with cold water, remove the remnants of the foam as well. After all this you can apply aftershave. I tried ones with and without alcohol (do not apply that one orally), but I came to the conclusion, it's enough to wash me face and that's that. Sometimes I apply hand cream or lotion if I feel my skin is too dry.

That sucks. You can get shitty reflective and retractable ones from AliExpress to cover part of the window where the sun shines in. That's what I was going to do before I got oversized roller blind because the curtains were falling apart.

apparently they've even dropped HSC mathematics as a requirement for entry to a mathematics degree..

fucking cunt amazon cunt pulled up out front
didnt get out
didnt throw package out of car
just drove off and i get a 'delivered' email
can't even raise with amazon until 24 hours have elapsed

The other robot must not be talking to that one today. I gave up waiting for the transfer after a couple of minutes.
I'll get the bank to reverse the charge on my card tomorrow. It's the only thing these merchants understand.

Reading about the Egtved girl, a woman found buried in prehistoric scandinavia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egtved_Girl

News sites insist she was a stronk powerful woman who got her own burial mound because she was a wise community leader. I reckon she was someone's sex slave, but we're missing her master's grave.

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> Police are investigating after two men allegedly used counterfeit $100 notes at a Niddrie business last week.
> It’s understood both men received $50 change in legitimate Australian currency back from the staff member, before leaving the premises.

100% factory genuine saar good price

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Thinking that quaternions are like the reals or complex numbers only better is exactly the sort of stupid shit I'd expect a pseud like him to believe. I'm not even sure an engineer would need much beyond the rationals and maybe the occasional use of the Gaussian rationals for oscillations and stuff.
He has, to his credit, mostly walked back the whole physicist/mathematican larp. He used to bring that shit up quite a bit and name drop quite advanced concepts in a way that indicated he didn't know what he was talking about. I am pretty sure me challenging him on it is the origin of him hating me.

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Ok neets, womboflix is returning this weekend, and a new sessions of the movie selection committee is now in order. Vote for a movie or nominate a new one to be added to the list.

Wrongfully Accused (1998)
The Sunset Limited(2011)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Rambo (2008)
Showdown in Little Tokyo(1991)
Who Killed Captain Alex
Truman Show
Trading Places
Fritz the cat
The Commitments
Wolf Of Wall Street(2013)
The Bourne Identity/The Bourne Supremacy/The Bourne Ultimatum
Don's Party
The Holy Mountain(1973)
The Joker(2019)
Mortal Kombat(2021)
Top Gun (1986)
The Grey(2011)
Dogs in Space (1986)
Reckless Kelly(1993)
Unhinged (2020)
Bronson (2008)
Midnight Run (1988)
The Usual Suspects(1995)
True Romance (1993)
Prisoners (2013)
Sudden Death (1995)
Beaches (1988)
Total Recall(1990)
The Gangs of New York
Dredd (2012)
american psycho
The Untouchables
death of stalin
Cape Fear
Once Upon A Time In Holywood
The Northman (2022)
Samurai Cop
Ex Machina
Back to the future (1985)
Spiderman across the spiderverse (2023)
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Annie Hall
Hard Eight (1996)
True Grit(2010)
The Wild Geese(1978)
Freddy Got Fingered(2001)
Danger Close

A hot wind blows from the stainless steel warmer oven,
The Wicked Wings have been in there too long.
Don't sell them to me please,
No. Too late, they're here.
Should have gone at 10:45.

> crystallography, magnetic resonance imaging and 3d graphics
It is a pretty small minority of engineers that involve themselves with some things. Again, I'm not saying they are useless but rather that they are unnecessary for most of applied maths. The extensions of the complex numbers were investigated a fair bit around the mid to late 1800s but were found to be less useful than anticipated due to the loss of field properties as you extend them and they got made fairly redundant by developments in algebra.
You're still defending it.

I asked the same thing on tv and they said he's always been the best. 
Punch drunk love, and uncut gems are supposed to be the best of their decades. 
I haven't seen uncut gems, I recall the ad, he looks like a porn director with the beard. 
But yeah, it is a very good film. I wasn't a fan of the mind spider but it was great acting.

Getting myself all worked up and paranoid about someone feeding our 830k posts into an AI linguistic analysis model and NEETname doxing us when the DSD IP log database eventually gets ransomed

With a prize that big you'd not only have a bunch of redneck seppos trying to have a go, but you'd also have security guys at G20 summits, UN meetings, and NATO meetings have a go.

Imagine a national security apparatus that discovers a politician is a Chinese spy and literally do nothing to them except saying "we're onto you". No cancelled pension, no jail time, not even making their name public. Literally no punishment.

the barrier for "gross apartment" seems pretty low


Can you feel that... ah shit... 
Once the ABS release the next round of arrival data things will get much louder. I don't have much faith in the riotous potential of Australians but I'm hoping to see mass protests. I will be there

There is no fight left in this country. Too comfortable for too long. Too much propaganda. Frog boiled slowly.
Poor turnout to any protests. Dismissed as "cookers" by the mainstream, left and right.
Country is finished.

The whole system has been crushing any sort of descent for a long time. Remember Howard calling the Cronulla Rioters disgraceful cowards and a whole bunch of other invective? The Governments (both sides), police, and media have been working hard to arrive at the current state of the system where anything that is not explicitly approved is pilloried, lambasted, and crushed.

Young cunts with zero customer service skills/training. Stood near the counter for a good 5 minutes waiting for my order. Zero acknowledgment of my presence, no "Hello", no "Won't be a sec", no "How can I help you", no "Have you been served" etc etc. Just nothing until some young punk asked if I was order number so and so.

It's all about observation. Good judgement, gut feeling etc. Think of your car as a mobile home. IF your current surrounds don't feel right or you feel in danger, crank that engine and get the fuck outta there. IT's not illegal to sleep/live in a car, you've just got to be aware of local council parking regulations if applicable.

My car key turns in its handle making in unreliable to start my car. Should I risk it and go to the post office to pick up my motherboard even though I can't use it without the ram?

Don't worry, I'm just being a knob. 
Last herder place I was at, the it specialist (contracted) started off in a pulsar and would rock up in jeans. A year later he was driving a Porsche, dressed in suits and was dying his hair. 
His job was setting up teams and Microsoft for new office staff.

Having an instant and watching The Golden One. 
5 hours of sleep but it'll do. Hope webby makes it through the day unscathed. 

Well acquired. You might be able to use a pair of pliers if the key breaks 
Still can't tell which neet this is. Not sure its posso

How many lambs did you get?

You honestly need to find a free financial adviser who works with people on Cenno. Perhaps you can get the amount reduced, or the repayments with reduced interest. You would have a decent case with the right support.
Even speaking directly with the credit cards financial hardship team and make sure it's specifically them, might be able to work out a better deal.

> When you talk through your situation with our caring, professional counsellors, you’ll receive personalised advice on how to get through your money problems and avoid trouble in the future. Importantly, our service is free and confidential.
yeah so basically they're going to do nothing for a $7k debt and the advice will boil down to "don't do it again"

dunno who this faggy twat is, but at least it's not a nigger

My dad used to have a book called DR OHM.
It was one of his sparky textbooks he thought was suitable reading material for a 10 year old.
I thought it was Dr Who and it was some play on words, where you had to turn the book upside down to see who.
For years, i thought dr who was some tesla/einstein fella.

Make it two bottles of whisky and half of a wine! Was at a bottle-oh just before and one employee asked if I liked rum and wanted a free can. But only if he could take a photo of me holding the can so "my boss won't think I drank it". I declined. How sus was that?

Just went to the shops to get soda water. Saw the funniest thing 
Big fat executive, dressed in a singlet shorts and thongs, sunnies on. Huge beer gut and walking with his arms puffed out like wings. Thiiick neck, grey stubble and balding head. The definition of large and in charge. 
He had that kind of leaned back power walk where you sort of kick your legs out with each step and it made this loud slapping sound with the thongs on the coles lino floor. He was using a reusable fabric bag but held it half way down the handles with his hand brought up to his chest. Strong grip. He even put the items in the bag while shopping and then took them out to pay. Chad move
I was next to him in checkout and walking behind him all the way out of coles, down the escelator and into the carpark. 
The power walk and image infront of me and the thong noises were so fucking funny I was trying to not piss myself. Biting my tongue, scratching my nose, trying to think of something else but I was giggling under my breath. There was people all around too so I couldn't just start laughing like a mong 
I was hoping he'd turn a different way in the carpark but I had to follow him the same way to my car 
When I got in I fucking burst out laughing like a manic psycho

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We are already in a recession, business is so different to previous year.

Food is Food but this energy thing is unbelievable, my energy bill went up 35% from this time last year, and thats with subsidies. That subsidy is set to end and power could go up another 30 percent.

We are so fucked. There should have been at least one Nuclear plant built on the east coast in the 90's. Fuck the greens. Its never going to happen now. We cant do anything. We cant even decide where to host some shitty Olympics without changing our mind 3 times a week.

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It will. 

Still no domestic reservation policy on gas for us easterners like they have in WA

Albo opposes any kind of diversture powers

ATO chasing frozen debts from 2019 after major interest hikes since

RBA kept cash rate at 4.35 per cent today
Next overseas arrivals data from ABS due 16/4 after January's was 55k net. Rental vacancies continue to fall past 1%

Oh and NSW is also putting they gay conversion ban to parliament soon which if like Victorias will send parents to jail for upto 10 years for stopping their kids becoming trannies
https://content.legislation.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-02/21-003aa%20authorised.pdf page 10.

Just got back from the shopping. It was hot so I was in thongs, singlet and shorts on my way to the beach. Bought chickpeas, olives and some sundried tomatoes to make a salad for my tea. This weirdo was gang stalking me, snickering and making faces, thinking I wasnt watching him out of the corner of my eyes, wearing some servo sunnies. He must have been high because he followed me all the way to my car, laughing like a schizo off his meds. I circled the block and got behind him in traffic, and followed him home. Now I know where gang stalkers headquarters is. Might go down the servo and fill up the jerry can, petty has a hundered uses, never know when you might want some handy.

> The AER said base rates should fall between 1.9 per cent and 3 per cent for residential customers in broader Sydney and South Australia, reducing bills by up to $57 a year
Lucky neets.

> AER also flagged increases of up to 2.7 per cent for households in South East Queensland and 0.9 per cent for those in rural New South Wales
So mine will be going up.


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Albo should not be in power at all. He never had a mandate. What happened was the Liberal coalition literally commited suicide with their constant leadership crises. Scomo was the ultimate NPC. No body on all sides liked Scomo his leadership was a joke and its why we got Albo and his gay virtue signaling commie abo politics.

Wew, Judge's summation against Craig Wright yesterday:
> “I will make certain declarations which I am satisfied are useful and are necessary to do justice between the parties. First, that Dr Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin White Paper. Second, Dr Wright is not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in the period 2008 to 2011. Third, Dr Wright is not the person who created the Bitcoin System. And, fourth, he is not the author of the initial versions of the Bitcoin software. Any further relief will be dealt with in my written judgment.  I will extend time for filing any appellant's notice until 21 days after the form of order hearing, which will be appointed following the hand down of my written judgment and I ask the parties to seek to agree an order giving effect to what I have just stated."


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